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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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This morning I lean back in my chair in the den and gaze out the window trying to think of a topic to write about that does not have the word snow anywhere in it. It does not appear that I will be able to do it as I watch snow fall from the branches of the apple tree just outside the window. Last night the snow started falling, again. Big flakes like quarters came falling down and not just one or two here and there. The flakes came quarter size down into my hands like I had just won at a slot machine. An inch an half fell in an hour and it stayed at that rate till the ten o'clock freight came by. Had to strain to hear the train as the new snow muffled the sound of the train on the tracks. When it was done the snow was a big Hamms can deep on the railings and deck. Tree branches hold a layer of snow several inches deep. The snow is lite and there is no wind so it just sits there, balancing and being all white like.

This morning I sit in the chair and as the sun rises in a cloudless sky the growing warmth helps loosen the grip of the snow on the branches. Like little avalanche's snow falls from the top of the tree to hit the branch below and more snow falls to the next branch as it cascades down through the tree till it finally finds the ground below. Yesterday was Earth Day and I thought there might be something to write about there but I think you have to see some earth and yesterday it was all about snow, again. Ticket scalper's have come north to Lake Iwanttobethere, not to sell tickets to baseball games but to sell shovels and ice melt. They have a tent down at the access and are doing a brisk business. I have thought of checking them out but I am determine to try and hold my promise of no shoveling after April 1st I have had to take out the snow blower but that should not count when you get fifty inches of snow. Just when the snow starts to melt and I can relax some, it snows again, like last night.

We have received a season worth of snow in April and a eight foot 2x4 worth since March if you are a fishermen we have received over a hundred and twenty inches of snow this season, that is deeper then a fly rod is tall. But the end is near, Sunshine Ray is forecasting temperatures to rise into the sixties by this weekend and Stormy Clearwearther says he is wrong, she says we will hit seventy! I don't know if I will be able to handle seventy without sitting in front of a heater. I think I would have to install the AC and make some ice tea. Of course if it does get that warm I will more than likely be sitting on the deck surrounded by a melting snow banks seeing totally confused snowshoe hares running by. Robins would be peeping "Finally" and the geese would now be honking at their mates about finding a nesting site.

I did have a thought about how the Fellows in the Lodge were handling yet another snow fall. Eight inches of fresh snow is not considered a storm in these parts especially this season. The fellows more then likely spent the evening watching the snow fall holding on to mugs of ale. Their beaver capes hanging heavy on their shoulders as they gaze through the smoke filled air of the Lodge. A window may have been cracked some but no one would notice. Fingers combing tangled beards that should have been cut by now. They were waiting for ice out and snow to melt. It had been a long winter, but like their fathers before them and their fathers before them there was not much that can be done to speed the melt. They had not heard of the forecasted warmth for the weekend for if they had they would have also learned that yet one more snowfall was coming to Lake Iwanttobethere {1,055,955}


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I'm in the zone right now playing the waiting game, kind of like the day before the game. I know fishing season is almost here but it is not here yet. There is a lot to do but still a lot of time left to do it in. I am almost ready to get really started but the playing field is not nearly ready. Spring is wandering in like a doe crossing a city street waiting on her fawns. She will take a few steps forward, will stop, take a step back before checking both ways and moving forward a few steps only to stop again. The doe like this year's spring seems to spend more time looking behind her for her fawns then looking forward to summer. A car rolls down the street and now the deer and her fawns leap into action, actually they don't. The doe heads for the side of the road, hooves clicking on the pavement and the fawns follow. They all seem to make it to the old brown grass in the ditch in time to watch the car go by. Not in a big hurry but they do get where they want to be, kind of like spring.

I was out yesterday evening heading into the Lodge when I noticed that after a day of partial sunshine and a few small showers a change was happening. The snow was losing its grip and was pulling back into the woods. Black top road was dry and snow banks along it were gone. Instead of snow there was now just brown grass and small broken branches. I had to stop at the end of the drive and wait on a doe and a couple of yearlings to walk on by. They took so long that rather then beeping the horn at them I just put the Tahoe in park and watched them take their time crossing from right to left in front of me. The last youngster crossed and I reached to put the truck back in gear when two more climbed out of the ditch to follow the first three. I waited and now looked to see if there were any more deer coming and sure enough two more popped up and walked a little quicker trying to catch up with the group. I watched them go by and then slowly turn out onto the road just in time to see a raccoon stroll across the road just in front of Elmers drive. A good sign, seeing the woods come alive again.

I was in no hurry to get to the Lodge so I drove down the road like a deer. Not in any great hurry I rolled down the road looking off to the side checking how far the snow had melted wondering where all those piles of leaves went from last fall. Lots of robins in groups of two's and three's and sparrows fluttered along the side of the road. If I had driven fast I would have gone right past and not even noticed them. I started looking for green grass but I didn't see any, might be a while for that. A few pairs of geese walking or should I say waddled over low cut brown grass from cabins whose lawns are close to the road. A few walkers out as I get closer to town, with the shoulders clear of snow but the trails still wet and muddy the walkers take to the road. I get a few nods of heads and a few waves as I slowly drive by them.

The town of Lake Iwanttobethere looks dirty, still piles of dirty snow that take longer to melt. Sand along the street curbs and dirty store front windows. Paint that needs to be touched up after what has been a very long winter. The town like the deer is waiting for something to move it along otherwise it is just going to take its time and meander along. I think we need a good thunderstorm, better yet a seventy degree day with a thunderstorm or two. We need to wash winter away and speed up spring, maybe this weekend it will happen here at Lake Iwanttobethere. {1,057,767}

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Snow, its melting! That felt so much better to write that then saying it is snowing again. Yesterday I spent time at the Lodge had some work to do and I was rearranged things in my locker in the basement. Like most of the guys at the Lodge I use my Lodge locker to store and kind of weather things in. I had a few bags of fishing lures and odds and ends that I had bought at clearance sales or just on sale or just because I needed them. From time to time I will open the locker and add a few things and bring a few things back to the cabin. Also is a lot easier to remove the packaging at the Lodge and dispose of it. The dumpster out back of the Lodge this time of year can be pretty interesting with various delivery boxes tossed in it. Empty shot gun boxes, reel boxes more then a few boxes that that ones held golfing irons. Golf ball boxes and empty Kit Kat bags are also common but something you never find in the dumpster is golf clubs or old fishing lures or rods, wonder why that is?

The Fellows spent time on the deck yesterday afternoon, they were busy wagering on visitors to the landing. They had shoveled off enough of the deck so that they could arrange the chairs out there to be up against the Lodge in the sun and out of the wind. Still lots of snow to melt and the deck has a big pile in the corner that does not get direct sunshine and will have to wait till the weather just warms up. So the Fellows are on the deck with the winter coats on but unzipped, sipping Hamms and smoking cigars. They are betting a quarter at a time on guys who drive up to where the dock will be going in and the bets range from if the driver will get out of the truck, will the truck stop and the money maker is if the driver will stop, get out, look at the ice and either shake his head or shrug his shoulders. I put two quarters down on the railing and told them to let it ride on the shaking head, by the end of the afternoon I had made a couple of dollars.

Hammering Hank is getting a little nervous, he has a stack of them index cards in his front pocket of his bibs with jobs that need to be done before the opening of fishing season. A lot of them have to do with putting docks in and the lake is still deep in ice. Every one of the orders has instructions to get their dock in as soon as ice goes out. Hank keeps telling them he is not Santa and he can't do everyone in one day. Hank and Skinny have been busy though, All the orange barrels from the softball field and parking area have been moved back behind the Lodge's garage and the county has taken all of their orange barrels off to some secret construction site. Word is that they are going to wait for the night before fishing opener to put all the barrels out on roads that fishermen take to their favorite lake.

The snow is gone down in the park and Skinny and Hank have gotten the hockey boards down and stacked. Picnic tables are kind of out and fire rings are cleared of last year's garbage. Gulls have been coming in the past week and marching across looking for food and several pairs of geese patrol the shoreline. County should be coming by soon with the caravan of street sweepers and water truck, once they do it will look a lot better. Now if we can just get those thunderstorms that Stormy Clearweather is forecasting we will not have to talk about snow any more, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,059,300}

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Been six months but the Bass thermometer out on the deck is finally pointing at sixty and I saw a fly. Been spending the morning watching the red needle slowly climb past fifty till it got stuck right under sixty. A tap of the finger made the needle jump up before it settled right on sixty. A few cabin windows had plastic removed and screens were put in place. Furnace was switched to the off position and the windows were cracked open. A few minutes later the wife came in the den and said it smelled good in here and saw the open window and just nodded her head in understanding. All three dogs are out on the deck laying in the sun with backs up against the warm siding. Been six months since we have had sixty degree weather, way too long if ya ask me.

Rain in the forecast for tomorrow evening, what was to be thunderstorms has been down graded to a chance of showers. Either way the rain will help with the snow and wash the deck off some. Yesterday I put new wiper blades on the wife's Jeep, I had to move it and I noticed the blades were shot so I went into see Dan at the auto shop and bought a new set. When I got back to the cabin I had to fiddle with the blades to make sure they snapped on right and I needed to test them. Garden shovel was sticking in a snow bank so I tossed a few loads of dirty snow onto the windshield and gave the wipers a try. They worked good but I noticed the snow was not exactly very clean. Must have been snow that the snow blower had tossed when cleaning the parking area.

I went inside to get some glass cleaner and some paper towels, but when I got back out to the Jeep I got side tracked by the passenger window of the Tahoe. Duncan has been riding shotgun with me and on the last trip he smudged the window up pretty good, I was meaning to clean it up and now I had the window spray so I did all the windows of the Tahoe and just left the bottle and towels on the front seat of the Jeep, I'll get back to it later. Still early in the day and the snow is not really melting much, I expect as the day grows into the afternoon stuff will warm up and there will be plenty of new puddles for the dogs to step in. Grand kids are over and they have been digging the swing set out, Got enough snow moved that they can swing without dragging their feet in the snow anymore. Big pile of snow on the deck but every time I go out I kick it down some, sun will be coming around here soon and I am hoping it all melts today or at the very least by tomorrow.

Thinking on taking a drive down to see if the Chicken Shack is open yet. I will drive by the big river and I hear that is open, be nice to see some open water. I can hear the wife yelling from out back and I go out onto the deck to see who she is yelling at, guess it was me. She wanted to know how all of this dirt and little rooks got on her windshield. I shrugged my shoulders and did my best to deny any knowledge. She went around the Jeep and opened the passenger door and held the bottle of cleaner and roll of paper towel in her hand and shook them in my direction. I pretended not to notice and instead made a deal of looking at the bass thermometer which was pointing at fifty-nine. Sixty was nice there while it lasted, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,059,995}

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Sixty-two degrees out with an overcast sky and the sound of geese honking overhead, I look up to see a pair winging it hard towards the lake. I stand on the deck and take in a deep breath through my nose and savor the smell of spring. Some city folk might not take a deep breath through their nose like I do, the smells are different then what they are used too. Here at the cabin after a couple of good days of melt the air is filled with smells that others might cringe their nose at. Living next door to Chuck and his hobby farm the smell of animals is in the air and we are not talking about the animals themselves but what they leave behind them. The horse pasture is rich in smells and the chicken coop just adds a little spice to the air. Of course my three dogs have done their fair share of decorating the yard over the long winter too. Add the smell of pine and cedar trees and decaying leaves, wood smoke from a smoldering fire in the pit and it just smells like spring should.

A lot of standing water as the ground is pretty full already. Still snow on the ground but the bare spots are growing. Was down at the lake earlier and the ice is pulling away from shore and there is a little ribbon of water to be seen along the edge. Lots and lots of ice so it is going to take more then a couple of warm days to do any damage to it. Snow on the other hand is going quick and I don't think anyone around town is wishing it would stay. This year I think winter has outstayed its welcome and no one is shedding a tear as the snow melts. The box of old towels is at the back door at the ready to wipe off dog paws when they come back into the cabin. Bud and Barney have the right idea, they mostly stay on the big deck and when they do go down into the yard they stay out of the puddles and tend to walk on the pathways. Duncan on the other hand is more like a Clydesdale on a muddy road. He jumps from the deck and hits the muddy ground running, there is not a puddle that he does not think he should not run through.

Across the lake next weekend will be the general fishing opener for them, I think a lot of them will be traveling south to find ice free water. Some of the guys at the Lodge do fish on the other side of the lake and they have been seen sitting at the round tables of the Lodge making plans and calling friends for ice updates. Business at the Lodge has been picking up as we just have to go ahead and start up the horseshoe league and the clay shooting season has already started. A lot of comments from the guys having to shoot in the snow and we had to take out the tractor to clear snow from the horseshoe pits. The recent melt has open up the boccie ball courts so guys can start practicing.

Tomorrow is a special day, yes it is a Town Hall meeting day but more importantly it is a big birthday for Bud and Barney as they will turn thirteen. I will have myself a couple of teenagers living with me. Of course dog teenagers are treated a little differently here at the lake, it is kind of like retirement day for them. I did get a request from the Lake Iwanttobethere mayor to bring both Barney and Buddy with me to the Town Hall meeting. He didn't have to I would be bring them with anyway. Rain is still in the forecast and I have unzipped the cover on the deck swing and put the cushions on. I am planning on lighting up a cigar, sitting on the swing and listening to the baseball game. When it rains I am sure some new smells will be in the air and I will be able to add the sound of raindrops hitting the deck and running off the roof over the swing. Now that sixty is out of the way I am looking forward to seventy, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,062,051}

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100 degrees out, really! Well it might be because the jumping bass thermometer on the cabin wall has been in the sun for awhile. As soon as I saw the red needle on the thermometer I did have to sit down on one of the wood deck chairs and imagine that it was a hundred degrees out. After a few minutes I was too hot and had to move the chair into the shade. Instead of looking for bare spots with no snow we are now looking for snow in the bare spots. Behind the outbuilding there are still snow banks but if it stays a hundred out they will melt here shortly. Birds seem to be happy with the warmer weather as I am surrounded on the deck with chirping and peeping. Edd and Eddie the squirrels just came by, dashing through the tops of the cedars heading to where ever they are heading.

Today is Buddy and Braney's birthday, to them it is just another day. They got up early, were let outside to wander for awhile before coming back into the cabin to get their paws wiped clean. They put up with Duncan trying to get them to chase him and just ignored him till he went away. Somehow Duncan avoided the paw wiping and jumped in bed with me, the white sheets are no longer white. Later this afternoon when school lets out the grand kids will be over for the official birthday party, I know they are getting cupcakes and new collars. Till then it is just another day for them only now they are thirteen and the rule of the cabin is they can pretty much get away with anything now.

I did take a drive over to the big river to see some running water. There is an access not to far from the cabin and I will go over there from time to time to snap a few pictures. Yesterday a few pair of geese were close to shore and were working hard swimming against the current. Docks were not out yet with good reason as there was some ice floes as big as pontoon boats coming down the river. No color on the river just a lot of black and white with some brown grass along the riverbank. As the weather warms and summer gets here the green will arrive and with it the river will be dotted with the color of boats and fishermen. The empty parking lot will be filled and trails of water will lead from the landing to dripping trailers. Not yesterday though, just me and one of the grandsons and a few geese were the only wildlife moving around.

At the Resort the ditches are full of water and puddles are every where. Vic spends time outside with a pointed garden shovel making small ditches for the water to flow from one puddle to another. I kid him he is just doing "Make work" but he just grins and says it reminds him of his youth and playing in the mud. Dang if I didn't find myself picking up a shovel and making a few ditches of my own. Before you know it we were racing maple leaves down our ditches to see who could get them down to the lake first. Vic won but I say he cheated as he took a short cut, I think he had it all planned out and I gave him a dollar. I walked away and as I turned I saw Vic dam up a puddle. He was I am sure saving the extra water for the next race, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,063,926}


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"Ladies and gentlemen of the town of Lake Iwanttobethere in a county that no one can pronounce, will you kindly take your seats." I stood in the doorway of my office here at the Lodge and watched as the mayor of Lake Iwanttobethere addressed the crowd that had filled the main room of the Lodge. The mayor was standing on a peach crate that is kept around just for these meetings, one it is a symbol of free speech and the second one is the mayor is a pretty short guy. For the next thirty minutes or so the mayor read to us from his prepared index cards the "State of Lake Iwanttobethere. "In a nut shell we came through winter a little over budget as we exhausted our supply of road sand and Frank's grader needs some repairs including a new set of tires. Pot holes seem to be a bigger problem then normal this year and the county is late sending out the street sweepers. The town dock is not in yet because as we all know the lake is still covered in ice.

Smelt run is going to be delayed but with the melting of the snow pack the water levels in Mystery River should be just fine. The mayor reminded everyone that next week will be clean up week and the businesses along Main Street are encouraged to get their painting and touchups done. With any luck we can get all the sidewalks swept before the street cleaners come. The Driving Range at the Golf Course will open next week and the course itself will open as soon as the greens dry. A reminder was made to the Fly Fishing Club that the stream through the golf course is still closed to fishing. The Mayor then stared directly at the Fellows who were all sitting together at the big round table and reminded them that also means the stream is closed to fishing with nine irons. A question and answer session was then held and I slipped into my office and turned on the small black and white TV I have on a file cabinet there and watched some of the baseball game.

I was interrupted by the sound of my name being called out and I eased around the office door to see everyone looking in my direction. The mayor catching my eye waved for me to come up to the front of the room. I made my way through the standing room crowd past the seated Woman's Auxiliary to stand alongside the mayor who I was now seeing eye to eye with. The room was quiet as the mayor asked me if my dogs were here at the Lodge. "Of course they are" I replied. The mayor then asked if I could get them to come to the front of the room. I turned and pointed at the wicker couch in the corner and said "They have been here they whole time" I called out to Bud and Barney and the two old dogs sitting on the wicker couch with Elmer looked up at me.

The mayor kind of puffed up some like a parrot on his perch reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold index card. From the card he read. "On this day, April twenty-ninth the Town of Lake Iwanttobethere here by awards not one but two keys to the town to Buddy and Barney Bass. These keys are just a small token of our town's appreciation to you for your fine service over the years in welcoming Tourist, Hunters and Fishermen to our town. It is also a time to celebrate your thirteen birthdays and for ever more April twenty-ninth will be known in the Town of Lake Iwanttobethere as Bud and Barney Day." With having said that the mayor stepped off his peach crate and reaching into his pocket he pulled out two keys that I later learned he had widdled out of two large milk bones and gave each dog their own key. Bud and Barney both looked at me and I nodded. They then proceeded to eat the dog key bones to the laughing and clapping of the crowd.

With the Town Hall meeting concluded the bar was open and people broke up into groups and starting doing real town business. Bud and Barney held court at the wicker couch as well wishers came bearing gifts of dog biscuits for the birthday boys. Elmer took the boxes and started to stack them behind the couch, soon the boxes were higher then the couch. I being the owner of the now celebrity dogs didn't have to pay for any beer at the bar for the rest of the night, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,065,559}

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Mother Nature sure has her way of messing with ya. Yesterday it was a pleasant seventy degrees out, some mild winds and lots of sunshine. Things were actually starting to dry up around here. Fellow residents of Lake Iwanttobethere could be seen with rakes in hand and wheelbarrows at the ready. I myself had the greenhouse windows open and the door propped. I was cleaning the place up and even put the rain barrels on the two wheel cart and rolled them into position under the down spouts. I was thinking of turning the outside water on and getting the pressure washer out. The last of the snow had melted on the decks and a good cleaning was in order. I got sidetracked from a call from Big Earl wanting to know if I could bring in some of Bud and Barney's bones. Big Earl told me that he was sold out since everyone in town had bought a box for the boys.

Thinking a drive would be a good idea I went to get Bud and Barney but found them both asleep in the living room on the couch. I decided to leave my two teenagers alone and instead asked Duncan if he wanted to go for a ride. Unlike the teenagers I didn't have to ask him twice and he was out the door and waiting for me to catch up. A few minutes later and the two of us were riding down the road with the windows rolled down some, the heater off and the smell of spring in our face. Lots of robins on the drive into town, I had heard on KCUM the town's radio station a report that birds were just waiting for the snow to melt before heading up our way. I am thinking the melt was on for sure as the advance wave of robins has arrived. I pulled off to the side of the road where I could get a good view of the lake and the ice is pulling away from shore. As Duncan stuck his head out the window I heard my first Cheesse-buger bird call of the season.

I pulled back onto the road thinking to myself it can't be too much longer before I will hear peepers and crickets. Duncan and I made a stop at the Lodge to load up the back of the Tahoe with several big boxes filled with dog biscuit boxes. We then headed over to the General Store where we parked at the loading dock and Big Earl Junior unloaded us. Big Earl wanted to know if I wanted cash or put it on my account as a credit and I told him the biscuits are the dogs so go ahead and put it on their account. While we were at it I figured it was time for Duncan to open his own account and we took care of that. Our next stop was Ma and Pa's Grocery and we just walked over there with a case of biscuits. No sooner did we get in the store and the bell over the door stop jingling then Pa appeared from behind the meat counter. He saw the case of dog biscuits and told me he was hoping I would stop by, his shelf was bare. Pa entered the price of the biscuits on my account and slipped Duncan a slice of bologna, Duncan shook Pa's hand and we were back on our way.

Today finds the red needle on the Resorts jumping deer at forty, Overcast sky and there is a damp chill in the air. Vic was inside the Main Room tending to the tomato plants as they are now about ten inches tall. I sat heavy into one of the booths and made a few comments about the change in temperature and lack of sunshine. Vic in his grinning way asked if I had heard the Cheessee -burger bird, I told him I heard one yesterday. Vic headed for the bar and came back out with two mugs in his hands, "Well I heard the Have-a-Beer bird this morning" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,066,707}

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As most of you know we here at the Lodge hold our meetings on the fifth Tuesday of every month that has a fifth Tuesday. April was such a month and we held our meeting on what might have been the nicest evening of the month in a month that had very few nice evenings. Big Earl who is our current Lodge president held court and after the last meeting minutes were read we got right down to business. My resignation as Lodge manager was tabled for further discussion which means I am still the Lodge manager but now they can't fire me and I can't quit. I do still get my Lodge discount on top of my HIYA town discount and my parking place. My dogs Buddy and Barney are still on the payroll and Duncan is on probation. They won't make him an employee yet even though he is taking the deposits to the bank.

Gus has been appointed the Lodge asst. Manager and a small ceremony was held as he was given his new name tag which he promptly tossed on the back bar. Both Honey Sauce and Vinney have past their probation's and are now employees of the Lodge and are granted full privileges. Vic is now also a full member in good standing and is able to run a tab, he was then billed the first round of drinks for all attending Lodge members. The Lodge is a few weeks behind as is everyone else in town so the social calendar was addressed. A request was made that if there is still ice on the lake for opener that all members to bring their boats to the Lodge parking lot where at BBQ will be held. We don't want the wife and or significant others to think that just because there is ice you will be available for honey do work that day.

Members were reminded that the Boccie Ball court is now open and there are still a few openings for the horseshoe league and one more shooter is needed for the early trap season. Mindy and Mandy have requested an announcement that foot traffic to Root Beer Island on the ice is at your own risk and the Lodge does have some discount passes to the Golf Driving Range. Would also like to mention that hitting golf balls from the Lodge parking lot at the seagulls down on the softball field is frown on. Mayor has a note here about fishing in the golf course stream and Arlo has been requested to past that on to all of his Fly Fishing Club members. Speaking of clubs, the Women's Auxiliary will once again be using the small meeting room next to the main room here on Saturday mornings. It is strongly suggested that you do not enter or bother the ladies in any way, especially if they are having their mushroom tea.

Lodge will also once again be the place to go for further education, Arlo will be holding fly casting lessons through out the fishing season and Gus will be holding a few special workshops with his sons, Barley and Hopps titled "Six reasons to drink beer" as you all know Barley and Hopps are the owners of the Lake Iwanttobethere Brewery and are the makers of Needabeer and Whynotale. Additional information can be found on the bulletin board just down the hall before you get to the bathrooms. The last item on the agenda was Lodge membership drive, we are always looking for new members and you can always sign up at the Lodge. The next meeting will be held the end of July, I hope the ice is gone by then. The meeting was then called and the bar open, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,067,804}

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I got up this morning and I had the hankering for some strawberry pancakes so I skipped breakfast with the wife and came up with a reason to head into town. Overcast and cool out and I had the heater on in the Tahoe. May 3rd and I thought by now I would be done using the heater and would be driving with the windows open but they were rolled up tight today. As I took the road into town I did see smoke from a few cabin chimney's rising in the air, I guess I am not the only one who is still burning wood. Ice still covers the lake but boats are starting to appear around town. Matter of fact just yesterday was the first day where I saw more boats on trailers then snow machines, two boats one snowmobile.

Turkey vultures have started to return to Lake Iwanttobethere as they ride the thermals along the lake. Pretty easy to spot as they circle and gain height before gliding off in search of food. Deer have started to creep out of the woods, some look to have had a tuff winter. With all the snow in the past few months it had to bury what ever food there was for them on the ground. I know I am almost daily seeing deer down around the apple trees looking for something that is not going to be there for several more months. On a good note I have yet to see or smell a skunk around the cabin and that is a good thing that I think Duncan will agree on. He still walks around the fence post where his collar from last years encounter still hangs.

I drove into town and I noticed the thermometer on the rear view mirror is falling and I click the heater up another notch. I have the truck radio tuned into KCUM and there is more talk and less music going on this morning. I have an ear out listening to the new commercials that are being played for local business around town. Big Earl's General Store is always on the radio and his radio spots are covering everything from grass seed to flower pots to water tanks. Digger's Garden Center is telling everyone that at his store the shrubs are in and now is the time to replace the ones the deer ate this last winter. Eagle's Nest resort spots are reassuring everyone they are now open for the fishing and dining season and the Chicken Shack is clucking about being open and offering daily specials on their three leg fryers. This commercial makes me think for awhile, I am looking forward to pancakes but I could do some chicken. I decided to settle on the pancakes for breakfast but chicken might be a lunch option.

I parked out front of the Dew Drop Inn and found an open seat at the counter. A few HIYA's were exchanged with others and I didn't even need a menu to order my strawberry pancakes. A few minutes later and I had the bottle of Lake Iwanttobethere Maple Syrup in my hand and I watched as the syrup slowly rolled down the mouth of the bottle to cascade down on top of the stack of steaming pancakes like forty weight oil in the middle of winter. I made a circle of syrup around the healthy pat of melting butter on the top and added to the growing pool of syrup till it started to flow off the pancakes. Plate must not be level as the syrup was dripping off the stack on the side towards the front of the Inn. Setting the bottle down I picked up my fork and made first one then a second cut through the stack of pancakes and the pulled the fork back to stab at a strawberry before spearing several pieces of pancake. Licking my lips I raised the fork to my mouth and heard a loud groan behind me. I figured someone was objecting to my eating habits and I turn to make a comment when I saw several patrons looking out the big picture window of the Inn. I followed their gaze and I saw snow, it is snowing again, here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,068,968}

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Normally I would envy the guys from the Lodge who took off early this morning in Reed's RV to go fish on the far side of Lake Iwanttobethere. Today is the fishing season opener for that side of the lake and several of the guys fish both sides of the lake. But as I drove into the resort this morning I had the heater on high and the windshield wipers were moving from side to side clearing the glass of a mixture of snow and falling rain. The road had ribbons of black where tires had left tracks and along the side of the road a thin layer of snow laid mostly undisturbed. From time to time you could see the wandering of deer hoof prints where they had traveled along the road during the night.

I made the turn to the resort road at Elise's and no one has been in or out since the snow started to fall last night. Parking in what has become my space I walked to the Club House skirting the water puddles and pot holes and I noticed Vic's trenching has drained a lot of them. No sooner did I come in through the second door and Vic is there to greet me, HIYA's are exchanged and I hang my coat on the tree rack and kicked my shoes off on to the boot tray. Vic holds up my coffee mug and I nod my head yes, he then pours me a healthy measure of black coffee and splashed some more in his mug adding creamer and a spoonful of sugar. I see he has made himself comfortable in the first leather booth by the big windows so I slide in across from where he has been sitting.

As I watch Vic walks over to the booth and I notice his cane is not in his hand, matter of fact I see it hooked on the doorknob that leads to his living quarters. I bring up the cane as he gets close and he just grins back at me, come to think of it he has been grinning quite a lot as of late. I ask him if he is in pain ? He chuckles and tells me that moving to the Club House and hanging out with the guys is the best medicine he could have. Matter of fact he told me he has been getting a lot of exercise and walking more then he has in years. He even told me he has a goal for this summer. I replied "You going to catch a fish you old coot!" He looks back at me and says catching fish is a given, nope I am going to walk down the road and have lunch with my old dear high school friend Elsie. I sip from my coffee mug and I see there is a little twinkle in Vic's eye, I don't think I would bet against him making that walk.

We chat some more and after awhile Vic tells me he has things to do and they are not going to get done by themselves. He takes his coffee mug and heads to the kitchen. My mug is empty but I make no effort to refill it. I am comfortable just sitting in the leather booth with the smell of tomato plants around me. Rain drops race each other down the glass of the window and as I hold the empty mug in my hand I think that I could have jumped in with the guys in Reed's RV and took the ride to the other side of the lake. By now I would have been sitting in a wet boat for a few hours breathing in and tasting the smell of burning gas and oil from the outboard. I bet my right hand would be about frozen from handling wet minnows and my backside would be talking to me from sitting on that wood seat of Reed's runabout. Thermos would be long ago empty and I bet that I would be having a hard time keeping my cigar lit. I am sure rain has found it's way down my sleeves and there will be a cold damp spot on my elbow where the snow has melted.

In the boat we would talk of fishing opening traditions and the times when we just slayed them. No mention will be made of fish less openings or inclimate weather. The big ones that got away will somehow grow an inch longer and a pound heavier. We will brag how nothing is better then fishing on opening day. No one wants to be the first to call it a day and maybe go back to the RV to get warm. Because if you did that then you would be the one who could not handle a little rain or snow, cold waves with ice washing over the transom just helps keep the deck clean. I think by now we would all be siting with our heads down like Vikings in a long boat waiting to find shore or in our case waiting for a working wristwatch to get to noon. For lunch time is the only good reason to head back to shore. I sit in the leather booth with the ceiling fan slowly rotating above me pushing the heat from the crackling fire in the pot belly stove down on me and I think maybe I will have a half a mug more of coffee and maybe add a splash of something in it from the back bar. I will raise it to the Vikings fishing on the far side of the lake and I salute you, but I would rather just be here on Lake Iwanttobethere on this day. {1,070,485}

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I arrived at the Lodge this morning to find the main room looking like a camping trip gone wrong. Sleeping bags and blankets were draped across tables and chairs and a fire was burning but needed tending in the fireplace. I moved the screen and poked at the red coals before adding a few sticks of wood. With flames now licking up around the wood I adjusted the screen and turned to hear the sound of snoring. Duncan who was with me also heard the snoring and set out to find it's location. I followed Duncan as he poked his head under blankets and moved on to a large lump of blankets on the wicker couch. Duncan must have hit the right spot as the lump stirred and Duncan barked his chocolate lab bark. The bark-howl from Duncan made a few more piles of blankets move around the Lodge. With Duncan at my side and his tail hitting my leg we both watched as Big Earl slowly emerged from beneath the pile of blankets. When I had pulled up to the Lodge I had spotted Reed's Bio-diesel RV with the pea green runabout parked under the pines. Other blankets started to move and Reed's head was the next to pop up along with Gus and Skinny. Some sheepish HIYA's with a few moaning mornings were uttered. Over the next hour or so and several pots of coffee the story which may later be told as an adventure unfolded.

For the most part the trip to their secret opening morning lake was uneventful, The RV had been ready for a few weeks and every day Reed would go out and start it up and make sure the batteries were charged and the beer in the fridge cold. The day before they were to leave Reed ran out of bio-diesel and there was but one can of Hamms left in the fridge. So there was a little rush to get more beer and make some more bio-diesel. The Hamms was not a big problem as Big Earl and Skinny made a beer run down to Little Louie's Licorice and Liquor store. The bio fuel was a little harder as they normally burn used French fry oil but this time had to make a batch out of oil from Wing Gee's Asian Chop Shop. The trip to and from the lake smelled a lot like stir fry.

Now the trip to the lake went well till they blew out a tire on the trailer and they didn't know how long they went down the road with the flat. No one noticed it till Skinny was in the RV's bathroom and smelled something different then stir fry in the air. Looking out the rear window of the RV he saw the sparks coming from the rear of the trailer and yelled for Reed to pull over. Reed pulled off to the side and everyone piled out to see the steam rising off the bent rim and just a little bit of tire left wrapped around the frame. Now there is a reason why Skinny gets invited to these fishing trips as being a handy man he is pretty handy. All Hamk did was get his tool bag and in a half hour he had removed the fender from the trailer, flipped it over to make a ski out of it and they were back on the road. I guess this is where I should mention that it had been snowing ever since they left Lake Iwanttobethere

They arrived at the secret lake at what should have been the crack of dawn, but with the snow now having changed to rain they could not see the sun. The lake was frozen but the DNR had just plowed a road right to the landing. They spent the day finding the spare tire for the trailer and getting it on the trailer. The tire was buried in the storage locker of the RV which was very cold. Seems that Reed forgot to fill the propane tank for the stove and heater but in his defense he pointed out that there was not supposed to be ice on the lake either. Supper was beans and Spam warmed over a small fire because dry fire wood was not to be found. Fish was on the menu but you have to catch some in order to eat some. Out of beer and out of beans they had decided to call fishing opener a bust and had driven back in the middle of the night. They made it as far as the Lodge where they decide to thaw out and get in a few hours of sleep. They of course could not go home as their wife's are not expecting them till late tonight. So after coffee was poured Gus started making a second breakfast for everyone, as the thing about smelling stir fry you are hungry again after a few hours, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,072,249}

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Finally feels like a Monday in spring should. Not just one warm day but the beginning of what is supposed to be a warming week. Already this morning I have half of my to do list done, of course it is all the easy things but I am making progress and the lines with check marks now behind them looks better then none at all. I was down early at the Gas-N-Go to of course buy some gas. I filled up the mower can, not that I am planning on doing any mowing but I learned my lesson of not having the can filled. This is the same can that I forgot to fill for the snow blower last fall and we all saw how that turned out. So I went inside to pay for the gas and I had to stand in line, took me awhile to figure the reason why as there were no trucks parked at the pumps.

No, everyone was in line before me waiting on getting that special little piece of paper. I am not talking about scratch off tickets or lotto number but they were standing in line to purchase their fishing license. I had a kind of smug look on my face because I had already gotten mine when I got plates for the Dodge. I knew a few of the guys in line so after HIYA's I laid a little smack on them and got some in return. With the gas can secure in the Dodge I headed back to the cabin. Had already been at Diggers to pick up some potting soil and looked for a few ideas for a mother's day gift. Not in any big hurry so I took the scenic route back home and I noticed that mother nature is making up for lost time and some of the trees have buds on them. A little green grass here and there and I spotted some open water along the shore of Lake Iwanttobethere.

When I got back to the cabin the plan was to pull tarps off things. Work trailer can be uncovered along with the winter cover on the Puddle Humper. I'll move the Puddle Humper inside the garage and the wife's jeep will find's itself parked outside, where it belongs. It never fails that the Puddle Humper takes but a few hours to put away for winter but a few days to get it ready for fishing. I already know I have a tail light that is not working and I think the spotlight is ready to be replaced. Have to vacuum the carpet and load all the stuff back in including the new rods and find some way to protect the tips on the rods during travel. All the new rods are one piece and they don't fit in the spot along the side wall of the Puddle Humper anymore.

This all has to be started, notice I didn't say done by mid afternoon. By late afternoon I need to be at the Resort to start working on stuff for our non grand opening this weekend. The bay in front of us is frozen solid but we have hopes of rising temperatures and the chance of rain that it might, the ice, melt enough for us to put at least one boat in the water. Frank the plow driver has promised to make a few passes down our road and he might be able to arrange a few dump trucks of some class five spillage near our driveway. With any luck we will be able to use the spillage to do some road patching and later in the week we will see about getting Marv's airstream trailer set up on the property. This would make Marv's son in law, Hammering Hank and his wife Tess very happy I hear. I did have an interesting conversation the night of the Town Hall meeting with Doris the head of the Ladies Auxiliary, she was inquiring if we had a cabin for rent later in the summer that the ladies could use for a "Retreat." I have not told the other guys about her request, just yet from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,074,278}

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Little deeper into the day and it did not get as warm as forecasted but sixty in the shade ain't nothing to complain about after the spring we have had so far. Busy day as the greenhouse was cleaned out and I moved some of the tomato plants that are now a foot high out there. Little easier to water them and don't have to worry about getting things wet. Ice is pulling away from shore but being down there feels like standing next to the fridge with the door open. Smells like spring though, drying mud and old grass. Made another trip down to Diggers to pick up my corn and carrot seeds along with some super pumpkin seeds that Digger has been raving about. Grand kids want to grow a giant pumpkin but I told them we will have to start small. On the other hand I did get some sunflower seeds and those plants always grow tall enough to tower over the garden fence.

Had to make a stop at Dug's Garage, I brought in a 7.5 HP Clinton air cooled outboard that we found out in the wood shop. It was tucked away in the corner covered by a burlap bag and it looked like it was still in pretty good shape. I brought it down for Dug to go over it and he called last night telling me it was tank tested and ready to go. A little carb work and a new impeller and it purrs like a, well I was going to say kitten but them old air cooled motors are just plain loud. If I remember right you can't carry on a conversation if they are running wide open but they sure to troll well. Hank and I have been working on three of the aluminum row boats that were turned upside down and left on the shore. After we got all the mice out of them and power washed them we picked the twelve footer to really clean up.

The last week or so it has been in the shop and we have been working on it with the buffer and some various cleaning solutions. It has not been licensed for several years so that is on my list of things to do here later this week. We also found some cement anchors down on the beach, the ropes have long ago rotted away but the cement is still just fine. Vic said his dad made them back in the sixties, should be one for every boat around here some where. Need to get some oars to, we found a pair but it looked like someone had stuck them in a fire. Vic said something about they might have been the ones they used when they had a Viking funeral for their old dog, Magnus. I have a pair of oars back at the cabin, I don't use them ever since I got my racing oars for my rowboat years ago, for the rest of the boats I think we are going to have to order them.

Arlo is having a fly fishing class tonight down at the Lodge so several of us guys are going to go down to the "WELL" bar and watch the hockey game on their big screen TV. I was thinking we could just have the guys over to the Club House but then I was reminded it is Tuesday and that means Bucket Night at the Well, all the beer you can fill a bucket with and free hot toes. Kind of their version of hot wings, only smaller like from pigeons or something. Anyway the game does not start till half past eight and the fly casting class should be right in the middle of false casting about then. So we kind of have a plan for the evening, hockey game and buckets of beer at the WELL and then smelt have been running at Mystery Creek so we might swing by and see of we can catch enough for breakfast, kind of make a night of it. Sounds like a full enough evening from here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,077,077}

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Well, the hockey game last night was good for the first period then the home team got into some trouble and we started paying more attention to the bucket of beer and the hot toes. Ended up driving over to Mystery Creek and listening to the third period of the game on the radio. By the time the game was over we were in waders and ready to go into the water. First off the water is cold and it got really cold when the water got higher than your thighs but lower then your waist, if ya catch my drift. We took turns wading out into the lake dragging the old christen net that Skinny has had in his family for years. Took a couple of hours but we did manage to fill two of the five gal buckets from the General Store with some smelt. We figured we had enough for a couple of meals and we loaded the two buckets into the truck and drove to the Club House to get Vic out of bed.

Vic came out of his living quarters looking like Ebenezer Scrooge complete with a nite cap, actually he had one on his head and another one in his hand, the kind you drink. Seeing the smelt he just said "I'll fire up the deep fryer" and with that he was gone through the swinging door into the kitchen. The rest of us put plastic down on the great table and starting an assembly line for cleaning smelt. Of course all of us are of the age when we can remember what a "Smelt Run " really was like. Most of the guys down at the creek last night were acting like little kids who discovered the tooth fairly had come during the night and left them a dollar when they would do a "Pull" and come up with a gallon or so of the silvery little devils. Back in the day no one used a seine because you could use a dip net and fill a bucket with a single "Dip" of course back in the day the smelt averaged about six or seven inches long and a big one might push eight or nine! If someone caught a nine inch smelt now they would be looking to mount it but would release it under peer pressure from other smelters.

So as soon as we had enough to deep fry a simple batter was made and Vic started trading us cleaned smelt for deep fried ones. I ate my fill along with the rest of the guys and we sat back and patted bellies and looked at the mound of backbones on the table. Vic said he would take care of the second bucket as it would give him something to do and I headed upstairs to my room for a snooze. The idea of having a bedroom right at the Club House is turning out to be a good one. This morning found me waking up to the racket some robins were making outside my window and I rolled over and almost off the bed. Forgot where I was sleeping there for a moment. A quick sniff of my shirt that I had tossed on the chair, it smelled like fish, so I was good to go and I was soon dressed and down the stairs.

Vic was sitting out on the deck and I poured myself some oj and joined him. HIYA and HIYA back were exchanged and I walked to the edge of the deck and looked out at the bay, "I still see ice but it is looking weaker" I said to Vic. He nodded and took a sip of his coffee. Just then Marv came part way out the screen door and asked if anyone wanted some breakfast. I nodded at Vic and followed Marv back inside, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,078,509}


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Some grumbling around town today as I run errands. Everywhere I went I heard comments about ice and lack of open water and it not looking to good for fishing opener. Yesterday afternoon it was in the mid seventies and humid, you would think the perfect conditions for a spring thunderstorm. Sunshine Ray had forecasted rain for the afternoon and people planed accordingly. Even I at the Resort had the shop doors propped wide open and had my repaired adirondack chair in the doorway waiting for a good rain. I did hear a couple of rain drops hit the two row boats that are upturned just outside the doors but that was it, nothing more. Today we have some dark sky overhead and it is windy and thirty degrees cooler. More like a fall day that you don't want to be on the lake fishing in. Wind chimes are banging away and sparrows are flying in groups coming through the property like a bunch of valley girls at a mall.

At the Dew Drop Inn over the sound of spoons clanking off the sides of coffee cups and forks dragging across plates with fried eggs and stacks of pancakes the conversation was pretty much the same, weather. Most people agree we need some good bad weather to come to the lake. A nice hard rain to beat up the ice and punch some holes in it so the wind can move some water around and melt the ice. I drove by the lake this morning and even though I would not try and drive an eighteen wheeler across the ice I bet you could persuade one of the Fellows to take a run at it with a pickup. Back at the cabin this morning I had to have Duncan help me carry some firewood from next years supply down to fill the rack on the deck. I have not done it for many years but this year I actually burnt every stick in the pile. This time of the year, mid May fires are not suppose to be needed to heat the cabin, but here I am this morning with fire in the fireplace and sleeping dogs on the floor in front of it.

Sunshine Ray is forecasting that it will hit eighty mid week of next week, but then he said it was going to rain yesterday. I have a stack of seeds sitting on my desk and I can see the big garden from my window, a few days ago it had snow on it. Slowly moving plants from inside out to the greenhouse and I would not even want to venture a guess when they are going to go in the ground. Might be mid June this year, at any rate it is going to be an interesting summer both gardening and fishing. At the Resort we were kind of toying with the idea of having our grand non opening to happen the same time as fishing opener. With our little bay still ice bound we have decide to postpone the date, good thing we didn't really say we were going to have a grand opening and didn't invite anyone to it.

The only thing that is on schedule is ticks, grandson was at the cabin last night and the wife pulled two ticks off him. Living out here skeeters and ticks are an everyday thing and I don't tend to say much about them. Just a couple of days till fishing opens and I think I will be at the Lodge attending the BBQ event on opener. I don't even have the cover off the Puddle Humper so I will not be trailing a boat to the event. I am looking forward to Sunshine Ray's forecast of that eighty degree day, for sure it will rain then, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,080,250}

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The town of Lake Iwanttobethere is a quiet little town tucked away on one of the bays of Lake Iwanttobethere. Normally the Friday before fishing opener would find the bell on the top of the door at Ma and Pa's Grocery store jingling away. The door would hardly have a chance to close before another customer would be coming in to pick up a grocery order to take to the cabin. Big Earl would be standing on his front sidewalk in front of the General Store wearing his orange apron holding his push broom and welcoming folks who were looking to pick up things forgotten at home. Gas-N-Go would have extra help on and every pump would have a truck or SUV towing a boat trailer fueling up. Hats with fishing lures would be the norm and you would be hard pressed to see a car without a rod tip in the back window.

Boat access would already have several empty trailers as people would be launching boats to drive back to the cabin before hitching a ride to come back for the truck and trailer. Best spots in the campgrounds would have already been taken by noon and picnic tables will have been rearrange. Trailers would be leveled and clothes lines hung from between birch trees. Small fires built in the fire rings and weathered coffee pots sitting just close enough to the coals to keep the coffee drinkable hot. After setting up camp the short walk would be made into town and acting like the tourist that they are they would check out Ma and Pa's and the Dew Drop Inn. Some would find the Middle of the Block Cafe and stop while others would go all the way to the Corner Cafe. Little Louie's Licorice and Liquor Store would do brisk business with customers walking out with brown paper bags disguising bottles while chewing on long thick licorice sticks.

Old friends would walk down the Main Street being loud but friendly. Hearing aids turn down low they would talk like old fishing partners do, pointed out things in town they have changed and a lot of things that have not. Hammering Hank and Skinny would drive by in the big work truck, a load of bagged fire wood stacked in the back. They are off to service accounts because no one comes to the lake and does not have a fire first night. The Lodge of course will be busy, sitting on top of the hill overlooking the public access and the park with the softball field. This time of year there is always a boat or two on a trailer in the parking lot. Canoes tied to roof racks and people just tend to think the Lodge is the place to find out what is happening around town.

The Lodge sits under the protection of two very large pines and the logs of the building are a hundred years old and look it. The wood screen door has a new coat of green paint but you can still see the nicks and scrapes on it. Those who have been there before know to say HIYA to the bartender and get the discount, other's will learn before they leave the lake. But today the town is quiet, just locals driving on Main Street doing daily business. A few trailers down at the campground, their owners walking the shore looking out at the ice on Lake Iwanttobethere. The extra help at the Gas-N-Go was sent home and Big Ed stands outside his store broom in hand with a clean but empty of customer's sidewalk. The town is quiet this weekend but next weekend it should be different, the ice on the lake should be gone by then, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,080,989}

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The parking lot at the Lodge had the look of an outdoor winter sports show. Boats sat on trailers behind an assortment of pick up trucks and SUV's a few canoes rested on top of car carriers being held down by bright yellow rope or in one case, red straps. The big BBQ was set up near the deck and a canvas awning had been hastily tied up to cover it. Not because of rain but from the falling wind driven snow/sleet that was falling from time to time. This opener will be talked about over beer mugs and campfires for a few seasons I am guessing. Some fishermen did go and try to fish Mystery River but the wind coming off the lake was so cold and strong it was actually making waves that went up the river against the current to make things difficult for wading fishermen.

Some fishermen set up chairs and fished the small sliver of open water between the shore and the ice pack. Other cracked jokes about bring their ice fishing gear but the more they sat the more the ice fishing gear did not seem like such a far fetched idea. Back at the Lodge the parking lot slowly filled as more and more fishermen drove to the landing only to get out of their trucks and look at the ice and the docks high and dry on shore. They got back in their trucks and took the winding road up to the Lodge and parked. Gus was turning hot dogs and brats and hamburgers for those who wanted to eat. For awhile there we even had some entertainment as the local shriners seeing all the people stopped by seeking donations. One of the guys did a brief song on his bag pipes which sounded kind of Eire yet fitting for the day. He was having trouble keeping his fingers on the pipes and his kilt on his legs and cut the song short.

He got some polite applause and a few dollars stuck in his pickle jar and quickly went back to his heated front seat of his truck. Guys walked around and looked over each other's boats. Rods were taken out and new reels shown off, if the ice was gone surely there would have been talk of fish caught by the end of the day. A little sunshine would peek out from time to time and guys would look out at the lake and hope there was a break in the weather on the way. Usually with in just a few minutes you would hear the wind coming through the branches of the big pines before it hit you standing in the parking lot. Guys who were standing with their backs to the wind would kind of hunker up a little while the ones facing the wind would have their faces turn red. After a few gusts they would surrender and turn their backs to the wind.

A real blast came through and everyone was caught by surprise when ice pellets started to fall. Those who turned to look were stung by the bb sized ice, and quickly looked to find shelter behind a truck topper or the Lodge itself. The pellets fell for a minute or so then changed to rain for a minute before stopping. The lot was covered in white that melted as you watched. A few guys made the comments that this is not exactly the kind of weather one wanted to be fishing in. Elmer could be heard saying that this would make for a fine walleye chop. Having made my appearance and after shaking a few gloved hands and trading a few HIYA's I left for the Resort. There is a fire in the potbelly stove glowing there and I am half way through a book I am reading. My fishing opener should be later in the week, when the ice is gone and the sun is shinning, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,082,408}

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The weather has been improving here at Lake Iwanttobethere and the ice is disappearing. Not as warm as forecasted but this morning we had some rain and that helped clean things up and now it even smells like spring around here. Sunday was of course Mother's Day and we had a bbq and everyone showed up. I spent most of my time outside either turning burgers or trying to pry out some fishing information from a brother in law who is heading up to the border for a week long paddle. I got a feeling that he and his partners are going to be spending the week in a cabin waiting for ice to go out and play a lot of cards and sleep in late. After the last of the burgers were cooked and we ran out of hot dogs I slipped through the trees and visited my neighbor Chuck. I found him out in the garage filling egg cartons with eggs and of course complaining. According to him either the chickens are not laying eggs or they are laying to many. Lately they have been laying to many and it is all because of an idea I gave him.

Seems the chickens have been sitting on the nests all day and are doing nothing, no matter how many times Chuck would go out and yell at them they would eat, sit and cluck and lay nothing. I suggested jokingly that maybe if they had some reading material they would get off the pot so to speak. Well Chuck went down to Marv's Book, Magazines and Cigar Shop and picked up some old copies of Chicks Are Us and Buff Turkey. Seems to have done the trick as the hens are now laying so many eggs that Chuck is thinking he may have to open an egg stand to get rid of the extras. Chuck showed me his full fridge and offered me an egg salad sandwich.

Yesterday was spent at the Resort, got a kaleidoscope of work to be done there. I make reference to the kaleidoscope because you can stand on the deck and see all kinds of work that needs to be done and just turn a little bit and more things appear and move a little more and even more work appears. Good thing we did not have our grand non opener as we are not ready. I helped Vic transplanting tomatoes and we also did peppers. With snow finally all gone we took a walk back to the family garden and looked it over. I think we will need to get the tractor back in to do some clearing but still to wet for that. I was back in the wood shop and a couple of picnic tables are ready for stain and the replacement wood seats for the twelve foot row boat are just about done.

Even though I do not have the boat cover off the Puddle Humper I am not in any real big hurry this year for some reason. It might have to do with the late ice out or maybe that I am just going to be a little more picky when I go fishing. I did notice that gas at the Gas-N-Go went up another nickel today and we are just under four dollars a gallon. That number has been kind of the magic number as tourists don't seem to come out this way when the gas gets that high. Not much we can do about it but I hear the Fellows have been playing around with a sail on Gary's truck. I do know they had to put a smaller mast on as the first one hit the power line that goes across Main Street to the street light. I heard Gary talking about it as an "Electrifying Experience" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,085,090}

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Quiet time here at he lake, does not happen to often. Wife is at work the daughter is at work the dogs are upstairs sleeping and the cats have control of the downstairs, lying of course in the best sun warmed spots. I have the cabin stereo on loud as the wife does not let me "Crank it" when she is around. I have so much work that needs to be done around the cabin that I am just sitting and doing nothing. I don't know where to start so I have decided not to try. I could sit here and write about everything that should be done but I am sure you have Honey do lists of your own and don't need any reminder of them. Matter of fact if you are reading this I am willing to bet you are avoiding doing some kind of work yourself. I don't really think reading the tales of Lake Iwanttobethere are on any honey do list.

Looks to be a real nice day, no clouds and it is getting warm enough to put on shorts. I have to go find some of my old shorts as the wife bought me new ones and I hate them. I can see why some of the high school kids walk around town with their shorts hanging around their ankles. The new shorts have no elastic in the waist. There is just that little white rope that you are suppose to take up the slack with, well if you are a middle aged guy you have no hips and nothing to tie the rope around. I am not old enough to wear my shorts like Elmer does, with a pair of suspenders. He only does that when he is sure no one is around to see him because he looks like an silly-me and has the whitest legs this side of Whitefish Bay. So now I am thinking about shorts and I tell you someone who wears a pair of shorts the right way and that is Mindy and Mandy, but then they have curves like a country road.

Got the music loud enough in the cabin that I almost can't hear the ten o'clock freight whistle, but I can. Trees are sprouting some buds but no where close to any leaves yet. Won't be summer till we have leaves and have to strain to hear the morning freight train. Already back from morning errands in town, me and Duncan drove in with the windows cracked and took in the smells of spring. A couple of boat trailers down at the landing and a few campers in the campground. Lots of reports of ice going out fast now and even got a cell call from the brother in law saying they are finding water to paddle on. No fishing report yet, but he won't say anything till they get back and it will be "You should have been with us" if they did any good.

The days are getting longer and Hammering Hank and Skinny are using all of it. Way behind putting out docks for folks and I have picked up a few odd jobs that they can't get to and are close to the cabin for them. At the Resort we do have one dock out and last night we used the tractor to push the S.S.Mistake off the shore and into the water. We did lift the shanty off the deck and put that on shore. No sooner did we have it tied off then Vic was setting up a chair and had a bobber floating off the stern. Thinking of that maybe I should toss a line off my dock and think a little what I should start on today, after all it does not get dark till the sun goes down, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,085,460}

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Pretty big announcement to make here today and now that I have your attention I have decided to give up Kit Kat candy bars. I know I know it may not be a big deal to you guys but I usually buy a Kit Kat or two every time I go down to the Gas-N-Go and buy some fuel. The money I save from not buying the Kit Kats will now go towards paying for gas. I had to run down and fill a can so I would have gas for the garden tiller and found the Reed kid standing on top of the fifteen foot wood step ladder trying to change the gas prices on the old sign. They had tried to change prices on the new digital sign but there was some kind of software problem that would not let them put a four in the dollar slot. I pulled the Dodge up alongside the pump and got out to drop the tailgate and get the five gallon can out. Old man Swenson was on the other side of the pump and we caught each other's eye. He just shook his head slowly and that is when I noticed the price of gas, 4.24 point 9

Price had jumped thirty cents over night, I unscrewed the gas cap and made sure I didn't spill any from the nozzle as I filled the can. I was thinking to myself if I skip my two kit kat bars I will save enough money to cover the increase on the five gallons of gas. I screwed the top on the can and lifted it up on the tailgate and into the truck, didn't feel any different. I headed into the Gas-N-Go and exchanged a few HIYA's with several of the guys who were sipping coffee from their Gas-N-Go endless mugs and of course the talk of the day was the gas prices. I am not one to talk to much about stuff like that as you know I have a policy about not making comments about religion, politics and mother in laws. I walked around them and up to the counter where the Reed kid was now standing. "Pump #3" and he rang up twenty-one twenty-five. I put the twenty on the counter and had to reach into my pocket for a couple of singles.

Just another sign of getting old I thought as I walked out to the Dodge. I am getting so old that I can remember buying five gallons of gas, two Kit Kats, a soda and getting change back from two singles. I took the road back to the cabin driving not too quick because quick burn's gas. I came around a bend to see a sight that always brings a smile to my face. A bicycle down the middle of the road with a fishing rod across the handle bars. Tackle box secured to the rear fender with a bungie cord and the rider wearing a baseball cap down low. I tapped the horn just enough so the Dodge gave out a little bleep like a sheep and the rider moved off to the side of the dirt road. I passed slowly as to not leave too big of a dust cloud and waved as I went by. I got a hat wave in return and saw that it was Mr. Scroggs. I stopped and he rode up alongside my drivers door and we exchanged HIYA's

No traffic so we chatted for awhile, he was coming back from fishing and had no trout for his effort. He eyed the gas can in the back of the Dodge and I told him it was for the tiller, he nodded his head and mention that is why he was riding his grandsons bike. "I don't follow" I said and Mr. Scroggs said that he saw gas prices went up so this morning so he decided to ride a bike to the fishing hole like in the old days, got to give up something he said. I offered to put the bike in the back of the Dodge and give him a ride home but he declined, said he was just getting the hang of riding a bike again. But he would take an assist if I didn't mind and with that he held onto the driver's mirror put his feet on the pedals and I gave the Dodge some gas and got up to speed. We were doing about twenty when he let go of the mirror and gave me a wave, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,087,708}

Note: yesterdays report has the phrase "Silly Me" in it, that was not me but the auto corrector, I would never say Silly Me grin

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Volunteer fire department meeting at the Lodge last night. A good turn out as no one was fishing it being so breezy out. Brief meeting as we have been pretty lucky so far this spring, one small grass fire that was quickly put out at the expense of three Hamms beers that just happen to be close at hand when one of the Fellows spotted a small fire along side a ditch. There was a round of applause for the Fellow who put out the fire and then a motion was made that all volunteer firefighters should be issued a six pack of Hamms to carry in their vehicle for just such an emergency. The motion was tabled for further review when it was noted that everyone does have a fire extinguisher already issued to them.

Fire danger sign is at high here in the county but volunteer firefighter Sunshine Ray gave us a forecast for rain for most everyday of the next week. If we can avoid lightning strikes in the next few days we should be OK as Ray is forecasting as much as a half an inch of rain a day. Since the firefighters come from all around the lake it was also a good time to share ice conditions as we still do have some ice on a few bays. Not a lot but still enough that you can't get a boat through. To close the meeting names were tossed in a hat and Nytelyter was selected to climb up on the roof and test the fire siren with the hand crank. It was found out earlier in the day that the wire to the siren had been chewed through by a squirrel, the smoking remands of the squirrel were found by Gus taking a smoke break outside.

With Nytelyter named as the lucky winner he donned his gear and a ladder was placed on the North eve for him to climb. Now Nytelyter is a pretty good size guy and as we all know he enjoys a good brisket from time to time. He also might have one of the most used fire fighters coats as it is rumored he does his BBQing in it. The rescue squad came up with the idea that they should also try out their new air bag so while Nytelyter was making the walk across the roof to the siren they took the ladder down and inflated their new used air bag. The crank was turned on the siren and turned for the required one minute with a slight pause and then cranked for another thirty seconds. Nytelyter stowed the crank and headed to the edge of the roof where the ladder was. The guys on the bullhorn didn't even have to tell him to jump, he just walked right off the roof and landed on his back in the center of the air bag, Some of us might have acted a little surprised on just how well that went. Nytelyter pulled his air mask off and was helped from the bag. He had that kind of look on his face that you get when you are surprised.

Meeting was deemed a success and the group broke up, some guys headed back home while others headed inside the Lodge for a cold one. A few more guys sat on tailgates and chatted and the rescue guys tried to figure how to fold their air bag up small enough to get it back in the storage bag. In the Lodge I bought Nytelyter a beer, on the house of course and told him he made a very good jump. Sipping the beer and looking around Nytelyter leaned into me and said "I was looking for the ladder and walked off the roof, but that is between you and me, OK?" I nodded and we gave each other a subtle head nod, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,089,441}

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Today finds me sitting in a booth here at the Resort, well actually inside the main room at the Club House. The ride into the Resort was smooth and cool as the thermometer on the Tahoe rear view mirror was reading a damp forty-one degrees and I had the windows open but the heater on. The oldest daughter is taking an overnight trip to the big cites and her black lab Buster is spending the weekend with me. I brought him along for the ride and to check out the resort. He is ten and is the family pet so he does a lot of hiking but very little hunting. Always at the side of the youngest grand daughter so being out here with me is like being out on the town with the boys. Duncan stayed back at the cabin as we, me and Buster need a little quiet time and Duncan and Buster together, well it is anything but quiet.

With spring finally here and summer not too far away it is hard to keep up what is going on around the lake. Even though I am not always writing about the Resort things are getting done here. The ride in this morning is an example, there are no pot holes or is there any standing water on the road into the Resort. A couple of things came together for that to happen. Awhile back the local road guy from the county was by and mention that there might be some class five spillage in my area. Funny thing there that a familiar face pulled up to the Club House driving a big flippin corn binder tandem axle with two tag axles. six speed auto with an auto jake brake, fellow Lodge Member and firefighter Nytelyter. He rolled into the resort and climbed down from the cab and asked if we had a bathroom. I told him of course we do and in passing he said don't hit that button with the post it note on it that says hit me and walked into the Club House.

Well of course you know what I did, I hit the button and dang if that entire load of class five just kind of dumped out of that truck, imagine that. A few minutes later Nytelyter came out the door with a coffee cup and Vic in his wake. Looking at the pile of rock he declared it an accident and got on his radio to call Frank the plow driver. Frank must have been really close as a moment later the grader appeared, blade down. Frank pulled to a stop and turning off the grader he open the glass door and climbed down from the cab. Holding his big coffee mug out he said "I hear you have coffee" and Vic waved him to follow him back inside the Club House. Not five minutes later the county road guy appeared in his pickup, He got out with a clipboard in his hands and a pink form hanging from it. He nodded his head at me and looked at the pile of class five on the ground. "Hmmm, looks like a spillage" and started writing with a yellow #2 pencil on the form.

As he made notes on the form he walked around the pile and looked over the circle drive of the Resort and came back to me. "Bobby I have a question and a suggestion for you" He said. I stood with my thumbs in my side pockets of my work bibs and said "Fire away" The county guy looking out over the drive said "First off you are going to need more "Spillage" and second the county is looking for a turn around for the school bus, this might just work if you let us fill in a few low spots and clean up that washboard entrance road." Well I went through the motions that I was thinking it over and signed the pink form that gave the county the permission. County guy asked if I had any coffee and I pointed him towards Vic who was standing in the doorway. Nytelyer climbed back into his truck and headed out and Frank climbed up into his cab and looked down at me, "Well Bobby we will be seeing more of each other" he said. "How's that" I replied. Frank starting the grader yelled over the engine noise and said "I have to plow the bus turnaround in the winter you know, no charge" I smiled back and said "I know" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,090,493}

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Saturday turned out to be a pretty lazy rainy afternoon. Buster and I took a walk around the property and I told him some of the things we were planning to do down the road. As all labs seem to be Buster is a good listener. I would stop from time to time and point out things to Buster who always stopped and looked at where I was pointing and then back to me. His tail was wagging most of the time so I am thinking he agreed with my, well the guy's ideas. We made stops at the wood shop and also at the pole barn to get out of the occasional rain showers that fell. Our last stop was at the old garden where several robins were sitting on the fence posts watching the garden like guards at a prison exercise yard.

We went through the double doors of the Club House and Buster wiped his paws off on the rug, I kicked my boots off and put my Resort slippers on. Buster set off exploring and Vic was sitting in the first leather booth with a mess of tomato plants on the table. I had to stop for a moment and tried to recall the tune in the air coming from the Wurlitzer Jukebox up against the wall. Polka music, Vic had polka music playing softly. I just looked at Vic and he grinned back a me and reaching behind a bag of potting soil he pulled out a glass mug of beer and toasted me. The timing could not have been better as Roll out the Barrel was now playing on the Wurlitzer.

I don't think I mentioned that the Club House has a Wurlitzer, a working model 1015 Bubbler that Vic had in storage and that Hammering Hank and Skinny had moved back to the Club House. It is not played to much as Vic has it loaded with Polka records but I have seen Elmer and Marv drop nickels in to it. Then I have watched Vic with a grin on his face retrieve the coins from the cash box as he has the only key to open it. I opened the cooler behind the bar and pulled out a Mountain Dew, the pop of the can was loud and I took a sip before I walked around the bar and made my way to the booth. I slid across the leather seat and sat close to the window where drops of rain were chasing each other down the glass. Vic was giving each tomato plant a little sip of beer before sticking long straws into the pots and using bread bag ties to hold the tomatoes to the straws, just giving them something to lean on is how Vic describe it.

We spent most of the afternoon just chatting and I eventually got roped into sticking straws into pots and securing the plants to them. Buster reappeared and found a place on the floor to go to sleep and Vic would pat him on the head every time he walked by. Sitting with the table now cleared of plants I told Vic I think that he needs a dog. Vic looking out the widow said he sure does miss his old dogs Butter and Scotch and then just as quickly said he was too old for a dog now. I joined him, looking out the widow at the falling rain and an idea was starting to take shape.

Just then I could hear the outside screen door of the Club House bang close and then the handle on the inside door turned and in came Skinny and Hammering Hank. Both of them look like wet puppies and if I was guessing I would say they had been out putting docks in and I would be right. We exchange some small talk and they told me they were just here to get some dry clothes and then they were off to the Bacon Platter Diner, Skinny had some coop-ons. Asked if me and Vic wanted to go with and they didn't have to ask twice. Bacon Platter is kind of a spendy place but if Skinny had Coop-ons I was in. I figured Buster would be OK by himself and Vic and I headed for the Tahoe, already I was thinking about what I was going to order. Maybe a Bacon and Bacon sandmich or a Bacon with extra Bacon Bacon Burger. I'll let you know how it turned out, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,091,799}

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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