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Pics from riding/racing over the weekend


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Thought I would post some pics from racing over the weekend. Ran in a hare scramble down in Indianola Iowa. Weather was pretty wet but it made for some interesting and very messy racing.

Our scrambler's before the race:


At the starting line with the rest of the guys in the Sport Utility Class. I opted for rain gear, it was much easier to clean than the jerseys:


My scrambler after a 10th place finish. I think I would have done alot better if the race was longer, I got a bad hole shot, and then got stuck really bad in between 2 trees on the first lap. Not sure how I made it out, but I did.




My little sister racing in the 90cc class on her Predator. She placed 4th and even whooped up on some of the boys!


I timed this pic about half second to late, but I think she got a little air!


Some of the track pics. this is just of the MX track, but one whole lap was around 6 miles long, and consisted of the MX track, lots of off-camber and technical stuff, hills, trees, jumps, water, barns, cattle gates with some really tight tricky turns, logs, etc. You name it, we raced through it over it and under it. It was a blast.




I wish I would have been able to get more pics of the track and terrain. Heck I think I would have enjoyed it just as much watching.

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AAHH the memories,I used to race MX with a 1988 Honda TRX250R.Actually started on the 1986 ATC's before the feds got carried away, but the 4 wheelers were a blast as well.

I remember a race in the mud,when we raced the same day as the bikes did they always watered the track heavey before we went out so it was dryed for the bikes.

Used to bottom out the quad on the big tables with all the extra mud hanging on under the fenders and frame.

I have pictures but not on digital film so I can't post them.

Keep up the great action and keep us informed on how you do.


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Yeah my susupension would bottom out too on the MX track, because of the mud. The MX track, is my least favorite part of the whole course. The one pic with the big hill, we had to ride down, and its hard to see but there is a jump at the top, and going down that hill with all the bumps towards the bottom, was not fun with the kind of speed you got going down that hill.

I like the off-camber and technical stuff alot better than racing on the track.

Next race isnt until April 30th, so hopefully I still wont be sore.

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Do you race the Minnesota circuts?

A couple of good friends of mine race the Minnesota races.

Rob Badavanic was up there in the points the last few years.

Robs kids are also racing and do well.

Kenny Mosteller is another racer, all of us used to race together and against each other back when I still raced.

After the MX cicuits dryed up I quit racing, wish I would have stayed in it now.


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I looked into racing in the district 23, but the more people I talked to said the IATVHSS would be better for the type of racing I want to do, xc hare scramble type thing. Nothing against district 23, like I said I havent tried it myself. Plus my dad lives in Omaha so its alot easier for us to race against eachother even though some of the Iowa races are going to be a long drive for me. I dont plan on racing every single race, just want to get out a few weekends.

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