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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Rain, has been the topic of conversation for the past few days here at Lake Iwanttobethere. If you are a fishermen you sit on shore and watch it drip waiting for an opening to get out on the water. If you are a camper you sit under the rain fly enjoying it along with wood smoke blowing back in your face and mud under your feet but after awhile it starts to get a little old. Kids ride bikes in it but you can't play baseball in it all week. Golfers sit at the clubhouse and listen to ice cubes clinking in glasses and the click of cleats across the tile floor as they pace back and forth. The air heavy with moisture carries the horn of the ten o'clock freight so loudly it sounds like it is passing right behind you.

Duck hunters are happy, they have another week to wear their rain coats and show them off to their wife's. "See honey I told you we would get our money out this rain coat" Dew Drop Inn and the Sunshine Cafe are doing a brisk business as is Amy's Bakery. Patrons sit a little longer holding on to warm coffee mugs and watching dripping water from awnings fall. The water at the landings are up, so that is a good thing. Firewood sales are good reports Skinny and Hammering Hank. The walking trail around the lake is taking a beating, both the walking lane and the passing lane are muddy. Bikers are easy to pick out around town, You can identify them by the muddy line of dirt thrown up from their bikes with no fenders on their back.

The big garden at the cabin looks like a rice field, standing water on it so deep I was thinking of throwing a buzz bait across it just to see what would happen. Duncan has also found the garden and has taken a few runs through it. Bud and Barney have learn long ago to just walk around a big puddle, but puppies like little kids have only one way and that is straight away. After a few passes through the garden Duncan comes out the other side dripping mud and flapping ears to clear them. He has the look of a teenager who has invented mud bogging on their dads four wheeler. Lucky for us he has also discovered the water and soon he is running in the direction of the lake. If he could bark "Cannon Ball" I think he would as he makes a puppy dive into the water from the shore and comes up coughing water and wearing green weeds. Bud and Barney sit in the boat house and just look at each other and dip their heads. I can't tell if they are thinking "Kids" or thinking about doing the same thing themselves.

So it has not been a good week for roofer's golfers and most fishermen. Campers are a toss up as those without kids seem to enjoy the falling rain. They spend time reading books and just catching up on their sleep. Must admit hard not to sleep well if you are in a dry tent and you get to hear the rhythmic beating of rain drops overhead. That and of course the smells that a long rain releases, People from the city refer to it as Mother Earth, people in the country refer to it as dirt. Either way it just smells good after a rain.

So summer is in full swing here at Lake Iwanttobethere when the rain does stop the tourist will be back out walking main street. The General Store will be busy and Big Earl wearing his red apron and holding his push broom will greet everyone that comes into his store. The bell on the top of the door at Ma and Pa's grocery will be ringing and the smell of Danish and oven fresh bread will drift down the street from Amy's Bakery. Marv will be behind the counter at his smoke and magazine shop and in the evening the boom of the pizza cannon will be heard from Del's Pizza and Sub Shop. The sweet smell of mixed gas burning in outboards will be on the wind and the sound of a beer can opening will remind you of being on vacation. For now it is the sound of dripping water and seagulls flying low looking for someone's unattended lunch, From Lake Iwanttobethere {347,129}

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Just when you think you have said all you can say about the rain we get another little twist, Wind! After the morning thunderstorm moved through dumping even more water into my rice paddy the wind picked up. Something I have noticed in just the last few days is that the leaves on the trees have suddenly went from small green fingers to full size palms. They have really open up and now with the wind are acting like sails bending and swaying trees in the opposite direction of the wind. I was on the deck with Duncan as he was a little timid going out at first and was pelted with seed pods. Must be perfect timing that the wind has arrived at the same time the seed pods are ready to be released. The deck and yard is covered in hundreds if not thousands of the pods blowing around in the wet wind.

I made the drive into the Lodge and had to go around a few branches that had been broken from the high winds. Saw a few gulls flying but they moved quickly with the wind, crows must be hunkered down as none of them were seen. No one on the golf course and the lake looked a little angry with waves throwing the pods back up on shore. I made a stop at the General Store and Big Earl had his yellow rain slicker on standing at the door. No broom in his hand this morning as he was holding onto the door handle making sure it didn't get away, the door that is when a customer came in or out. First thing that caught my eye was a small hand written note that said " We are sorry but we are temporarily out of tarps, they are on order" that has to be a first I thought, but it has been raining for awhile and going to continue for several more days.

Campground looks almost abandoned, there are a few campers parked and one lonely tent. Several trucks with boat trailers are parked in a row and all the boats have travel covers snuged down tight. I can see several guys in the pink fishing cleaning station with the windows cracked open and smoke coming out. I am guessing they are using it as a dry place to catch a smoke and watch the waves. Getting out of the truck I keep my head bent down low to keep my hat from being blown off, I glance out at Root Beer Island and no boats are off the point, I would have been surprised if there was. All three dogs are with me, Bud and Barney head right to the fireplace and plop down on the hardwood floor. Duncan follows me in and whines a little. Elmer is sitting on his wicker couch with Pepper at his side. Duncan sees Pepper and his tail starts wagging, the two of them meet halfway and then head off together I am sure to get in trouble.

Gus sits on the stool behind the counter looking over the morning paper with his glasses down low on his nose. "HIYA" is all he says before turning the page, the noise loud in the quiet room. I pour myself a large glass of orange juice and take it to the glass deck doors. Sipping on the juice I glance at the clock and see it is ten o'clock, I cock my head and listen for the sound of the freight but hear nothing. Wind is so strong that it is even drowning out the sound of the train, or it's late. There, I can just faintly hear the horn of the train but I can't tell if it has already past or not because I just heard a few blasts and now the sound is gone.

Some more dark clouds are coming across the lake and I will be willing to bet they are full of water. The local radio station KCUM-AM is playing softly in the background, interrupted by screeching static so it is a pretty safe bet there is some lightning heading in our direction. Gus did have BBQ on today's menu but I see he has already wiped it off the white board.. In small block lettering he has written "Can't light the grill" and instead has SOUP specials. So with it one day before my 696th birthday it looks like it is going to be a windy and wet one. From Lake Iwanttobethere {347,921}


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The lake is already a busy place this morning, I was making the drive into the Lodge when I noticed several boats already out on the water. The sun was up and it is something we have not seen in these parts for the past week. No rain in the forecast today and it was the the first time in over eight days that the morning paper is not wrapped in plastic and still wet. My first stop of all places was the car wash, I know I am tempting fate but the old Dodge was covered in Maple seed pods and if you let them dry they stick. Not to mention these days the Dodge does not get driven much and I didn't want to start growing trees in the box. I had to wait in line for a few others who were already in front of me so I took the time to clean out the ashtray and shake out the floor mats. Now the Dodge should be good to go for at least another month.

It might just turn into a really decent day here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Sun is shinning, hardly any breeze and the lake is like flat glass. I don't even see a cloud let alone a dark one. I drove in with the windows down and heard the distant sound of a lawnmower, will be a lot more of them running today. As you all know we have a law against running power equipment like chain saws and lawnmowers on the weekend. The law is on the books to let people enjoy their weekends here at the lake and a week of rain will not change anything. Grass is getting a little deep though and the ditches along the road are filled with water and some pretty lush looking grass. I had to slow down coming around a bend as a caramel colored doe was standing at the edge of the road watching me. I would bet there was a fawn or maybe two behind her in the deep grass.

Friday here and it is moving in and out day. Resorts around the lake will be saying good-bye to some water logged guests and welcoming new ones to take their places. Sunshine Ray is predicting some sunny days and some rain but nothing like what we had this past week. When I got to the Lodge it was like opening day down at the landing. At least a dozen dripping trailers parked next to each filled the first row of parking and there were a few more trucks and trailers just rolling in. I could see a few boats bobbing off Root Beer Island and the morning sun was reflecting off several more boats at about the edge of where the ice town sits in the winter. A handful of cars and trucks were in the Masterbaiters lot and the minnow truck was parked out back. I can see Elmers truck parked in the group and I am sure he is hand picking his minnows from the new ones that are being delivered.

I parked the Dodge and came in through the back door, the wood screen door banging close behind me. Gus was no where to be seen but I see in big letters on the white board "BBQ" so looks like brats and burgers for the lunch special today. Like I thought Elmers couch was empty and the TV was off. Drapes were pulled to the side and widows were open. Ceiling fan was slowly turning and there was no fire burning in the fireplace. Now this looks a lot more like a Friday in June is supposed to look like. No one sitting at the bar and the morning paper does not even look like it has been opened. No rain coats hanging from the hall pegs and no roofers sitting at the cribbage table. One coffee pot sits on the warmer and the only noise is the sound of the compressor for the beer cooler running.

Who know maybe summer has really arrived this time, by lunch hour the regulars will be here and some of the fishermen will tie up down at the campground and walk up the hill for some lunch. We will hear if fishing was any good but the common thought will be it is better to be fishing than watching it rain. So I am thinking there is not much for me to do around here and I am already planning on leaving early and go do some fishing myself, From Lake Iwanttobethere {349,738}

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Quiet morning here at Lake Iwanttobethere all the grand kids are over and are still sleeping at this hour. Last night was spent around the fire pit and marshmallows and chocolate was in demand. A few bluegills were caught off the dock and a brief battle with a northern was had and lost by the youngest grandson. Of course every time he retold the story of the battle the fish seem to have grown a little, the fight lasted longer and somehow the other grandson got involved. Right before bedtime the story was now that the youngest hooked a northern that just about dragged him the length of the dock and he was on the brink of being pulled into the lake until his brother riding his bike down the hill came to his rescue! In the nick of time he leaped from his bike, fought through the cat tails to climb on the dock, dashed to his brother aid and wrapped his arms around his brother's waist stopping the huge northern from dragging his brother over the edge of the dock to the dark and deep lair of the northern.

This story was retold several times as the boys sat together on the edge of the fire pit cleaning sticky marshmallows from between their fingers and swatting at the occasional mosquito. This morning I was up first as Duncan came and woke me up to be let out. Duncan slept with the grand kids on the living room floor along with both Bud and Barney. When I walked by this morning all I saw was arms and legs wrapped in sleeping bags, blankets and pillows. The two big dogs commanding the pillows and the kids used the dogs as their pillows. Duncan under close watch from me made the early morning rounds of the grounds and jumped the rabbit from the flower garden. He is making progress as he is learning to use them long legs of his and he is getting quicker but the rabbit makes turns that leave Duncan tied in knots and far behind.

Duncan returns to the deck and sits waiting to be praised for almost catching the rabbit. He gets patted on the head and I tell him small lies about how a good hunter he is. Sun is trying to break through the cloud cover but it is not working, some rain in the forecast but I think it will not happen to later this afternoon. Few boats on the water and the smell of wood smoke in the air. Birds are singing, well not really. Birds are calling would be a better description. I don't really think birds sing they just put a few calls together. Now if I saw a robin with a few back up crows doing 'I heard it through the grapevine" on the deck, now that would be birds singing!

Must have music on my mind and I can blame the youngest grandson for putting it there. Last night as we sat around the fire pit the kids got to talking about what they want to do when they grow up. Pretty usual stuff and when one had a better idea then the other they would change their minds. The youngest grandson chewing on a long pretzel like it was one of grandpa's cigars announced he was going to be a truck driver. Showing off I blew a big smoke ring towards the stars and said just like your uncle eh! The grandson blowing his own imaginary smoke ring towards the moon said yep! I am going to be a truck driver right after the band breaks up..

Five years old and he already has a back up plan. Kind of makes a grandpa proud. Ladies came out and brought the kids inside, dogs followed. Boys and I sat around the glow of the fire pit and talked about some early morning fishing. This morning finds me and Duncan up and everyone else still sleeping. Think the boys caught one to many bottle bass last night. Maybe it is safe to say summer has arrived and there is nothing wrong with sleeping in late on a Sunday morning here at Lake Iwanttobethere. {351.058}

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The youngest daughter's birthday today, 288 months old she is. When asked earlier in the week what she wanted to do on her birthday her reply was "Fish at Church Bay" so this morning finds me getting ready to go fishing while she gets to sleep in late. We have been watching the weather slowly clear the past few days and it looked good for today so her birthday party was moved ahead a day to last night. She got her presents and cards and there is but a single piece of birthday cake left on the platter for her breakfast.

When she was very little fishing was a little less of an event, some night crawlers were picked after dark the night before. Her trusty rod known more for how many times it had been dropped overboard and recovered was checked for line and the brown bag lunch. A bologna sandwich made with a little mustard some butter and the crust cutoff wrapped in wax paper. A baggie with five oreo cookies and a ten cent bag of potato chips, plain. One bottle of Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer floated in the fish basket to stay cold and the almost forgotten dill pickle in it's own plastic bag. This is all she needs for an afternoon of fishing, well maybe a mason jar to catch fireflies if we stayed out till dark and a couple of Quarters to stop for an ice cream on the way back home.

The trusty rod is still around but it hangs in the rafters of the boat house, it still gets used but now by grand kids who still tend to drop it overboard or step on it. The daughter now brings almost as many fishing rods on board the Puddle Humper as I do. Hooks are sharpen and she spends as much time doing it as she would if she was doing her nails. Lures are preselected and tied on to rods and she spends time on the computer exchanging e-mail with her uncle Chuck on how the fish are biting. Batteries are charged and the gas tank is filled. For what it cost to fill the boat tank I used to be able to fill up the Dodge to.

Back from Ma and Pa's grocery this morning, I had gone into town to pick up some deli bologna from Pa. Standing under the single light dangling over the meat counter he sliced a few thick slices from the roll of bologna and then wrapped it in white butcher paper folding over the edges and sealing it with some of that freezer tape he has. He carried it up to the counter where Ma sat on her stool and put it on the worn wood counter in front of her. I made by way to the counter picking up a bag of double stuff oreeo cookies and a ninety- nine cent bag of potato chips, plain. Ma put the chips, cookies and cold cuts in a paper bag and pushed it across the counter to me " Tell your daughter Happy Birthday from us" I took out my wallet and Pa raised his hand and said " Your money is no good here today" I nodded and thanked them both.

Fresh bread from Amy's bakery was added to the bag and I stopped at the Masterbaiters shop and bought a small container of Canadian nigh crawlers. I open the top and checked the crawlers nestled in the cool moss, I added them to the small cooler where I had already had a few bottles of Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer chilling. Now I was back at the cabin cutting the crust of a few slices of bread and making sandwiches. In a few hours we will be making the drive to Church bay and I will be fishing with my little girl, from Lake Iwanttobethere {353,154}

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Church Bay, one of them special places here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Just around the lake from Bacon Bay, Church Bay can be a real good place to go fishing or as in the case the other night a place where you need to do a lot of praying to catch a fish. There was a lot of standing and sitting and even some kneeling all in order to catch a few small bass that thought they were doing us a favor letting us catch them. No stories to tell you about the big one that got away cuzz we never hooked one to talk about. Did have one big northern follow a lure to the side of the boat and then just hover there looking upwards at me. We locked eyes for a few seconds and I knew nothing was going to happen. She made a tight turn and dove under the Puddle Humper. I did see a broad dark back and a swirl broke the surface of the water where she was.

So we worked the shoreline and the reed beds, followed the deep break for awhile but it was pretty slow. Went to the little rods and caught a few rock bass and some really small sunfish. At least they put a bend in the poles and we were hoping for a fish or two with some size would come along and gobble up our little lures. There are a few cabins on Church Bay and there was the sound of people mowing grass and just getting ready for the upcoming holiday. As we came along the shore a guy wearing dark slacks and a white tee shirt was at the edge of the shore filling a bucket with water. We exchange greeting and I knew right away he was not from around these parts.

He told me his neighbor told him he had some bass nests out in front of his cabin. Looking down I could see a few beds in the clear water and told him his neighbor was right. The guy was very interested and asked if the fish really do build nests. Well as I said it was a little slow fishing and I tipped my hat back and started to explain how the bigger bass would haul in sticks and weave the green reeds to build nests. Where it is sunny and the water clear like out in front of his cabin they would sometimes put a roof on. The guy just looked at me and nodded his head a few times thinking it over.. I told him to have a good afternoon and moved on down the shore, my daughter was trying hard to stay on her seat and not laff out loud to much... Like I said, fishing was slow.

Ten minutes later Mother Nature had her payback on us. We were coming along a section of shoreline clear of any cabins or docks. We were in close to shore when A fully grown and old bald eagle burst from a limb off a pine tree not twenty feet above our heads. The bird was huge and her wings blocked the sun for a moment as she flew right overhead, we had never even noticed it perched on the limb at the water edge. Would have been a great shot on my video camera if I had had it on. We watched as it flew away slowly and could almost feel the air move with each wing beat, we were that close. A good memory to share but it would have made a few awesome pictures.

Today finds me mowing the lawn and keeping an eye overhead, not for the eagle but for the line of thunderstorms heading in my direction. Lake has gone still and it is hot and muggy out, starting to hear the quiet rumbling of the coming storm. Think I will finish this and put stuff away on the deck and get an umbrella out and lite a cigar. I like these July light shows that don't cost me anything. From Lake Iwanttobethere have a good evening! {354,287}

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4th of July weekend here at Lake Iwanttobethere and it is shaping up to be a busy one. With the state parks all closed because of budget problems the local campground has had a steady stream of campers looking for any open spaces. Local farmer McDonnell did open up one of his hay fields to tent campers and as soon as the word got out he was swamped with suv's and pop up campers. Sheriff Tim and his dog Bailiff have already been down at the public access asking people to move campers and Skinny and Hammering Hank are standing guard protecting the softball field from tourists who think it would make a great place to pitch a tent.

Long list of activities going on this weekend with go cart and lawnmower races on the 4th Daily fishing contests, a parade and Sunday we will be having pontoon drag races off Root Beer Island. Golf course will be open with a hole in one contest and the newly dug pond filled with water after the downpour we had last night. Good timing on the golf pond as Hammering Hank just finished installing the mechanical alligator and put up the warning signs about the gator and not to try and retrieve your lost golf balls from the pond. Mike at the golf course figures he should see a big increase in his used golf ball sales with the pond and fake gator. He got the idea from his cousin who runs a course down south.

Last night several thunderstorms rolled one after the other across the lake to pound campers who had already pitched their tents. Early morning fishermen had to bail water from boats and Mystery creek is running high with runoff. Town's Laundromat has people waiting in lines for the dryers. Main Street is clean but a few cross streets have gravel washed on to them. Earl at the General Store was out early with his big push broom cleaning his sidewalk and parking spaces whenever someone would pull out.

I must admit the town looks good. Flags are hanging and just enough of a breeze to make old glory flap some. Shops are all open and the smell of fresh bread from Amy's hangs in the air. Del's Pizza and Sub Shop's pizza cannon thumps every few minutes and tourist stand on shore and applaud as the pizza's go skipping out across the bay to waiting fishermen in their boats. They act like they have never seen a pizza cannon before! Reed the Realtor is standing under the awing in front of his shop. Shaking hands with anyone who walks by and leaving a business card in their palm. Red white and blue sacks cover the two parking meters out front. No charge for parking during the holiday weekend.

"Born to be Wild" can be heard coming over the public address speakers down at the softball field. Just about time for the softball tournament to start and our first game is with a rival town down the road. Both teams are gathered around first base where the first keg is stationed singing loudly with the song. Perhaps I should mention that here at Lake Iwanttobethere we play beer ball. Just a little after noon here and it is warm and sunny out, just enough of a breeze to keep the gnats away and make a good walleye chop out on the lake. Smells of BBQ and wood smoke drift by and occasionally you get a whiff of the mini-donut trailer. Mindy and Mandy are working their Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer trailer and wearing their hot weather bibs, the low cut ones, they are getting a lot of repeat business from some of the younger guys. Actually I see there are a few older guys standing in line too, still holding their first root beers in their hands. Well time for the first pitch and pitcher at the ball game, you have a good day from Lake Iwanttobethere. {354,458}

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Halfway through the day here on the 4th of July and it has been a good one. Sunshine Ray called it straight and the bass thermometer is hitting ninety in the shade. Softball field is empty as it just got to hot to play ball but drinking beer is still going on under the shade of the bleachers. A lot of the guys are reliving some of their high school playing days when they drank in the same spot. I did well in the lawnmower races this morning I got through five laps without a problem, thing was it was a six lap race. I ran through some horse dropping from the parade and I lost traction, good thing I had fenders because I was flinging that stuff in all directions. Race officials flagged me off the course and sent me to the car wash.

Lodge has been real busy, Gus has the big BBQ down at the park but sales of ice have been real brisk at the Lodge. I don't know if you remember but late in the winter we cut a mess of small ice blocks and put them in storage in the big ice house. Well today they were used in a sliding contest that the Lodge sponsored. For one thin dollar you could buy an ice block and a piece of burlap. You then set the burlap on the ice block and you sat on the burlap and with a little push you rode the ice down the big hill to the water. Kids could make several trips down the hill before the block was to small to ride. We had about two hundred of the blocks and they were all gone in the first hour. Best part is no one got hurt so we are making a notation to cut more ice next winter for the event.

Dog jumping contest off the dock was held early this morning, high point of that contest was Dan's Saint Bernard Grace took 2nd place and Dan took 3rd. Grace who has a real problem taking ice stole a block from the ice house and Dan caught her in the act. He gave chase and somehow the two of them went off the dock and into the drink. They were last seen with Dan swimming after Grace around the point. Barney did not enter this year, he preferred being a judge in the pontoon races held of Root Beer Island. Only the first year for the drag races and we can see we will have to move them closer to shore so more people can watch. Races had to be moved from Sunday to Monday because of the fishing contest. We had small large and unlimited classes and the rules need to be rewritten. We also have to make sure that all ropes tied off to Nytelyters fishing pier are released before we give the GO signal. After the section of dock was recovered and reattached by Hammering Hank the races continued.

As for the rules rewrite in the open glass Duckslayer was pulling away with that thirty footer of his with the twin two hundred horse engines on it till Tinker in his float plane dropped out of the sun and touched down at the starting line. With just the tail end of his pontoons in the water he left a hundred foot rooster tail behind him as he caught up and passed Duckslayer before the finish line. A protest was placed but Tinker did have a point of saying the contest was for pontoons. He was awarded first place and he promised Duckslayer a fishing trip as a peace offering.

Guess my break is over and I need to get back and do some bar tending, Lodge does not have a empty table and we long ago stopped taking orders. If ya want a beer now you have to come to the bar. I should try and restock the candy case but I have nothing but empty boxes in my office, I think somewhere I still have a few boxes but I will have to make a notation to order more. I might have to make a notation to check my notations. Fireworks in about six hours maybe than I will get my next break, from Lake Iwanttobethere {355,234}

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It's hot and muggy here at Lake Iwanttobethere today and a good excuse to just sit around the Lodge and take it easy. Last night's fireworks went off without a hitch I was told and everyone enjoyed them. I did not see them as I was changing out the tanks for the soda machine and when I went back to the big walk in cooler I just kind of sat down on a crate and let the cold chill me for awhile. After the tanks were filled I came back out and heard the last of the fireworks explode out over the lake. The softball field lights were turned back on and after the applause died off you could hear the sound of truck and car doors slamming and then the long trail of headlights leaving the park and heading out to Main Street and home.

A few members wandered back into the Lodge for a night cap but after the events of the day most went home. This morning finds the campground pretty empty and the seagulls spent more time then usual as they marched across the green grass sorting through wrappers and eating anything that looked like it could be eaten. Crows of course were here, picking at overflowing black trash bags hanging from the dumpsters. The welcome whine of the garbage truck was heard early and he made a couple of trips to collect the gold of his trade and hauled away the extra dumpsters that had been ordered.

The celebration is not yet official over yet as there is still one event going on. Marv and Elmer were or are still entered in the two man saw bucking event, senior division. Actually there is no one else in their division so they are competing against themselves. They have been sawing on a thirty-two inch yellow pine since Sunday morning. Thing is they get up and oil their saw blade, line it up and take a few pulls before returning to their chairs to towel off and have a beer. When they make a return trip to the saw they go through the same routine but now have to check and see if they are making a straight cut. They are easily distracted by onlookers and are looking to set a new record in the timed event, we just did not know we would have to time them with a calendar.

With the ice storage house almost half empty lunch was held there today. Gus set out platters of "Cold Cuts" on the ice and a keg of Hamms was tapped and ice blocks were stacked around it. More than a few guys got caught holding their head between their hands as they suffered the Beer brain freeze. After they recovered they join others and sat on the ice blocks waiting for the next person to come through the door, pour a beer and suffer the same fate.

With lunch being held in the ice house the Lodge was empty and given a good cleaning by Tess. We hired a few high school kids to help and lured them with the promise of some evening fishing. The luck of the draw will see who they get to go fishing with. I am spending the afternoon doing some supervising which means I just stay out of Tess's way. Hammering Hank, Tess husband is very good at this and as soon as he heard his wife was going to be at the Lodge he and Skinny dug into the bundle of index cards held together with a rubber band and found a job on the other side of the lake. I saw waders in the back of the truck so they are either going to do some dock work or go trout fishing. Me, I just found a cushion for one of the big deck chairs and with it out of the sun I am just watching Elmer and Marv getting ready to take another few pulls on their saw. This supervising is some tuff work but I can mufti task. From Lake Iwanttobethere {355,674}

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Thought I would share a few pictures of Lake Iwanttobethere with ya, since a picture is worth a thousand words, well maybe 900 with todays prices. So here we go...

Rain Barrel outside of Big Earl's General Store


Big Fry Pan that Gus uses for Sunday pancakes cooked out on the Lodges Fire Ring


One of the eating tables here in the Lodge


Poster of upcoming events at a local resort


Of course a cooler behind the bar


And a look at one of the shelf's behind the counter at Ma and Pa's Grocery Store



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Rain falling here at Lake Iwanttobethere this morning, just a lite drizzle, the kind you would fish in if you are on vacation. I on the other hand am not on vacation but with the wife working today I was left instructions to get some work done around the cabin and to look at the Honey Do List if I could not find anything to do. So I started off my placing a check on the "Water Gardens" and then took a break which lasted just about as long as it would take to water the gardens. Next I saw a notations about washing winter coats, I figured that if I did it the way the wife would it would kill pretty much most of the day. So I gathered the winter coats took them outside and hung them with extra clothes pins from the clothes line that goes from the garage to the work shed. I waited for the lite drizzle to soak the coats and took a break while I waited.

After the drizzle picked up for a few minutes to a lite rain I had to end my break. Next I went in the garage and got the power washer out. I added some laundry soap and a few minutes later I was ready to rinse the now cleaned winter coats off. Now this does take some experience to do as the first time I did it I used dish soap and that makes way to many bubbles. Matter of fact it makes so many bubbles that it is hard to see what you are doing and I might have been a little to close and might have held the wand in the same spot a little to long. They just don't make ladies coats like they used to and I found out they are not as tuff as Carharts are. It was almost six months before she discovered the missing sleeve on her coat and by then even I had forgotten what had happen and was totally honest about not remembering.

With the winter coats now drip drying on the line I am free to check off "Winter Coats" on the do list and go on about spending a relaxing summer Saturday. With robins calling and Edd the squirrel trying to find a way to raid the bird feeder I am eyeing the end of the dock as a place to spend some time. The old goose and his mate are swimming with a mess of their kids just off Chucks dock. The granddaughter when she was here last named the old Goose Graham and his mate Cracker she started to tell me the names of all the kids but it was way to much for me to remember. Looking at the two of them I am thinking they have it made. Won't be but a few months and they will be flying south for the winter, warm open water and plenty of food. Of course there may be the minor distraction of hunters shooting at them, O well never mind, maybe not such a good life after all.

Just a fine drizzle falling now and I decide that maybe I will wander over to Elmers and check his minnow bucket for a sucker minnow. Elmer is not around as there was a cancellation at Tinkers fly in service and he and Marv decide to reward themselves for their performance and new senior record in the two man saw bucking contest. They hung a closed gone fishing sign in the book and smoke shop window and headed to one of Tinkers cabins. They were saying the one that was open has the hot boat. I was thinking fishing but they are talking about an aluminum boat that is berthed above a fire ring. When filled with rain water and a good fire burning under it, it becomes a Lake Iwanttobethere Hot Tub, lucky guys.

So that is pretty much it for a wet summer Saturday here at Lake Iwanttobethere, still better than cutting grass or staining siding. I might have to start cutting firewood though winter is coming, just kidding. It's not on the wife's do list, From Lake Iwanttobethere.{357,407}

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HIYA from here at Lake Iwanttobethere, before I get to far I want to answer a few question from the mailbag in regards to the power washing of clothes. Now I am an experience clothes power washer and I suppose it would have been a good idea if I had written a few more answers to unasked questions. I had a few disgruntled remarks in regards to clothes line poles bending and clothes lines themselves breaking from the weight of soaking wet coats. So here are a few tips, It is preferred that the clothes line be replaced with some aircraft cable with loops on them. This makes it easy to run the cable through the sleeve of the coat and to come out the other sleeve. Also the cable should be attached to buildings not post or poles. You can easily explain the need for the cable by telling your wife's the extra heavy clothesline is for her winter quilts, she will thank you for it.

This evening I spent some time relaxing after a busy afternoon of hardware selling. Yup, today was Hardware Day here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Think of it as a rummage sale day, but only for men. One day midweek during the summer the men of Lake Iwanttobethere hold a hardware sale where we take out all the wife's rummage sale tables and sell off our excess hardware. First off we like to think we are well organize in this sale of ours as we hold it in the middle of the week so there is no conflict with the wife's weekend rummage sales. Secondly we trade sides of the road so there is plenty of parking and you get to attend the sales. You see one year all the odd fire numbers hold the sale and the next year all the even fire numbers hold the sale. That way you only have a sale every other year and you get to go to a sale in your off year.

Last year I scored on several five pound bags of pop rivets in different colors and a dozen twelve inch x ½ inch eyebolts which looked real good hanging from the pegboard next to my eight eight inch x 3/8 eyebolts. I would proudly stand in my wood shop with my thumbs in the straps of my bibs as fellow lodge members would eye my eyebolts and ask if they were for sale. Today I laid out the pop rivets still unopened in their bags along with the twelve inch eyebolts on one of the rummage tables with a sticker asking for offers. Of course I also had a lot of nuts and bolts and wood screws along with some stove bolts and brass screws. Had an entire table of washers and lock washers and locking nuts to. A few prop nuts some lengths of aircraft cable suitable for clothes line and some sheet metal for some project that I have long forgotten about.

Elmer was holding his sale and he kept yelling on his bull horn that he had a better selection and they were older and worth more. Never fails you get some guys who just mess up your display or try to bother you asking if you have a mate for some short legged ¾ bolt with a fender washer. Elmer starting yelling that he had square nails for sale and I lost a few guys who trampled through the wife's flower patch trying to get to his yard. I grabbed my bull horn and yelled back at the guys that that the old man's nails are all rusty, they stopped in their tracks trying to decide if they should keep going or come back. Elmer shouted out he was willing to go two fer one and they swarmed over to his table.

Four of my twelve inch long by ½ inch eye bolts were sold and I quickly snatched up the other eight and hung them back on the pegboard inside the work shed. Would not be right to have more eight inch than twelve inch eye bolts hanging from the pegboard. By the end of the day I had a few lighter coffee cans and now I have room to buy some more hardware, from Lake Iwanttobethere {358,689}

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There is going to be a super fine just plain outstanding fall coming! I say this because summer has been a dud so far. More rain in the forecast and both Sunshine Ray and Stormy Clearweather agree it is going to be wet for the next seven days. With summer at the halfway point the days to go fishing are leaning towards not waiting for a perfect day. Gardens are not doing all that well with the late start and lots of rain and lack of heat. Next few days are calling for rain, heat and thunderstorms, Good to grow grass but not so good for fishing. I am thinking the fish are more confused than we are.

There is some good things though, blueberries have finally arrived almost a month late though. I went down to the Dew Drop Inn this morning and ordered just one of the platter sized blueberry pancakes. I ordered late so I counted it as breakfast and lunch. After a breakfast like that either a nap or some time sitting in a boat would be in order. Of course it was raining and I just took my time walking to the Dodge and I was wet when I closed the door and wiped my face off with the towel I had on the front seat. It being midweek here at the lake most of the tourist know their way around and a few were making their way to the General Store in the falling rain while others made their way to the door at Ma and Pa's I could hear the bell jingle when it was opened.

Old McDonnell's farm truck drove down the street with old man McDonnell in the driver's seat and the back of the truck was taken up by his two year old mastiff Tatter. Big friendly dog who does not make it into town much as he takes up the back of the pickup. As Tatter moves from one side of the truck to the other the leaf springs bow some and the trucks sags to that side. I can hear McDonnell yelling through the sliding window at Tatter to sit still. Tatter spots a French poodle in the arms of a tourist and lets out a friendly bark, the tourist holds on a little tighter but the poodle looks a little interested in Tatter.

Spent a few hours doing books for the Lodge and I am pretty much all caught up. With all the rain I have had more than enough time to work on books instead of going fishing. A few boats out on the lake as the fishermen who are here on vacation don't have much of a choice. When you are on vacation you will pretty much fish during a monsoon. Us locals are just kind of waiting our time and there is always the group that will go out at prime time. When the sun is about an hour from going down the pontoons will slip away from docks and small outboards will be started. Bows will push small waves as the fishermen start their trolling runs. Row boats will be pushed off and oars will slip in to calm flat waters and strokes will be counted off before the boat is allowed to coast to a stop over a brush pile dropped long ago. Jigs will be lowered to waiting crappies and supper will be caught. The sound of sucker minnows hanging below big bobbers will land with a splash off docks as still others pull up a chair to watch the sun set on their bobbers.

Wood smoke will tickle the nose and voices carry far on the calm waters. A few rain drops may fall and umbrellas will open. Beer bottles will be held with hands covering the tops so the rain will not get in and dilute the beverage. Smoke will roll off the fires and hopefully keep the skeeters from the marsh at bay. Gulls will fly by in ones and twos going where ever is they go at sunset and crows will fly by in threes making enough racket that it sounds like there are many more of them. Has been a wet summer so far but all in all it is still better than a lot of places where the tourists are here to get away from. From a mid summer's day here at Lake Iwanttobethere {360,882}



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HIYA from beautiful Lake Iwanttobethere, come join us and wade in our warm waters and walk on our sand covered beaches while taking in the deep smells of hundred year old pines. Walk our many trails around the lake and discover hidden catches of agates. Catch stringers of fish from secluded bays and get to see wild life close up. Partake in the antics of scampering chipmunks seeking hand outs while eagles and hawks soar overhead. Be careful driving our roads, as our deer and moose are curious and may step out in front of you. Black bears and red foxes may delight you at several popular spots. Gather around the campfires at dusk to build smores and you may hear the howling of a distant timber wolf or the screeching of an owl. The sound of a wailing loon will be a sure thing to make that loved one of yours sit a little closer to you. The sky is so clear here at night you can't tell the difference between a star and a firefly. Lake Iwanttobethere, you should be here..

I was just looking over the brochures that Skinny dropped off this morning here at the Lodge. The town fathers hired some guys from the big city to write up and print brochures that are going out to surrounding towns advertising Lake Iwanttobethere We in turn will show off their flyers in a mutual sharing of advertising. As a matter of fact I have a whole box of flyers from surrounding towns in a box under the basement stairs here at the Lodge, all you need do is ask and we can dig them out for ya.

From the flag pole out in front of the Lodge below the American flag and the Lake Iwanttobethere flag another flag is flying today. We, that is the town has been placed on a heat index warning for the weekend. Not something we do often and most people don't have a clue as to what it means. The flag hangs downward as there is not a breath of wind today and already it is ninety in the shade. Humidity is way up and no one is moving to fast around town. As a matter of fact when I left the cabin this morning Duncan was chasing one of the cats and they were both walking.

Gus has the BBQ burning and there will be no cooking inside the Lodge today. The ice storage building is open and locals as well as tourists are welcomed to go in and sit on the ice blocks for a spell. Of course we do have a couple of kegs of Hamms resting on ice and I will bet we will be tapping another before this day is done. Did have some outside work that needed to be done but that is on hold for the weekend. Local county fair is going on but with the heat warning some of the farmers have decide not to bring their livestock in. I had heard that the fair is going to stay open till one in the morning so people can still enjoy the rides in hopefully cooler weather.

I am thinking about going fishing but not till it gets later in the evening, Today is more of a day for just sitting in the shade or in the basement tinkering. I do have to go to the Chicken Shack before the day is out, I have a "Frequent Fryer " coupon that is going to expire here and I need to use it. Maybe I'll make a stop out on the highway and see how about getting a deal on some fresh corn and maybe a watermelon from the farmer's market. Right now though the thick heavy logs of the Lodge are keeping it comfortable in here and as long as we keep the drapes closed people think we are closed. Poor Gus out at the BBQ is staying busy though but he is enjoying being surrounded my tourists in halters tops and bathing suits. From Lake Iwanttobethere {363,144}

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Well, we all know that it is hot! Not only here at Lake Iwanttobethere but pretty much everywhere. High temp for the day was ninety-seven with eighty percent humidity just outside of the pink fish cleaning house. You can imagine the smell down wind from that place. Sheriff Tim was called to this end of the lake on an assault call. As the story goes Elmer was sitting on our park bench in the town when yet another tourist asked him if it was Hot enough for him. Elmer is a patient man but sitting in ninety plus degree heat, dripping sweat from his brow and not being able to lick his ice cream cone quickly enough to keep up with the melt was enough. He reportedly tossed the cone and some remarks at the tourist. The cone landed in the mans portable fan that he was carrying and splatter on his wife and son. The wife and son licking the ice cream from their faces turned and walked over to Jean and Stan's ice cream truck where as the man took offense to Elmers actions. Sheriff Tim arrived to find Elmer still sitting on the park bench but the man and his wife were long gone. The wife was overheard telling her husband to leave the old folks alone. He was lucky as Elmer's next stop was the smores cart and he was eyeing the long forks for cooking the marshmallows.

Yes, it is hot here at the Lake, even the heavy logs of the Lodge are heating up and the ceiling fans are on high trying to create a breeze. The golf course was kind of busy, at least the first three holes were. But there is a big rest lean to on the fourth tee with vending machines and Mike several years ago installed beer in one of the converted soda machines. After putting in several anchors so the local teenagers could not remove the beer machine it is a popular place to pause and take in some suds. It being as hot as it was yesterday most of the tourists joined the locals and just stop playing golf after the third hole. The fourth tee is out of eyesight from the clubhouse so there were several wives waiting for their husbands to appear when their round was supposed to be over.

Mabels Steam and Sauna was another popular place, not for the sauna but for her bottle spring water that she bottles right in the basement of her business. An underground spring bubbles up there and she has been doing business for years selling the nearly ice cold water to several eating establishments in the big city. Here it is kind of an unkempt secret as outside of her door she has a drinking fountain that is always on and after you have drank your fill you can go inside and buy some of the tasty water in bottles to take with you. Tourists are always happy to see that she sells her water for quarters not dollars. As she says it is just water.

Today looks like another excuse to cook outdoors for supper. I can almost taste that steak sizzling on the grill along with a couple of ears of sweet corn that have been soaked in spring water before being roasted over the hots coals of the grill. Add some of the wife's homemade potato salad with some baby tatters from the garden and some farm fresh eggs. A newly open jar of pickles from the pantry and maybe a beer poured into a frosty mug from the freezer and the night might just be bearable. I am hoping Sunshine Ray is right and the worst is almost over. It is going to be hot for the rest of the week but will cool off enough when the sun goes down that the cabin will cool down. Fishing for the past few days has been slow and most boats are out at the crack of dawn and back on trailers well before mid day. Afternoons have been spent watching grass grow and looking for ways to distract the wife long enough to get to the fridge and grab a beer. Not all that bad of a way to spend a summer day, it is supposed to be hot in the summer, for at least a week anyway, from Lake Iwanttobethere {364,837}

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This should be an interesting day here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Morning temperature is a very comfortable sixty-eight but Sunshine Ray is calling for a high of ninety-five. Some brisk winds out of the South that feel good now but if it gets hot them southern winds are going to make us feel like a piece of chicken on an oven rack. Yesterday was bearable only because the afternoon was filled with thunderstorms rolling in one after the other. Spent a considerable amount of time on the covered swing with bare feet resting on the wet deck and water dripping off the overhead cover. Barney finally got out of the lake and laid under one of the work trailers in a hole that Bud had dug earlier. Can't blame them, I was thinking that cool spot under the trailer was looking good myself. Duncan well Duncan is a puppy it does not matter if it is ninety out, he runs circles around the other dogs and then just falls to the grass and takes a puppy nap. We have learned when Duncan sleeps it is a good time catch some rest yourself.

This morning I had to come into the Lodge a little early to do some screen repair. I had a call that last night the Lodge was under attack by some giant mosquitoes. A tourist was sitting at a table by the window when he looked up and saw several as he described HUGE mosquitoes lifting the screen out of the window. He also said he saw a pack of them hovering behind the others waiting to attack. He used his beer mug to attack the intruders putting several holes in the screen. This allowed the mosquitoes into the Lodge where for some reason panic got other patrons involved in swatting at mosquitoes whether they were there or not. Gus was in the kitchen making onion rings for today when he came out to see the Lodge looking like something from a Mel Brooks movie fight scene.

One particular gentleman who had been in the Lodge for most of the evening was to say it mildly drunk. He also had some kind of thing for large flying bugs. When one of the mosquito Hawks landed on his shoulder he kind of lost it. It took several minutes for him to focus on his shoulder and he told Sheriff Tim that at first he thought that someone had just rested their hand on his shoulder. When he realized it was a huge mosquito his only thought was to cover his beer and hit the switch for the siren on the wall. Being a past patron he knew that the red switch on the wall was for summoning help and with people swinging tablecloths and all the yelling going on he thought it was his civic duty to hit the "switch"

The rotating siren on the roof slowly started to gain volume as it gained speed. I heard it sitting on my swing and I figured it was a warning for another thunderstorm coming in. I had just open a Hamms and sat back on the swing so I didn't think to much about it. My volunteer fire department pager I did not hear go off as Duncan was carrying it around in his mouth inside the cabin. His mouth makes for a very soundproof location. Luckily several other town firemen did have their pagers with them and they stopped swinging at the mosquitoes to see what the call was for.

With the arrival of the first fire truck and Sheriff Tim's cruiser lights flashing through the torn screen calm was soon restored. Elmer walked in the door in full firefighters gear carrying his axe. Sounding like Darth Vader but wearing bright yellow he cleared a path to the wall switch for the siren and hitting it with the butt of his axe the siren's wail started to fade. Popping his face mask off he set it top of the bar and pulling his fire glove off his hand reached down to the bar top and held up a huge mosquito between his fingers. It's a crane fly ! He walked to the shattered screen and released the fly into the night. Guys looked at their feet and shuffled a little as Elmer walked past them back to the bar. Sheriff Tim and Elmer exchanged looks and then asked Gus for a couple of "Cold Ones" from Lake Iwanttobethere {365,566}

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Change over day here at the lake and after a week of heat it might be the best day for those leaving and the new ones arriving. Sunshine Ray is calling for a week of temperatures in the middle seventies with just a slight chance of rain each day. Looks like a good fishing week to me except for one small problem. Bugs! The sketters had a great hatch the last few days and they are roaming the town in packs. You can hear them coming if you listen for them and that is in the middle of the day. Evenings are best close to the fire pit and some green wood to make smoke is almost a must. I have cleared my calendar and am going to get some fishing in and maybe travel to a few of the farther bays where I have in the past done well this time of year.

Yesterday was Bud day and no not the beer. It was my dog Buddy's day to get some attention. Well he always gets some but yesterday the daughter took Duncan to show him off to some friends and Barney went fishing with Elmer and Pepper. The afternoon was spent with me and Bud sitting on the swing and enjoying some much better weather. Still hot and sunny but that humidity has gone down and now you didn't have to change shirts a couple of times a day. I gave Bud a good bath, cleaned his ears out and gave him a good inspection. With Buddy and Barney having turned eleven just a few months ago he needs more of that good loving. We took a walk on the trail behind the cabin and we did not pop any grouse up but we did see a fawn. Bud just looked and the fawn scampered away back into the deeper brush. Bud waging his tail just looked at me and we both just shared the moment.

Back at the cabin we made the circuit of the grounds, I followed him as he pointed out where the rabbit that Duncan has been chasing has been hiding. We walked along the edge of the wife's flower garden and Bud kept looking back over his shoulder to see if I was still with him. I think he was checking to make sure I didn't step on the flowers. Tomatoes are doing well in the pots, mostly the small cherry tomatoes and there are a lot of them, two were ripe and I plucked them. I ate one and Bud got the other. Bud likes tomatoes almost as much as he likes raiding the strawberry patch and eating the ripe ones. Big vegetable garden needs some serious weeding, the rain and then the heat has really gotten the plants making up for lost time. I wish I could say the same for my apple trees, this year looks like it is going to be an off year for them. I better start making some inquires as to the state of other apple trees as I will have to find a source if I want pies this fall.

After the inspection of the grounds were made we went and sat for a spell in the wood shop. I have a few projects scattered on the tables but it has been to warm to spend any time on them. Next stop was the boat house and Bud took a dip in the lake as I sat in the shade and watched. It was not all wasted time as I was making a mental list of things that I need to do around the place. Of course I do have the problem that there may be things lost when transferring the stuff to the Honey do list. However I do have a list close at hand and I added that I needed some blue skirts for the spinner bait box and some more bug spray. As long as I was close to the Puddle Humper I thought it was a good idea to check on it. By this time Bud had come out of the water and waited till he was close to me before he gave a good shake. Water sprayed all over me but I just reached down and patted his side and told him "Thanks Buddy"

We wander up the ankle deep grass to the deck where we both sat on the swing and rocked some more. The wife came out and asked if I was going to cut the grass, I looked at Bud and he looked back at me and shook his head no. " Bud says no" is all I told the wife and we went back to swinging, from Lake Iwanttobethere {366,575}

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One of them days, went fishing last night because I could. The first thing that went wrong is that everything was going just right. I decide to head on over to Bacon Bay and do a little Northern fishing and maybe pick up a bass or two. The weather looked good for doing some buzz fishing and after the long stretch of hot weather I was looking for some relaxing time out on the water. I pulled out of the drive, put flame to a cigar and turn on the radio to find an afternoon baseball game on. Miles went by quickly between the play by play and the smoke rings. For a Sunday afternoon the highway was busy, thing is everyone seem to be going in the opposite direction. I soon gave up trying to count all the different boats heading to where I had just been.

I made the turn to the Bacon Bay landing and after a few minutes of winding single lane dirt road I came around the corner to find the landing... Empty! That was a surprise for a Sunday afternoon. I prepped the boat and backed the trailer into the water I got out and huffed and puffed trying to get the Puddle Humper off the trailer but nothing was happening. I pulled the trailer back out of the water to find a transom strap still attached, can't remember the last time I had done that. With the strap off the Puddle Humper slid into the calm water and I parked the Tahoe and climbed in. I grabbed the buzz bait rod and made the first cast to where the channel for the landing cuts through the reeds. Smack! A twenty-four inch northern took the buzz and a minute later it was back in the water swimming away. That is when I thought to myself it was going to be one of them days.

Forty-five minutes later my buddy Chuck calls me on the cell phone which I never have on but for some reason did, another sign of bad things to happen. We chatted for a few minutes and I told him I had caught but one fish so far, it was not looking good. But mother nature was biting, me. I looked down and saw a mess of gray flies swarming around the bottom of the boat and three of them had attached themselves to my ankle, if one had not been so greedy biting me they might have all got a piece of me. Using my hat as a fly swatter I made a counter attack and drove some of them off. Bug spray came out and pants went on. A few hours later and I was about ready to call it an evening, A few bass were missed and few small northerns caught and I was escorted around by a beaver that kept slapping it's tail on the water either warning or scattering any fish for me.

I did manage to catch a decent northern that went just a tad over seven pounds. We had a little tussle just off a mess of Lilly pads that it was hiding under. I took a few pictures and a quick weight before he covered me in water when I released him. I went back to sit in the front seat of the Puddle Humper and finish up the stretch of shoreline that ended at the boat landing. It took me awhile as the battery on the trolling motor died, Can't remember the last time that has ever happen either, I knew it was just going to be one of them days.

All in all it was not a bad time though, I always catch more fish when I am fishing than when I am back at the cabin just wishing. I loaded up the Puddle Humper and made my way back down the winding road to the highway. I pointed the Tahoe in the direction of home and with the radio on quietly I ate my last bologna sandwich and started thinking about where I should fish next. I am hoping for "One of them Days" but only a good one. From Lake Iwanttobethere {367,741}

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Livin here at the cabin at Lake Iwanttobethere for the most part has been a good experience. Of course it does kind of make me a little set in my ways and I share my thoughts freely with friends, family and of course readers on the Internet. Some of my life long ideas are not shared by others who may read these fine articles. I have a few pet peeves and I have a few golden rules, I am sure I have touched on some of them over the course of several years writings. One such rule is simple, but yet there are still people who can not agree with me. If and when you see a mosquito, Kill it! So as I rub lotion on my leg from the bites I received last night when I fell asleep on the swing I thought I would just share that with you.

OK later this week a few of my nephews will be here to spend some time camping on the shores of beautiful Lake Iwanttobethere. Elmer is already thinking of ways of making their adventure something to remember. The young lads who are now in their twenties have reached the point in their life's where they have become expert outdoors men. They have been to the box stores and spoken with untold numbers of part time high school kids about GPS units, fire starters and dehydrate food pouches. The last few summers have gotten more interesting as they no longer come up with their uncles and prefer to rough it on their own. This in the past meant pitching a tent close to the waters edge here on the property but now this summer they are going to set off to one of the more isolated bays.

I have gotten a few e-mail's from them as they are in the final planning stages of packing and are just finishing up watching season two of Survival Man. Gary even sent me a picture of all the belly button fuzz he has been collecting since mid winter, of course it will be used as fire starter along with the nine volt battery and wire that he has packed in a zip-lock bag knock off he bought at the dollar store.

I did go fishing again last night to a place that we call Raspberry Bay. Normally this time of the year it is a quiet landing and it proved to be just that last night. But even with no waiting it took me longer than usual to launch the Puddle Humper because as the name implies there were Raspberries everywhere. I found myself pulling a few off the bushes just for a taste and then looking in the truck for something to do some serious picking. I told myself I would pick till someone else came wanting to use the landing but no one else showed. With a coffee can full of berries I figured I had better get some fishing in as that is what I came for.

Having fixed all the problems that happen the other day I figured fishing was going to be better, I was right. The first cast I had a fish hit and I missed it. Yup, it was going to be a better night. Three hours later and I had boated a handful of hammer handle northerns and a dozen bass. Several were decent size with one right at three pounds. Had a good stretch of water as in five minutes I caught the three pounder and then pulled three more two pounders out from under a dock. I figured anything after that was just gravy and so I missed my next three fish. Wind was out of the West and would not die. It kept the biting flies away but I was thinking the landing will have it's share of sketters. Dark clouds were coming in over the horizon when I decided to leave a little early. Another surprise, the landing was sketter free and I listen to the baseball game on the truck radio as I picked weeds off the Puddle Humper and took my time loading. This was a lot more like summer is supposed to be I was thinking out loud. With bologna sandwich in hand and the baseball game still on the radio I pulled out of the landing and headed home, I only had to stop once to let a doe and fawn cross the road. From Lake Iwanttobethere {370,792}

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From time to time a man has to make a tuff call, a decision needs to be made and in the course of that decision life's will change. I had one of those calls to make just the other day. Should I go get some work done or should I go fishing.... I decide to go fishing, da

But you say that is an easy call and you would have made the same call but it opens up many other decisions that had to be made, First off is the rescheduling of the tree that I was supposed to trim for a neighbor down the road that was offering to pay me to play with my chain saw. I figured the tree had been there longer then I have been alive and unless a freak storm came and blew it down it would still be there when I got around to it. Then of course there was the matter of the current heat and humidity. I would rather be in a boat sweating then covered in pine needles and pesky flies sweating. Next decision was what bay on Lake Iwanttobethere should I fish on. Raspberry bay was a thought as I know I could pick more berries but then I would not be fishing would I.

I decide on Stump Bay, a little out of the way and a pretty decent drive as I have to go around the lake to get to it and there is a lot of county road construction going on. But the day was still pretty early and I decide to go there. I asked Chuck if he was interested but he was busy doing something with his big four wheeler. He was making some kind of attachment to hold his weedwackers so he could drive and mow at the same time. I thought it best that I did not get involved as I saw Elmer heading in his direction with duct tape and welding rods.

So with little fanfare I got the brown paper bag lunch from the fridge added a few bottles of water to the cooler and drove off to Stump Bay. I drove the Dodge as I still like to put some miles on it every now and then. As I drove along I had to hum to myself as the radio no longer works. I forgot about the holes in the floor boards to till I hit the dirt road and had to move the floor mats over the holes to keep the dust down. I was just a few miles out from the landing when I saw that the road had been recently graded. Matter of fact it looked like my truck tracks were the only ones. I came around a sharp corner to find Frank the plow driver's grader parked on the shoulder and Frank no where in sight. Checking the little clock that is stuck on the dash of the Dodge with double face tape I saw that it was still lunch time and I was guessing that Frank was fishing the little trout stream that is within walking distance of his rig.

A few miles later and I was at the isolated landing to Stump Bay and with no mishaps I was soon casting a buzz bait on the calm waters. A few hours later and I was still casting and not doing any catching. I was second guessing myself and thinking I could have been picking raspberries and catching fish by now. So this is where you would expect to read about how fishing improved and I started to catch fish or I caught a really nice fish or lost a huge one. Well, it didn't happen, matter of fact fishing was so slow I put the Puddle Humper on the trailer with a couple of hours of sunlight still left in the sky. Sometimes fishing is slow and sometimes you just make a bad call. I didn't get skunked as I caught one lonely bass and a few northerns not even big enough for canning jar Missed one fish that might have had some size but nothing to talk about because I didn't really even get a good look. Just a big hole in the water where he or she hit.

Suppose to rain today so I am going to go cut that tree, don't want to waste a good day working when I can be fishing later in the week. Before you say anything about me breaking the law about running a chain saw on the weekend I am not going to really cut the tree, but just spend time drinking a few beers with the neighbor and discuss how we will cut the tree down, someday. From Lake Iwanttobethere {373,606}


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Well, Duncan is on a roll! I am sure by now all of you know about my new chocolate lab Duncan. The bundle of energy has stirred the quiet cabin into controlled chaos at times. The interaction between the three cats and him can be tracked through the cabin by the sound of feet scratching on the hardwood floors, the breaking of flower pots and the mountain lion screeches of the small Siamese cat that we call Mama. In the past twenty-four hours we celebrated the six month birthday of Duncan and I will share with you what he has done. We begin with the daughter sitting on one of the wooden deck chairs and calling Duncan. Duncan with a running start jumped into the daughters lap making her lean back in the chair and causing the chair to collapse beneath her and Duncan's weight. No one was hurt but the chair was declared a total loss and added to the burn pile at the edge of the fire pit. The chair came from a set of four that are sixteen years old and the wife has now declared that we need to replace the entire set.

This morning I was woke up by the whimpering of Duncan as he had crawled under the bed and could not get back out. He has grown so large that in order to get under the bed he has to spread his legs out and no longer can he get any purchase with his paws on the hardwood floor. I know this because I had to get out of bed and get on the floor and pull him out. Since we were up I decide I would run into the Lodge to get some end of the month paper work done. The wife told me to take MY dog with me. We arrived at the Lodge after first making a stop at the Gas-N-Go for orange juice and the Sunday paper. This is when I was reminded that the Tahoe has electric locks and when a dog jumps up and their paw lands on the switch all the locks on all of the doors lock.

Twenty minutes later the wife arrived with Bud and Barney and the spare set of keys. She took the paper and left me with all the dogs and something about spending the rest of the day home alone. Duncan having been locked in the Tahoe for over twenty minutes now wanted to run around the parking lot barking and Bud and Barney joined in. They don't have a clue as to what they are barking about but it seemed like the thing to do. Several minutes later with the help of some old Danish I lure everyone back into the Tahoe and we arrive at the Lodge. Barney heads down to the fishing dock, Bud heads to see if there is anything on the BBQ and Duncan is struck by a puppy nap and hits the floor outside of my office.

Gus comes in the back door and I hold my finger up to my lips in the universal sign of "Quiet" Gus looks down at the sleeping Duncan and makes exaggerated display of walking on his tippy toes. If you ever saw Gus you would know he was mocking me. Duncan opens one eye to see if I had moved and was soon back asleep. Bud had followed Gus in and stepping over Duncan entered the office and took his place up on the small couch that we discovered when we remodeled. Soon Bud to was asleep as everyone has learn to take advantage of Duncan and his puppy naps.

We should weigh Duncan to keep a record of his growth and I am thinking I will try and bring him down to Ma and Pa's grocery today, they have a floor scale there. The Feed Mill does not want him around after he was there last month and knocked over the crate of chickens and then chased them through the mill. To his credit no chicken was hurt and they were all recovered. I must admit I was standing and watching like a proud papa as he scattered them chickens and picked out the big one to run down. Looking at him sleeping in the doorway who would have thunk... From Lake Iwanttobethere {375,732}

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wonderful! i baby sat my daughters golden lab pup yesterday and some today before the proud parents took him away from me cry. we put our two dogs to sleep a couple of years ago and swore we would never again go through the pain of loosing our loved pets. well it's wearing thin now.

i have Koda from my youngest daughter, and Hank which we baby sat this weekend. what a joy to have. he chewed my favorite deck of cards last night. big dummy me, forgot to bring up the bone i cooked and preped for him. threw up some junk on our bed and more. i loved every minute of it. what a great pup. everywhere i go he follows me. especialy in the kitchen of course. well i guess i didn't have the adventures you had, for you have the fortune of having that loving pup at all times but, i may be ready again. not two this time. just one. just one. good luck.

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So I am back in the cabin after taking a break from working on Elmers Ark.... I mean really it can stop raining. My rain gage this morning was just at three inches when I dumped it out, rain barrels have long ago been filled and are shedding water through the overflow hole. Big garden looks once again like a rice paddy and I think I can hear the tomatoes pleading for the rain to stop. Duncan does not care as he is repeatedly at the deck door wanting to get outside. When the door is open he bolts out and runs and bounces through the wet grass and falling rain. I'm trying to remember what it was like to run in the rain and not have a care in the world. Bud and Barney stand at the door and just look at me and then look back out at Duncan running. I open the door for them and they just look up at me and in their eyes I can see what they are thinking. " I ain't going out there"

Calendar rests on a new month and I have a lot of days circled with penciled notations for planned fishing trips. Big x for today as it is still raining as I write this and more to come. I didn't say anything as the wife tapped me on the arm and pointed to the open Honey Do List on the kitchen counter. Between rain showers yesterday I managed to check off a few items, I had cleaned out all three trucks, bolted the tool box back on the Dodge, found out that the old bolts had worn holes through the aluminum and were no longer holding the box on. I noticed this the other day when I went through a big pot hole and I thought I saw the tool box jump up in the rear view mirror. I even managed to empty it and throw away a bunch of empty oil bottles and forgotten empty bags from the Masterbaiters Shop.

Spent time in the greenhouse but that was mostly spent listening to the sound of rain drops splatter on the roof and blowing smoke rings from my cigar. My apple trees are bare, not a single apple hangs from a branch. I will have to go elsewhere to find fruit for my pies. Maybe I can get some of the grand kids to assist me in some raiding. Now I am not promoting the theft of apples but if I get permission before hand the grand kids need not know that it is OK. I mean really, raiding apple trees is a rite of passage and as a grandfather I should, no it is my duty to provide the chance to get this merit badge. I make a note on my secret computer calendar about "apple tree raids" as a reminder.

I sit back in my chair here at the den desk and look out the window and see the rain has stopped for a moment. Having just written about apple trees I look at the one right outside my window and there is an apple! And below it two more. Can it be? Ed and Eddy did not eat all the small apples and missed a few, or maybe it has been all of this rain and they are just now starting to appear. I will have to keep an eye on that apple but I am still going to take the kids on a raid or two.

So I guess I should get to work on that do list, maybe I will find something that will be interesting and not take the afternoon to finish. If it does stop raining I can always go and drown a sucker off the dock. Maybe clean a reel and sharpen a few spinner bait hooks. Today was to be a fishing day so I don't feel right about not spending it in some way related to fishing. The wife reads this over my shoulder and walks out of the den, she rolls her eyes at me just like Bud and Barney did when I asked them about going outside. She lets Duncan in from outside and he runs to the den where he stops, looks at me and then shakes water from his coat all over the floor. Yes, it can stop raining anytime now, from Lake Iwanttobethere {381,136}


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Friday and it looks like another good day to be fishing instead of wishing. Went fishing last night with the youngest daughter who actually came to me and asked if we could get out. Don't have to ask me twice and I told her she was in charge and I will just come along for the ride. I went out and sat on the covered swing and Duncan jumped up and sat next to me for awhile till he saw a butterfly and had to go give chase. Bud took his place and we watched as the daughter got rods from the rod locker and tied up baits to her rods. Clouds drifted overhead and although it was getting warm it was not uncomfortable. Twenty minutes or so passed and she told me that we were almost ready to go. I grabbed the camera and my wallet and I was ready, everything else is always in the Tahoe and the Puddle Humper was still hitched up from the last trip.

Daughter came out with the cooler and a change of clothes and we were rolling down the drive. At the bottom I asked her "Where to" she looked to the left and said "How about Passing Wind Point" I nodded in agreement and we turned left. Passing Wind is a secret name for a bay we fish with the kids a lot when they were young. It got it's name from when we would do shore lunches on a point that the kids would swim off and the one and only time Elmer made shore lunch after a breakfast of beans. It was not really that bad but kids seem to remember little things and over the course of years the incident has grown and Passing Wind Point is now forever linked with Elmer and beans.

I backed the trailer into the water and the daughter took care of the rest, no need for me to get my feet wet so I parked the Tahoe in the bushes and grabbed my glasses and hat. I arrived at the boat to find the daughter missing, I glanced around and mutter to myself where did she go when she surfaced. All in her plans no sooner had she pulled the Puddle Humper on shore then she went swimming. She climbed up over the transom and sat in the back seat, water dripping all over the carpet and shook her head of hair like the dogs do. I pushed the boat off shore and climbed in myself, I don't hop anymore. My daughter grabbed one of her rod's and before I could settle in she was already fishing.

Fishing was a little slow, the little bass were biting and so we were blaming them for not letting us catch any bigger fish. Bluegills were everywhere and they were always nipping at the tails of our trailers on the spinnerbaits. We would set the hooks and come up with nothing. The daughter found a bag of little gulps in the plastic box and soon she was retying her ultra light with a beetle spin and tipping it with the gulps. Now she was working the bluegills over and soon they were coming one after another over the side of the boat. The daughter is twenty-four but she was back fishing like she was eight. I was hearing squeals and laughter and the sounds of her coaxing little ones to bite. A bigger bass floated under the boat with it's posse of sunnies and the daughter went quiet as she tried to entice the bigger bass to bite. Suddenly it did and I heard the drag scream and then the disappointment and the kid in her as the bass got off, and of course the complaint of it "Took My Bait"

Clouds disappeared and it got hot, we went to the shoreline where a large stand of trees gave us some shade. The cooler was open and the daughter tossed me a ham sandwich, oreo cookies and sliced watermelon. I can't tell you how good that watermelon tasted on the hot summer day. We took a break, drank water and returned to fishing. I'm no dummy and I tied on a beetle spin and joined her, soon I to was peering into the clear water coaxing a sunny to just go ahead and take it. From Lake Iwanttobethere{387,531}

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To warm in the cabin to do any writing so I brought the laptop outside to the swing. The afternoon sunshine has given way to a darkening sky as a front is moving through and Sunshine Ray is calling for rain tonight and tomorrow. Dogs are being busy as they spent most of the day in the bedroom with the ac on but have now come outside to join me. Duncan is on a mission of sorts as he is carrying rocks from the rock garden over to the pool on the deck and dropping them in. Both Buddy and Barney are watching and keep looking in my direction, I don't know if they are waiting for me to do something or not. So I will continue to just ignore all of them and keep an eye towards the sky and the dark clouds.

I was going to start a fire in the pit but that may have to wait for awhile as the winds are pretty brisk. After fishing yesterday afternoon and mowing most of this afternoon I have had enough sun and just sitting here with a cold one is working out just fine. Got the radio on and the baseball game has just started so this might just turn into a nice summer's evening. The rain along with all the heat we have gotten in the past few weeks has done miracles to the gardens. Ripening tomatoes in the pots on the deck and our own raspberries are now ready to be harvested. The granddaughter will be coming over in the morning so we will put her to work. She is just the right height for picking berries that I would have to bend over for.

Picked up some sweet corn from the farmers stand out on the main highway this morning. Little on the small size and he wanted grocery store price for them. I haggled some but he was pretty firm. Ended up with a dozen ears that even though they were small were still pretty tasty when I had a few at lunch. Apple trees have fooled me, now that I saw a few apples hanging from one of them the other day even more are showing up, might get me a few pies after all this fall. Got a call from Gus down at the Lodge today while I was mowing, good excuse for a break so I took the call. Seems while he was doing some cleaning in the basement of the Lodge he found a half dozen dusty bottles of some TJ Swan wine in a box marked "Taxes" they have not made that stuff in twenty years so we will be holding on to it till someone offers us big bucks. I think we might have paid a buck and a half a bottle for it. I bet Elmer will go as high as ten dollars a bottle as I remember him being a big fan of it with his pizza.

I went back to mowing thinking about the old wine and also thinking a bottle of Special Export beer would taste good, green death we used to call it as it came in a green bottle. But if memory serves me right they have not made it for over a dozen years and I doubt if you could find any of it on a shelf. Besides wine gets better with age, I am not so sure about beer. This story is spread over two days as I did end up setting the laptop down as the granddaughter came over early. We went and picked berries and then roasted some corn over a small fire in the pit. I thought I had my days mixed up but what actually happen is that her and the wife headed out early this morning to hit rummage sales. I kept an eye on the sky and the rain finally did hit the lake around noon today, still raining as I write this so fishing might not happen today.

Tomorrow we will be fishing, a cooler day is in the forecast and the daughter will join me in a little fishing challenge against her brother and some of his friends. Del is taking a day off from the Pizza and Sub shop and is predicting that he will out fish me. If you want a reminder that you are getting old a good one is when you follow your son and his boat and trailer down the road. It seems that just yesterday he was sitting in the seat next to me eating licorice and playing with night crawlers in the bait box. So it goes, another day and another fish to chase here at Lake Iwanttobethere {389,432}

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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