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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Busy day here at the lake. Looking over the wife's Honey Do List and my own list I am looking for things I can check off to make it look like I have been doing something. No luck so far. Didn't get out fishing yesterday, was loading the Puddle Humper when there was a small problem over at Elmers cabin. Pepper was in hot pursuit of not one but two squirrels She was so close that she didn't notice that the ground had changed to tree bark and she ran herself right up the side of the big maple. She found herself about twenty feet up and decide just to sit on a big limb and bark. Well no way was she coming back down on her own so we set off in search of a ladder. Elmers wood ladder is as old as Elmer is so no one was going to even think about climbing up that. Chucks ladder had been used to shore up a weak railing on his pontoon boat. He had it attached with about a thousand zip ties. My ladder, well when Skinny and Hammering Hank came over to fix Elmers window they used my ladder and just stuck it back on their truck.

Frank the plow driver showed up about then he was in the grader and had just made a pass up my driveway. He heard all the barking and seeing the situation he put out a call for the volunteer fire department. Not a minute later and we could hear the wailing of the siren on the roof of the Lodge. Not soon after the beepers that Elmer, Chuck and I wear went off with Elmers address on it. Mark the mailman showed up first. He tied the mail boat off on the dock and came up carrying a fire bucket. Gus the paper boy rammed the shore with his boat and bounded over the top. In a few minuets everyone was there including Hank and Skinny and my ladder. Well Mike from the junkyard climbed up and brought Pepper down. The rest of the guys just kind of chatted and an impromptu fire hall meeting was held. Elmer had a case of cold Hamms with two bottles missing and he brought that out to pass around.

Skinny asked why Pepper was chasing the squirrels. Yesterday they had fixed the broken window and also had put a patch on the hole in the eve. Skinny had even went so far as to put a Do Not Enter sign on the roof for the squirrels.. Pepper was just being Pepper. Mike from the junkyard came over and asked me about the old stove that I had on the deck. I told him I was going to bring that down to him. He asked what is wrong and I told him the oven was not working. He said he would take it or free as he had a use for another stove and he didn't bake anyway. I helped him load it on his truck. Well I directed as several other guys did the actual lifting. Well with the Hamms gone everyone started to leave. Too late to go fishing now but I went back in and looked over the do list. Hmm I got out the red pencil and marked off, Stove to the dump, get ladder back, Test siren at Lodge, fix driveway and set up this months fire dept. meeting. I return to the deck and sat down on the swing. The wife came home and looking over the do list she said I must be feeling better as look at all the work I got done.

Of course that was all yesterday and today is another day. She is off to work and here I am with the do list. Can't even take a nap today as tonight I have a appointment in the city for a sleep test. Doc Burriem thinks it is a good idea. Just think they pay people to watch you sleep. My wife has been doing that for years. Watching me sleep that is. She says my snoring keeps her awake. So no nap today, have to stay up so I can sleep tonight with some stranger watching me. That should be interesting. From Lake Iwanttobethere [77816]

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Well silent Sunday here at the lake. A light drizzle falling as it has been wet the past three days. Rain barrels are all full and the garden is pretty soft to go and walk on. A few projects on the Honey Do list have had to be postpone due to the rain. Staining the deck will have to wait till later in the week. The old goose which I have failed to talk about very much this year has left my shore. With the opening sound of gunfire on Saturday he made one last rush at Bud and then took wing and headed out over the lake. Have not seen him since and will not know if he made it till next Spring when he does or does not show back up. The General Store is also our big game weigh in station and Earl mention he already had a few bear brought in. Nothing real big and the scales at the store were more then enough. Pa from Ma and Pa's grocery has one of the bears in his meat cooler.

I did go fishing on Friday afternoon, rain or no rain I was going to go out. It was just a 20% chance of rain according to Stormy Clearweather and I guess I was on the part of the lake where the 20 % was because it rained off and on the entire time I was there. Fishing was slow and I was having second thoughts about fishing the bay I was in then right around six or so I started catching fish. In the next hour I caught four bass and six northerns. Had a few follows and splashes at the side of the Puddle Humper and lost a decent fish who ran at the boat and then flipped the lure back at me. Second time out with the new boat seats and I am adjusting to them. First time I felt like I was going to fall out of the boat but now they are not so bad. Actually they have a lot more cush then the old ones did and I think the next time I go out I will just take them for granted. I do need to figure out a way that I can put a holder for my umbrella on them so I can still cast in the rain. When it did rain a little hard on Friday I just open the big umbra and took time to have a sandwich and watch a loon who floated close to me. Shoreline is all green still and I saw only one tree that was turning some color. A little yellow on the leaves. Water had cooled some and it won't be long till you will see some changes along the shoreline.

Actually it was a pretty quiet time on the water. Almost no wind and just a light rain. One deer standing along the shoreline looking like a lawn decoration. Not till I had moved pass did she move her head and go back to raiding the garden she was in. Several geese in another, in different poses standing, sitting they looked like a spread of decoys. No one out and no lights on any of the cabins that I went by. Several docks already pulled up on shore and boats missing from lifts. The drive back to the cabin at dusk showed several woodcock in my headlights along the dirt road. Only one deer which I thought was unusual. Got home and tucked the Puddle Humper into the boat house. Just in time as it started to rain harder. Made a list of things to put back in the Humper, With fall here, and I hate to say that, an extra change of clothes and a jacket need to go in the boat. Some hand warmers and even a pair of gloves. This next week will be the last quiet week in the woods and then the bird hunters will be out in full force next weekend. Four wheelers will be heard putting through the woods and the sound of gunfire will not even make you lift your head.

School bus makes it's early morning run and late in the afternoon you get to see the kids who live here at Lake Iwanttobethere get off. A long day for them on the bus and maybe even a longer day for their moms waiting for them to return. Grand kids will only be here on the weekend now and there is a change in the air. Best to take the time and enjoy the change. From a quiet Sunday here at Lake Iwanttobethere [78252]

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Well sometime during the night Mother Nature left her warning. Got cold last night and this morning the Dodges windows are wet. Not saying there was frost but it got cool. Not a cloud in the sky this morning so I think we will make a quick recovery. During the middle of the night Pepper came and woke me up, needed to go outside so I let her out and eyed the leftover chili sitting in the crock pot from last nights football game. Well Pepper looked like she was going to be awhile so I helped myself to a bowl of chili. Brings back memories of being young and eating chili after a night out on the town. When those thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Pepper barking and then the odor of a skunk. By the time I got to the cabin door she was waiting, skunk smell strong in the air I could not tell if she got sprayed or not. I let her in the cabin and quickly closed the door. Dang dog. Never said she was a smart one.

Well back to being busy that's for sure. Running around town trying to do errands and trying to pencil in some dates for fishing. Took a walk behind the cabin yesterday afternoon down the trail to the big Pine tree. Buddy had came and pestered me as I was taking a break on the deck. I had just power washed the decks off getting ready to stain them and was enjoying the sunshine. Bud came over and made a pest out of himself so I followed him down the trail. As soon as I stepped off the lawn to the woods the rich smell of earth greeted me. The trail was pretty well worn and I had no problem following it. Looks like the deer have been coming this way to raid the apple trees. Dang squirrels are no longer bothering Elmer anymore but now are spending time in the top of my apple trees dropping the apples to the ground. They will cut loose a dozen or so and then return to the ground to run off with but one. The next morning the ground is bare as the deer come in behind them under the cover of darkness and clean up the downed apples. Not to upset about it as I can't reach up high into the tree with my apple picker. As soon as the grandsons get a little bigger I will con, er I mean I will ask them to climb up and get them apples for me. As we all know the best apples are always just out of reach.

Following Bud down the trail he is no longer in such a hurry. Which is good because I would rather stroll down the trail then have to chase him. Nose to the ground he is sniffing away at the grass and turning a branch over with his nose from time to time. We get maybe a hundred yards into the woods when I am startled by the sound of a grouse rocketing off to my right. Always does that to me every time. I never get a look at the bird but Bud's ears are up and he is looking at me and the direction the bird flew. I tell him I don't have no gun and hold my hands up. He being eight and half now and having been bird hunting with me for all of us life knows exactly what I am saying and shakes his head causing his ears to flop. I know this is his way of telling me it's all my fault and lets move on. Over the past few years I have been slowing down and he is in his prime. He puts up with me and walks slow, I know in the past he would have bounded off in the woods after that grouse and odds are I would find him fifty yards away waiting for me. I would come up on him and he would point the way where I would find that grouse sitting in a tree looking down on both of us. I don't do that brush crashing anymore, The deer trail is just fine for me. So he adjust and takes his time, hunting slow. I swear that he spends a lot of time just looking down the trail or inspecting the root of a tree. I think he is really just waiting for me.

The sons take him hunting and he is a machine with them, of course they are young and can bust through the brush and think nothing of getting their feet wet and putting on miles. Some of my Lodge buddies will stop by from time to time who don't have dogs and will ask if Buddy can come out and play. They bring him back with stories of birds and he will be licking his chops. He, Buddy that is has a thing for Amy's loose meat sandwiches and that is usually his reward after hunting. When the day is done he will come up and sit on the couch with me. He will put his head in my lap and if a dog can be contented he will be. I'll pet him between his ears on the top of his head and he will give me a heavy sigh and soon be asleep. We are both getting older and soon he will be slowing down to. Then it will be me pretending to look at a branch longer then needed as I wait for him to catch up.. From Lake Iwanttobethere [78468]

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Can just make out the sound of rain on the Lodge roof here this morning. Looking out the deck doors you can see the rain falling across the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. No trailers down in the parking lot as Stormy Clearweather and Sunshine Ray agree on the weather today. Don't know how but KCUM has decided to keep Stormy on staff and now we have two forecasters. This will increase the odds of both of them getting it wrong most of the time. Got a small fire going in number one fireplace just enough to take the dampness out of the air and it adds to the look of the Lodge to have a fire crackling in the hearth. Hammering Hank and Skinny are sitting at the end of the bar, drinking some of Gus's coffee and going over the stack of index cards with jobs written on them.

Gus has a big batch of chili simmering as with the rain the lunch crowd will grow. Farmers will be in town and they stop by and have a bump and eat lunch. Mindy and Mandy were already here this morning, dropping off a load of Lake Iwanttobethere Root beer. They were taking the rain day to get out orders. Already the blaze orange is starting to appear. The farmers have their caps on and even Big Earl is wearing a bright camo apron. I can see him from here standing out front of his store under the awning. Broom in hand he is greeting customers as they come in. I see the impulse rack is outside with umbrellas and rubber knee boots.

Standing outside of the Lodge under the overhanging roof I have a pretty good view of town. Few trucks driving up and down main street. No one parked at the parking meters and it looks like Reed the Realtor has his closed sign hanging in the window. Doc Burriem car is tied up to the hitching rail and I can see him standing in his doorway. The wind changes just a tad and brings the smell of fresh bread from Amy's shop. Nothing like the smell of fresh bread heavy in the damp air. The wind shifts again and I lose the aroma. Softball field is pretty quiet. Just the lonely fence surrounding the green field. Seagulls were through before the rain started. They swept across the field cleaning up anything worth eating and then took off as one heading to where ever they go from here. Crows came by, intent on something as they did not stop to check the Lodges dumpster. Pigeons are still here, but now have to compete with several sets of doves who also like to sit along the peak of the Lodges roof. Yesterday the sporting clay course was under steady use. Guys sharpening up their eyes before this weekend. After shooting their round they would come in to the Lodge and Hamms would be bought as bets were paid.

A quiet day here at the lake, not going to complain about the rain lake needs it. Barney is outside so no thunderstorms, just a nice steady rain. A few guys walk around me to go inside the Lodge guess I was not watching but a few guys have come in through the back door and are sitting at the tables. Lunch time already. I toss a couple of small logs on the fire and the fire jumps up some. Looks like a nice afternoon just to relax and enjoy some rain and the view of Lake Iwanttobethere. [78710]

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Woke up this morning to a wet nose in my ear, was just about to say something to the wife when I rolled over and looked into the deep eyes of Bud staring back at me. I already knew what was going on. I sat up in the bed and put my feet on the floor, Bud had already dragged in one of my hunting boots from the den and the boot was laying on it's side next to my slippers. I went to the chair and got dressed with the clothes I had put out the night before. Bud disappeared and returned with my other boot. Slightly moist on the top from him carrying it in from the other room. Sun was just peaking up over the lake when I went into the kitchen and looked out the window. "Geeze Bud" I mumbled. Bud who had followed me out just sat by his bowl and gave me a little whine. I dropped a couple of pieces of bread in the toaster and poured a glass of juice. Bud kept looking at me, the toaster and then the door and back again.

I buttered the toast and drank the juice. With toast in hand I headed to the den and the gun cabinet. Bud was already there, tail banging off the side of the cabinet. Barney came out from the other bedroom. Saw me and Bud and just turned and went back to bed. If I was not going fishing Barney was not interested. Opening the cabinet I always have a decision to make, the double or the single. I reach for the single it's a lot lighter and I will be surprised if I get to shoot twice today anyway. The orange vest goes on and I look at Bud waiting. He already has his bright blaze orange collar on. All three dogs will be wearing their collars for the next several months. I add a handful of shells into my pocket and with cap perched on my head we quietly slip out the side door.

The bass thermometer shows it is 57 out, not a bad morning. Sun climbing a litter higher and I can see the tree tops are standing still, not a breath of air moving. I head out across the yard with Bud out in front. nose down and sniffing. He looks back at me a few times to make sure that I am coming. We step into the woods from the grass of the yard and Bud changes. He flaps his ears and starts working the trail. If he could talk I would think he was saying that this is the life. We walk slowly down the trail. I know from our past walks there is a good chance we will kick up a bird around the pine tree top that was hit by lightning last summer. I was startled a few days ago when one took off. I hold the gun at ready, since I think I might even have a shot. Bud works from side to side and keeps tossing looks back at me. The look on his face is like he is saying I better be ready. I motion him forward. Feels good to be in the hunting boots again. With the walking they are starting to shape around my feet again. I transfer some of the shells from my pocket to the loops on the vest. I reach around to the game pocket to see what is bumping me in the back when the first bird blows up at Buds feet. With shot gun in the wrong hand and my shooting hand behind my back in the vest I have time to turn and watch the grouse dip and slide around a pine before disappearing behind a birch.

"Dang" I say out loud. I look back at the trail and Bud returns my gaze. He is standing facing me and has the same look on his face that my third grade teacher did when she was disappointed in me. I shrug my shoulders and he flaps his ears. He turns and goes back to walking the trail. Again he looks over his shoulder at me and I wave him on. I'll be ready next time. We get to the pine and Bud circles it slowly. Nose snorting away he paws at the ground and he knows that there was or are birds here. I slowly walk around the tree gun ready. I stop and make sure there is a shell in the chamber for the third time. We don't kick up anything. Back to the trail and we walk a little deeper into the woods. I can hear a few shots up towards the ridge and Buds ear perk up.

Bud abruptly sits down in the middle of the trail, head forward. I come up behind him and stop at his side. Looking along the trail I can see a flick of white flashing up ahead and then as I stare I can make out a doe on the trail. Walking away from us she is taking a morning stroll. Bud looks at me and I we both agree to turn and work our way back to the cabin. Nothing on the way back and Bud is walking a little quicker. Funny how is takes you half the time to go back the way you came. We came up on the down Pine top and as it always happens a grouse flew up on the far side and heads for the swamp. Well Bud looks at me and I get the "I told you there was one here look" I just wave him on and we step out of the woods back on to the lawn. Not a bad way to start the morning and lots more trips will be taken down the trail. From Lake Iwanttobethere [78937]

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Overcast day here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Clouds are high but the sun is trying to shine through. After a weekend of rain some sunshine would be nice. Rain gage says just under two inches fell and the ground is soaked. The deck sits empty of tables and chairs as I power washed it and was going to stain it and then the rain started. Might be a few days before it dries out enough to do anything. Dogs were out early and you can see there tracks across the wet grass, cris crossing there is not a corner that was not inspected by them. Pepper has made her way over to Elmers cabin and she is already inside. Barney has taken up position on the dock, staring into the water fishing. Bud pawed at the door till he was let back in and is under the desk, snoring.

Yesterday a mystery was solved as we have been going through a lot of dog bones lately. I was sitting in the den when I noticed Buff the tom cat walking through the dinning room carrying a milk bone in his mouth. I always suspected he was eating dog food as he is so big. I was busy at the time so I did nothing. A few minutes later he again came from the kitchen carrying another dog biscuit. This time I got up from the chair and made my way to the dinning room. I just caught Buff going under the couch in the living room. A few seconds later Buff came out the other side and headed towards the kitchen. Seeing me he stopped and then headed down the hall. I went to the living room and moving the couch and found a catch of dog bones and chew toys. All of the dogs. I don't know if the cats are eating the dog bones or using them to bribe the dogs, I would not be surprised.

Rained pretty steady the entire weekend. I did toss a few off the dock when it slowed for awhile. No hits but at least I did get in a few casts. Elmer had a bobber out and was sitting on the end of his dock with his umbra out. He must have been sitting there for a long time because the wood dock was dry under the umbrella. I could hear his small radio that he hangs from the umbrella on and see the smoke coming from his pipe from time to time. I had things to do on the honey do list but most of them had to be done outside. I spend some time in the wood shop just kind of killing time when I decide I should just go and take a ride in the Dodge. I headed for the truck and Bud was at my side, guess he was bored to. Coming down the drive I turned on to the dirt road and the potholes were filled with water. Going to be easy for Frank the plow driver to find the low spots when he grades. Driving slow along the road I can see deer tracks on the shoulder. Deep in the wet gravel they meander back and forth along he shoulder before heading into the ditch. They reappear a few yards back down the road or another deer has made it way up to walk along the road. I come up on a couple of guys in an old station wagon. Driving slow I can see them looking out the windows off into the woods, road hunters. To wet and to green for then to be in the woods they don't even notice me as I come up behind them. I pass and Bud barks at them a few times. They look surprised and I see a barrel of a shotgun leaning against the passenger door. I give them my best "Look" and pass them. Looking back in my mirror I see them pull off to the side.

Later I find myself down by the Old Mill I pull into the parking area and decide to go and bang on Hunterdowns door. I get to the door and he has a sign on it. A circle with ducks and geese and rabbits, grouse, deer a bear and fish. The arrow is pointed at the geese and the sign says gone hunting. So Hunterdown is gone goose hunting.. Lucky guy.. Just then rain starts to fall a little harder. I head back to the Dodge and have to move Bud out of my seat. With the wipers turned up a notch I drive past the brewery and see the Johnson boys working at the loading dock. I toot the horn and continue on my way.

Driving along the road I can see the lake from time to time. Grass is thick and green along side the road and the trees are full. A few more weeks and the grass will start laying down, trees will start turning colors and not to long after leaves will start to fall. Rain stops again and I turn off the wipers. Rolling down the window I can hear the gravel under the tires and I drive down the road. Bud is intent on looking out his side of the Dodge. Head out the window his nose is working the scent filled air. Even my old nose is taking in the wet leaves and the smell of woods. I cross the bridge at Mystery Creek and I can make out a couple of kids fishing underneath. A little rain was not going to stop them.

After a while I turn back towards the cabin, rain starts up again and I roll the windows up some. Wipers flick back and forth across the windshield just going quick enough to move the water out of the way. I am not in a hurry and I take my time. Kids are still under the bridge fishing, loading dock door closed at the brewery. No truck at the Old Mill and the station wagon is missing from the road. This time as I come up on the deer tracks there is a Doe standing in them. I slow down and she looks over her shoulder back at me. I stop and she flicks her tail a few times. From up out of the ditch comes two fawns. Like kids with out a care in the world they dance across the road and disappear into the other side. The doe flicks her tail again at me and then walks slowly across the road and with an easy bound clears the ditch and disappears behind her fawns into the woods. Bud look sat me and does a dog yawn. I chuckle and pet him on top of his head. Just another day here at Lake Iwanttobethere [79267]

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HiYa from the Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Sun coming through the clouds and it looks to be a copy of yesterday. Was so nice yesterday that when afternoon rolled around we put the staining brush down and decide to go fishing. Before I left I did get a coat of stain here on the Lodges front deck and even managed to do a couple of the big wood chairs. But as I was outside here I kept watching trailers roll into the access and guys heading out fishing. After awhile it just got to be to much for me. My buddy Jerry came and he waked around the deck to watch me stain. Made the comment on a nice fall day like this we should be out fishing. Well that was it. I put the lid on the can and got into the Dodge. Twenty minutes later I was back at the Lodge with the Puddle Humper and ten minutes after that we were on plane heading for a bay just around the corner.

Water was a balmy 65 and the air about the same. We had to go around a few other fishermen who had already staked out claims to spots and we waved at each other as we passed. Just a slight little yellow on the leaves on the trees some red poking out here and there. I'll give it another week and we will see some color. A couple of loons on the point watched us as we sped by. We came into the bay and found ourselves alone. Water looking like a sheet of glass and not another boat around. As soon as our bow wave was lost in the reeds rimming the bay the water was calm again. Now I could say we got tons of fish and it was a great day to be on the water. Actually fishing was pretty tuff. I caught but six fish and I had to work for all of them. Of course I was doing better then Jerry who didn't even get a good hit. With about an hour left of light Jerry announced he was not bass fishing but was Northern fishing. It's just bad to get skunked bass fishing but no one cares of you get skunked Northern fishing.

I was lucky, caught a bass after ten minutes. Jokingly I said " Well I am not going to be skunked today" Little did I know that Jerry would catch nothing. About six the sun starting hiding behind the trees and the little breeze that had come up started to feel cool on the bare legs. Clothes bag came out and pants when over the shorts and a long sleeve shirt made it comfortable again. Another twenty minutes later and a sweatshirt was added. Getting to be that time of the year when it will be getting a little cool to fish in the evening. Couple of geese were spotted and didn't want anything to do with us. Back away from the shore we heard a few shots. Guessing there were a few grouse flying for their life's. Seven rolled around quick and we headed back to the access. A few boats already on trailers dripping water on the blacktop. We put the Puddle Humper on the trailer and pulled up next to the group. We thought we had done pretty bad fishing but it seems we had a better day then most. No one was really complaining though. Everyone was saying what a nice afternoon it was to be on the water and traded the excuses that were told and chores that were put off to get them on the water.

With the sun setting the trailers and happy fishermen starting pulling out. I patted Jerry on the back and told him I really was sorry that he got skunked. " Wait" he said. " I was northern fishing remember?" I just nodded and reminded him of the one nice bass that I caught, close to three pounds I figured... From Lake Iwanttobethere [79512]

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First weekend of fall is here and gone, and it felt like it. Brisk winds all weekend long and the sun stayed behind low clouds most of the weekend. Air was heavy with the smell of wood smoke as hunting cabins found their stoves in use again. Bow hunters in the woods along with the grouse hunters working the tote roads and driving along the trails. Sunshine Cafe and the Dew Drop Inn did brisk business as hunters coming and going filled their tables and left with full thermos of coffee and brown bag lunches. Orange hats are a common sight in town now and even the kids waiting for the school bus have their orange vests on.

Big Earl has not been seen staying outside the general store to much. But you can find him behind the counter in the sporting goods department. Selling shells and keeping an eye on the hunting clothes racks. When you enter the store it seems like someone is always trying out a new mallard call, the sound echoing around the walls of the store. Few guys still looking over the fishing rods and waiting for Earl to put stuff on clearance.

Lodge s a cozy place. Fireplace has been burning and the beer has been pouring. Few guys are still out fishing and the Northerns have been on the bite. The Lodge team has found their way to first place in the fishing challenge and with six weeks left there is talk of whether they can hang on or not. Lodges BBQ has been smoking away just outside the back door. Gus has been cooking brats and corn roasting has been the weekend lunch special. Some tables scattered about and the fire ring has a few logs smoking away. The old twelve inch black and white TV rests on top of a cooler and a football game was on. No local teams playing but a college game from somewhere was always on. Guys who were comfortable in the clothes they were wearing and did not want to have to dress down sat around and traded stories.

By seven or so the sun was setting and those out on the water would bring their boats in to shore. Men would stand around at the landing leaning or sitting on tailgates. Stories being told and not wanting to leave. A few campers still in the park and talk can be heard over the sound of pans being banged and figure's made out walking around camp fires. Leaves turning a little more yellow and even a few are being blown across the dirt roads. Even a few splashes of red on the hillside where Windy the windmill spins away. Been a dry week and trucks are dust covered. Good for walking in the woods but not for business at the car wash.

Harvest time has been going on for awhile. Sweet corn and beans and peas, tomatoes and cucumbers. Apple trees are turning ripe and pies will soon be out cooling on window sills. The stands out on the highway are busy with cars stopping and purchases being made. The blue tarps out on and covered with bright orange pumpkins. Hay bales and corn stalks stacked waiting to be bought by city folk. First weekend of fall. It looks like it was a good one, From Lake Iwanttobethere [80059]

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HIYA from Lake Iwanttobethere located in a county that no one can pronounce. Just like that someone hit the switch and we have color in the woods. Almost overnight it seems the trees have gone from a light yellow to some orange and red. Not all of them mind you but enough to stand out when you drive around the lake. Been out running errands this morning already. Last night I found out that I have jury duty this afternoon. I knew I was on the call list for the next few weeks and today I got called in. So I had to run down to the park and catch up with the book mobile. I hear that Jury duty can be very boring and I needed some reading material. Lucky for me I saw the bookmobile drive by and I found something that caught my interest.

Now just because I got the call does not mean that I will be selected to serve. It will mean that I will have to sit in a room with my peers and see if I get chosen to serve. There lies the reason for getting a paperback book to read. A rain day today so I am thinking the courthouse is going to be muggy. I was thinking of wearing shorts but I don't know how that will go over with the Judge. I will be putting the shotgun behind back seat of the Dodge along with my hunting vest. I hear the days at the courthouse are done by four thirty or so which means I can hit a few tote roads on the way back to the cabin and get paid mileage from the county. Now that sounds like the best deal I have had in awhile.

Mowed the yard yesterday and did some tree trimming. Changed a tire on the Puddle Humpers trailer that was going bald and I had not noticed till now. Guess I have been fishing a lot this summer. Batteries are charged and the Puddle Humper is ready to go back on the water as soon as this rain lets up and with crossed fingers I won't have any jury duty on nice days. Since hunting season has started the gray squirrels have gotten wise and have made themselves scare from around Elmers and my place. Elmer now has his .22 sitting outside on his porch and a box of shells handy. Barney was down on the dock barking away late yesterday afternoon. I went down to see what was going on and a big northern was just off the dock eyeing Barney and just being motionless in the water. I bounced a spoon off his or her snout and she finally just flicked her tail and disappeared back out into deeper water. I told Elmer about it and this morning I see he has a big bobber tossed from his dock towards mine.

Apples on the trees are getting close to being turned into apple pie. I made mention to the wife that she should stock up on flour and sugar as I pointed out the ripening apples to her. I can eat apple pie every day and she is quickly bored at making the pies. She always tries to tell me that I should just bake mine own. But she is the baker and I am the gatherer.. At least that is what I tell her. Well looks like the rain is not going to let up at all and I should start reading my book some. Hate to bring one that was no good. From Lake Iwanttobethere. [80215]

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Cleaning up around here today. I had just gotten back to the cabin late yesterday afternoon from jury duty. Which I was not selected by the way. I spent the afternoon with a group of my peers in a waiting room. I must admit that me and my peers look pretty good. So nothing was happening and the judge came in and released us and told us since we had to wait around so long we would not have to come in today. Anyway yesterday the rain finally let up around noon and the it got dark again on the drive back home. By the time I reached the cabin the rain had started to fall again and I just made it to the covered swing when it really started to pour. My daughter ran out from the cabin to sit with me as she likes a good rain storm also.

As some of you may know I have a covered swing out on my deck that we sit and spent a great deal of time on. A a matter of fact many an afternoon has been dozed away on it. It also is a great place to watch rain storms come across the lake and stay dry for the most part. We were sitting on the swing and the rain was falling so hard we could not talk. The raindrops hitting the deck shattered to bounce upward. The noise was a steady roar. We were getting wet, not from the falling rain but from the water being splashed upwards from the deck.. In just a few seconds the rain barrels were overflowing and water was cascading down there sides. The water was coming off the roof so hard and fast that they overshot the gutters. A stream of water like at a water park shot from the roof to add to the falling raindrops on the deck. I sat closer to the daughter and shouted in her ear " No wind" I followed her eyes as she looked at Elmer big maple tree standing motionless. The sound show started. The rumble of thunder rolled across the lake and was overlapped but yet another and another. It got so that there was not a pause between. Just a constant rumble of thunder and the sound of rain pounding the canopy overhead.

Then the best part. Lightning hit so close that it felt like some one hit you with a hundred pound feather pillow. I'm not sure but it was almost like we were pushed back into the swing from the pressure. The wind! A gust came from no where and instantly we were wet. A long straight line wind of at least forty mph swept over the top of the cabin and the tips of branches and leaves swept down on the deck. We both looked at the big maple tree in Elmers yard and watched as it branches rose skyward and closed in around the trunk. Almost like it was protecting itself from the wind. A large crack and the groan of a limb giving way could be heard for a brief moment above the wind and the rain. The gust lasted for perhaps fifteen seconds, maybe longer. Then it was gone, a few pieces of hail had also fallen on the deck but we had not even noticed.

The daughter was wet, she stood up from the swing and said she was going to go inside. Just as she got to the edge of the swing a small gust flipped up the cover and dumped what water was on top of the top all over her. Now she was really wet!.. She ran to the cabin door and made her way inside. I continued to sit in the swing and watch the storm receded. It never really did get light out as night had fallen and this was late in the afternoon. The rain slowed and you could still hear the thunder rolling away from us.

This morning I got up to let dogs out and survey the damage. Bright sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. Trees are still and the newly stained deck has puddles of standing water on it. Small branches lay on the deck and scattered across the yard. Greenhouse is fine, but there is a large branch just a few feet away. Apple trees have a few less apples on them. Scattered across the ground the weak ones lay. I expect the deer will be here tonight to clear them up. A nice new rut washed out of the driveway and the Puddle Humper sits wet under the roof of the boat house. Making my way back to the cabin I can hear the sound of a chain saw starting up, Guess someone else was not so lucky.. From Lake Iwanttobethere.. [80278]

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So there may be truth that bad luck comes in threes. Not for me but I see the rain and the ghost wind gust that hit the Lake the other evening is still having some effect. The morning after I went out to pick some sweet corn for lunch and found my entire crop flatten to the ground. The gust had leveled the corn. Spent the rest of the day harvesting and giving corn away to anyone who would take it. At least it was ripe. Same with apples from the trees, made a few calls and most of the apples were cleaned up. Wife made several pies and both Elmer and Chuck got one. The sound of chains saws were heard through out the following day. As I drove down to the Lodge I saw that the gust had actually done a lot of damage. With the trees full of leaves they could not handle the gust and some were toppled along with many limbs snapped off. A local resident of the lake was not so lucky and his car was crushed. I saw what was left of it on Mike's flatbed heading for the junkyard. .

Del from the sub shop had a bad run of luck also. He finally decided to take a day off from the shop and go fishing. He had his boat out on the lake and had a pretty decent day. He pulled up his trolling motor on his transom and headed back to the landing with his catch. But when he arrived at the landing his trolling motor was gone.. Somewhere between the last point and the landing his trolling motor rests on the bottom of the lake. An expensive day of fishing. All I can say is my corn and apples on the ground is not worth mentioning when you lose your car and a trolling motor.

Lodge was busy last night as the baseball game went into extra innings. Unlike the ball park we can still keep serving after the seventh inning. A few guys left early and missed the comeback win. Today they are taking the ribbing for it. Three more games to be played and it looks like the Lodge will be busy. BBQ is back out on the deck and today it is already in the mid seventies. Summer has not let us go just yet. Chance of some more thunderstorms this afternoon but there are some boats out on the water. Thinking that is where I should be also. Matter of fact that is such a good idea I think I'll slip out the back door here and see if Barney will go fishing with me. Ever since he saw that northern off the dock he has been down there waiting to see if it returns. From Lake Iwanttobethere you should be out fishing.. [80460]

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Well I tried to sleep in late today but was woke up by the sound of a jack hammer on the side of the cabin. That time of the year when the wood peckers come through and they think that the cabin is a snack cake for them. I pounded back on the inside of the cabin wall but that did nothing but encourage the bird to peck even harder. Finally had to get out of bed and go out on the deck and yell at the stupid things. I made it inside to the kitchen when another one was pecking away outside of the window. I went and found Pepper who was still sleeping on the couch and sent her outside. She is now running around the cabin keeping the birds away, found something she is good for.

If thunderstorms are part of summer then summer is not done with us. Another set of storms rolled through Lake Iwanttobethere last night. These didn't show up till after dark and put on an entertaining light show as they rolled across the lake. They were brief storms of perhaps ten minutes or so then a slight pause and another would roll across. Another inch of rainfall and I have not heard of any damage today yet. The winds were nothing like the night before. We were sitting watching the baseball game at the Lodge when the first storms approached. We noticed it because across the bay there was a light show going on at Wilburs place. The lights on his cabin were flashing on and off and all his outside lights were blinking away to. Even the lights down on his dock were flashing. The storm had not reached his cabin yet and we were trying to figure what was going on. As the storms rolled over head the lightning was brighter then his cabin lights and they were lost in the night.

Well the baseball team lost and play again this afternoon. Already guys were talking about how they were going to come into town so they could get to the Lodge and watch the game. Pretty wet out there so not much work is going to be done outside today, Fishing might be an option but after the storms of the past few days fishing has been poor. Lake has been really churned up. Already this morning there was the army of orange heading out after doing breakfast at the Do Drop and the Sundown Cafe. Frank the plow driver has been putting in some over time grading washouts and the sound of chain saws echoed around the lake yesterday. Hammering Hank and Skinny were out working on the produce stands by the highway yesterday. That strong gust of wind took off a few roofs on the stands and they were helping out making temporary repairs. Another month or so and the stands will be gone for the rest of the year. The pumpkin sales have been brisk I have been told, even though we are a month away from Halloween. My daughter called from the big city last night and told me that they already have Christmas decoration out, right next to the Halloween stuff.. Just way to early for me I think. I'm still wearing shorts and tee shirts..

I took my orange juice out on to the deck and watched Pepper chase woodpeckers for awhile. Elmer came out carrying his tool bag and was heading for his truck. He waved me over and asked if I had any extra electrical tape laying around. I found a roll for him in the shed and asked what he needed it for. Told me he was heading over to Wilburs place. Seems Wilbur was trying to save some money with the energy crunch and such. He was down at the Twice is Nice store and bought himself a mess of them Clap on Clap off lights. He thought it would be a great idea to change all of his lights over including the outside lights. This way he could just walk around the cabin and yard and clap for when he needed lights or not. Well it also seems there was a reason why they were in the Twice is Nice store. They were defective. When the storms came through last night the thunder kept turning his lights off and on. Elmer was going to go over and help him take them all out. I chuckled to myself as I walked down to the dock. Looking out over the bay I could see Wilburs cabin and I also saw lights blinking off and on still. Looking skyward there are no clouds and I was scratching my head when I saw several more wood peckers heading in Wilburs direction.. From Lake Iwanttobethere [80587]

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HiYa from the Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere hiding out in the office here trying to catch up on paper work. Was going to do that yesterday but ended up watching the baseball game and trading some fishing stories. Last night was the Lodge meeting it being the fifth Monday of the month and tonight will be the Town Hall meeting it being the 5th Tuesday of the month. Some business of the Lodge will be carried over to the town hall meeting. It was suggested that the town of Lake Iwanttobethere should change the dates that Labor Day and Memorial Day are celebrated on. Moving Labor day to October and Memorial Day to April. This would give the town two more months of summer! The thought being if we can move daylight savings time we should do the same with the holidays. The idea has merit as people tend to put in their docks and take them out again on those two holidays. I'm sure we will have a discussion and someone will have reasons why we can't do it.

Yesterday I put a bottle of wild turkey in a paper bag at the end of my drive and when I got back home Frank the plow driver had graded mine and Elmers drive. The paper bag was gone but a fair deal if you ask me. Got the yard all picked up from the last rain storm and the fire pit is filled with small branches for the next fire. Cool out today and windy, enough so that you have to wear a jacket and pull your baseball cap down tight. Windy the windmill is spinning away on top of the hill and the lights are glowing bright here at the Lodge.

Few guys have been in and out of the Lodge this morning, some just stopping by to pick up forgotten items from the Lodge meeting last night and a few to pay their bar tab because they ran out of money. With Town Hall meeting here tonight their wife's will inquire about their bar tabs so they like to have them paid so their wife's will not be able to tell how much they are drinking here. I see Gus has the table clothes in the washing machine so they will be clean for the meeting. He has already changed out the posters in the dart room, A poster of a sunset now hangs where Farrah Fawcett used to.

I was recently asked in an e-mail why no one here at the Lake has a last name. Well there are several people here who do have last names but they are usually called Old in front of them. Like Old McDonnell you don't call Elmer old cuz he will come after ya. No one calls me Old Bass, at least not that I know of. Perhaps the young kids who raid my apple trees do. I guess it is because we have grown up with everyone in town and we are all on a first name basis. Sine you get to see what's going on here and if you have been reading the lake reports you should pretty much know who everyone is and if I started calling them by their last names you would not know who I was talking about. That and if I mentioned their last names you might find out that they are related to you. For example there is a dad here who has two small boys. He went out and bought the youngest one a electric four wheel truck, you know the kind kids can ride in around the yard. Well to show it off he took it down to Dug's garage and had a custom paint job done to it. A real nice camo. He brought it home and the 2nd son took it for a ride out in the woods and ran out of juice, now they can't find it. Would it be fair to say that guys name?

So the Lodge will be packed tonight, Town Hall meeting starts at six and the baseball game at seven. Hopefully we will be done with business by the time the game starts otherwise we will take care of business between innings. Special on conies tonight and we already have taken delivery of a hundred pound sack of salted peanuts. Popcorn machine is suppose to get clean today and we will have cold Hamms on tap and Wild Turkey for shots or glasses if the innings get long. Hope you can make the meeting or the game from Lake Iwanttobethere.. [80956]

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Octoberfeast here at the Lake! Well this week anyway. The Lodge will be doing it's part before the big weekend toast as tents will be set up down in the park from Friday through Monday. So far we are not getting a break in the weather as it has been chilly out the past few days and it looks like that is going to continue according to Stormy Clearweather. Sunshine Ray says sunshine may show up on the afternoons but Stormy disagrees. They then set off on some deep conversation about upper air flows and wind bars and no one understood a word they were saying. The two of them moved to a table in the corner and continued their discussion. So, Hammering Hank and Slim along with some help will be putting up tents. Mindy and Mandy will be working and also the lake brewery with Barley and Hopps will be there. I hear they will be releasing another beer during the festival. That of course means frees samples!

A said sight the other day as I was driving down the access road around the lake I saw a gust of wind take leaves off a tree.. I guess I am going to have to let go of summer and grasp that fall really is here. Today is a mirror image of the past few days, overcast skies and some wind, bass thermometer is hanging right around fifty or so. Maybe some sunshine this afternoon, just enough to tease you before the sun goes down. Grouse hunters are liking it, at least the ones getting out in the afternoon. The afternoon sunshine is bring the birds out to the tote roads where they can be seen and at least a shot gotten off before they dip into the leaf covered trees. Docks are coming up around the lake except for a few diehards who still fish from them. In a few spots bare branches can be seen as the leaves there have already turn color and with the wind are falling nightly.

Sunset brings the sound of ATV's across the water as evening hunters are working the roads around town and back on the ridge. The ten'oclock freight train sounds a little louder, the engine noise not being blocked by the trees so much. Honking of geese can still be heard but ducks are making themselves scarce. The lonely echo of a loon seems to carry farther in the evening now. A few trailers down at the access today, I can see one of the boats bobbing on the water out past Root Beer island. Have not been out that way so I don't even know if Nytelyter still has his fishing dock open. I think maybe on the weekends it is. I see Hunterdowns guiding business is doing well, always seems to be someone's car or truck there and his truck is gone. Even Duckslayer has been scarce around town. I am sure he is getting ready for the duck season and will be spending a lot of time trying to get that barge of a pontoon boat ready for winter.

A new store open up in town, off one of the side street it is selling a lot of outdoors stuff. Mostly pictures and shirts that kind of thing. Will give Earl at the General store some competition with his Lake Iwanttobethere postcard rack. Bow season is in full swing and Pa at Ma and Pa's has been working making sausage. Every morning you get the sweet smell of apple pies coming out of the oven at Amy's and pie is on every menu in town. When you go in to the Dew Drop Inn there is an urn of hot apple cider right by the door to great you. Self service and it does take the little chill out of ya. A lot of conversation going on with people pointing cinnamon sticks at each other before swirling them around in their cider.

Nights are getting cool enough that a fire in the fireplace is almost needed. Sitting out on the deck at sunset you are rewarded with the smell of maple smoke in the air. The call of a loon and the last boat heading off the water. Yes I guess fall is here, from Lake Iwanttobethere.. [81215]

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Well just a might chilly here this morning at the lake. Bass thermometer is clinging to thirty. The needle scraped off the dirt at twenty eight sometime over night. Busy day ahead as I have to pour a sidewalk by the new gate and stain a small deck. Then no matter what I am going to take the Puddle Humper out fishing this afternoon. Jury duty came to an end yesterday for me and I will no longer have to call every afternoon to see if I am needed. Kind of hard to make any plans with that hanging in the background. Yesterday turn into a real nice day after it warmed up. I went down to the dock in the afternoon to pick up mail and found an empty box. Then I remembered that Mark the mailman's last day of lake delivery by boat was the day before. I turn around and headed to the road mailbox but not till I stop by the apple trees and picked a nice red one. Enjoying my apple I strolled down the recently graded drive to the road.

I was about halfway down the drive when I see Elmer waving at me. I turn and look in the direction he is pointing and two young lads are raiding my apple trees. Well I am stuck half way down the drive and I have a decision to make. Lots of apples in the trees so I'll let them get away with it this time. I wave back at Elmer and continue down the drive. Them kids must have been hiding in the woods waiting for me to walk by... Hmm .. Well I get to the mailbox and there to my surprise are two bikes leaning against my mail post. I get the mail out from the box and with a pencil I have in my bibs I release the air from the rear of both bike tires. Chuckling to myself I take the now eaten apple and stick the core over the red bikes air valve. I then take Elmers drive back up to the cabin.

Later that afternoon I am taking a break from working on the gate and I decide to head over to Elmers. I find him in the kitchen making pies. Elmer is a good baker, not much of a cook and there is a difference. He eats out of cans and his idea of a hot meal is letting something sit an extra minute in the microwave. But baking, that is a different story, He can make pies with the best of them. Today he was making what I refer to as a volcano apple pie. He makes some fine pie crust which he swears he sold his recipe to Amy down at the bakery. Which may be true because I never see him pay for his coffee down there. Well he makes this pie crust and then he fills the pie with apples he then wraps the top pie crust around like you would wrap a turban and pours in more apples. The pie takes on the shape of a small volcano, he then puts a cherry on top plugging the hole. He bakes this in the oven till the cherry comes rolling down the pie. Ten minutes later the pie is done. When he takes the pie out of the oven to cool apple juices flow from the top of the pie to drip down the sides. It is the best pie I have ever eaten.

So I watch this pie being built and placed in the oven, my afternoon plans have now changed. We go out and sit on the back porch and enjoy a light breeze and some sun shinning in our faces. We chat and share some gossip. Men do that from time to time. Gossip might not be the right word, we share information that the other does not have. We briefly talked about where a covey of grouse were reportedly seen at. Fishing off Root Beer island and even Elmers hidden crappie brush pile. The smell of apple pie and then the sound of the smoke alarm going off cuts our conversation short. " Pies done" says Elmer and heads back into the kitchen. I stay out on the porch and hold the screen door open with the toe of my boot. The smoke rolls out of the kitchen over my head and the breeze catches it and swirls it away. I take in the deep smell of cinnamon and pie crust cooked just the way I like it. Elmer comes out holding the molten, bubbling pie with a Christmas colored oven mitt and a welding glove. He sets it down on the burnt railing where other pies have cooled in the past. Another hour or so and we might be able to touch it. We sit back in the chairs and wait. From Lake Iwanttobethere [81388]

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Wow, what a difference a day makes! Saturday it was cool but comfortable, and Sunday was pretty much a wash. It was overcast in the morning then around 11:00 the drizzle started which turned to rain. It was wonderful if you were a duck, well, maybe not, it was the opener of duck season!

I set up a blind on the south side of Mystery Creek; just a stones throw from the mill, the day before season. I figured I would put out the decoys a couple hours before shooting time and have coffee and hot chocolate ready before my guests arrived. I stopped by the General store early Saturday morning and picked up some fresh donuts that Earl has in his glass case every morning. I picked out a few filled ones, some glazed and a few plain. (I like dunking the plain ones in my coffee)

So anyway, I got a couple hunters lined up the week before, and they arrived on time. Saturday at 9:00 am, we were in the blinds ready for some action. One of the hunters was an older gentleman, that had hunted ducks years ago, but lost interest because of his long time hunting buddy had passed away. And the other was his son, just getting to the age where a shot gun wouldn’t knock him on his keaster. The boy was sporting a 20 gage Mossberg pump and the father was using an older, beat up 12 gage 1100 semi-auto. As we waited for the golden hour, I passed out the coffee, hot chocolate and rolls. The warm drinks took the chill off, and the donuts filled our bellies.

The boy was filled with questions, asking all about duck hunting in the years past and what to look for. As he nibbled on his pastry and sipped his hot coco, His father explained to him the joys he had with his hunting buddy. About how they would be sitting in a blind, shooting the breeze and waiting for the ducks to fly. He made a comment to the boy, stating that he was of the age to enjoy the sport and he was glad to teach him what he had learned from his experience. And today, they started a special bond that would join them forever.

Shots started to ring out farther down on the lake the second it clicked 9. Soon you could see the ducks flying low across the water headed for the creek, hoping to use it as a refuge. I alerted the hunters to get ready as they came, I blew into the duck call making but a few quacks. The birds banked right into the mouth of the creek, flying towards our spread. When they were in range, I flipped the top of the blind open and the pair of hunters popped up with guns firing. The ducks flared and back pedaled as the shots rang out. I few were hit and fell to the water surface, but more escaped the borage of steel flying through the air. Once the smoke had cleared and the guns were unloaded, I got out and retrieved the ducks. There were 3 that were knocked down, 1 wood duck and 2 mallards.

We sat there talking till it was time to quit hunting. No more ducks were harvested, there was plenty of opportunity. Dozens of ducks buzzed the decoys and more shots were fired. Tons of ribbing about missed birds. But, there were plenty of smiles! I think that they were more happy just being together than what was harvested. And that’s the way it should be. Hunting is not about what you gather in game, it’s what you gather in friendship and memories that will last you a life time. And now he has a new hunting buddy, and probably for life.

From the Old Mill on Lake Iwanttobethere,


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A strange sight this morning here at the Lodge. The sun is shinning and there is but a few clouds in the sky. Ground around the Lodge is soaking wet and there is a wet trail from the front door to the bar. Sunshine is pouring into the Lodge and all the heavy drapes have been pulled open wide. Sun is making it's way deeper onto the Lodge floor as it is sitting lower in the sky. Chairs out on the deck are steaming a little as the sun starts to dry them. Already I can see three boat trailers down in the parking lot as today according to Sunshine Ray will be a decent day for a change and tomorrow will be the same. Then the rain is to return again. This is shaping up a lot like last fall where we received so much rain in the fall that not much was done outside, but the lake needed water badly and no one complained to hard.

Apple fest coming up here soon and the Lodge will be hosting the apple dance. Also will be having a caramel apple booth down in the park. Hope the rain will stay away but there will be plenty of hot cider to keep the visitors warm. We get a good turn out at the applefest and of course it is just not all about apples. Well maybe it is, apple pies, apple sauce, apple cider, apple turn overs, apple cookies caramel apples. Ahh apples.. Of course most of you know apple pie is my favorite and of course I will be a judge in the best apple pie contest. Nice thing is people have been dropping off samples at the cabin for me. Just a preview as they say to what they will be entering in the contest. Since they are just samples I of course accept them and usually they are gone before the wife comes home. I even sent a few over to Elmer but they don't compare with Elmers Volcano pie, which by the way is entered in this years contest and a sample was brought over just the other night.

Today I am getting some paper work out of the way which for a change is hardly nothing. I have been stuck inside like everyone else and books for the Lodge are all caught up. As soon as the sun gets a tad higher in the sky I will be taking the Puddle Humper out for an afternoon of fishing. Tomorrow I do have to stain the Lodge deck as I keep putting that off and now with rain coming again it might be my only day left to do it. Bud is out hunting, Chuck came and picked him up early this morning. Chuck has been doing pretty good chasing the grouse, don't care if it is wet out or not he has a few spots that have birds in them and they are off the beaten track where the atv's can't get to. Dug down at his garage has been busy, already has a row of snow throwers just inside the garage doors that he has been working on. A typical sight around here is a lawnmower and a snow thrower both in the back of a pickup at the same time.

Hammering Hank and Skinny have been delivering loads of wood, the cut and split already dried stuff. With the price of gas falling it seems a few people have decided not to close up their cabins and are looking for wood to burn. Even down at the Gulp-N-Go they were tearing the back room apart trying to find the 2 for the gas sign. No one thought it was ever going to go below 3.00 a gallon again. Fishing contest at the Lodge is winding down to. It ends the last day of the month and only a few guys are still out on the water. Most of the guys have gone over to hunting now. Vicki down at the Masterbaiters Shop has reduced her hours some and I even saw her out shopping in the middle of the day.

Well I am going to head out fishing with Elmer here, I see he is just now driving up the road, After a lunch of conies and some chili we will fill up a couple of thermos and we should be on the water by one.. From Lake Iwanttobethere [ 81777]

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The town of Lake Iwanttobethere on the lake of the same name in a county that no one can pronounce is busy this morning. Duck season has arrived. Dew Drop Inn and the Sunshine Cafe are doing a brisk business and even both parking meters on main street have a truck parked in them. Gas has fallen below 2.98 at the Gulp-N-Go and for awhile there was even a small line at the pumps. At the General Store Junior is standing in his apron greeting customers at the door. Big Earl has a taken a rare day off to go duck hunting. He was here at the Lodge last night with his cousin who is a gun rep. Earl was serious about his hunting and drank nothing but Hamms till the wee hours of the morning. With a noon start he stayed away from the Wild Turkey. Of course hunting with a gun rep the entire trip was a write off and the cousin even left a tip.

An assortment of trailers and flat boats are lined up at the access. No one going in the water but the double line has started. Looking like a parade from a hunters catalog the various boats await. Guys in full camo and waders wander from trailer to trailer. Dogs in crates or sleeping on top of canvas beds in the back of pickup trucks can be seen. Smoke swirls from big stogies bought at Jake's Smoke Shop. Some last hour adjustments of straw glued to the side of boats and drab paint waiting to dry. Banging of pots and pans from the campground as still others hunters who are cabin less have come during the night to the lake. Campfire smoke swirls across the park and mixes with the cigar smoke. Hunters like their dogs sniff the air at the aroma. Bacon hits a pan and everyone's noses twitch a bit.

From time to time heads look skyward as a lone duck fly's by over head. Some laffs are heard and some might even have an evil tilt to them as the unsuspecting duck fly's by. A few make note of the direction of travel and look down at partial maps of the lake spread out on the hoods of trucks. A few grouse hunters dressed in orange drive up, getting out they mingle with the duck hunters adding some color.

Some of the Lodge guys are down with the group, they are moving a little slower then the rest. Last nights Apple dance at the Lodge was a success. The spiked apple cider was a big hit and of course everyone had a belly full of apple pie and tarts and crisp. The line to the washroom was short but never the less there was a line. A truck pulls in and tries to move to the head of the line. A couple of guys actually want to go fishing. After a brief discussion they are allowed to jump the line and they put their boat in the water. Parking the truck and trailer the driver has to walk the gauntlet of duck hunters back to his waiting boat. With some help from hunters in waders they push the fishing boat out into the water. The motor coughs and then catches and the fishermen head out. A few waves are exchanged and the guys in waders return to the parking lot. They are easy to see as they stand with water dripping onto the pavement making wet rings around them.

Not long after a duck boat is seen with two hunters in it crossing in front of the access. They must have put in down in front of the Mastrbaiters Bait shop and had gotten in first. Now with a control haste other boats were backed into the lake and hunters started to launch. Looking something like a Lodge fishing contest the shoreline was soon covered with an array of boats and dogs and hunters. The launch area left a wet trail of water heading back to the parking lot. Once there it fanned out to the parking spaces where the dripping trucks and trailers sat. Dogs stood at the bows and as one the wave of hunters started motors and with puffs of smoke headed out to the back bays of Lake Iwanttobethere. A few minutes later and the Lake was calm again. No sign of hunters just the quiet drip of water off trailers and the water joining to run down the parking ramp and back to the lake.

A lone truck chugs around the point following the access road it pulls into the access. An old feller gets out and an even older dog waddles down to the shore. The dogs walks in the water a ways and acts like she is testing it. The 12' Jon boat is tugged off the back of the truck and I can hear the bang as it hits the pavement. A high screaming sound reaches me here at the Lodge as it is dragged the short distance across the pavement. Almost like it does not want to go in the water. A wood box is loaded and then an old Clinton is attached to the transom. Some green oars are added and a mesh bag of decoys. The pickup pulls up to park alongside the garbage can and the old guy walks back to the waiting boat. The dog with some help gets in the boat and the man starts to push the boat out into the water. He stops and pulls the boat back up onto shore. He turns and makes the walk back to his truck. Digging in his pocket he finds his keys and unlocking the truck he grabs his shotgun from behind the seat. He turns and once again makes it back down to the old boat. This time he pushes off and with a pull on the starter rope the Clinton starts and he moves on down the shoreline. The old dog standing in the bow, nose to the slight wind, leading the way. From Lake Iwanttobethere. [82090]

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What A great weekend hunting for ducks! If you were a duck. Another overcast day here and the only people in town who are dry are the duck hunters. Walking around wearing waders and layers of rain coats does have it's advantages. The dogs seem to be enjoying themselves shaking from time to time as they walk along side their masters. Here at the Lodge the yellow mop bucket is out by the door to clean up the tracks left by both the hunters and their dogs. Even though it is warm out there is a fire going in the hearth. Several stocking feet are pointed in it's direction. Bud was out most of the weekend and is now here hiding in my office. He has taken up a position behind the door and out of sight. Even Bud has had enough of sitting in a wet blind in a drizzle for the last weekend.

Sure a lot of ducks were harvested and a lot others were scarred but a lot of guys just sat in the rain sipping warm coffee and trying to convince themselves what a great weekend it was to be out in the rain. Actually it was kind of mild so they did have that in their favor, No snow, at least none that was reported. And no thunderstorms or straight line winds. Only heard of one boat that was not secured and was blown away when it's owner went to answer the call of nature. It was brought back with just a little teasing from a neighbor.

By late evening the Sunshine Cafe and the Dew Drop Inn were busy and deep into the dinner hour. Suspender wearing hunters lined the stools sitting shoulder to shoulder and plates of roast beef, mashed tatters ands gravy were being inhaled. Smell of apple pie hung heavy in the air and clinking of spoons in coffee cups could be heard. Still a group of hunters at the landing, not wanting to leave and savoring the moment they leaned against drab colored boats on trailers and rubbed dogs behind their ears. Holding hands up with invisible shotguns in them they reenacted the days hunt. Laughter can be heard muffled by the still falling rain. After awhile they do finally load their dogs and take off their raincoats. They slide behind the wheels of their trucks. They pullout only to stop drivers door to drivers door and start a new conversation. After awhile they tap their horns and pull out of the parking lot heading home, a moment later the lot is empty and the water of the lake is calm and that is when it stops raining. From Lake Iwanttobethere [82265]

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Gee where did the week go? The rain stopped and although the sky was overcast the entire week it did not stop people from being outside. There is a little something in the air here. I think I have been a source of entertainment for the squirrels the past several days. I just get this feeling that they are sitting high in the blue spruce looking down at me. Knee deep in to the fall Honey Do List and not making any progress as the wife keeps adding to it. Can of stain and brushes are sitting out in the garage waiting for that one nice day so the last deck can get stained. Of course I know that should have been done a month ago but I think every time there was a good staining day it was also a good fishing day. Well now it seems that I should have stained on one of the fishing days.

Building a solar shed off to the side of the cabin and that has gotten bigger then the original plan. I have this habit of changing plans as I go and down sizing is not in the plans. Was going to just be a small slender building to capture some of that free heat that the sun puts out and now has grown into another greenhouse. I jokingly told the wife that it is her new solar clothes dryer. That I would hang a line inside and then she could go out in the dead of winter and hang her clothes in it. You might say that did not go over so well as she told me where I could hang it. The sheets that is. So anyway I have that all closed up now and if it rains I will be ok. I still have to put shingles on it and side it and the windows have to go on and then insulation inside, Wait I guess I still have a lot of work to do on it. At least I can see the dock and still float a bobber while I am doing it. Grass is getting kind of deep to, I noticed that when I spent ten minutes trying to find my hammer and I have totally given up on my tape measure. Pencils, there out there somewhere. I should do what Elmer does and just tape my pencil to one of them retractable key chains that you wear on your belt. He never loses his he says. But then I would have to wear a belt.

Beside the free heat that I am expecting to get from the new solar shed it also has a few more advantages. I can now stand on the roof and with the apple picker I can reach another ten feet higher into the apple tree that is near. I did that the day before yesterday. Had a plastic tub on the roof and was picking them bright red apples that I could never reach before and only the birds and the pesky squirrels could get at. All was going well till Buddy tried climbing the ladder and knocked it over. Yup, you guessed it. I was trapped on the roof. Not a real big deal as it was time for a break anyway. A little sunshine so the roof top was warm and I had apples to eat. Took sometime to admire the view and I had a good look at my bobber floating on the waters of the lake. Bud patiently waiting on the ground, tail wagging. That was good for about the first twenty minutes then the roof got a little hard on my backside and my bobber was acting nervous out on the water. Weird Willie drove by on his pontoon and he waved at me and I waved at him. I guess I could have waved a little harder and he would have got me off the roof but then I would have been the talk down at the Lodge for the winter on how Willie saved me.. So I just acted like nothing was wrong and picked a few more apples.

Well after awhile Elmer did come over and set the ladder up for me and I did get off the roof. Elmer did not say anything other then he saw that Buddy had knocked the ladder down. He was in the kitchen getting some cranberry juice during a commercial of his soap opera. With his show over and on his way to the bathroom he saw that I was still on the roof. Well after the bathroom and going down to the mailbox to get his mail he thought he would come back up my driveway and set the ladder up for me. His only words were " Remember when I shot the bedroom window out when trying to get that squirrel?" "Yes" I said. " Were even" and then turned and took the path to his cabin. Well I smiled and took my time getting off the roof, not wanting to make it look like I was in a hurry. That and my butt was sore from sitting on the hard roof and I had to figure a way of getting all the apples off with out dumping the tub. Stiff and just a little sore I made my way to the dock only to find my sucker had been taken and my line bit off, Guess I missed that on the roof. O well at least I got the apples and saw some more things that need to be done from the rooftop. I headed inside to add to the do list. From Lake Iwanttobethere [82558]

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Got so warm here at the lake yesterday that I almost went back into the cabin and put some shorts on. But, even though the weather was nice I was busy working on the honey do list. I did get that deck stained and I started putting shingles down on the new solar shed. Was tuff as I had a good vantage to watch people out fishing. Yup, there was more then a few boats trolling down the shoreline. A few pontoons out with people sipping a cold one and having the football game on the radio. I could see the long lines dragging behind them in their wake. Even Barney had returned to the end of the dock to stare into the water. A few ducks made some fleeting passes over head and I heard the distance sound of a lawn mower breaking the law of no mowers on the weekend. Elmer seeing me on the roof came over to check on me, I had already tied a rope to the ladder, no more sitting on the roof for me. He looked up at me and I took a break, sitting on the edge of the roof we chatted like neighbors do. After awhile Pepper came out from the cabin and seeing Elmer ran over to bump upside his legs and get patted behind her ears. The two of them headed off on the trail back to Elmers cabin where I am sure Pepper got a dog bone.

Making progress on the roof I decide to take a lunch break and head into town. Was out of sucker minnows so I made a stop at the Masterbaiters shop. A few guys in there chatting around the minnow tanks and before you know it I lost an hour of the day and some sunshine. While I was there I ran into a guy named Jimmy who I had sold the runt of the litter that Bud and Barney were born into. A little small talk between us and then he said that Junior had cancer and he had to be put down the previous week. A pause between us and then I offered to buy him a Hamms up at the Lodge. We took a stool at the bar and Gus came out of the kitchen to serve us. I told Gus that Jimmy's dog had passed and Gus poured a couple of drafts and one for himself. We toasted Junior. A few other guys came over to offer handshakes and the roofing was forgotten. Here at the lake we take our dogs serious. I had seen Junior a few times over the years as in the case with runts he grew up to be a big dog. About ninety pounds of black lab and springer mixed he took after his ma and was a great dog with Jimmy's young kids. Jimmy did not get to hunt over Junior often but I would see them together around town from time to time and Junior did like to fish.

With the sun setting on the windows of the Lodge my dog Bud Juniors brother, came into the Lodge. Chuck had him out bird hunting and seeing the red Dodge in the parking lot had decided to drop him off. Jimmy turned and looked down at Bud who had come up next to him and nuzzled his leg. It was almost like Bud knew of Jimmy's loss and want to let him know. Jimmy reached down and petting him behind an ear and a small tear or maybe it was a drop of beer rolled down Jimmy's cheek. It didn't matter as Bud stood up on his hind legs and licked Jimmy's face. Bud got back down and walked to the rug in front of the fireplace and laid down. Jimmy turned back to the bar and raised his glass. Together we all raised our glasses and toasted the dog named Junior. From Lake Iwanttobethere [82672]

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One of those days I think. Not a bad day just one of those weather days here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Not a cloud in the sky and the sun is shinning but there is a brisk wind and the red needle on the bass thermometer is so far stuck on forty-five. Now if this was January people would be coming through the door of the Lodge wearing nothing but tee shirts and talking of global warming! But it's only October and it feels a might chilly. So I am here at the Lodge doing some paper work and hoping the sun will warm things up some before I return to the cabin and the Honey Do List. Drive into the Lodge was a change as it would seem almost over night the trees have lost a lot of leaves. Taking the access road into town I actually had drifts of leaves that the old Dodge had to plow through. Keeping one eye on the road and the other looking towards the shoreline a lot of cabins are now visible from the road. Being the towns part time building inspector from time to time I do have to go out and make some inspections. I see Duckslayer has been busy on his place, I might have to take a drive down his way and have a chat. Have not seen him around town much at all this summer.

Which reminds me I was going to take a drive out to Dotch's place. Good place to kick back and watch the sun set. I did get to check off a few things on my buy list as I made a stop at the General Store. As soon as I walked in I saw the cases of lower unit oil stacked by the door and I picked up a tube for the Puddle Humper. I had ordered four rolls of insulation and Big Earl sent one of the stock boys to go fetch them. I also picked up a six pack of them jersey gloves. I don't know why but it gets this time of the year and I go to grab a pair of gloves and all I have is the right hands. Maybe some one else has all the left hands. We need to get together and make some pairs.

As I talked with Earl he made a notation on my bill in the old leather ledger. He asked me about my costume for the upcoming "Costume Ball" I mumbled something as I had forgotten all about it. Making my way to the Lodge It did start coming back to me that Halloween is on a Friday this year and the Lodge will be having a ball. Hammering Hank's wife Tess is in charge of it and I had forgotten all about it. Not to many kids out here at the lake for Halloween, just to far to go for trick or treating so most of them head into town to stay with relatives. So while the kids are away the adults get to play!

Gus had all the windows drapes pulled open on the south side when I arrived. A small fire was burning in the main fire place, just enough to make it look like it was throwing some heat into the main room. A few grouse hunters were sitting at a table near the fire, blaze orange vests on their backs. Gus was making small talk with them, tourist it looked like as they were asking a lot of questions about hunting and fishing and also about some guy who told them that we hunt for big pink birds up here. Checking the flamingo calendar I see the flock of 228 birds should be all out at Nytelyters point. Gus came back grinning and told me he gave the hunters directions to Hunterdowns. Told them that he is a local guide who does quite well with the pink birds.

Well I guess I can't do any more stalling, if I stay here at the Lodge I will end up working the lunch hour, even though the smell of chili does smell inviting. I still need to stop out at the lumber yard and pick up some cedar that I have on order and I should get the gas can filled at the Gulp N Go so I can mow, maybe. I think I'll get a bowl of chili to go and then I can have some apple pie at home to follow it up with. From lake Iwanttobethere... [82773]

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Funny thing, I was out chopping wood for the fire place getting ready for winter. And there I was, swinging my axe, when 3 trucks pull into the lot. They open the doors and out steps all these guys wearing camo pants, shirts and hats. They walk towards me, and I pause to take a gander at them. You could tell they were city folks cause they all had on new hunting gear and half of them were talking on there cell phones as the rest came up to talk. As I’m looking these fellers over, I’m thinking in the back of my mind “cha-ching!” (Maybe they want a guide for a grouse trip, pheasants, ducks or maybe even deer). The couple guys that stayed back at the trucks, had camo, white tennis shoes and sun glasses on, they let their dogs out, so that ruled out the deer. The leader, a skinner fella, walks up close and speaks up… “We heard that you were the guy to see about hunting birds” So, I set the axe down and said, “Yep, if you’re looking for ducks, geese or pheasants, I’m your man. But, if you’re looking for trail chickens, Bobby Bass is the fella that knows where to find them.” He looked at me with a funny look on his face, and says, “Well, we want to hunt the pink birds that this area is known for”

Knowing that I was set up, I play along… I ask, “Who sent you here, because this is a special hunt” He says, “Gus down at the lodge” I looked at him and shook my head, and said, “These permits are 25 bucks a gun, are you sure you want to hunt um?” They all agreed that they would give it a try. I turned and pointed towards Nytelyters point, the whole end was covered with pink flamingos. “That’s where they land in the early morning, and leave late at night” I said, “It’s tuff to get um, but well worth it if ya do” I told them, “You can’t hunt that point because it’s private, but I can send you to another one that’s between their fly way, you should get some shooting in” (I tried hard not to laugh) Then went on to tell them, “ I won’t be able to guide you on the hunt cause I’m booked, so I won’t charge you with the guiding fee, but will have to collect for the permit” They all agreed, so I went out to the barn as they waited and got some “decoys” that Bobby was storing in a box on the floor, and a couple old crow calls I had on a shelf.

I walked out towards the truck and gave them the “decoys and calls”, I said, “follow me out to the spot and I’ll help you get set up”

I hopped into the truck, and they followed me out to the point. Once we got there, I unloaded the “decoys”. I already had some duck blinds set up for them to use, so I started to set the “decoys” out in a “V” shape. As I was doing this, the skinner fella went around and collected the cash from the other guys. He came up to me and handed me the money, which I quickly shoved in my pocket. He asked me, “Aren’t you going to count it?” I said, “Naw, I trust ya” With that, I handed him the crow calls (I mean flamingo calls) and showed them which way they would be flying. I wished them luck, turned and waved as I jumped back in the truck…..Driving away, I was shaking my head and thinking… “City folks” …..

Well, I’m off to the Lodge to find Gus and Bobby, I think I can afford to buy a few rounds tonight………. (I hope they got the good peanuts out on the bar and not those white crackers)

From Lake Iwanttobethere,


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Cough, Cough... OK fall is here. Got myself a cold and an excuse to sit by the fire today. Last few days here at the lake have been damp, windy and without a lot of sunshine. Both Sunshine Ray and Stormy Clearweather have announced a wet cycle is about to happen and with falling temperatures there is a strong chance of snow in the next few days. Sitting here at the fireside I wonder what happen to Indian summer? It never did happen in this part of the country this year. Seems to me that when I was a youngster and in school there was always an Indian summer. Temps would rise into the 70's for a week or more and everything that you needed to get done with could be done during that last week. For kids it meant a whole week of fishing after school or bike riding the wood trails. For grouse hunters it was some short sleeve hunting. For farmers it meant they got a taste of summer with nothing else to do but daily chores. A round of golf, some fishing maybe or just being able to sit on the deck with the sizzle of a few steaks on the grill. It didn't happen this year. Leaves are coming down like it is a snowstorm, the wet leaves stick to everything, The Dodge looks like it has been camouflaged. Even leaves have blown up under the boat house and the Puddle Humper has them covering her decks.

Deck furniture needs to be all put away but now everything is wet and covered in sticky leaves. Wife is giving me the "Look" and had taken out a yellow highlighter and marked items on the do list that need to be done. Guess even she is acknowledging that I ain't going to get everything done on the list. This morning when I went into the kitchen announcing that I have a cold she told me that I can't, I have to much to do. I checked the fridge in search of some apple pie and found none, on the do list was to pick apples. Now I will have to do that today. On the other hand I have been making progress on the solar heater for the cabin. Roof is all on and yesterday three of the sides were covered in siding. Today I was going to hang windows and finished siding but that looks like it will have to wait. Some sprinkles out there and I like not to run power saws in the rain. Might have to go and dig potatoes up, I don't want to be doing that later if it does snow. I am sure this weather will pass and we will get some dry stuff back. The do list will have some more things marked off and of course some more things added on.

I have been running in to town to the General store and out to the lumber yard several times this past week. Since I had no real set plans for the solar heater it has kind of grown from the original thought. Which means I have gotten rid of a lot of things laying around the cabin. I even had enough roofing material laying around that I didn't have to buy anything for the roof. Got it all done and have three shingles left. The other night I was in the Lodge just to check up on things and Hunterdown was there, he even bought a round for everyone in the place. Left Gus a tip and made mention about he sure do love livin here at the lake. Later Hammering Hank and Tess were also at the Lodge and I chatted with Tess some. We were discussing some of the plans for the costume dance/ party that we will be having the end of the month here at the Lodge. She made mention that Hunter had been at her shop that day and had bought a bunch of pink feathers that she uses in her flower arrangements. I had noticed at the General Store that Big Earl had a display of the pink hoodies outside of the main door. Well this got me thinking, I mentioned it to Gus and putting it all together we figure that Hunter has found a way to make money off them city folk who come up here to hunt for the wild pink flamingoes. Big Earl came in for a night cap and we questioned him at length. He said that the pink hoodies have been selling well and even Hunterdown had bought a few to resell out at his place.

I went into my office and checked the flamingo calendar and saw there was an envelope with a donation and a request for 100 of the flamingoes to be moved to Hunters place from Nytelyters point. Well now it was all coming together, Gus said there had been some city fellows in and he sent them to Hunter and Earl said he did sell some pink hats in xl and was ordering some more, he just thought they were for costumes. Hammering Hank said he saw two suv's with hunters driving around off Hunters point and now that ya mention it there was a lot of pink to be seen in the rear windows. Sipping on our Hamms we pondered what was going on, if there was money to be made then the Lodge should be in on it. Just then a group of about eight guys dressed in pink hoodies with two poodles came in. One of then was carrying a pink feather. They sat down at the big table and order up some green tea and a shot of Wild Turkey that they passed around. We sat at the end of the bar while Gus waited on them. Just as we thought, they had come for the wild flamingo hunting..... Hmmmmm from Lake Iwanttobethere [83006]

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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