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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Quiet morning here at the Lodge. Meeting tonight so I am sure we will be busy around cocktail hour. Yes the Lodge has a cocktail hour now. With the new bartender he can actually make drinks. Some of us other bartenders have had to learn a few to. But the days of dropping a shot glass into a big mouth beer mug will not be forgotten. Just something about a depth charge to wet the whistle. Was hot dog and brat night last night on the BBQ's some tasty combo's there. I must admit I like a good polish sausage done on the grill till it splits down the side and the slightly burnt. Gives that crispy crunch in the bun. Sweet onions and a pickle on the side with a Hamms and that is a decent snack. Burger night tonight, our own Gus from here at the Lodge will be entering his ½ pound cheeseburger with secret sauce. The plan is for everyone to go to the BBQ and support Gus and then come back to the Lodge for meeting time. Don't know how long the meeting will last as Gus also serves a side dish of beans with his burger. We have all the windows open already and hope to stay ahead of the guys.

A nice sight on the way into the Lodge this morning as I saw three young lads on their bikes riding down the dirt access road to the lake. Tackle boxes hanging from handle bars and rods lengthwise. Good to see kids heading off to go fishing. They even all had baseball hats on and they were all pointed forward. Jeans were pulled up and they were wearing belts! I gave them a wide berth when I passed them and a wave. They all kept their hands on the handle bars but came me a quick nod of their heads. Looking back in the Dodge's mirror I saw them turn off the road and head down a trail. Same trail I used to take when I was a young lad. Leads down to the old pilings and some Lilly pad covered water. Would be a good day to fish that water. Some big old willows along the shore there and this time of the summer the grass is deep and green and lush. A lot of time could be spent there watching a bobber and laying back in the grass. Cold cans of pop and sandwiches wrapped in wax paper. Small bags of potato chips and of course a Mars candy bar.

Just about that age where you don't have a care in the world. Don't have to worry about gas money, you had no car. Not even close enough for a license anyway. Girls were something you talked about but had no experience with. Baseball cards and chewing gum that was actually worth chewing. Stiff fiberglass fishing rods that you could use as a sword if need be. Maybe even a cigarette to pass around but that usually happens once and no one cared for them. No one wore a watch because no one had one. But with a practiced eye a glance at the sun would give you a good idea what time it was. Some days you would catch some fish and bring them back home your dad would clean them and mom would fry them up. Best meal you ever had. You would sit back from the table and after eating all of your greens and some fry tatters, hot buttered rolls and corn on the cob. Funny how one walleye could feed the whole family back then. Hardly enough for a taste now.

Well BBQ's are going already down at the park, almost noon and the townspeople are already looking to take lunch breaks. Fair amount of tourists down there as some people plan there vacations at the lake to match up with BBQ week. A lot of them don't even fish they just come here for BBQ and the blueberries. Strawberries were a little late this year so they are also getting in on them to. A good burger and some strawberry shortcake is a hard thing to beat. Well I suppose I should head on down there, a long day of judging to be had. I know it's a tuff job but someone does have to do it. From Lake Iwanttobethere (67935)

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So I am sitting here in the Lodge waiting for everyone to come up from the BBQ so we can start the Lodge meeting and no one is coming through the door. I'm thinking must be some pretty good eating going on down there or that hard rock polka band is better then we thought they were going to be. So I am back in the office moving papers around and I look at the desk calendar. Today is the 22nd not the 29th the Lodge meeting is next week.... I think I just had a senior moment! I stroll back out to the main room and try to act as if nothing is going on. Out the back door I slip and return to the BBQ Talking out loud to myself I figure I just made a simple mistake, has nothing to do with me now being 661 months old and besides looking on the bright side. I just gained a whole week of July From Lake Iwanttobethere (68119)

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Hiya from Lake Iwanttobethere. Working out of the Lodge this morning. A nice steady light rain falling from an overcast sky today. Not a heavy rain and no thunderstorms, just a good soaking rain falling. Looking from the Lodge's deck down at the park I can see people walking around and brightly covered umbrellas moving between tents and vendors. Wood smoke curls skyward and sits above the park, just a wisp of wind moving it out over the lake. The aroma of BBQ is heavy in the air as today is rib and steak night. Some of them ribs are slow cooked all day long and the smell makes it hard to get any work done. Finals will be held on Saturday and our own Gus was declared the winner in the burger division. Weather has been perfect for being out doors, Bass thermometer has not gone over 80 and most of the time the red needle is stuck right on 75 which is just fine with me. Skeeters have not been to bad out either. Could be all the wood smoke or it might have been Gus's beans.

Digging through paper work here at the Lodge. Sorting and filing invoices and getting orders together. Also have Lodge membership forms to file and working on the mailing lists. Some trips here to plan as the guys here want to go to a baseball game down in the big cities. I am surprised after last years adventure. I did call Reed the Realtor and he said that Dug did finish up on the RV and it is ready for another road trip and the fire damage has been all repaired. Just looking to get some more bio fuel as that is now become very popular in these parts. Which reminds me. The Lodge starting next week will become a bus stop for that bus with the dog on the side. We get a little something for letting the bus stop here and idle for fifteen minutes and then it goes back on it's way. I guess the Lodge has the only parking lot big enough for it to turn around in so we are now, the town that is on the bus run. We are thinking if they make a stop we will get some walk in lunch business from them so we will have to see how that goes.

I was in the city yesterday and since the bus was on my mind I noticed that in the city there are bus stops on every corner but there is also fire hydrants on the same corners. So how can you park a bus at a fire hydrant where there is no parking and not get a ticket? We don't have to worry about that here at Lake Iwanttobethere, we only have four fire hydrants and no busses. Well just since I started to write this the rain has stopped. Clouds are lifting some and I see two boats are getting ready to launch down at the access. Fishing has been steady here at the lake, we normally get a lull this time of summer but some big fish have been getting weighed in down at the Masterbaiters shop. If I remember off the top of my head a 41" northern a 29" walleye and a 21" bass all came through the door this past week. Some nice fish anytime of the year.

Past the midway point of summer already. Seems to have gone really fast again this year. Getting to fair time here shortly. Crops are getting big in the field and we will be talking about harvest time here soon. I am sure there will be some hot days still coming and we have been lucky with the rain as it seems we don't go much longer then a week with out something falling. Not like last year when it was dry most of the summer but we had that wet fall. I have been enjoying fishing some small lakes around Lake Iwanttobethere that have enough water to get into now. Even the county took advantage of the low water and installed a few more concrete ramps. Funny how they do that and don't tell anyone that it has been done. I was at one the other night and when I drove up to what used to be a pot holed dirt access is now a asphalt road down to the water with concrete ramp. Still had to get a little wet but much better then in the past. In my travels I have been looking for all the orange barrels that the county stored at the lake. I have not found them. Makes me wonder where they have a secret road project going on that I can't find.

Well a little early for lunch but I think I might take a stroll down to the BBQ and see if there is anything ready for tasting. Might even have to go fishing this afternoon. To wet to, dare I say work outside, but never to wet not to go fishing.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (68573)

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Since we have so many new readers I thought I would bring back up last summers road trip for you to read...

Road trip, With things being quiet at the lake we were killing time in the Lodge when we all came up with the same idea while watching the baseball game, Road Trip. So after watching the Twins win we decide to make a few phone calls and the next morning we all met at the Lodge to go take in a baseball game. The spur of the moment event kind of snowballed from a few of the guys in a car to needing the van to end up gassing up Reed the Realtor deer hunting bus. Since the bus has been parked since last deer season the first thing we needed to do was run it in to the next town over where the high school was holding a car wash. We hid the bus around the corner while getting the Dodge washed and haggled over a price on the bus. With the Dodge all done we signaled the bus and Reed drove it around to park it at the Dairy Queen where the car wash was being held. We all ordered banana splits and sitting in the shade of the building watched as the cheerleaders spent the next hour cleaning off the bus. Seeing all that mud come off from under the back wheels reminded us of when it was stuck in the swamp last fall.

Now seeing a bunch of cheerleaders all lathered up washing a bus might be kind of exciting to some. But us being a bunch of old guys we were more into the chocolate syrup and ice cream melting in our banana split boats. After getting the bus cleaned and back on our way we did notice that the entire cheer leading squad was waving good bye to us but they were not using all of their fingers. And here I had left them a five dollar tip, Canadian. Next stop Dug's garage. Reed always being a thoughtful man had changed the bus to bio-disel a few years ago. At Dug's we filled the tank and After checking other things and airing all the tires up we were soon back at the Lodge to load up and head out. We took everything from inside the bus and put it down in the basement. There were a few things that made it to the dumpster and it was good to have all the windows open. The cheerleaders had washed windows so we could actually see out the ones we could not get open. We brought in a picnic table and set that up in the back so we could have our card game and some extra folding chairs were also brought onboard.

I notice the chip rack was filled but there was a case of chips left over, no sense in letting them get old so I tossed them on the bus. Along with some hot dogs and sauce for our tail gate party. Tapping kegs I found a half full one, so I left that and rolled a full one into the bus. Putting the keg in a kids pool that we had borrowed on the way to the lodge we were all set after getting some ice. I made change for everyone as we all had a roll of five dollar bills. Everything at the Dome cost five dollars. With that we boarded the bus. Myself with Reed driving had the two original seats in the front of the bus. Elmer had shot gun in the lazy boy. Chuck was on the stool near the keg with the flight harness on. Big Earl and Junior and Skinny along with Doc and Hank were already getting chips and cards out at the picnic table. We waited a few more minutes and a few more lodges guys came but after smelling the French fry exhaust from the bus they decide to drive down ahead of us. We all gave then five dollars to get tickets for us. Dug was the last to board and with the bus door closed and secured with a length of rope we were on our way.

Trip down was pretty uneventful, we made good time as soon as we hit the freeway. The guys were having a good time singing show tunes and mileage improved as the weight of the keg was diminished. Just outside of the Twin Cities we picked up a police escort. At first we thought we were in trouble when the squad rolled up next to us but then it just waved us to follow him. Pulling into the Dome parking lot we were directed to where the buses parked. The police officer rolled down his window and told us to have a nice stay Mr. Nudgent. Reed and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. We untied the door and got out, that is when we noticed the Ted Nugent tour bus parked right behind us. It had the same camo paint scheme as us just it was like a million dollars nicer. It was also missing the writing in lipstick across the rear of the bus signed by the Beavers, cheer leading squad. Well we unloaded and mingled with the band who by great chance were also here to see the ball game. We blended right in as we were all wearing the same bowling shirts. I even met Ted who offered to let us watch the game from their private box. We declined as we already each had invested in five dollar tickets.

After walking around the dome we met up with our fellow Lodge members and picked up our tickets. Going in through a service entrance we were soon each outfitted with our very own beer cup holders and 24 beers each. The dome has really changed since the last time I was here. By the middle of the 4th we were done passing out beer to new found friends and had a few extra bucks in our pockets. With just a few beers left between us we decided to just set the holders down and take to some empty seats down behind the 3rd base line. They were really great seats and you could hear the ball slap the catchers mitt. One was really loud and as I turned to tell Chuck and that is when I saw that he was holding the side of his face as the lady next to him was leaving. Soon after that the guy who gave us the beer carriers appeared with a couple of guys in yellow shirts. Pointing at us and yelling something that we could not hear above the crowd noise. This was when my fellow Lodge member informed me about our part time beer vendor gig that he had arranged.

Staying just a few sections ahead of the yellow shirts we were soon lost in a wave. When the second wave came around we were feeling a little lightheaded. The third wave and we found ourselves sitting in a crowd of fellow bowlers also on a road trip. As a matter of fact the entire section was bowlers and our shirt seemed to be a very popular color. Here we sat out the rest of the game

Making our way out the exit we had to once again walk around the dome to the bus parking area. We did notice a lot of birds flying over head and as we got closer we saw that the gulls had taken a liking to our Bio-disel French frying bus. As a matter of fact they had done a pretty good job of redecorating it. Getting in we soon did a head count and turning on the GPS and inserting the proper lake chip for Lake Iwanttobethere we were on our way back home. We were suppose to stop at Mall of America but we decided that we would just say that it was closed or that we could not find a parking space. As we headed up the freeway we noticed a lot of gulls in our exhaust. Hank said there was a red light or two following us but the gulls were between us and we were putting ground between us. With the windows down and the snoring of lodge members we were back at the Lodge by morning. Of course we did stop at the casino and enjoyed the breakfast buffet and spent another five dollars. Well the Twins won 5-3 and we missed Hot Dog night. Odds are we won't be going back this year anyway. The bus needs to be washed again, I wonder if those cheerleaders will still be there tomorrow? From Lake Iwanttobethere

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Hot and muggy day here at Lake Iwanttobethere, just like a mid summer day should be. Went fishing early this morning, already knew the day was going to be like this. Sunshine Ray had forecasted lots of sunshine and muggy conditions. Did not take the Puddle Humper out but pushed off at first light in the old wood rowboat. Slipped the oars in the locks and with a few quiet strokes sent the old boat down the shoreline. Pausing for awhile I let the boat glide like she was new again in the calm water of the early morning. Only trouble with the rowboat is that it is a lot easier to see where you have been and a little more work to see where you are going. Does make it nice for trolling though. Set your rod against the transom and you can watch as the vee wave from the rowboat spreads out to either side. From time to time you look over your shoulder to see where you are heading and staying to the edge of the reed bank. Only sound is a little creaking from the oarlocks and maybe your feet on the floor. Some sloshing of water back and forth and maybe the tackle box floating and hitting the side of the old boat. When the old coffee can used for bailing starts to float it's time to take a rest and dip some water out.

It seems to take a little longer each time I go out but the shoulders loosen up and the arms seem to stretch out some. Soon the stokes have a little more behind them and the vee waves off the bow get a little bigger. Reeds and Lilly pads slide by a little quicker and you are ready to make the slow turn at the back end of the bay. Slowing down you drift to a stop and reel in the spoon that was dragging behind the boat. Cleaning off a few wisps of weeds you trade it for the spinning rod with the devil horse on it. Standing up in the boat you launch a cast to the point in the reeds farthest from shore. Have done this hundreds of times before and on a few occasions a fish was there waiting for the lure to hit the water, not today. It sits and waits and your twitch it and work it back to the boat. Trouble about fishing your home lake is that there is no bad spots on it. It seems that every log or every point at sometime or another you have caught a fish off it. Every dock you remember and the bass you caught from under it or the northern that you lost in front of it.

Trees that held eagles in them or spots on shore where bucks could be seen drinking from. That one spot where the black bear was crossing and the time you were surprised by a moose that was eating with his head under the water. You saw bubbles up ahead and thought it was a turtle till the water irrupted and the rack of a moose surfaced, covered in weeds and looking like something from outer space. Funny how much strength the arms found rowing backwards from that encounter. Every time you come around that spot again you look for the bubbles, waiting to see if a moose would be there again. Blackbirds follow you, making noise. Guarding there part of the cat tails they warn you not to come to close. Green frogs make their croaking sound deep in the high reeds and grass. Out of sight but somehow within arms reach it seems. Dragonflies flying in pairs like planes with wing men, sweeping in to check you out, make a pass and the continue on their way. Mayflies landing lightly on the bow, wings spread waiting for a breeze to lift them off again.

Quiet broken by the sound of a splash and a big ring of water left by an old pig bass rolling in the shallows, You can't see it but you know it is a bass. Can't get a lure back there either, to deep in the pads. But you stop and watch anyway, waiting to see if it is heading your way. Of course your attention is drawn away by another fish rolling down the shoreline. You pull on the oars a few strokes to see if that one is in casting distance. About then the first one rolls again. Loud in the quiet of the early morning. You chuckle to yourself and start rowing again. Back out to the outside edge of the reeds you turn and in a nice rhythm you head back for the dock. Nice long even strokes the bow of the old row boat lifts with each pull of the oars and then settles back down as you lift the oars from the water and slide them forward in the well worn oarlocks. You dip them back into the water and putting your back into it feel your muscles flex and your legs push against the floor. A little spray in your face and it feels good to be on the water, alone. From Lake Iwanttobethere. (68879)

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Well yesterday was a break from the weather here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Park was quiet but the smell of BQQ still lingered in the air. Was expecting Hammering Hank to be out with Skinny restocking the firewood piles but the wife Tess has put her foot down. No more working on Sundays for Hank. That is not to say he was not busy. I saw the two of them, Hank and Tess drifting in their Lund out off Root Beer Island. Feet up they were having a lazy day of fishing and that I will agree is better then any reason to be working on a Sunday. The only thing I saw working on Sunday was Windy the windmill. She was spinning away on the hilltop behind the Lodge.

Busy next few days here as today is the fifth Monday of the month, that means a town hall meeting and tomorrow being the fifth Tuesday means Lodge meeting. Yes I did check the calendar and I do have the right dates this time. Most business was taken care of on Saturday when we had the Lake association meeting. We got our DNR survey results back and the lake is doing fine, as a matter of fact we are leading the area in several categories. Of course fishing here has always been exceptional. Reed the Realtor has reported that even though everyone else is having a housing decline we are still selling cabins as soon as they are open. Some building is going on and there will be no change to the height to shore rule. That is for every story you go up you must sit back a hundred feet from shore, so a three story cabin will need to be 300' back from shore. We like to keep the shoreline a low profile and not lose our trees around it.

There was some talk about banning electric lawnmowers and blowers on the weekends, Some are complaining the buzzing sound can be annoying. There are not many on the lake but people have been asked to refrain from using them on the weekends to keep the peace. During the meeting all 228 pink flamingos were moved to Duckslayers property. He has been quiet for most of the summer and we just wanted him to know we know he is still around. Tim the sheriff reported that the lake has been quiet, just a few dog barking calls and since Grace and Bailiff have been on patrol the calls of bears in town has all but disappeared. It might be in part to the good berry crop but we will give the dogs the credit for now. Lake association meeting ended and people return to the BBQ and to the fiddle playing of Fred and Fiona.

Yesterday the weather was cooler and today seems to be more of the same. Sunshine Ray has some rain in the forecast which is good for the farmers. Getting to that time of summer when the plants have grown to where they are going to be and now the corn will get ripe and the cuc's heavy. Driving around the lake you can't see the cabins as the trees are heavy and the grass tall and green. Golf course looks outstanding and with some cooler weather there will be some of the local farmers on it during the day. Now they wait and watch. A few bow hunters are already out setting up trail cams and doing some scouting. Sound of dog whistles and commands can be heard echoing across the water in the evening as guys are working their dogs. Have been doing it all long but you just kind of notice it now. End of July already, will not be long and the chill will be in the evening air. Good sleeping weather will return and along with it them great fall suppers. Fish and fresh corn, tatters from the garden along with salad and all the fixings. Mindy and Mandy's root beer on ice and apple pie. Spending evenings around the fire ring and flannel jackets again will be the uniform on the lake. Getting to my favorite time of the year, but we still have to get through August and I will not bet against a few 90 degree days and some thunderstorms. Still got a lot to do on the summer To Do List and then there is the fall list sitting on the desk waiting it's turn. From the last week in July here at Lake Iwanttobethere (69242)

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Well you can all blame me, everyone else is. Here I say the weather is nice and a few days later we hit 90 in the shade! Might have been all right but a thunderstorm came through around 5 am and filled the rain barrels. Gardens all got a good soaking but when the sun came out it made for a bad humidity day. Dogs were chasing the cats inside the cabin but it was so hot they were all walking. Pretty much skipped everything that was on the To Do List today, Have a long standing rule that if the Bass thermometer hits 90 we are done working for the day. Used to get more days like that when the thermometer was hanging on the side of the cabin that gets full sun shine. The wife moved it to a shaded spot after I got a month of fishing in and no work done.

Monday night was the Town Hall meeting and tonight was the Lodge meeting. No great news to report and the beer was flowing in the frosted mugs as soon as we came through the door. All the ceiling fans were turned on high and the deck had all the chairs full of guys with cigars going. Next Lodge and Hall meeting is in September and it was quickly decide that anything we had to say could wait till it got cooler. Lodge meeting was moved to the icehouse where there was still the keg of Hamms from the Lake association meeting. Sitting on blocks of ice you could only stay for fifteen minutes or so before having to go outside and warm up. Bout that time you would be thirsty again so there was a lot of coming and going back in and out of the ice house. No skeeters in the ice house. They would follow you in through the door and then drop to the floor. Grace must have heard the key in the lock and she was there in line. She quickly pulled out a block of ice and didn't go far before she started to go to work on it. Bailiff was with her and if a beer mug was left unattended it was quickly slopped up.

The little black and white TV was plugged in the ice house so we could watch the baseball game. A win brought on another round of cold beer and shots of Wild Turkey. Kitchen was closed but we managed to stir up the coals and soon polish sausage was sizzling on the grill. A little late evening snack. The wind picked up off the lake some and the sun went down. Temps fell a few degrees and with the coming and going in the ice house we managed to get through the evening. Tomorrow sounds like it will be another day of the same. Not a lot of complaining about the weather, it's not like we can do anything about it and come the dead of winter this is what we say we are looking for. Not many guys are drinking cold beer and wishing it was a -30 out. Although I am sure there are a few guys sitting in there ice houses waiting for the water to get hard.

Could be the end of an era to. I noticed on the drive into the Lodge a guy on a motorcycle, helmet on with goggles wearing a heavy sweatshirt and jeans. Not much unusual about that. Then I noticed the sandals and he was wearing black socks. I think the guy was actually driving the cycle because it was a means of transportation, not a life style or a statement. I shook my head and wanted to yell at the guy to get some boots on. But I think he would not have a clue as to what I was saying.

Campground is about half full, you can hear the hum of ac running and soft talk and some laughter from around campfires. The fires are all small just making enough smoke for the skeeters. Don't need any more heat. A few boats lie of Root Beer Island. Some of the guys after the meeting had trailer their boats down and were taking advantage of the get together to go out and get some late night fishing in. From time to time you would see a light go on, I am guessing to land a fish or to find something in the dark. Even the light is on in the new fish cleaning house. Looks like someone caught something. Well I think I am going to find an empty spot on the deck. Light a cigar and enjoy the night. From Lake Iwanttobethere.. (69826)

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July is over and August has started. Almost like some one clicked a switch in the gardens. Had to go see DOC Burriem yesterday, bad knee decided to blow up like a small melon which has slowed me down. Can't climb in the Puddle Humper so looks like there will only be fishing off the dock for the next few days. DOC wants to stick a needle in there but I will admit I am a chicken and will give it a few days to see if it goes down by itself. So I stayed here at the cabin and did some walking around and checked out gardens. Almost over night the corn seems to be growing inches in a day. Tomato plants are climbing outside their cages. Picked some cucumbers and the wife was busy yesterday afternoon making jelly from all the ripe raspberries. Turn over the edge of a potato plant and little spuds are doing well. Look like a good harvest for later this fall. Flowers are doing well and suddenly we have apples on the trees to.

Bass thermometer seems to be stuck on 85 with no rain in sight. Am getting a lot of sleep as the wife is steering clear of me and I have been sleeping away the afternoons on the swing on the deck. Bud has been around me constantly and if I could just get him to keep the beer coming so I can stay hydrated I should be good to go in a few more days. Baseball games in the evening to watch and a few visitors stop by during the day. Elmer brought me over conies today and a big jug of Mindy and Mandy's Lake Iwanttobethere root beer. Later in the day Mindy called and asked if I needed anything, Of course a jug of root beer would be nice I replied. Trouble is ya get lazy and ya stop moving around so I get up off the swing from time to time and drag myself around the yard. Moving kind of slow but seeing more things that need to get done. Lucky the grand kids are not up this weekend, They are just the right height that they would be constantly running into the knee. Bad enough the dogs have already nailed it a few times. It's like a big magnet, hit your thumb with a hammer, put a bandage on it and I will guarantee you will hit that thumb at least ten more times that day.

Getting better though, I can now sit at the desk and do some writing, had to keep it straight before but now I can bend it. As long as I rest a frosty mug on it I am keeping ice on it. Going to be doing a friendly little fishing contest here in a couple of weeks so I have been looking over the old fishing logs and asking question about a bay here on the lake that I have not fished for a few years. Looks like August is going to be a hot one which is good for the gardens but makes fishing a little tuff. Vicki down at the Masterbaters shop has already starting to do some rearranging. Moving some bow hunting stuff up towards the front of the store and I thought Elmer said something about her having a pop up ice house on display out front of the store. Already down at Earls there is a clearance sale going on for picnic supplies. Hammering Hank told me that he is already getting calls to schedule docks to be pulled out of the water. Go figure, Even though gas has dropped some down at the Gas- N - Go business at the lake has fallen off. Not so much at the resort they are still booked deep into the fall but we don't seem to be getting as many daily visitors as we have in the past.

Lots of events coming up this month though. Logger days will be coming soon, the big fishing contest. Corn roast and dancin in the park. County fair, stock car racin and of course the demo derby. I guess I don't keep up with all the doing that go on here that we take for granted. Friday nights the locals tie all the pontoons together and make a big raft out on Lake Iwanttobethere. They party and BBQ on the boats till the wee hours of the morning, one sure way of avoiding the skeeters. The sound of Del's pizza cannon is so common that I guess I don't even hear it anymore. The ten o'clock freight running on the other side of the lake is hard to hear now that the trees are all full of leaves and only in a few places can ya see the bright headlight wash out over the lake. Sounds of softball games in the park and boccie ball being played. The trap league on Tuesday night and the sight of 228 pink flamingoes in someone yard. Mark the mailman in his boat making the rounds of the docks delivering mail and gossip. Jessie the paperboy trolling between docks at first light. Frank the plow driver making truck breaking washboard roads and Dug working in his garage in the blue haze of two cycle smoke. The great smell of hot fresh bread from the ovens at Amy's and the ringing of the bell over the front door at Ma and Pa's grocery.

Guess I forget about these things from time to time, to busy going to or coming from somewhere. Good to stop and smell the roses, who ever made up that line had the right idea.. From Lake Iwanttobethere

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Saw the wife giving Elmer a little kiss on the cheek last night, They didn't see me. A minute or so later Elmer came out on the deck and told me he was taking me down to the Crossroads for a steak. I quickly asked about the wife going with and argued a tad as we walked out to Elmers pickup truck. The wife made a fuss about how she was busy and us two old coots should get out and enjoy the evening and a good cut of meat. Elmer hopped into the truck and I crawled in the passenger side. I'll tell ya when you don't have that steering wheel to grab on to it's tuff getting in a pickup truck with a bum knee, but I made it. We are drivn out of the drive and I ask Elmer " Well what did she give ya?" " Twenty bucks" Elmer answers. " only twenty bucks to get me out of the cabin? That was pretty cheap, you should have held out for more." Elmer passes me a short cigar and we head off down the dirt road.

The tourists call the place the Crossroads because of course it sits at the crossroads. I am sure there are thousands of places across the country that have the name the crossroads and there is probably one not to far from where you live if you were to look. The locals still call it by it's real name and that is "Bretts" Bretts was Bretts before there was a crossroads. For a very long time there was gravel road that went out past it and you had to drive by in order to get to the far side of the lake. It was the last place where you could buy anything and if you had forgotten something this was where you came to get it. A short time ago maybe forty years or so they did some building and another road was put in, they had to go around the swamp so they met up with the gravel road at Bretts and the Crossroads caught on. Bretts has not changed a lot but it has changed. The first thing you notice is the big faded Muskie over the front door. When you drive up for the first time and if you are a fishermen a cuss word may fall out as you look at the beast over the door, Then you think who would put such a fish outside over the front door and then as you get closer you see it is actually a fish that some one had whittled. Still it is an eye catcher.

Story is that an old-timer got himself snow bounded and all he had to do to kill time was whittle on this big old piece of spruce he had. A few months later the snow melted and he had himself a sixty inch Muskie. He took a couple of spikes and nailed it in over his front door of his cabin. A few years later Brett was out bird huntin and saw the Muskie and in an exchange for a bottle of Wild Turkey the Muskie came to Bretts and was bolted over the front door. It was never painted and over time has weather to a deep dark menacing black. Locals use it when giving directions as in. " You go down the road a piece till ya get to the big Muskie and then ya hang a left" Over the years it has been taken down by rival High schools and held for ransom, once it was even on that HSOList as "60 inch Muskie". That got it some air time on the big city TV station.

So we found a parking spot kind of close to the door and walked past the old gas pumps. Out of habit you have to step on the air hose and make the bell ring. Passing under the Muskie as you step in you got to figure that must have been one long winter when it got whittle out. To the right when you come in sits a counter with the cash register and the assortment of little after dinner mints and tooth picks. Behind rests and assortment of cigarettes and a bottom row of cigars. The ceiling is low and the spruce beams are a faded yellow. Hardwood floor creeks under your feet and a small sign on a pedestal says "Seat yourself, We ain't your mother"

We find a table near the yellowed pictured window and sit down. No booth for us our guts are to mature to be stuck between a table and a bench. A granddaughter of Bretts comes to our table after awhile. I notice it is a commercial on the TV that she is watching so we better order quick before her show comes back on. We order up steaks and decide to do the medium well done, that will take us to the next commercials break. Spuds are always sitting hot so we don't need to wait for them. Sipping on a cold beer I lean back in my chair and look over the place. Reminds me of what my grandparents used to have when I was just a tot. Don't know if my memories are of what I had seen or what I had been told about the old place. Grandma and Grandpa had a place on a crossroads to. It was a tavern and gas station and also sold bait. It has some big white horse with wings on it that stood on a huge poll. I can remember the dust flying around always making the horse with wings look like it was really flying. The same horse was on patches that I found in and old cigar box years later when I was cleaning up grandpas cabin. Hmmm I paused for a while there trying to remember what ever happen to them things.

Well anyway we had some fine steaks and the beer came every commercial, and it was cold. The frosted glass mugs were thick and heavy. Not a lot of beer inside the mug but it was just about right. We ate, had a few beers and then watched the baseball game. Didn't talk to loud during the game as Bretts granddaughter was a real fan and she only talked during the commercials. The home team lost and Elmer thought it was best to leave her the twenty for a tip. We walked out into a dark parking lot with the only light coming from a single sixty watt bulb in a metal shield out over the gas pumps. Less bugs that way. Most tourists just drive on by, think the place is closed. We made the short walk to the truck and the sound of crickets were heavy in the air. A few lightning bugs twinkle off in the ditch and frogs could be heard croaking in the near by swamp. I managed to get in the truck and my knee actually felt a little better. I just might go fishing.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (71434)

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Well I sure have been taking a razzing the past few days, Good think I don't have Sunshine Rays job. Just a little sprinkles and down right warm during the day here at the lake. Not 90 in the shade but close enough that you could tap the Bass thermometer and it might bounce up and hit the 90 line. But... The nights have been cooling off so if you have all the windows open the cabin does cool off and it has been some nice sleeping weather. The home baseball team is out on the west coast so I took a nice nap with the ac on. I had to share the room and beds with the cats and the dogs as they are not stupid animals. When they hear that ac go on they meander to the bedroom to stake out a claim on a piece of bed or in the cats case the top of the dresser.

Well I got a nice nap in and woke up to the wife cooking in the kitchen. A platter of potato pancakes greeted me. This bum knee is working out to be a good deal I thought to myself as I smeared on butter and sprinkle on sugar to the crispy pancakes. The wife starts telling me how she would like to redo the cabin kitchen. Not just paint mind you this is becoming a major remodeling job. With each spoonful of pancake in my mouth I start to realize what this is going to cost me... Being married for thirty one years I also know the proper answers to give. NO is not the first thing that should come out of ones mouth. Holding up my plate for another serving of pancakes I made mention that perhaps she should start looking at counter tops and a few paint samples would be a good idea. I went back to my plate as she ignored me and started looking at the curtains on the window...

So I went out and started a fire in the fire ring, brought the old RCA tube radio out and set it next to the swing. It takes a few minutes for the tubes to warm up and about the same time the fire was crackling there was a hum on the radio. I found the station caring the baseball game and with an ice pack on the knee I sat back in the swing and got ready to enjoy one of the better things that you can do.. A baseball game under the stars! Five days into August and it is now dark at nine o'clock. Did not seem that long ago that you would still be out fishing at ten with enough light to make it back to the dock. How quickly summer rushes by. Well the wife came out with a glass of wine and a beer for me. She sat at the table and started to talk about the kitchen again. I held up my hand and said " Geez the baseball game is on" she asked the score and I told her they wee just starting, "Why so late" she asked.. " They are out on the west coast" I replied. " So you will be out here for awhile" she asked. I just nodded and adjusted the volume on the old radio a little louder. After a while she finished her wine and took my ice pack, a pat on the head and she headed back into the cabin, the dogs followed.

Suddenly the radio seems kind of loud in the quiet of the night, I turned it down a little and sitting in the swing I listed to the baseball game as I watched a section of the sky for meteors, just like I did when I was a kid. As it grew darker the stars came out, more likely the light from the fire ring was dying and I was getting less light in my eyes. I tracked satellites across the sky as they crossed the section I was day dreaming about. I did see one meter, just a brief splash of streaking light. Dang woman had me thinking about the kitchen remodeling job and I started going over some of her ideas in my head. Some were doable and others were from one of then shows she got from watching then do it yourself cable channels. Home team was up 6 to zip and it was looking to be a good night. An hour later and the home team lost 11-6 that is baseball for ya. But what a way to spend a summer night, under the stars with the smell of wood smoke, waves slapping against the old wood rowboat and crickets to fill in the quiet times.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (72247)

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Trying to make myself useful around the cabin today I cleaned the carpets. I was in the dinning room corner picking up kids toys and putting them back into the small plastic totes there. I yelled to the wife "Why are these things all over the floor?" "Your dogs like to play with them" she replied. You would think as a grandparent you would be done with kids toys underfoot but I guess that is never ending. The one granddaughter asked last time she was here when I was going to build the playhouse? What play house, you guys have the ice house to play in... Noo Grandpa, a real playhouse, with one wall Pink! Seems the grandmother thought it was a good idea for the grandfather to build a playhouse, just forgot to tell the grandfather. So the carpet is all clean and the dogs have been kicked outside, fans are on and cats are no where to be seen. I sip on a can of pop and look at the mess of totes in the corner and decide I'll have to build another toy box, for the dogs.

Out to the wood shop I stroll and I have enough plywood on hand that I just need to go into town and buy some wheels. For some reason I don't have or can't find any. Good excuse to go into town anyway. I take the Dodge into town and can see some dark clouds on the horizon. I park out front of the hooded owls made to look like parking meters in front of Earls General Store. I get a big hello and a pat on the back as I walk by Earl standing just inside the door, He is busy talking to some guy wearing socks with his sandals and holding some cans of wasps spray. I make my way back along the side wall and find some two inch wheels, casters actually. Wife wants wheels on the toy box so she can move it around the cabin. Going to make it a little bigger then she wants to because I am sure she will find an excuse to pick up a few more toys for the grand kids. A sawzall blade catches my eye and a sale on WD-40. Thirty minutes later I come back up the other side of the store and check out. A small crowd at the door, some people standing just inside while others are under the canvas awing. Lacey adds up the total and enters it into my account in the worn leather bound book kept under the counter. The items, including some reel oil are stacked in a paper back and she smiles and hands it to me.

I ease my way through the small crowd to see why everyone is loitering. Rain, it is raining out. The dark clouds are now above the town of Lake Iwanttobethere and I mentally check off watering the gardens today. A tourist I am guessing comes out of Amy's holding a newspaper over her head and attempts to run across the street wearing them plastic flip flop shoes. She throws a shoe and has to turn and retrieve it. The shoe starts floating down the street caught up in a stream of water coming off the gutters. No one talks as we all watch the lady walking with a hitch trying to catch up with her flip flop. She ends up taking off her other shoe and now making better time she catches up with the first one and carrying both shoes she heads back the way she came from and her waiting car. About this time Elmer comes marching down the sidewalk. Head up high and arms swinging back and forth he walks past the General store heading in the direction of Reed the Realtor. He stops and turns, hands outstretched looking back at us he shouts " It's only water" and continues on his way. With a few excuse me's I make my way past the people blocking the door and step out into the rain. I stroll over to the Dodge and see I left the window down on the drivers side. I open the door and slide the damp bag on to the seat and then roll the window up. I close the door and head in the direction of Elmer.

The warm rain soon runs down my face and arms. My truck keys are wet in my hand and I got to admit I started to drag my feet some, splashing in the water. I stepped up and stand next to Elmer just under the wood awing at Reed's office. His pipe appears out of nowhere and he takes a pull from it and smoke billows out around his head, The pipe slid back down cupped in his hand at his side, out of the rain and still burning. "See what you started" he said. I looked back at the General Store and no one was under the awing. Everyone was standing out in the rain, faces looking skyward. A few little old ladies were holding their hands over heads and twirling around in circles. They looked more like kids at a park in a sprinkler then adults out doing afternoon shopping." Me" I said. " You were the one who said it's only water" " Ya, but I was the one got caught out in the rain, you were dry, inside a store" From Lake Iwanttobethere (72411)

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Well first week in August is coming to an end. Fair amount of traffic in town today as it being Friday the changing of the tourists is well under way. People leaving town are down at Amy's getting a loose meat sandwich or two for the road and the bell at Ma and Pa's grocery is ringing as people go into pick up a bottle of Lake Iwanttobethere syrup. Always seems to be a lull that you just about set your watch to on Fridays right around noon. By two in the afternoon the street traffic will pick up and you will see a lot of locals standing next to cars or suv's. Talking to the incoming drivers they can be seen pointing in different directions pointing the ways to resorts. Earl will be standing outside of the General store. Door standing wide open he will be off to the side with his broom and his red apron on. The cart with bug spray and fly swatters, suntan lotion and umbrella's at his side. On Fridays the postcard rack is out front to. He told me he sells more postcards on Friday afternoon then any other time of the week.

Ma and Pa's grocery store has the old wood stands in front of the store. The boxes have local produce pile in them. A bin of sweet corn and watermelons catch your eye. On the sidewalk sits a cardboard box with paper bags. You fill the bag and then bring it inside. Ma never counts just ask how many ya picked? Once inside you see the open cooler with the pint boxes of strawberries and raspberries in the little wood crates. The quaint boxes reminds you of old times and a few of them find the counter to go along with the corn. You look around the old store and it has not changed much since your last visit. Can and jars of goods neatly stacked on shelves and the glass case of candy that the kids head straight to. The metal cash register and the ker ching sound it makes when Ma makes change for you. She turns back to you and counts the money out. Placing the coins first and then the bills on top. She says thank you and come again. You believe her and will surely return.

Sheriff Tim makes a ride down main street, stopping from time to time to chat with a local and smile as kids point at the yellow muscle car he drives. From time to time he will tap the siren and the kids run. Tourist, fishermen mostly will stop and make loud buddy comments about out running the squad, in their younger days. Locals over hearing the boasts will smile and nod to themselves. Sundown Cafe and the Dew Drop Inn are doing brisk business and the sidewalks have people walking them. Cameras hanging from straps and couples holding hands. Kids running and dogs on leashes just overwhelmed by all the new smells in the air. For a city dog the lake is like heaven. Grace and Bailiff make an appearance. The locals ignore the two as they saunter down main street. The Saint Bernard and the old blood hound are an unlikely pair. Parents pull their kids in a little tighter and ask about the free roaming large dogs. They see a couple of four year olds who are leaving, their parents do nothing as the dogs approach their kids. They look on as the first young lad grabs the Saint Benards and is rewarded with a big slobbering lick. The blood hound shakes his head and the other young boy hangs on to his neck. The parents both reach down and pat the dogs and then the dogs move on. The tourists look shocked, a local tells them not to worry, the Saint, Grace is the towns recuse dog and the hound, Bailiff is the Sheriffs.

I make my way to the Lodge. I welcome the cool dark and friendly confines. Just like down in town a changing is going on here. Fishermen are slapping backs and I can over hear pieces of conversations. " I got your number" and "Have a safe drive back home" " I be back next year fir sure" Loaded trailers and pop up campers pullout of the Lodges parking lot. The public campground is pretty open. Already though you can see two campers making the turn and head for the campground. Screaming kids and jockeying for position are two travel trailers. Another week here at the Lake starts about now. Looks like it will be a good one. From Lake Iwanttobethere (72906)

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HIYA from Lake Iwanttobethere, I don't know if it is me today but the lake just has a little different "Feel" to it today. I kind of picked up this vibe the last few days and took me awhile to put my finger on it. Clear blue birds sky's overhead not a cloud in the sky but the bass thermometer is just nudging 73 more dare I say, like a nice fall day then a summer day. Just a feeling I have that the weather is going to turn a lot sooner then we think this year. You might even call it a predication if you like. After a long Spring I think we are going to have a short summer and I think fall is going to be here a lot sooner then people think. Already I see people feeding the ducks but they are now looking at them differently. Not as cute furry things swimming off their docks but more how they would look in a bed of lettuce with small tatters. I have noticed that wood piles are being worked on. Tarps rearranged and some of the stacks are being moved around. Normally something that would not be done until next month. All little signs that a change is under way. Even down at Dugs garage there are a few four wheelers outside. The ones used for riding the logging roads in search of grouse. Another one is parked with a snow blade laying alongside. Starting to see sweatshirts on and even Earl at the General Store has his cart out front with Viking football flags in it. Not saying fall is here but I just have this feeling..

Here at the cabin I will be working on some projects. Going to move a fence so I can contain my apple trees better. Going to go to war with the neighbor kids down the road who made several raids on the trees. Some successful I might add. With the new fence we will at least make it more interesting for them to scale. I will leave one tree outside the fence as a token, but of course I already know that they will still go after the trees inside the fence because the harder the apples are to get to the better they must be. Over the course of the next several days I will start digging fence holes and putting in posts. I don't have a real schedule for this as then I will not have to keep to it. I do want to get one section done so I can start working on a new solar collector to help keep the cabin warm. After getting a fill of fuel oil over the summer and making sure I was sitting down when I open the bill it renewed the idea of a second collector. Also a few more dead falls were cut up and added to the wood pile. Didn't take much to convince the wife that some free solar heat would be nice. But as in all projects one always hinges on another and so on. Need to move that fence for the apple trees cuz it is blocking light where the new collector is going to go and then I need to move the flower bed out and then of course a new short retaining wall will have to be put in and we were thinking of adding tomatoes plants out there so I'll have to bring in some more dirt and then that burning bush should really be moved and all the scrubs should be trimmed back and.... Gee I am tired just writing this all done.. Like I said no real schedule when this all needs to be done, But I should go down to the lumber yard and buy some 4x4 posts I guess, or I could just go fishing.

Speaking of fishing I have on my calendar a fishing outing with that guy who bought the old mill. Hunterdown he goes by. He has set up shop down there and is doing some guiding and some fishing. Got to talking down at the Lodge one night and it is just easier to take someone fishing them boasting over Hamms. So come Friday we are going to take the Puddle Humper out and see if we can catch some fish and trade some tales. Should be good enough for a story or at the very least a paragraph. Well Elmer is coming over in a little while around the apple trees where the fence is going to go. This way when the wife comes home she will figure I was at least doing some work today. It is a Sunday so I can't really mow or cut any fire wood so I guess I will have to settle with just thinking about these projects. One good thing about the new collector is I have been doing some research and we are going to go with the beer can collector system. What you do is you take clean empty beer cans and take the ends of, you silicone them together to make long metal tubes, spray then black and then stack them inside the collector. The cool air enters the bottom as it warms it rises getting hotter. You then pump that warm air into the cabin. The key being that you need empty BEER cans. Along with Elmer and Chuck we plan on working on creating these empty beer cans through the rest of summer and deep into fall. All in the name of solar heating and mother earth..... From Lake Iwanttobethere (73375)

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Woke up this morning to Elmer pouring himself a cup of coffee in the kitchen. Only way I knew he was there is I could hear Peppers tail pounding against the side of the refrigerator. After pouring myself a cup of coffee I followed him outside to stand on the deck and look down at the calm waters of the lake. Nothing much unusual in that, other then Elmer was dressed in his yellow rain slicker with his knee high rubber boots and kept looking at his pocket watch. The old watch hung from a safety pin attached to a length or leather cord that was tucked away in the top pocket of Elmers bibs. Something was up. Elmer does not usually dig out his watch unless something or someone has to be someplace at a certain time.

I didn't ask anything I just stood on the deck sipping on the coffee acting like I was in on the reason for being out there. We made small talk, Elmer talking about the lack of rain the past week or so. Saying how he was watching me last night watering the gardens and by the way the sweet corn is looking good. Checking his watch again he edged a little closer to the cabin, Elmer then said " You might want to get under some cover" I looked skyward and not a cloud in the sky, not even a bird for that matter, but I followed Elmers lead and moved closer to the cabin wall. Leaning up against the wall I could make out a slight distant drone in the air. Then I heard a click and a soft voice say " How about it there cabbage patch, ya there? Elmer reaching inside his yellow rain slicker pulled out a small radio, pulling up the antenna he spoke into it saying " Go ahead there water bug " the radio crackle some and said " You all ready down there?" "This is Cabbage Patch any time were all set here" " 10-4" "You might want to step back " Elmer said. About now I kind of had an idea what was about to happen..

Looking skyward I waited, I saw the shadow but missed it. Then the water fell. I'm guessing about 1500 gallons fell from the sky as the belly of the fire plane open up and dropped the water across Elmers cabin and his gardens. Some of course missed Elmers and splashing the cabin and the deck and we were soon soaked in run off. The water barrels quickly over flowed and the dogs were barking inside. Elmer smiling like a little kid was on his radio talking back up to the Water Bug as now I could see the plane turning and heading back out over Lake Iwanttobethere. Elmer nephew flies for the DNR and they were just out doing some practice runs. Somewhat unusual dumping water on cabins but Elmer talked him into it.. An interesting way to water the gardens but then again this is Lake Iwanttobethere.. (73854)

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Just got some bad news this morning. My fishing buddy Jerry, his uncle Gus past away a few days ago.

Even here at Lake Iwanttobethere bad thing happen. We tend to write about all the good things but we need to remember that nothing stays the same. Uncle Gus who has been written about here a few times was a throw back to the old days. Married for better then seventy years, Yes seventy years. He died in his nineties and his wife was at his side. Every time I would take the trip up the North shore we had to stop at his cabin and sign the log. Along side was a check list of things that needed to be looked at if you stopped at the cabin. You would put a little pencil mark next to the list showing that you had looked at it. Gus and his wife would already be up in the BWCA but their cabin was at the halfway point and was a good place to stop and stretch your legs.

There was nothing on the list that they themselves had not taken care of but it was a standing way to make sure you checked in at the cabin. For about ten years I would make take a ten day vacation, once in the Spring and another in the Fall. We would stop at the cabin on the way up and again on the way back down. Never mattered if we were in a hurry or not we had to stop. We would sign the log and make a pencil check next to the check list if no one was there or be greeted with hugs if they were home. Gus's wife would soon be in the kitchen and hot rolls would be on the table thirty minutes later. Gus and his brothers have fished every lake in the BWCA and he was a walking history of the place. Back in the 40's they hauled wood rowboats deep back into lakes only seen on maps and when they snowmobiles first came out they would spent two and three week fishing trips back where no one can get to now.

Still spitting his own wood the last time I saw him he was not a big fan of new stuff. A store bought cookie! Not if his wife had anything to say about it. She cooked from scratch and there are very few who can still do that. Life had been good to Gus. And he returned it to everyone around him. I'll take a trip up the shore this weekend, to sign a different kind of log book.

I'd like to write more but something's can't be put down on a keyboard. Just thinking of the old coot brings a smile to my face and memories back to mind. I think that is what he would have liked. I am sure a lot of people will be smiling this weekend and a few more drops of water will be added to the waters of Lake Superior, from a small cabin on it's shore a final check will be made on a list.

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HiYA from the lake. Well my fishing vacation was over before it even started. On Monday morning I made a visit to Doc Burriem with a complaint about some shortness in breath and as he gave me the once over he saw that the knee that had swelled up was still swollen below the knee cap. Next thing I know we are in Doc's old truck driving into the big city. Well I ended up getting admitted in to the hospital and spent four days and three nights there. Not the vacation that I had planned. With out bothering you with all the tests and results lets just say if I was a used car at Reeds car lot I would be in the back row and with out some serious body work no one was going to take me home.

So I could write a long story on my hospital stay but no one really wants to read that. Lets just say I made a lot of friends with some cute nurses. Put their Internet connection down for an afternoon and left with some balloons and a bag of pills and told to clean my act up. Another life style change has been ordered. Got to give up my cigars, the wife has already hidden the salt shaker and my conies will be nothing more then a memory. I learned way more then I wanted to about my heart and having a low heart beat is good when you are young but not good when you get to be 662 months old. I also learned there is nothing to watch at 3 am on TV and a hospital is no where to go if you want to try and sleep for more then two hours at a time. I also found out I have a lot of blood to give and they came and took some every morning under the cover of darkness. I also found out that there is a black market for salt in a hospital. I would walk the halls in my open gown and old guys would bump into me, looking to see if there was a doctor or nurse in earshot they would mumble about paying me big money for any salt that I might have on me. Eat a few meals of hospital food and you will know what I mean. The last day I was there I got to order my own food, at least then I had an idea what I was eating. The first few days someone else ordered for me. I didn't have a clue what it was suppose to be under the lid. If Burger King got into the hospital business they would clean up, seems everyone was wishing for a burger and fries with extra salt.

So I got home yesterday afternoon, first thing I did was head for my swing on the deck and wait for my animals to come and greet me. The traitors, they ignored me. I think they were mad that I had not been around. One by one as the evening went on they did finally come out to sit next to me and get their ears rubbed. I was woke up at 3 in the morning by the small Siamese cat who does not go to anyone. She head butted me a few times and allowed me to scratch her behind the ears before she walked away to her bed. This morning every thing is back to normal. Cats ere back to ignoring me and Bud and Barney after getting their morning bones went outside to flop on the deck.

So after I heal up some here I will plan on getting my fishing vacation in. Telephone has been ringing asking how I am and what happen. Have gotten a few offers to go fishing, which I quickly penciled in on the calendar between doctor appointments. Honey do list is going to have changes made to it and I tried telling the wife that I am limited as to what I can do on her Honey Do List. She had already talked to Doc Burriem and knows I was just trying to get out of some things. She already has changed the home menu and made calls to the Dew Drop and Sunshine Cafe. Even told Amy that she has to watch the toppings on my loose meat sandwiches. She even put tape around the cigar jar lid and counted them here at the cabin. Pa from Ma and Pa's grocery called this mornings. Told me they just got in an order of fresh carrots and salad fixings. Also welcomed me to the world with out salt and limited beer.. I think he was enjoying himself, the old fart.

So I am going to try and catch up on my sleep, the swing on the deck looks pretty inviting. If I am lucky I'll get a nice rain shower this afternoon and the air won't be so heavy and thick. Fishing off the dock with a bobber and toes in the water sounds like good therapy to me... From Lake Iwanttobethere.. (76026)

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HiYA from the lake. Well you heard it from me last week that the weather is a changing. Last night the wife spent the evening canning pickles. Twenty quart jars of her bread and butter pickles from her grandmothers recipe. Elmer was over as soon as the pickling smell was caught by the wind and traveled to his cabin. He came over with a couple of jars of strawberry jelly and they made a swap. Evenings are cooling down and yesterday I moved everything that was growing in the big pots back into the greenhouse. Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers will continue to grow in the greenhouse till mid October. Did a stroll around the yard and checked gardens. Pulled a few carrots and as I munched I checked the apple trees which are pretty loaded, Corn has kernels but not yet ripe for picking. Potatoes will be a bumper crop but the onions did poorly. Still getting raspberries, at least enough for morning cereal.

Tossed a bobber off the dock while I mowed and started making plans to trim the lilacs back and marked off and area for a expansion to the garden. As you can tell I am feeling better, lots better then I did two weeks ago. Checked in with Doc Burriem and he confirm all the appointments I have to go into the city for. Will be a busy time for the next few weeks. Of course this also gives me an excuse to do some shopping. I went to the big sport store and found two new seats for the Puddle Humper. The boat seat shelf's had been empty all summer long but now suddenly the shelf's are full again. Took a while but I found two matching color seats and the price had not gone up since Spring. I got them back to the cabin and thirty minutes later I stood back to look at the new seats on their pedestals. To me the Puddle Humper looked another five miles hour faster just sitting there. Will now have to clean the hull and paint the trailer. But the next few months will be busy on the water as this is when I usually get most of my fishing in. I can see a trip to go chase Mr. Big here soon.

I have gotten to carry around one of them little recorders. Just taped my hospital experience on it and when someone asks I just click play and continue doing what I am doing. Has worked well at the Lodge as I have been back in the office catching up on paper work. Elmer being Elmer was running point for me and told everyone not to send me flowers but send me fishing lures instead. I will have to go down and visit Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop to get a new tackle box for them. Tuff being in the office and smell conies just around the corner. At least the chili is still ok to eat.

Speaking of Elmer he and Pepper have a new varmint to spend time on. Seems Elmer was out working in his garden when he watched a gray squirrel run down his wood fence, jump to the boat house run across that roof to jump to the low kitchen roof to then jump to the main roof of the cabin. The squirrel then ran across the roof to disappear somewhere in the front of the cabin. By the time Elmer got to the front of the cabin he could not find the squirrel. The rest of the afternoon was spent with Elmer sitting in his rocking chair in the front yard with his .22 cradled in his lap and Pepper sleeping at his side. They waited till dark for the squirrel to reappear. But it never did, or Elmer was napping when it did.

More mowing to do tomorrow and window washing to do. Got to clear the decks and power wash them and then get a coat of stain on before I get a few days of fishing in. Time to start chasing them big pike and maybe even pick up a few crappies. Dark by eight so it makes the day short to try and get everything in. Still have to find some time to get a walk in, few more weeks I can go bird hunting at the same time. Well baseball game is on and I think I am going to grab a bowl of salt less popcorn here at the Lodge and put my feet up. You have a good one from Lake Iwanttobethere [76328]

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With football season here the Lodge has room for a few more players in our fantasy league.. Log in to the Sporting News and play for free. League name is The Lake and the password is Hamms join us at the Lodge in front of our big screen TV and 3-D glasses!

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Well into day three of Elmer against the squirrels. Was out on the deck this morning having my pancakes for breakfast. A rain shower had come through over night and everything was a little wet but the air was still and a decent morning was developing. As I sat on the deck I saw that Elmer had his rocking chair still in position to watch the cabin roof over his kitchen and now had a plastic bird feeder hanging in the yard. It looks like he was using it for bait. It was one of them long plastic ones and it was filled with seed. Pepper as she has been for the past three days was laying on the ground sleeping next to the old wood rocker. I think her job was or is to be Elmers long eyesight but she had grown bored and now just was there for the sleep and the occasional dog treat.. Well I was just sipping my OJ when I saw the first squirrel bouncing across the yard. Elmer looked up just in time to see the squirrel go around the side of the cabin. Standing up with his .22 he moved with all the stealth of spry 80 year old and crept around the side of the cabin. Pepper with all the stealth of a four year old Pitt took off like a rocket racing around the cabin in hot pursuit of the squirrel now ducking into the wood pile.

No sooner had the three of them disappeared around the corner then three more squirrels appeared at the edge of the woods. One by one they advanced on the bird feeder and their prize. Took but a minute for the lean squirrel which looked familiar to me make the leap from ground to the feeder. Looks like he had some practice with these types of feeders as his brothers standing on hind legs reaching upward were soon showered in seed as he chewed off the plastic catch dropping the bottom. Seed cascades out covering the two on the ground. Looking like a scene from Flash dance the three squirrels were soon tossing sunflowers in the air.. This did not last long. A flock of grackles appeared and quickly advanced on the seed. Took but a moment and the three squirrels were driven off and retreated to the shoreline.

I moved over to the swing to get a better view of Pepper and Elmer going around in circles around the wood pile. From time to time Elmer would raise the .22 into firing position and then just as quickly lower it. I got to thinking that this looks a lot like a diversion tactic by the squirrels. Na, they aren't that smart.. The grackles were making a mess of the bird feeders and I looked back just to see the squirrels advancing on the flock. The squirrels were walking upright holding sticks and were using large Lilly Pads as shields. Rubbing my eyes I watched as the squirrels advanced on the grackles driving them off. They then filled their cheeks with as much seed as they could and retreated back to the edge of the woods. Almost on cue the 4th squirrel appeared from the wood pile and rejoined the three. They then slipped away into the deep grass.

After a few minutes Elmer returned to his chair and found the broken empty bird feeder. Pepper ran the grackles off and Elmer stood and shook his head. I got up and started in his direction to tell him about the squirrels and the shields and the spears, but then thought better of it. Sitting back at the table on the deck I drank the last sip of OJ and decide I should check my new meds for side effects. But then again this is Lake Iwanttobethere... [76488]

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Sunshine Ray is on vacation, well actually he has gone back to school for a refresher course on some new equipment that the radio station is about to purchase. In his place his cousin who was between jobs has agreed to cover the weather forecasting for him. Stormy Clearweather arrived and is already the talk of the town. She sounds pretty on the radio and she predicted sunny skies and fair winds. We received two thunderstorms and about three inches of rain. I was out fishing last night with my friend Jerry and we were on the far side of the lake. They call it sand bay as there is a lot of sand I guess. Dark clouds moved in on us but went right around us. While we were fishing the town got hit with high winds and about an inch of rain. Hail also fell but I didn't notice anything till I came out this morning on the deck and discovered that a couple of the flood lights had been shattered and the wife's fountain had a chunk missing from it. Looking over at Elmers yard the rocking chair was empty and Elmer was just coming out of the garage riding his tractor. The blade was attached and he was heading down his driveway. I grabbed my orange juice and took the trail between our cabins. I found Elmer already hard at work trying to repair the washout alongside his drive. It really had rained hard. I walked down his drive and came back up mine Didn't notice it in the truck lights when I came home last night but I was going to have to work on my drive to. Might even have to call Frank the plow driver to come by and make a pass or two.

The night before we had a thunderstorm, got about two inches of water out of that one. We needed the water so there was not to much complaining done about it. Had been hot and sticky there for a few days and the rain cooled things down. Now Stormy Clearweather is calling for heat to return this weekend. That should really send the gardens into high gear. Earl down at the General Store is having a hard time keeping his shelves full of caning jars. A sign of the times it looks like people are doing more canning this season. Of course with the price of everything going up a garden is a way of saving some of your dollars. Skeeters have been a no show here for the last month, guess that water will bring out a new batch just in time for the fall fires in the fire rings and be a pest in the boat.

So fishing, got a tip that the fish were biting out there in sand bay so we ran the Puddle Humper over on the trailer and found ourselves the only ones on the landing. Heading to the so called hot spot we managed to catch one bass and two small northerns. Well trying to tell ourselves that the nights before heavy rain had moved the fish we decided to check out the bay. We did find fish off the first weed break and the small northerns were eager to chase down our spinners. On several occasions that launched themselves out of the water to completely miss the lure. We also found bass off a few docks and although they were not really big by Lake Iwanttobethere standards it is always good to feel the tug on the line and get rewarded with a few fish clearing the water. Jerry after tying on a new spinner bait that he bought from Vicki down at the Masterbaiters shop made the comment after his first cast that he will have to get some more of them. I turn to see him holding up rod up with just the end of his line hanging from the tip. Got one cast out at a dock before it was cleanly nipped off by a northern. He said it fell good there for that one sec he had the fish on.

Well time to go into town, need to stop at the General Store and buy some replacement flood lights and the wife has to check about the new stove she ordered. Yes ours went out the other day and she ordered an new one from Earl. Funny how I just agreed to do a kitchen remodeling and now the stove died. I have been keeping an eye on the fridge, it's days may be numbered. But then again it would fit in the garage and would hold more Hamms then the old one does... From Lake Iwanttobethere... [76906]

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Well we returned from the General Store with a new stove in the back of the Dodge. Funny how Earl just had the right one in stock after checking out the barn/warehouse out back. Well the wife acting like it was Christmas morning just had to get that stove off the back of the truck and into the cabin. I dragged it out as long as I could. Telling her now was a good time to wash the floor and clean the wall where the old stove had been and taking time reading directions on the side of the box. She finally just grabbed the box cuter from me and made quick work of cutting the cardboard away. A few minutes later the stove was plugged in and she was checking directions and trying to set the clock. The new stove controls are all on a touch pad. Could not find just a simple stove where ya turn the dial to hot, hotter and hottest, no this one had to be Programed.. I left her in the kitchen and started a fire in the fire ring. I then started to add the cardboard from the box to the fire. The things are so well packed they have like cardboard logs protecting it. Well I was tending the fire when there was commotion next door at Elmers.

Trying to look through the smoke coming from the burning cardboard I could see Elmer running, well moving at a quick walk around the cabin and Pepper barking at his side. I should mention at this time that smoldering packing cardboard is something you should pack with you if you ever get lost. Until the cardboard finally caught on fire there was a smoke screen between me and Elmer that was creating a gray out. I got called back into the cabin and was just in time to get a hamburger made on the new stove with toasted buns from the oven that some how were burnt. Wife was up in arms that the readout was in Celsius and not Fahrenheit, she burn the buns and was looking for someone to chew out. I found the page in the directions to change the reading and quickly left the kitchen with my hamburger between two pieces of white bread. Back out on the deck I was upwind of the burning cardboard and smoke and now could see that Elmer and Pepper were chasing a squirrel around the cabin. The squirrel was staying just ahead running the edge of the roof.. Eating my hamburger I watched as the chase was on. Just as I was down to my last bite I saw Elmer raise his .22 and heard the shot of the .22 short ring out. The sound of breaking glass and then a second shot. Elmer then headed up the stairs and through the screen door leading to the kitchen. I came off the deck and walked across the yard and as I entered Elmers yard I could hear the sound of Pepper barking and running from one side of the cabin to the other and then back again. I could also make out the muffled voice of Elmers yelling and the sound of breaking glass.

I entered the kitchen just as Pepper came bounding from the dinning room, seeing me she turned sliding on the smooth linoleum floor scratching to get a grip before bounding and barking back towards the living room. Elmer was standing at the base of the stair hand on the railing looking a little out of breath. " Dang squirrel is in the house " is all he could get out between taking breathes. Well Elmer was looking a little pale so I grabbed Pepper as she came by and restored some order. Over the sounds of Pepper panting and Elmer getting some color back in his face I asked him what happen. Elmer said he was sitting out back eating his supper, some re heated corn dogs that Reed had brought back from the state fair. He was dipping them in catsup when he saw the squirrel on the roof, Well he gave chase and finally got a shot, but missed. The bullet hit something on the roof and broke the bedroom window. The second shot missed to, most likely because Elmer had catsup on his shooting finger, The squirrel went through the broken window into the cabin. We went in the cabin and Pepper gave chase, but we lost it. Looking around the cabin I was glad it was only Pepper that was chasing the squirrel. Pillows were scattered about and the magazine rack was dumped over. More importantly the stack of Hamms beer bottles in their cases were knocked over and there was at least two broken bottles. I righted the magazine rack and re stacked the Hamms cases. I was sweeping up the broken glass when I asked Elmer. " I thought you only had two mounted squirrels?" Elmer said " I just have the two over on the mantel, why?" "Well that third one just blinked" I said. Elmer turned to look at the fireplace mantle and three squirrels. The one on the end launching himself towards the kitchen. Pepper coming from the front hall made a u turn that any state trooper would be proud of and in hot pursuit followed. The squirrel made it to the screen door just as the wife open the door with stove directions in hand. The squirrel leaped the stairs in a single bound and Pepper dodging the wife was close behind. Quiet returned to the cabin and the wife just stood in the doorway and said she had another problem with the stove but it could wait.

Elmer got out a couple of Hamms from the fridge and said we had to replace the broken empty ones in the case. Of course now we will never have just the right number of bottles of empties to fill the cases for returning but somehow that is a problem we can work on. Have a good holiday weekend from Lake Iwanttobethere.. [77031]

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I find it funny how with Labor day on us suddenly summer is over. With those words on a calendar suddenly cabins will start closing up and fishermen will push their boats back in the garage and the countdown will start for hard water and ice fishing. Of course not all will stop fishing but now after a few months of fishing hunting is here to take up that leisure time that was once filled in with fishing. Days do grow shorter but they have been doing that since June. Docks will get pulled up on the shore and soon the beaches will be cluttered with pontoons covered beneath blue tarps. Chain saws will be heard running on the weekends and the dirt roads will have four wheelers with orange clad riders on their shoulders. Skies will quicken will the sound of geese and their honks will make people stop and stare skyward. After the birds clear the tree line and disappear out of sight work will be renewed with some haste as if the geese were a sign of fall coming.

Kids will return to school, the sounds of football and cheering parents on a Friday night. Early rising on a Saturday morning and the loading of dogs in crates and shotguns in padded cases. Bologna sandwiches and home made cookies, thermos of coffee and sodas wait in pickup trucks. Duck boats on the highway will replace the sleek bass boats and dogs will be a common sight riding shotgun. Well worn boots will replace tennies and shorts are now covered with coveralls. Boat landings become a place to have lunch and meet up with friends. Small lies are told of how many birds were seen and how many were lucky to get away. Dogs will walk shorelines looking out at the water. A few fishermen will still be out here. Looking back at the changing color of the leaves and watching some of them float by on the still water around them.

Summer is not yet over, but there is a change in the air.. From Lake Iwanttobethere [77235]

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HiYa from the Lodge. In the office today working on last months books and doing some ordering. Very good weekend here as with the hot weather the bar did good business and the kitchen almost ran out of conies. Even the jar of pickle eggs needs to be reordered. Lot of people coming and going. Hot and humid again this morning but now some showers are making there way across the lake. Stormy Clearweather was on KCUM saying we can expect rain off and on today and tomorrow temps will drop twenty degrees to hover in the sixties. Almost on cue it looks like summer has decide to turn into fall. I took a break and walked around the deck on the Lodge. Looking down at the park I can see a few late hanger ons still camping. Small wood fires burning and the smell of bacon. Few boat trailers in the parking lot and looking out I can see two boats off Root Beer island. A shower came through and the boats quickly ducked under the roof of Nytelyters floating bait shop. When the showers past they came back out again.

Hammering Hank came in for some breakfast. He had to pick up some glass at the General Store for Elmers window. Said that Elmer told him a grouse had flown into it and broken it. I didn't mention anything about the squirrel and the misguided .22 shot. He was waiting on Skinny to meet up with him and they were going to replace the broken glass and then they had to start on the pile of index cards in Hanks bibs. Already people were wanting their docks pulled out.

Bear season started yesterday and there were a few hunters in the Sundown Cafe this morning talking quietly. Two weeks out from grouse season and for now the town will have a little rest. Fishermen will still be here but there numbers will be down. In another month and we will be getting visits from the duck hunters. And of course the town will cater to the flamingo crowd. Mater of fact I have to write myself a memo and get all 226 flamingos gathered up so we can rent them out to the hunters for decoys. Out on the highway the farmers market is doing brisk business as it is harvest time. Sweet corn is moving briskly as is the cucumbers and tomatoes. Lot of people on there way to the city from where ever they are coming from stop and buy the fresh produce. Later the corn stalks and hay bales will be sold for decorations. Pumpkin stand will open and even more will stop and stroll through the pumpkins scattered across the tarp covered ground.

Barney just came up and climbed under the desk at my feet, must be a thunderstorm on it's way. Bud is laying out on the deck under a bench out of the rain. Getting to be that time of the year when Bud gets a lot of attention here at the Lodge. People wanting to borrow him for an afternoons hunt. I think I am going to raffle off opening day for him. I am still under the weather some so I will not be going out till the cooler weather comes in. Barney on the other hand, as soon as this rain clears we are going to do some fishing. I have Wednesday and Friday already penciled in. A rolling boom of thunder here as Barney was right. I can see a flash of lighting across the lake and the sky has gotten a lot darker since I sat down. Few guys move in off the deck and Bud comes in to flop down in front of the cold fireplace. Gus has to turn a few lights on and guys stand inside and watch the oncoming rain moving across the lake water.

Think I'll go out and sit on the deck under the roof, can't miss a summer rainstorm. From Lake Iwanttobethere [77637]

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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