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Fence jumpers??


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Anyone have the issue of your dog jumping over a normal height (4') chainlink fence and what have you done about it?

My 8 month old lab (55 lbs) finally figured this out yesterday while I was packing for a day of training.mad.gif I am sitting in the garage and look over and see the dog.....I was like [PoorWordUsage]...who left the fence open. I went out and it was closed. Put him back outside and then went and watched from the front yard....sure enough he jumps up and over the 4' fence.......doh.

I was thinking about just attaching some pieces of wood some about a foot or two higher in the areas he is most likely to do it?

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I'm worried about my dog doing that too. My yard is fenced on three sides right now (4' chainlink) so I stay out with her when I let her out. I live in town and if she sees anybody in the neighborhood she wants to go say high. I will be fencing the fourth side this spring and I've been worried about her jumping it. I don't think she realizes yet that she could jump it if she wanted to. She has an incredible vertical and one of these days she's going to figure it out. I've been keeping my fingers crossed! I don't really know what to tell you 311HEMI, except good luck! I may be posting this same question this spring!

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I had a male chocolate lab that was kept in a 4 x 12 chain link kennel. It was 6 ft high. My dog would jump from a standing start and pull himself up and over. I also could not believe it until I watched him do it. I certainly do not know what to tell you with a 4 ft fence.

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We have two labs that have done this. The first(our 4 yr male black) did it until he was neutered, then he stopped. When we neutered our second(1 yr male yellow mix) we figured he'd stop,but he continues to do it. In the city, there are a lot of worries(cars, getting lost, getting sued, etc) but making an 8ft fence doesnt really seem practical, any ideas?

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Well.....had a big scare this weekend. He did it again while I was up north and my fiance was at home on Saturday. She called me saying that he was not in the yard and then went out around the neihborhood and could not find him. With the both of us flipping out he showed up at the front door 20-30 min after we noticed him gone.

He is now constantly on a leash in the back yard. So much for the use of the fence!

I think I will be installing an electric fence at about a 2' perimeter inside of the regular fence so if he goes near that regular fence he will be warned/corrected.... At a loss of what else to do.... confused.gif

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doh....I meant an invisible fence....not electric fence!!

You think I could get by just installing the wire on my chainlink fence, or would I need to bury it? Would be kind of easy to just wrap the cable around the top pole of the chainlink all the way arond the yard.

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doh....I meant an invisible fence....not electric fence!!

You think I could get by just installing the wire on my chainlink fence, or would I need to bury it? Would be kind of easy to just wrap the cable around the top pole of the chainlink all the way arond the yard.

Invisible fence works on creating a magnetic field and being able to detect it with the collar. I would suspect the chainlink would disrupt the magnetic field created by the wire..... but the good news is it should be very easy to try. Put the wire around your fence and throw the collar on your neck. Results should be quick. smile.gif Really give it a try since it will be easy. If is doesn't work, bury it. Although if you're putting the collar on your neck take pictures for the rest of us to enjoy.

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