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Hill City Info needed


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A few of us plan on heading up to the Hill City area about the first of June for our annual ATV ride. Does anyone have any info on trails, camping, etc for that area. I tried several of the local ATV clubs and have gotten no reply. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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i was up in hill city this past memorial weekend (2005) their wasn't much for camp grounds but we were in the state forest and have a spot for us to pull in and camp. it isn't a designated camping spot but like a turn in off the main gravel road. trail wise it was a blast. it you wanted mud their was mud and dry trails also. even the locals came out with their mud trucks and got stuck. very funny. so we pulled out 5 full size trucks with 5 polaris wheelers. but my suggestion to you is call the local gas station or resterants. good luck.

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I've ridden up there several times. My sister and her husband own a lake lot on hill lake where I stay. There is a nice little campground right in town but I am forgetting the name of it right now. I will think of it and get back to you. There is also Quadna which has camping, motel rooms and town homes. There is a motel in town too called the whitetail inn.

As far as trails, there are miles and miles of them. If you do find a trail map somewhere it will only show the major ones but there are a ton of other trails branching off of those. You can probably get a map like this on the DNR HSOforum.

If there is anything else I could help you with just ask here or e-mail me.

[email protected]

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from hill city east about 5 miles down the raby trail is the washburn lake area. many people camp there, its state forest land, no actual campgrounds, but plenty of areas to camp at. the DNR has many cleared areas to pull in RV's or to tent. thats the only spot I know of.

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I've raced in the area a few times and a lot of people camp out at Quadna mountain resort. I don't know much about the public trails in the area but Quadna Mtn info is at the bottom of this webpage: http://www.rangeridersmc.org/view_event.php?eid=15

I'm sure they can help you out. Enjoy, it is a beautiful area!!

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