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Chalk one up for Polaris


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The BlueRibbon Coalition, a national recreation group, is proud to pass along the news that Polaris Industries has initiated a new grant program for ATV clubs, associations and grassroots groups. Polaris calls the exciting new program the T.R.A.I.L.S Program. The new program will make funds available to national, state and local organizations in the United States to ensure the future of ATV riding. T.R.A.I.L.S. stands for: T = Trail Development R = Responsible Riding A = Access I = Initiatives L = Lobbying S = Safety According to a press release from Polaris, the grant program encompasses two main objectives promoting safe and responsible riding, and preserving access. Funds can be used by organizations for trail development and maintenance projects, safety and education initiatives, lobbying and other projects to increase or maintain land access.

This will be a great tool for BRC member clubs and other OHV groups to use in their efforts to protect and promote responsible recreation access.

A Polaris spokesman said we see the issue of trails and land access as the lifeblood of our ATV business and the T.R.A.I.L.S. grant program is one measure to ensure people always will have a place to ride.

Grant applications will be reviewed three times per year -- in April, August and November, with corresponding submission deadlines of March 1, July 1 and October 1. Organizations may apply for two grants per year and all organizations must be 501c3 non-profit organizations. Funding for any project from other sources is an important criteria in order to be considered for a T.R.A.I.L.S. grant.

Even though I'm not a Polaris guy, I have to give them credit for getting the ball rolling on this. Now if the other manufacturers will just follow suit.....

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grin.gif Chalk another one up for the Marketing/PR people...Guess the Polaris folks are at least good at one thing.....seriously thou its great to see this, hopefully it will encourage more of the manufacturers to get involved
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Hats off to polaris. It would also be nice if some of the overseas manufactures that love selling their product here would at least help out in St. Pual. Maybe the Cat or Pol. are or are not the best machine but at least they are trying to help keep the sport alive. Yes it is to thier benifit but it is also to the benifit of the overseas company's that are doing nothing but taking your money and saying your on your own for places to ride. Think about it guys not even the anties are attacking the overseas companies like they do cat and polaris. Could that be because the overseas companies are only worried about getting our green back?

Other areas that need to wake up are those that feel they only use their machine for this or that, fishing ,deer hunting and so on. The anti gun movement started with hand guns and now has moved into what they consider assult weapons. I carried a 870 rem. 12 ga. in combat. Hunters and others do you realy think if they were to stop recreational riding that they will not come after a complete ban?

Wow, Dave I appogize if I got to carried away for this fourm but both you and I know it is the truth.

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