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Sportsman speedo problem


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I have a 2002 sportsman 500 this winter i noticed the speedo does not work.It lights and the lcd comes on but the needle or lcd does nothing.Anyone have any ideas? confused.gifShould i buy a new speedo cluster?I have noticed some condensation under the lense.Thanks in advance.

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I bought mine at Fleet. I do not remember what it cost, but it was quite reasonable.

Your symptoms sound exactly like mine when my battery went. I thought it could not be that simple, and did a lot of troubleshooting I did not need to do.

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i have a 2000 sportsman 500. I had to replace my whole gauge ( pod) once and it wasnt cheap, about 180 bucks. I was riding and looked down and seen my speedo wasnt working and when we stopped my uncle said my lights were out and I had the switch on. The only light I had working was the tail light and I also lost my AWD even the light that indicate when the AWD is on. Once my speedo went out LCD and everything I was riding a 2wd wheeler. It was past warranty so I got a new speedo pod put in and replaced the bulbs cuz they were blown out. I mean they burst and I was told there was a surge of power that did something and blew my lights and thats when everything went down. Not sure how accurate the speedo is but it reads 5 mph faster than my GPS. even the old one read the same. I know a couple other guys who had this same problem and they did they same thing to fix it. That was a couple years ago and its been working good ever since. ride safe

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