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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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While doing history I ran across this, and with the sun shinning here in the cabin I thought it was good enough to post and remind us that summer is coming, it's just going to be a little while... Bobby

How do I get back to Lake Iwanttobethere? For some of you it may have just been a few days or even just last weekend. For others it may have been the last vacation or even last winter. For you unlucky ones it might have been a few years since you have had the chance to get away and go to the lake. If you sit back and close your eyes, block out the hum of the fluorescent lights and the sounds of the city Lake Iwanttobethere is just a moment away. The trip back might start with getting up before the alarm goes off and getting into the car with just the faint hint of dawn creeping up over the neighbors roof.. You drive down your street and pass the house that needs painting and the cluttered yard with all the day school toys scattered about. You make your first turn and wave at the paperboy. After a few blocks you swing in to the gas station to pick up a cup of coffee and announce to anyone who will listen that your going to the lake. Back to the car and making yourself comfortable you click on the radio and settle in for the drive.

It does not take you long to leave the city. As you travel on the freeway you smile to yourself at all the cars going in as you are going out. All them poor smucks who are headed into work but you are going to the lake. Your exit up ahead you slow down and coast to a stop at the bottom of the exit. You make a right turn and now are on a two lane highway. A few cars going the other way but not anything like the freeway. Adjusting yourself in your seat the sun is peeking up off to your right now and you can make out fields and a few standing cows or maybe they were horses. Not enough light to make sure yet. Another turn up ahead you come to a stop and wait as a farmer in a pickup crosses. He looks at you and gives you a nod of his head. That's something you don't see in the city. Every stop sign there has someone busy talking on their cell phone. You make your turn and can just make out the farmers truck as he goes around the bend. You settle in behind him, catch a glimpse of his truck from time to time as you follow the winding road.

Soon your thoughts are off to thinking about the lake. Wondering if you remembered everything for your stay. Itching to get to the water and push the old boat out and although you say you won't, you will head to that spot where you lost that fish last time you were here. You turn off up ahead, you almost miss it as you are thinking of the fish you lost. You make the turn to the dirt road and look in your mirror a the dust you are throwing up behind you. You slow down some, I'm going to the lake, I can take my time. You turn off the radio, don't need no radio at the lake. Hanging your arm out the window you can feel the breeze running up your arm, You move a little and the breeze comes right up your shirt sleeve to bellow out your shirt giving you a big chest and that cool fresh country scent. Better then an air conditioner You take in a deep breath of grass, and wild flowers and even the road dust smells good. There just for a second you get a flash of blue through the trees, water. The Lake is close.

Another turn and now there is grass between the tracks of the road, you slow down even more and weave your way down the two wheel ruts leading toward where you know the lake is. You see the Bensons sign and Tree Top House, Andersons and you think of the sisters. A deer crossing sign long ago rusted and you count to see if there are any more bullet holes in it. A little farther to go and there is your turn. You pull down your lane and your car is surrounded by waist high grass. You are surprised as a doe jumps up right in front of you and with a startled look you and the deer look at each other. A fawn pops up next to her and they both bound off into the woods. You ease your way forward looking left and right but they are gone.

The last little turn and there she is.... The lake....Welcome back to Lake Iwanttobethere


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HiYa from the lake. With a lot going on today I thought I would get out early this morning and strap the skis on. Been waiting for fresh snow to fall and mother nature has not been willing to give up any. Started off this winter with a few good snowfalls and everyone was out and about. Not more then a few flakes the past six weeks. Almost to the point now that I hope it does not snow. Not going to make much of a difference for the spring runoff. A couple of nice Spring rainstorms will give us as much if not more moisture. So this morning I decide to slip on the well worn boots and went down to the boathouse. I got the old cross country skis out and with some huffing and puffing mange to get them adjusted just right and pushed off from shore out on to the ice.

Sun had already been up for about an hour or so and no wind to speak of. Some snow on the ice not a lot. Just enough to keep the skis under me. Since I was alone I had no way of gauging if I was making good time or not. Not having someone with means you don't have to keep up or keep ahead. Took a few stops along the way to nowhere and just leaned on my poles. Sun rising felt good on my face and a little breeze came up behind me to help move me along. I made a loop around my end of the bay and then headed out towards the point. Came across several sets of tracks in the snow. A few deer and a fox. rabbits closer to shore. A little while later I was at the point looking back towards town and the sun reflected off the big windows of the Lodge on the hillside.

Digging into the small day pack I had with me I chewed on a candy bar and took a few sips of water. The cell phone buzzed and rattled around in my chest pocket. I dug it out and decided to ignore it when I saw it was Elmer. I am sure he is at the Lodge watching me through the spotter scope. Probably talking out loud to himself asking what I am doing out here by myself. I raise my hands over my hand and wave them back and forth a few times. I see a flash of light from the Lodge right where the scope should be and the cell phone rings again, just once this time. Another sip of water and I put the bottle back in the pack and push off again. Not heading anywhere just moving across the ice at a nice pace.

Thinking to myself I think I really should have been out doing this more this winter. If you wait for the perfect time to do things sometimes it never comes. Don't remember waiting for the right time to do to many things when I was young. Didn't need a good day to go fishing you just went fishing, if you caught fish it was a good day. Same with bird hunting, Thinking back on them good days they were not really the best days to be out hunting. Raining or snowing or wind so hard that your hat would blow away. Never seem to bother the dogs. They were ready to go as soon as you walked out the cabin. Maybe I just better start acting young again. Maybe I should just get out when I can and not wait for that better day. Not getting any younger, day older every day. Always better to make more memories then keep living the old ones.

My hat is sitting high on my head and my coat is unzipped. Turning back towards the cabin and it is a straight line if I choose to go that way. I pause and take another sip of water, well actually a few gulps as I have gotten thirsty. I decide not to go straight back but take a route past a few ice houses. Fishing contest among the locals is going on and it is just for an oil change at Dug's. Don't matter much what the prize is just an excuse to get out fishing. I feel myself starting to cool down so I set off for the cabin. Skis clacking on the ice and what snow there is I head towards the cabin. I am making what I think is good time till Bud and Barney see me and heading across the ice running they come to great me. Still working my way back towards the cabin the two dogs now at my side run rings around me and from time to time pause to wait for me to catch up. Show offs, guess I was not moving as fast as I thought I was. No longer alone with my thoughts I try to keep up with the walking dogs. I make it to the boat house and brushing the snow off the skis put them back in there spot. The poles are hung on the nail and I start my way back up the hill to the cabin. Ok I am getting old because shifting from ski muscles to hiking up hill muscles are completely different. Pausing at the top I look down at the lake and can see my tracks heading out and returning. The circle is complete, from Lake Iwanttobethere (24283)

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Just got word here that the real old man Lloyd passed away. Won't be able to share stories with him sitting on the bank of the Mississippi that runs at the edge of his back yard. He was looking at buying a new boat this spring, guess that is on hold now. Funny thing is I was going through and editing stories for history and Lloyd's name came up. Only fitting it should be posted here so everyone can share a moment with Lloyd. For Lloyd, resident of Lake Iwanttobethere.

Good ole days, it sounded like a good idea. After reading all of these posts regarding the good ole days I thought I would relive my youth and have a good old day. So I called up some of my friends and we started to plan a day out. The day arrived and I jumped up out of my bed, I immediately fell back into bed with a head spin rushing through my brain, Got to remember to get up slowly. I recovered after a fashion and got dressed, going into the kitchen I made myself a bowl of sugar cereal, I got half way through it when the wife took it away and reminded me about my blood sugars. I fought off the urge and walked past the coffee pot. I went over to the garage and got my borrowed grandsons bike, Carefully I put the two joker playing cards from the deck onto the spokes. Grabbing my old baseball glove I slipped it over the handle bar and with my bat laying across the bars I pushed off down the driveway directly into the gravel ditch where I flipped upside down. As I was laying in the ditch looking skyward and watching the wheel of the bike spinning slowly my wife blocked the sun and said something about not being kid anymore.

She helped me in the house and soon the rocks were washed out of the palms of my hands and they were covered in red meracrome. Returning to fetch my glove and bat I decide to walk over to the vacant lot that we were going to play baseball at. Finding a can I decide to have a little game of kick the can on the way, but I could not look down over my belly to kick the can so I had to just swig the bat at it. I was going to be late so I just stepped on the can and was rewarded with a nice crushing sound. At the lot we only had enough guys for pitchers hand and no one had a hardball so we used a softball. Bottom of the first inning Lloyd gets the bat around and drives the ball right through the storm window in the little white house next door.. Hahah we laff you just broke old man Lloyd's window.. Lloyd standing and looking at the broken window sees his wife coming out and says " but I am old man Lloyd" off he goes to fix his window.

I have a tradition that started many years ago. In memory of past departed friends I release fish caught in their names. Today I will add Lloyds name to the list. This way a fish named Lloyd will still be swimming out there. If he was picking, it would be a catfish I think with a baseball cap on and looking out over the top of a pair of bifocals... From the Lake..

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HiYa from the Lodge. Spent the morning taking a stroll around town shaking hands and exchanging pats on the back. We are waking up to temps in the 20's and that is warm enough that you no longer have to have the heavy mitts on. Makes it much easier to shake when you don't have to spent the time finding your hand. Bomber hats are disappearing, being replaced by baseball caps featuring baseball logos and John Deere tractors. Some chatter in the Dew Drop Inn about the tax bill that was signed over night. It will have a ripple effect here at the lake as like everything prices will rise. With a gathering of elders at the round table the positive effects were discussed rather then the negative. For the lake it means that we will have to work a little harder to make our visitors happy and keep them here a little longer. For residents it just reaffirms why we live here at the lake. Prices will effect us but we will get through it. For me a rise in the gas tax means I will spend a little more time dangling my feet over the dock and watching a float. Not a bad thing at all to do.

Guess it might be a time to take a step backwards. Not way back but even twenty years would be enough. Seems that I remember when I got along just fine without a cell phone. If someone wants to get a hold of me they called the cabin and left a message. Sooner or later I would get the message and return there call. My sons do all of this texting back and forth. When I catch them at it I tell them to pickup the phone and talk to each other. I know they can talk 250 words a minute which is ten times what they can text. Just think of the money I just saved us all right there. A cell phone is nice for an emergency but it does not have to be hanging in your ear 24/7

I sometimes wonder if we even have woodsmen anymore. How can you ever be lost when you have a GPs and a telephone with you? There was a time, and not that long ago that if you went bird hunting or deer hunting you had to have some experience in the woods. Only trouble you can get into now is if your batteries are low. Everyone used to have a story about how they got lost, well not lost but turnaround perhaps. Sitting around a fire telling the youngsters how they found moss on an old tree and hiked for hours into a setting sun before finding a stream and coming back out just a 100 yards from where they went it. Now a days the story is more like I just clicked on my last wayward point and hiked out, I ordered a pizza and when I hit the road the guy was there with my pie. I will admit to having being lost a few times. On several more occasions I have second guessed myself. On many more occasions I have relied on my dogs to get me back to the truck. Guess they were my form of GPs. My buddy Chuck says he has never been lost. He says he always knows were he is and then points down to the ground. Right Here.

So I guess the talk was about making the gardens a little bigger this Spring. A tad more water in the Brandy waters. One less cigar a week and letting the wind blow us across the lake when we are fishing. That should help with the current price increases some. Funny how we can all cut back some and the easiest places to make the cutbacks are our vices. Cigars and Brandy, notice I didn't say I was going to cut back my fishing. Let the wind blow me across the lake just means I will have to spent a little more time on the water, a good thing I think, From Lake Iwanttobethere (24386)

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It has come to my attention that I have not written a story for quite some time. I have tried to keep you up to date on happenings here at the lake and Lodge but have been neglect in writing about the history. So I am sitting here at the Lodge, at a table near the window. A frosty mug of Mindys and Mandys root beer with in easy reach. A thick, rich cigar in the oversize ashtray, it's smoke rising straight up till the draft from the window catches it and pushes it back into the room. The sunlight coming through the glass shines and shows the layers of smoke from the cigar and odors from the kitchen that have mixed and make a many layered smog bank at about head high. Being safe below this level I sit with my lap top and wonder what I should write about. A small trickle of water from melting snow around the parking lot makes it way across the concrete pad we installed for motorcycle parking. This time of year seeing running water makes me think of stream fishing, Of course it is still a ways away but soon the streams will have running water gushing down the center and banks will be coated with ice and small bergs will be making their way down the stream to flow out into the lake.

Now this bring me back to when I worked at the Gas n Go long before it was the Gas n Go I was just out of high school back then and I worked the night shift at the station. Pretty quiet at night, I think I was there mostly to keep the insurance cost down. That and there was just so much suff stacked outside. Pallets of pop and stacks of tin garbage cans. Ladders and brooms and BBQ's all chained together in one long line. Bags of charcoal under a tarp. Wheelbarrows and even a few lawnmowers. Being a country gas station we sold everything. Of course we also sold gas and washed windows with out being asked. Two islands that held oil displays and big black water jugs for over heated cars. Part of my job every night was to "Stake the Tanks " this called for prying the tops off the big underground storage tanks. Then taking a measuring stick about fifteen feet long you would stick it in the gas tank. Pulling the stick back up you make note of the wet spot and then write down how many inches of fuel you had. Taking this measurement inside I would then compare inches to gallons and write this down for each tank. About four in the morning I would then call this in to another station that would pass it down the line to another station. This way the main company never had to pay for a long distance telephone call.

My contact was an older guy named Gerry and we would chat every night about fishing. River fishing was his favorite. Mostly because I think he did not have a boat and his wife would not let him buy one. He had three daughters who were very good at spending all of his extra cash. When I got older I realized that the girls just had daddy wrapped around their little finger, like all of us dads are. We did not get to fish that first summer that I worked at the station but as fall went to winter and the winter to spring we sure did spend a lot of time talking about fishing. The station that I worked at stocked everything that one would need for the outdoors. We sold guns and ammo, Fishing rods, reels and tackle. Camping stuff, sleeping bags and when winter came we sold ice fishing stuff to. As a matter of fact as the seasons changed so did the inside of the store. My nightly conversation with Gerry would be about rods and reels and what we had in stock and what was new. Being right close to the lake every morning would bring in fishermen on there way to the water. They would come in looking for something they had forgotten and of course exchange stories with me. I would do my best to pass on information and some of the guys would go out of there way in giving me good advice. I would pass this on to Gerry and he would do the same. Did not take long for guys to make a point to stop at the station before they hit the water.

Not to long after that I got promote to "Night Manager" It sounded pretty good and looked good on the name tag. Of course I was the only one working nights so I got to boss myself around. Got the OK from my manager to mark down some stuff that was not moving. The station became a favorite of the Sheriff and the state troopers as they came in and I gave them some "deals." It was kind of getting out of hand when the sheriff from the town across the state line came looking for tackle. On any given night I would be hosting the law explaining the new reels that just came in and taking gun orders. Soon I was selling more sporting goods at night then the manager was during the day.

Finally spring came and I was introduced to steelhead fishing. I learned about yarn and spawn bags. I learned that I should have spent more money and bought the insulated waders. I learned to tie knots with my teeth chattering. That hot chocolate can never be too hot. Gerry never saw a day where standing in water was not a good idea. He would eat his lunch and drink his coffee standing in the river. He would have his waders already on when he would stop and get me after work. After a while I to started to wait for him with my waders on. This saved time when getting to the river. Others would have to find parking and pull on waders, We would simply park, grab our rods and be climbing down the bank. It did not take me to long to figure out that steelhead fishing was not for me. This drifting a spawn bag in swirling water wile dodging small ice bergs and having other fishermen on the bank across from me tossing their spawn bags between my legs. There were some good laffs to be had, Just about every time I went out two guys from opposite banks would set their hooks on each others spawn bags. They would then give and take line and shout out "Fish ON" only to find out it was another fishermen and not a fish they had on. Then the release would take place as they would decide on who would reel in who so they could untangle. This would usually prompt comments from fellow fishermen or complete strangers.

After a guy from across the river dropped a spawn bag between my legs and actually got a hit and had a fish on. Calling out "Fish on Fish on" with the fish bouncing off the inside of my waders. I could have reached down and netted it right there. That was it, no more freezing in snow and ice melt water. My next adventure with Gerry was smelting, much more my style and I already had the waders! With the end of smelting came the general opener. Still with no boat I learned to catch bass and walleyes from river banks or to wade the shallows for northerns. Gerry would brag that he could fillet a walleye and it would swim away when he was done. I watched him do it on the river one day. Later it dawn on my that the carcass of the walleye was not swimming away, the current had just grabbed it and swept it down river. The trunk of Gerry car always had the little Coleman stove, cast iron fry pan and a bag with spuds, onions and oil. Many an after noon was spent dozing on green grass after working all night, fishing the morning and having a shore lunch.

Gerry tried to hook me up with one of his daughters, a pretty thing she was, we dated for awhile but one night she told me that I was just like her dad. "All you want to do is fish all day" I didn't see anything wrong with that. After awhile I took over the store and started to work days, My conversations with Gerry became fewer and farther apart. Sometimes I would get out of work early and I would find him sleeping under the big willow on the river bank. I'd smile to myself as I would walk around him and ease into the waters of the river. No sooner would I catch a fish and turn to shore and I would see him watching me. A twinkle in his eye he would light the Coleman and wipe out the frying pan. He would cook and I would watch the river roll by. He would always ask me about me and his daughter. She got married to some guy who works in the city, he don't fish. Gerry's been gone for awhile now. Found a spot on the big river. I make a point to fish the river a couple of times a year. Not like it was when I was young, there are houses close by now and you can hear the sound of the highway. I bring my daughter with and I lay in the grass and watch the branches of the old willow tree. I can smell tatters and onions and hear the hot oil in the black fry pan. I watch red winged black birds chase crows across the river. I watch my daughter cast and reel. Every time we go out she tosses it a little farther and sometimes she is rewarded with a walleye or a small mouth dancing on top. After a while she will climb up the bank and sit next to me. Just like her brothers that have been here before her she will announce " I like this place, How did you ever find it?" And I will tell her about Gerry...

Well the cigar is about done and the root beer is long gone, Sun has set and I see Elmer has a deck of cards and a cribbage board out. The little trickle of water has frozen out in the parking lot. Spring is coming, I know it is. From the Lodge at Lake Iwanttobethere (24585)

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A light snow is falling off and on as I come to a stop. It's been awhile since I was here, over three months. I pull the Jeep off the road and grab my day pack. From out of the gun case comes the old short barrel .22 that I bought from a neighbor almost thirty five years ago. The stock has been refinished and it's on it's third scope. The leather sling is the original and now it is open as wide as it gets to fit over my shoulder. I drop several shells down the tube and slinging the day pack over my shoulder I close the hatch on the Jeep. With the old .22 in hand I step off into the woods. Last day to go chasing rabbits in the woods so I decided to take a hike to the deer shack. Don't really expect to see any rabbits but it's good to be in the woods and hunting again. Snow is a lot cleaner here then it is in town, no plow to toss dirty gravel and rocks up on the banks. Tracks everywhere, deer and rabbits and few mouse trails. I am sure under the cover of snow there is a highway down there for the mice and moles and more then a few holes for rabbits and grouse.

Been sometime since we have had any snowfall, most of the tracks are rock hard in the crusty snow. I had snowshoes in the Jeep but I didn't take them out, no need as long as I stay out of the gullies that don't see any sunshine. I start off down the old tote road to the deer shack. Easy walking and in some places on the hillside grass can be seen. The sun already working on removing what little made it to the ground under the pine trees. Taking my time I walk on top of the crusted snow and in a few places I break through to the softer snow beneath. Coming around a bend in the road I spot a rabbit who is hiding behind a skinny poplar tree. The tree not more the a few inches across has the rabbit with nothing but his head behind it hiding. I play along with the game and continue to walk on by. The rabbit frozen, nothing moving but his black eye fixed on me. As I get closer he inches forward a hare to keep the skinny tree between us. I chuckled to myself and continue to walk on by. After I pass he moves out from behind the tree and continues with what he was doing.

The old .22 in it's sling hangs from my shoulder as I have decide that I am just going to take a walk and not really hunt today. Just good to be outside and in the woods. The smell of cedars and pine is thick in the air. Not a lot of movement, not like fall with leaves falling and the pesky red ground squirrels barking and chirping at you as you try and sneak through the trees. In the distance I can hear the Caw caw of a crow. I stop and listen, turning my head to find the direction of the crow. Just above the trees the black wings brush the tree tops as it fly's in my direction I see the crow. Making like the rabbit I stand behind a slender birch and wait. When he is almost over head I step back from the tree and wave my hands over my head. The crow like a plane in a dogfight takes sudden action. He drops a wing and darts downward and to the side away from me. His loud Caw Caw warning everyone that I am there.

Another ten minutes of steady walking brings me to the deer camp. I stand at the tree line and like all the other animals in the woods I watch and wait. Nothing seems out of place, snow on the roof and no trail to the outhouse. The hanging post seems lonely and empty standing by itself. The ground around the feeding bin is trampled down. Even the grass is gone around it. I walk to the shack and make a trip around it, Windows are all intact and the shutters are secure. I step up on the porch and leave a few foot prints in some old wind blown snow. Reaching in my pocket I pull out the key for the lock and lifting the rubber that covers it I slip the key in the lock and hear it click. I remove the lock and turn the handle, With a little creaking the door opens and I step in. Light from the door splashes across the kitchen floor and right where it should be the log and pencil sit on the old wood table.

I tap my boots against the door jam knocking off snow and step inside. Looking at the log I see no one has been here since the end of December and the end of grouse season. Two birds were taken down by the swamp. I take a walk around the shack and everything looks fine. I grab the WD-40 and oil the padlock. An extra squirt on the hinges just for good measure. I make an entry in the log and place the book and pencil on the table. I secure the door and make sure the rubber covers the lock. For fun I back down the stairs leaving footprints heading in to the shack but none going out. I continue across the parking area lifting my feet high so as to not drag my toes and give my ruse away. I hit the tree line and turn to take a short cut across the hillside and back to the Jeep.

As if on cue it starts to snow again, them big flakes that you can almost hear when they hit the ground. With the sun disappearing behind clouds the wind, what little of it that there was is gone. I pause at the top of the hill and leaning against a big maple scan the hillside below me. Looking at snow and shapes of trees I think back to deer hunting and how I watched as the first snow fell. About a half mile from where I am standing I saw the big buck last season. With snow melting on my face I pull my collar up around my neck. I go to turn and walk around the Maple when I see just a flicker of movement. I stop with my foot in the air and there moving slowly through the falling snow is a big buck. I ease back behind the tree and lower my foot back to where it was. I peek around the maple and watch as the deer moves away from me and slowly starts to climb the hill. I move to the other side of the tree just as the deer comes to the top of the hill and looks back my way. I can see he has already dropped one side of his antlers but his other side is still there and impressive. I hold my breath and watch. He looks right past me and then turns and goes over the hill.

After awhile I continue on my way towards the Jeep. The snow keeps falling and now it is deep enough that when I turn I can see my tracks trailing off behind me. I make it to the Jeep and unloading the .22 I wipe it off and put it in it's case. The day pack find its way on top of the spare tire less the water bottle and a candy bar. I close the lid and walk to the drivers door. There in the snow are hoof prints as big as an index card. The prints go around the front of the Jeep and then follow in my foot steps that I had taken a few hours ago. Now I am wondering who was hunting who. From the deer shack here at Lake Iwanttobethere.. (24629)

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HiYa from the Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Sun has gone down on one of them days that mother nature could not make up her mind on. First we would get some sun then a brief snow shower and then the wind would come and blow it all away. Sun would return and we would do it all over again. Every time I had something to do I would catch the wind part. Hammering Hank and Skinny were in for lunch they were slurping down chili and crackers and making jokes about the county utility guy. Seems that the towns only light was swinging back and forth in the wind blinking. Mayor Tom got on the phone and called it in for repair. Hank and Skinny were heading to the Lodge when they found the county guy blocking main street with his big truck. He had the power box open to the light and had his laptop hooked up to it. He was leaning up against his truck drinking coffee from one of them metal cups. Hank got out of his truck and asked what he problem was. The county guy said that his lap top should be done running the diagnostic test in another twenty minutes or so and then he would have an answer. Hank looked into the box and then standing up reached in his pocket and pulled out a handful of odds and ends. Sorting through he settled on a yellow plastic wing nut. Reaching into the box he put the cap over the two loose green wires and tighten the nut, the light stopped blinking. There ya go" is all he said and Skinny and Hank drove away. Sometimes we are a little to high tec.

Johnson brothers Barley and Hops are having a birthday party in a little while in the Lodge's "event room" for their cousin. He turned 21 today! Of course there cousin is more like 84 it being leap year and all. Doc Burriem is already here, wanted to make sure he got a good seat before all the old guys show up. Won't be that many guys here so if you want to join in all it will take is a round to get past the door. I bought Doc a beer so I am already in for the price of one beer. Amy dropped of a cake earlier in the afternoon and some soft rolls for the guys to dip in their chili. There is some Needabeer on ice and jar of stogies and some stick matches along with the big ashtrays set out. I will find a corner and listen in to what should be some good old lake stories. Elmer will be along shortly as he was out on the ice looking for some crappies.

Well February has come and gone and even with the extra day it still seemed short. If we don't get some snow here this I fear is going to be a very long Spring. Cabin fever will come early this year as there is not a lot of snow to melt. Plenty of ice though and fishing for pan fish will be all there is to chase. Have already seen a few garage doors open and boats on trailers pulled from the back of the garage to the front. Seems to be a little more traffic at Earls general store with guys wandering the back aisles. Vicki at the Masterbaiters has been changing her end caps with some of the ice fishing stuff finding it's way to the back and steel head rods and yarn packet's making there way to the front. Been answering a lot of questions about fly tying and rod building equipment. The display of fur and hair has been picked over and a replacement order is due in soon. Hobby shop has gotten in some more balsa wood so I will have to pick up a block for myself. Hoping Earl gets in that Pearl paint that I ordered for my airbrush. Well a few more of the old guys are just now coming through the door so I think I am going to go in and get a good seat. Should be a pretty good night for just the price of a few beers. From Lake Iwanttobethere..(24654)

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Hiya from the Lodge, a sad day here. I am all out of girl scout thin mints!. You would think that a case would have lasted longer then the week I had them. I suspect that someone has been in my locker in the basement where I stored the boxes. The locker being on an outside wall they usually are nice and cold to go with my milk. A case you say, does that sound like a lot? Well I thought I was doing pretty good. The Dawson girl had to meet the delivery truck at the Lodge as it was easier for the local troop to just have the truck drop all 113 cases here at the Lodge. No sooner had the load been brought in and money exchanging hands then the wall of cookies made there way out to waiting pickup trucks and inside emptied tool boxes. Big Earl dragged several cases on one of his toboggans down the hill. Hammering Hank and Skinny had several cases loaded in the back of the wood truck, unopened I might add. I arrived home and found several cookies on a tray with a glass of milk waiting for me. The wife knew nothing of my Lodge stash.

Yesterday we did an annual thing here as Elmer and I went our shed hunting. We have been doing this for many years and Elmer actually taught both Chuck and I how to do it right. Chuck was busy getting ready for the Maple season so I rode shotgun with Elmer. First thing we did was go to Amy's and bought a couple of the super loose meat sandwiches and some dipping sauce. A thermos of milk and a box of thin mints that Elmer provided. Funny Emer had cookies at the card game on Saturday and I don't remember seeing any of them in his order. Well anyway a few good cigars were added and we were off shed hunting. We took the North road out and around the lake. Looking and hunting for sheds, saw a few old ones but they were the same ones that we found last year. We were looking for new bigger sheds. Time when quickly as we just rolled down the road at an idle. With the snow going down and the banks getting smaller looking was not to bad. This is always the best time of the year to do this as later when the grass starts growing and leaves get on the trees it is hard to spot a good shed unless you are right on top of them.

After eating our sandwiches and another stop to down the cookies and milk we put flame to the cigars and rolled the windows down. It was getting around dusk when we saw a huge shed, this years I am sure. It was on the other side of a ditch so we had to drive around and come in from the other side. It was even wider then what we first thought. Sticking at the edge of a corn field with snow pushed up against it. A deep brown with just a tint of gray along the edges. A fine looking shed it was. I wonder who owned it. I did not see anyone around. Who would build a shed out here along the edge of a corn field. O well we took a picture of it and decide to call it an afternoon, a fine shed would grace the walls of the ice house next year. From Lake Iwanttobethere (24742)

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Taking a break here from running errands. Had to make several stops here as I have a bunch of projects going on and I can't find everything I need at one place. Even had to go to a second page in the little black book to write everything down. Was at Earls this morning to pick up screws and a steel bit to do some drilling in some flat steel that I had to go over to Dugs to have cut. Then had to stop by Dick's to pick up a check that he owed me and then over to the bank to deposit it. A quick cup of coffee at the Dew Drop and listen in to some of the conversation about that football player that was retiring. Reed the Realtor was grinning away at the news, Seems he had shown a place to that very same football player last fall and was told that when he retired he would look Reed up and they shook on it. Gas-N-Go for a tank of real gas and then on to McDonnell's for some butter and eggs. Took that all back to the cabin and got squared away and forgot all about the second page in the book.

Back to town with the second page open and I was at the smoke shop for my order of gars for the month. As long as I was there I went next door to Burt's Barbershop and had him take a little off the top. Also gave me time to catch up on my reading as this months sporting and fishing magazines were in. Already they were well worn and all the special tackle offers had been torn out. Talk there of the football player to. More chatter of wheat and corn prices and about Amy raising the price on her hard rolls. That made my stomach rumble and after paying Burt I was out the door and down to Amy's I found her standing behind her counter hands on hips looking over her menu. Helping myself to a sliver of Apple pie I watched as she fidgeted trying to come up with price changes. We both looked at the menu and chatted about how hard it is getting to keep prices down. Having the same problem at the Lodge get buns from Any but still have to order from other vendors and everything keeps going up. So we chatted for awhile and the pie took care of the grumbling. I headed out the door with my little black book.

I waved at Shannon walking down the street arms full heading towards her car, She has been busy as of late working at the Town Hall, Pretty much has been doing most of the tax help for the residents. Earl son's Junior has been out of town shopping for the store. Mindy and Mandy have been seen back in town. They took an extended vacation to visit their sister Candy. I think they came back a little early when the heard about that Brandi gal that has been attracting attention. I know they were asking about getting in to the Saturday card game at the Lodge. As I was walking down the street deep in thought Sheriff Tim drove up behind me and gave me a Whoooppp Whoopppp of his siren. I stepped off the curb and leaned up on the car and chatted for a few minutes. Seems the parts had come in at Dug's and the sheriff's car now had a working siren again. Dug told him he needed to use it some so he would know when it worked. Tim did not even know when the last time he used it so he had no idea how long it had not been working. Like we say, Lake Iwanttobethere can be a might quiet at times.

Well after all of that I decided it was time to head to the Lodge and have a Hamms. Sheriff Tim offered me a ride and since he had case of Mindy and Mandy Root beer on the passenger seat I just climbed in back. Them hard plastic seats are not very comfortable. I got a few funny looks from passerby's as we made the short drive to the Lodge. Sheriff Tim was still testing his siren Whoooppp Whopppp...From Lake Iwanttobethere (24828)

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A new store open up in town yesterday, not a lot of fanfare and I just happen to be walking by when I noticed it. Big Earl at the General Store has a side entrance to what was a storage area. He is renting it out to his nephew Josh and with Earls son Junior they have open a place called " Broken Stuff' Nothing more then a hand painted sign over the door for now and an arrow showing you where to go. I saw a couple of guys coming out with boxes full of odds and ends and decide to check it out. I went in an found a little piece of heaven, that is if you are like me and can see purpose for almost anything. I was not alone, Elmer and Dug were looking over a box of carbs and Elmer already had a box on the floor half filled with nuts and bolts and a couple of spinning reels. Most of the room had already been stocked by Earl, as it was where he stored broken stuff that came in and was just not worth the hassle to return. Also broken stuff that had been exchanged found it way to the room. Junior on his buying trips had to sometimes take the bad with the good when buying lots at auctions and that to made it's way back to the room. Josh, who has always been handy with his hands found himself in the room taking parts from something to fix something else. That would find it's way back to the sales floor as a special but still left lots of parts back in the room.

With a lot of farmers out on this end of the lake a lot of repairers are done at home. You just become handy or you go broke or you go with out. Even while I was looking through some boxes of loose sand paper a few more guys came in the door. They had been down at the Sunshine Cafe and had heard that the Broken Stuff was open. Several more guys came in right after them and the place was starting to look like a indoor yard sale. Since everyone knows everyone an item would be held up over head and the question asked. " What do ya reckon this was from" answers soon were shouted out or lies made up. Josh was busy going up and down the isles collecting money and making change with one of them belt changers that hold nickels, dimes and quarters. No prices on anything and everything was negotiable. The old timers would try and pull a quick one on Josh but he has been playing with this kind of stuff since he and Dug were little kids. Elmer held up a round cylinder about three inches long and in inch thick. " What's this he yelled out" several answer rang out the loudest one being that it was one of them gopher smoke bombs that you light up. Josh looked over and said it was a model rocket engine. Walter said " Nope, it a gopher bomb" Well an argument ensued and what ever it was the lettering had long ago faded away. Elmer wanted to buy it so he could lite it and see what it was. Giving Josh a quarter he bought it and everyone headed out the door to the parking lot.

Josh just shook his head but he followed. The old codgers stood in a circle around a coffee can in the parking lot. I was out there but I was by the dumpster, just in case. Elmer put a match to it but with no fuse it would not catch. He then jammed a wood match in the hole as a fuse and then lite that match. It lit, it flickered then with a loud swooishing sound it flew out of Elmers leathered glove hand to bounce off the pavement and head skyward. Not being very fleet and getting a little slow, someone about now mentioned to run.... The group scattered as the gopher smoke bomb which was looking more and more like a rocket engine climbed skyward. The sound of the swoosh was gone. We looked skyward and on cue the spent engine came tumbling down and ....landed in the coffee can. Like a group of ten year olds we all headed back into the shop. Spreading out we were soon back to looking through the boxes of wires and bolts and parts of mixers. Peters called out " Here is more of them rocket engines" Johnson said " I got half a roll of black tape here and some sparklers" someone else yelled " Lets see what three of them babies will do" and the store emptied as everyone made there way outside again.. I of course followed after picking up a garbage can lid. From Lake Iwanttobethere (24864)

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HiYa from the Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Guess I got some explaining to do. I got kind of sidetracked there with the new store that I forgot to finish up on my ride with Sheriff Tim. Before I get to that I did find some nice end table glass in the store. It was still in the packing box and I offered Josh a buck for it an he took it. I brought it to the cabin and took it to the workshop. After I open the box I found three perfect plate glass tops. I grabbed a Hamms and a sat on my stool brainstorming. Checking my scrap box I had some oak on hand and spent the afternoon making a new stacked glass table for my theater. When it is done it will house the dvd and cable box and some other goodies. So I found a good deal the very first time I was in the store..

OK the ride. As you know Sheriff Tim offered to give me a ride to the Lodge. Since he was heading that way and I was closer to the Lodge then I was to my Dodge I took the ride. There was a case of Mindy and Mandy's root beer in the front seat so I had to ride in back. Don't know how many of you have been in the back of a sheriff's car but they don't have any soft seats. Just this hard plastic one that was not shaped to fit my rear end. I could not find a comfortable position at all so I finally had to sit on my hands to give me some cushion. Now Lake Iwanttobethere is a small town and there are lots of good things that can happen in a small town. Having said that there is also one little thing that is common in a small town, and that is rumors travel fast and bad rumors travel faster.

Well Sheriff Tim was still playing with his newly repaired siren and every so often he would hit the button and the Wooppp Wooppp which I might add was getting louder as it was getting broken in. Well we were heading right down main street and maybe no one would have noticed me except for the siren and the fact that I was sitting with my hands behind my back and was in some discomfort. Well a few people saw me in the back seat and I guess I had a some what pained look on my face. This was passed on to others and a story started to grow. Someone said it was Bobby's fault but forgot to mention just what was Bobby's fault. Somehow the black limo that was at the mill last week was reported to be a Fed's and they were in the area looking for someone. Over coffee at the Sunshine cafe heads were bobbing about Bobby and his early years and them plants on the far side of the lake. Heads nodded as they remembered the brush fire on the 4th of July You know the year we had the big drought. The smoke from the fire was blown across the lake into the softball field and landing area. Didn't smell like any normal wood smoke, had kind of a herb smell to it. Well it was so thick you could hardly find your way to the corn roast. They ran out of butter because everyone was just dunking there corn in it and then they all headed like a flock of seagulls to the women's auxiliary bake sale. Never saw brownies go so fast, even the fruit cakes were sold! Doc Burriem was pretty busy there about nine months later

Well nothing was ever proven that it was Bobby plants but knowing heads nodded in agreement that It might have been him. Then there was the secret stash of moonshine that Bobby was report to have been selling at the Lodge. Nothing bad was said about that because that was some pretty good stuff and it was the Lodge. By the time lunch hour was done at the Sunshine the story had made it way over to the Do Drop Inn that the revenuer's were after Bobby and Sheriff Tim was really working undercover and was taking him down to the state capital and it was going to be on the six o clock news.

Well I was working in the Lodge office and around six or so I could hear a rising noise level in the main room and then as the chime on the office clock rang six times there was a hushed quiet. I got up from behind the desk and made by way out to stand next to Gus behind the bar. Several Lodge members were standing and sitting watching the evening news. Beers in hand they all were leaning forward to listen. I elbowed Gus in the side and asked " What's the big deal?' With out turning he said that "The revenuer's got Bobby" "Bobby Who" I asked. Gus turned to look at me and said "You" With that Gus pointing the remote at the TV hit the off button. The group as one turn to complain and saw me standing next to Gus. Elmer shouted out "How did you get out of jail so quick?" And with that everyone rushed the bar and started asking questions about my drug bust or was it the moonshine that they finally caught me on. Of course several Lodge members asked if they were in the clear! I told them about the ride and how Tim just brought me to the Lodge and dropped me off and then he had a call about a cow getting out of a fence and it was on the road so he took off with the new siren blaring. With beer mugs refilled everyone scattered back to there tables and the high school hockey game was on the TV I missed out on most of the talk but I keep hearing bits and pieces about how I was even accused of trespassing on a farm that day and there was also a story about a cooling fresh apple pie missing from a window sill two summers ago. I was reportedly seen in the area.!!! That one I will keep to myself.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (24878)

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Nothing starts a rumor faster in a small town then a long black hearse driving through. Seeing that hearse with the driver in a long black coat with a crisp shirt button to the top and a tie pulled up snug makes everyone stop for a moment. I say that because when I was in town this morning one went through. The next person I saw was Earl and he asked me who died? I shrugged my shoulders because I had not heard anything. Walking away I at least know that the heat is off me. Now the coffee shops would have somebody else to talk about.

Cool and crisp here today at the lake. Temps not more then fifteen but the sun is shinning and if you are out of the wind it feels pretty good. Was in town to pick up some potting supplies as it is about time to start planting some seeds. Town is pretty quiet as everyone is indoors watching the hockey game. Yesterday I got the Dodge in to Dugs garage and the front end is now sporting new ball joints, uppers and lowers. A little excitement there as when the one side was getting pounded out the rotor fell to the concrete floor. Dug moved his foot in time but was unable to stop the rotor from falling on the air ratchet. It crushed the hose connection sending the ratchet one way and the hose whipping around like a snake on the floor. Normally this would not be a big deal but nothing at Dugs is just stock. The 120 gallon compressor had of course been modified and when the tip blew off the motor kicked in. The hose started bucking around the lift knocking down rolling chairs and scattering onlookers. Sliding across the wall with his back to it Dug managed to get to the breaker and kill the power. It took awhile but the hose finally lost pressure and settle lifeless back to the floor. Chairs were picked back up and coffee cups were refilled.

Most repair jobs can be done here at Dug's but sometimes things have to be brought into the city. City garages are different then out here at the lake. In the city you get to stand behind a glass window and watch your car or truck sit for most of the afternoon, all alone in it's own stall. From time to time someone with a clipboard will walk by and you will stand with your vending machine coffee cup and mumble to yourself "It's about time" then the person with the clip board will walk away out of site and you return to wait for someone to at least open the hood. Tad different here at Dug's I got the call in the morning that Dug had an open spot and the parts were in. I drove down and eased into the garage. Lining up in the lift I get a wave from Dug to kill the engine and I climb out. Already Dug has the garage door closed and the sound of the furnace can be heard. I head for the coffee pot and pour some black liquid as thick as 40 weight into the cup. Finding a rolling chair I settle in and watch as the lift ratchets up, the clicking of the safeties as the Dodge rises to chest level. The sound of the ratchet as the lugs nuts fly off the wheels. That quick loud zigg zigg zigg of the air tool. Like a calling card the first wheel has hardly hit the floor before the man door opens and in comes Elmer. He pours some 40 weight and adds a packet of sugar. Drops some change in the mason jar and takes a seat next to me. Dug says Hi and points at the chalk board. Elmer gets back up and goes to a board on the wall. It says something there about customers not allowed in shop area do to insurance matters. You need to sign waver. Elmer makes a X with a piece of chalk and returns to his seat. Earl is the next one through the door with old man Johnson. It being lunch time the sound of the air ratchet is working like a bug light on a warm summer night.

Ding Ding, Dug heads out to pump some gas I get up and start working on removing the cotter pins. I am not under the fender for 30 seconds before the first comments start. I think you would be better off with a needle nose pliers. Naww just tap it out with a hammer. I remember when we used to put toothpicks to hold them things in. The sounds of a working garage, wrenches clanking on the concert floor. Compressor cycling, buzzing of florescence lights. A new pot of coffee is made, only thirty weight this time. The phone rings from time to time and guys come and go. A few lawn mowers come in and Dug writes up tickets and hangs them off the handles. I keep working away, the old ball joints come off pretty easy, actual they are so worn they about fall off. The new ones have to be pressed on and we bring out the fine, precision tools. A grinder and two different size sledge hammers. It takes few hours for one side and the second side goes on much quicker. Might be because now the floor and rolling cart is cover with tools so we don't have to go far to find what is needed. Finally it's done. But as long as it's up on the lift we do a grease job and rotate the tires. Muffler is looking worn but as long as it is quiet it will be fine. After being on the lift for four hours it just now it is starting to drip some water. Guess it was kind of cold and frozen.

Money exchange hands and after filling up at the pumps I take it out for a test I can see my gas mileage is going to go down as I will be driving a little quicker. Front end does not feel like it is going to fall off anymore. Back at the cabin I take out the marker and draw a line through TRUCK on the Spring to do list. I cut myself a nice slice of apple pie for a reward and turn on the VCR. Time to watch the hockey game, from Lake Iwanttobethere (24937)

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HiYa from the Lake, been working in the wood shop. Past the shaping stage of a batch of new fishing lures. Painted fifteen of them yesterday only to re prime 10 of them this morning. Back to the drawing board as far as colors go. Still months away from open water fishing so lots of time to play and get it right. While I waited for the primer to dry I did some errands. Got the wife's Jeep washed and the wait was not to bad at the car wash. Found .75 on the pay box and that just seems to make the day better. Only cost me a 1.25 to wash or should I say give it a good soap rinse. While I was waiting in line I thought that maybe I should run down to the hobby shop and get another chunk of Balsa wood. So after the wash I did just that. The owner was busy with a customer so I found my wood and started to wander around. Did model trains years ago but only for a short time. Sold everything to a friend who no longer fishes. Spends all his money on his train set. A working model submarine did catch my eye. I was thinking about the fun I could have with that. Painted like a northern it would be a hoot around the ice fishing holes. A few years back the nephew had one. Of course that one got speared as he came to close to a dark house. Lot of money came up on the end of that spear..

Was wondering if that beauty shoppe is closed. Came by it twice on by way to and from the hobby shop and I didn't see any movement. Of course I was not about to get out and get caught looking through those tinted windows. As long as I was on that part of town I took the drive up to the brewery. Have not been up there for a few weeks. Last time I was there as a town official, me being the part time building inspector. I was there along with the state inspector in regards to the reopening of the brewery. The Johnson brothers had applied for a permit and the building has to go through a series of inspections e they can fire up the big kettle. There were OK'd for there small batches. The boys mentioned they had found a lot of odd and ends in coiled copper tubing laying around. Did not look like anything was missing from there stuff so they just hauled it all down to Mikes junkyard. When working on the outside of the brewery there was some drag marks coming from the direction of the Ol Mill. O well I found both Hops and Barley polishing the kettle. And doing some taste testing of there last batch. I grabbed a rag and a beer and spent some time with them.

Next stop was to see Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop. Have some tackle on order and also some parts for the lures I am making. Have to check the schedule as I will be getting in a few hours down there helping out. That way I get to keep my employee discount. Between sales Vicki and I chatted about fishing mostly. Warmer weather is slowing creeping in and a few more people are going out after work chasing crappies. That extra hour of daylight does make a difference. Well time to get back in the shop and see what I can come up with for some new color combos. With that block of balsa I will make some jumbo lures, just need to find matching hooks! From Lake Iwanttobethere... ( 24,995)

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Hiya from the Lake, Had to put a call into the wife this morning at her work. Could not find where she put my shorts! 50 degrees out here and the sun is shinning, just a wiper of wind and both Elmer and Chuck have there garage doors open. Of course I still have a heavy sweater on and wool socks but I am wearing my shorts. Had my camera with in the Dodge yesterday and took a few pictures around town. The water tower looks good with it's paint job from last fall and the old Hamms truck should really find it's way inside pretty soon. Maybe next winter as people still give directions by telling others to turn at the Hamms truck.

Already behind on the Spring to do list. Elmer is bragging about his tomatoes and Peppers that he has started in his kitchen window. I will have to get into the greenhouse and find my trays. Trouble there as there is a thick crust of snow blocking the door. I have been meaning to chip that out but, well just didn't get around to it. North side of the cabin has a rather large ice dam section that has not broken free yet. With today's warm weather I expect it can come down at any time. Have already moved the garbage can out of the way as that has happen before. The ice letting go. Crushed a almost new garbage can a few years back. I could lite a cigar and just sit out on the deck and watch. But then I would be another day behind here. Even though it is warm out not a lot of melting going on. With the snow all crusted it is acting like mirror and reflecting the light I think. Going to take a few days before we get a good melt going on or if that rain comes. Sunshine Ray is saying we have a chance tomorrow and it will be warm enough not to turn into snow.

When I was down at Ray's this morning he has the big yellow bucket near the front door. He was standing greeting customers with mop in hand. His trade mark for this time of the year as he likes to watch the highs school games on the little TV by the door as he pretends to be mopping the floor. Earl owns the place but still cant just sit down and watch the games. No problem for Pa over at Ma and Pa's grocery store. If there is a game on and you are at his meat counter looking to pick up an order then you wait for a time out or a commercial so he can get off his stool. No help from Ma as she will be at the front counter reading them gossip magazines. Of course being in a small town we are not in a hurry and it is no big deal. Heck most of the time I end up watching over the counter and forget to pickup my order at the break.

Long line at the car wash today, glad I got my rinse off already. But just a few cars at the Gulp- n- Go. Now there is a place I would not want to be working at this summer. To a man everyone walks in there to complain to the kid working the counter about the price of gas. I make a point of talking about the weather or fishing. Which reminds me I need to talk to Dug about ordering another marine battery for the Puddle Humper. I think I will be using the trolling motor more this upcoming season. Makes me feel real happy that I just have that 40 horse hanging on the back and never went to that bigger motor. Will be letting the wind push us across the lake more this summer to. But I like that kind of fishing. Put flame to a cigar and let warm lake breezes move you across the water. Baseball game on the radio and the hat pulled down low to keep the warm sun off your face. When the skeeters find you then it is time to power up and go back up wind again. Will be spending some more time fishing out of the old wood boat in my part of the bay to.

Mark the mailman told me he has been dropping off pontoon catalogs down at the Duckslayers house. In passing Slayer said he was in the market for a big party barge. Must have some money put aside, going to cost him to move one of them big boys. But It could be fun. I have heard conversations of a BBQ big enough to do pigs and a cooler for a keg. Might be one of them pontoons you get on Friday afternoon and come back to shore on Sunday night. Well a small chip of ice just fell off roof. I think I will get a cigar and take up a position in the sun to watch that ice dam. From Lake Iwanttobethere (25048)

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Well from time to time here at the Lake we get someone new. I would like to take the time to introduce Bailiff, Sheriff Tim's new dog. Not a puppy, actually far from it. Bailiff hails from down south where he was a working dog with Tim's cusin, a Mississippi sheriff. Seems Bailiff has a small drinking problem. His job was tracking and catching revenuers and he got to liking the taste of shine. He was given an early retirement and sent up north for his health and to get him out of the parish. Sheriff Tim, being dog less welcomed him to his cabin and now Bailiff will be doing ride alongs with Tim. So if you see a rather large tan bloodhound with a lot of extra skin hanging from him and some very red eyes that will be Bailiff. Just keep your hand over the top of your glass. From Lake Iwanttobethere

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Up early today, a lot to do on the Honey Do List. Woke up to temps above freezing here which has been a long time in coming. Sun just coming up over the lake and not any surprise but there are even a few fish houses out. Shift change here at the cabin. The cats are just starting to wind down as they have been up most of the night patrolling. Barney has moved from the bedroom to the living room floor. He is already in position to catch the morning sun when it comes around. Bud is here sprawled at my feet half under the desk and half on my feet. I look down at him and he gives me a wide eye look in return. The other eye closed like it is to early in the morning to use both of them. Later this month he along with his brother Barney will have their 8th birthday. Barney looks good for his age, Bud is looking pretty old. What was a young looking, sleek brown lab has turned into a little slower moving gray faced overworked and stressed leader of the pack. His job, and he does it well I might add is to keep a eye on everyone and everything in the cabin.

Pepper the Pitt has a running game of chase with the cats and Bud steps in when the game gets to ruff. There are grand kids to pamper when they come over and floors to be kept clean of fallen cookies and dry cereal. Ears to be tugged and one grandson likes to ride on his broad back. The grand daughter prefers to see what her necklaces look like on him and has been caught a few times applying lipstick. Sitting here looking up at me he is starting to look at lot like and old man. Something we both share in common. He however has more hair on his face then I do. Pausing from time to time to write this I take a stocking foot and rub his flank. When I am done he moves a little closer to lay next to my feet. I jokingly say every time we are at the store that I am going to buy some of that hair coloring and do his muzzle. Turn him back a few years and get the gray out. The wife suggest that Bud and I should split the bottle.

Sun is up a little higher since I started this. Smoky the cat has now found the shelf in the den window. There is a cat bed there and he has made claim to it. His favorite place this time of the day as the birdbath and a feeder are right outside the window. The birdbath is empty except for a little patch of ice in the bottom that the sparrows can use as a skating rink. The bird feeder is swaying in the light wind and Smoky watches it, waiting for his morning entertainment. I watch Bud watching Smoky watching the feeder.

I lean back in the chair here at the desk and stretch some. A yawn escapes and I wonder if I should just go in the living room and turn on the TV and see how much gas is going up and housing market is falling down. Could turn on the weather channel and see a map of the big picture. Decide that a look out the window at the lake and a rising sun and make my own forecast. Going to be another nice day here at the lake. As if in agreement Bud yawns and takes up more space under my desk. Dogs are pretty good at relaxing anytime and any place. Well I pick up the honey do list and see what I can cross off. Already late planting seeds so I better get that done. Have to find a new place as the cats took a liking to my tomatoes and peppers that I started early last year. Have to hide them in a bedroom window and keep the door closed. Already I see that I can put a line through the "towels for paws" line. As I stocked the box by the back door. That time of year when the paws have to be wiped off before dogs are allowed to enter the cabin. Still have lots of snow to melt but the drive had some mud yesterday. Dogs like kids when seeing mud have to check and see if there weight can be supported by it, and then they have to check and see just how deep it really is.

Smoky the cat stiffens in the window and the bird feeder has a visitor. A gray squirrel has made it's way to the base and is checking out fallen seeds on the ground. Looking like a gal going through a box of valentines candy it picks up and tastes everything before dropping and moving on to something better. Smoky's tail is flicking from side to side and his brother Buff jumps up beside him and now the two of them are watching the squirrel. So now we have Bud watching me watching the cats watching the squirrel who I am sure knows he is being watched as you read about us watching. More then likely someone in the office is watching you reading and wondering what you are reading. Who ever looks up first will break the chain and then the squirrel will bound away. The cats will settle back onto the shelf and wait. I will look back at the keyboard and Bud will close both eyes and we will all just sigh and move on.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (25091)

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Hiya from the Lodge, Well March is already half over. Don't know where the past two weeks went. Almost half way through the Saturday poker tournament and it looks like just about everyone is tied on top. Seems to be a different winner every Saturday. Sheriff Tim's dog Bailiff has found himself a new home. He thinks the spot in front of the Lodges fireplace is his. The first time Tim brought him into the Lodge he headed for that fire and got so close we could smell burning hair. Him being from down south the ice and snow of a Lake Iwanttobethere winter might be something that he needs to get used to. He has already made a friend in Dan's dog Grace. It might be because of that small whisky keg under Graces neck. The two of them were working together the other night in the Lodge. I was pouring a lot of drinks that night and seemed like everyone was staying thirsty. Drinks that even Elmer would nurse for an hour were having to be refilled in just a few minutes. Of course it was late in the evening and it was just the regulars in the Lodge. The lights were pretty much off except for the ones by the bar and kitchen. Only light was the dancing flames coming from the fireplace and the flickering light off the TV

It was Elmer who noticed it first. Grace was here and Bailiff and her had a position near the fireplace. Together the two of them just about blocked all the heat and light from the fire. After a while they got up and moved. Well what they were doing is Bailiff was drinking the drinks and Grace was coming behind and taking the ice. You would reach down and find a glass with nothing in it and think it had been sitting there so long you had just forgotten when you finished it. Elmer finally caught them at it but did not say anything, he just kept his glass in his lap. After a while Bailiff and Grace had there fill and were back in front of the fireplace sleeping. Only way to know that they were back was that from time to time the fire would have a brief flare up. Seems that we are learning a lot about Bailiff, including his gas problem. Guys are now making bets as to when the next flare up will be when Bailiff is sleeping in the right direction at the fireplace.

Well the Lodge has an open door policy for dogs so Bailiff is always welcome to stay here when Tim is out on rounds. Besides bar sales go up when him and Grace are both here. Two of the last three days the temps have climbed to hit the fifty mark. Yesterday we got about three inches of that cotton candy snow but it was all melted and running down the roadways by noon. I did notice the ice around the lake edge was changing color into that light yellow. Don't think it is getting soft yet. Might just be runoff from the snow melt. Today clouds cover the sky and still above freezing but it feels cooler with all the new moisture in the air. Car wash is busy I can see it from here. Lot of windows got washed yesterday and some of the store fronts have some St. Patty's day decorations up. The Lodge of course will be celebrating Monday night and the usual green Beer will be served. Drinks will be at a discount for the Irish and I will be surprised if there is anyone in the town who will not be Irish that night.

Time for me to run down to the Masterbaiters, going to put a few hours in down there this afternoon. I see the UPS truck just driving by so that order of mine might be in. Some talk of a minnow shortage this summer so Hank and Skinny are going to come down with Wolfgang Puck and see about trapping minnows as another side job this spring. Tess has been busy with her decoration shop and she has not been in the Lodge to much. She still plays poker on Saturday though. Well from the Lodge have a good day, From Lake Iwanttobethere (25233)

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Well it woke me up this morning. Spring that is. Even through the cabin window I could hear the sound of a robin! What it is doing here I have no idea. There is still a foot of snow on the ground and the red needle on the outdoor thermometer is barely above 33 but I could clearly hear him or her. Bud sat up on the bed and his ears were cocked, pointed in the direction of the window. So it just wasn't me who heard it. Then it was gone. I went to the den and Smoky was in his position on the window shelf, tail twitching back and forth as he watched the bird feeder and birdbath. Both were empty when I looked out.

Yesterday was another one of them days. Had to go into the city to have my annual eye exam. Usually I have it done in the dead of winter but I was late this year. Getting I had to have a little more of a exam then in the past and I had to have my eyes dilated. After the exam I along with my daughter left the office and walked out into the sunshine of the day. Well if you have ever had your eyes dilated walking out into the sunshine was what I would think a walk on sun would be. Even with my eyes closes it was way to bright. My daughter looked at me and told me that I looked like a Lemur. So now I had an idea what I looked like walking to the Dodge with my hand on her shoulder to guide me. Of course it was overcast when we went in and now there was not but a few clouds in the sky. After an hour in the parking lot and wearing some sunglasses and a few more clouds it was safe enough to drive. Now I mention this because even though I was having a hard time seeing in the sunshine my mind was working overtime on what a great thing to get your eyes dilated before you would go night fishing! Not to mention how easy would it be to pick night crawlers if you didn't have to have a flashlight. Later that night I told my wife of this idea only to be told that walking around at night with no flashlight looking through the neighbors yards might be taken the wrong way. Well it sounded like a good idea to me.

So Spring is here which means overnight snowfall that melts by noon the next day. The total lack of any kind of color. Right now as I look out the window all I see is bare dark branches, dirty snow and an overcast sky of gray clouds. But I know that the deeper the potholes get the bigger the buds on the trees will be. Every morning from here on out there will be changes. The ice will start to change color. The pines which are really the only thing with any color at all will get a little deeper green. Snow will melt a little more each day and the brown grass on the north slopes will be the first to show up. Ditches will fill with water and the stream will have an ever widening channel cut through the center with running water. Then things start to happen faster. Suddenly one morning the stream will be wide open and the water will cascade down and around the rocks. The ditches will feed the stream and the melting snow on the hillsides will feed the ditches. Creeks will bring water to the stream and the streams will feed the river and the river will feed the lake. The water wheel at the brewery will start to turn as the water pushes against the paddles. Buds will pop up on the poplars and birch. They will turn a lite green and then you will have a leaf one day. Most people miss the event and just walking out to there car they will look up and see a tree with leaves on it. Like it just happen over night.

Next will be a thunderstorm but that is a story all my itself, from Lake Iwanttobethere (25348)

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Well for all the talk of spring being here I woke up today with a cloudy sky, cool temperatures and Sunshine Ray predicting some snow for this evening. Could be worse I guess. Cabin fever for some unknown reason has had a relapse. Kind of like a spring cold that comes and goes but lasts for a month or more. More snow is still disappearing, even with cool temps there is enough sunshine to heat the black top and it eats away at the banks. A big group out on the ice having a private fishing contest yesterday and I also some BBQ's out there. Lots of kids and a few dogs running around and that is always good to see anytime of the year. A few made there way up to the Lodge and used the washrooms. Seem like a friendly group, some had been to the Lake before and others said they were going to stop by when summer comes. A good part of my day was spent in the Lodge sampling beer and trying to find the right shade of green to add to the beer for Saint Patrick's day. Of course we can not let beer go to waste so we had to drink our test samples. Green eggs and Hammmms will be on the menu.

Going to be helping Hammering Hank on a sheet rock job this week. Skinny will be working with Chuck as he has started to tap the sugar maples. He must be getting some because I can smell the cooker in the garage. Matter of fact I could smell the wood smoke when I let the dogs out this morning. As soon as I came in I headed to the kitchen and whipped up some French toast and poured a healthy or maybe and unhealthy portion of lake syrup over the stack. Just one bottle left on the shelf so I should have it timed just right to run out.

The luge is done for the season. Big Earl came yesterday and brought the rest of the plastic toboggans back to the store. The snow hill has melted and some big crevices have open up on it so riding down it can be risky at best. Rest of the orange barrels have been stacked and the county has even come and picked up a few for a wash out down on the access road. Frank the plow driver has been busy pushing banks back and has almost decided on which dirt road he is going to play with this spring. To his credit I don't think he took but a half dozen mail boxes out this year. Dew Drop Inn has been playing with ideas for changing their menu. Since Del's Pizza and Sub Shop has had some success with the Pizza cannon they are looking for a gimmick to help draw tourists to the place. They were going to try a twelve egg omelet with hash browns and toast but then saw some place already has that. Next thought was a stack of pound flapjacks but that to was taken. They did spend time cooking both and breakfast was interesting eating off pizza pans. I though the twelve egg omelet should have had more toast! Now they are thinking of just offering a plate of bacon. Everyone likes bacon!

Grace and Bailiff have been seen walking together along the shoreline. Turing into one of them movie of the week romances. The rescue dog and the sheriff dog fighting crime in a small town, neither one is understood and they both have problems. One a ice cube problem the other a shine problem. Will they find true love or are they just looking for another glass to drink and steal ice cubes from? Some think Bailiff is only interested because Grace has that keg around her neck. No one knows what Grace sees in Bailiff, must be the female thing about hanging around with the law.

Masterbaiters shop has been quiet, I spend some time there last week helping moving tackle around and still selling some stuff to guys who are still chasing crappies. Rod making stuff is getting picked over pretty good and we had to bring in some more balsa wood. Seems the hobby shop sold out and he was sending them over here. I didn't even know Vicki had any till she pointed it out to me. Well time to head into the Lodge, we are going to go down and take the hockey boards down on the lake. We get enough guys together it goes quick. Then I think it will be time to sit on the Lodges deck and put some flame to a gar and enjoy the afternoon. Have a good day from here at Lake Iwanttobethere (25473)

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Heavy cotton candy here at the Lake Iwanttobethere. Over night the temperature finally fell low enough that the drizzle turned into snow. That heavy cotton candy type of snow that sticks to everything. Almost done snowing now but fog has replaced it. Looking out over the lake you can't see far as everything is white and clean. Good snowman making snow. Not deep enough to be a problem moving and with it being right around thirty out you can shovel with your hat off. After awhile the gloves come off and find there way to your pockets. I stand out on the deck and sip some coffee, under the overhang I am out of the few flakes that are still falling. Looks like a scene from one of them postcards that Big Earl has down at the store. Won't last though, people will be getting up and heading into town, the clean roads will have tire tracks down there center. Frank the plow driver will start making passes and the snow will be pushed up along the sides of the road. The dirt roads will be brown again and the blacktop will show that line down the center.

As the morning goes on businesses will open and the close signs will be flipped to open. Lights will flicker on and shades pulled open. Owners will be out with their orange plastic curved shovels and will push the snow from there sidewalks onto the street curb. The school bus will be making stops along the road. The yellow light flashing on top to reflect off the snow in the trees. More then one snowball will be made and tossed at that redheaded girl. As the engine warms up the snow will slide off hood. A couple of does stand off to the side just in the brush and watch the yellow bus go by. As it travels around the bend they put their noses back to the ground to root through the fresh snow looking for breakfast in the old grass.

A little steam comes off my coffee, the smell is good mixed in with the smell of the wet cedar trees. Through the trees I can make out Elmer in his red and black wool coat. The sound of his shovel scraping the snow off his deck. The patio door slides open and Bud appears, followed by Barney. I get a quick look and then they head off into the fresh snow. They have there morning rituals to attend to. Pepper is next out the door, a quick glance to see which way the boys went and then she spots Elmer and the silence is broken as she bounds away barking. Elmer stops his shoveling and looks in my direction, we have just enough time to wave and Pepper arrives. Elmer and Pepper head inside as they to have a morning ritual to attend to.

No wind and the branches are sagging some under the weight of the snow. Thinking I should go and grab the camera and take a few shots before the wind comes up and the sun breaks though the cloud cover. The fog will burn away quick and with a little breeze the trees will surrender there snow load. By mid afternoon the fresh snow will be gone. Ditches will have more water running in them and Spring will be another day closer. Already the yard has tracks as Bud and Barney zigzag through making there rounds. Checking the sheds and the greenhouse. Barney makes his way down the hill to the dock and makes sure there is still ice. Bud checks the wood pile and a rabbit goes out the back as he checks out the front. A flight of crows can be heard out past Chucks place. I follow then with my ears as they head out over the lake. The wife taps on the window and I turn, she is holding up an egg. I stick two fingers up and she turns away. I turn the coffee cup upside down and give it a shake, a few brown drops hit the white snow. I set the cup on the rail and I reach for my orange plastic shovel. From Lake Iwanttobethere (25620)


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HiYa from the Lodge, Been spending way to much time with Hammering Hank the past week. Well we have been working together on a job he had to get done. Skinny has been helping out Chuck set up pails and lines for his sap collection. Thought the weather was going to warm up and things start dripping but it has cooled down some and the far side of the lake got snow yesterday. Sunshine Ray is saying that after Easter it is going to warm up and the sap may start running. Hank and I did some sheet rocking and while we were waiting for the mud to dry we did some logging. Well actually we dropped trees last fall and just now are getting around to getting them out of the woods. With the help of McDonnell's mules we managed to get them down from the hill and this year there was no surprises. Just enough snow to make skidding easy and the mules for a change were in a good mood.

Not to fond of sheet rocking, don't mind the rocking but hate the sanding. Did give me good reason to drink a few more Hamms at the Lodge trying to get that dryness out of my throat. However the extra money is already earmarked for the fishing fund. Don't see any trips being canceled now. Might even add a few to the far side of the lake as we all know fishing is always better on the other side. Birds are making their return to the lake. Seen a few robins now and a blue jay trying to take over the feeder. Grays squirrels are out and about and Pepper is now guarding the property. She sits on the deck scanning the yard waiting to give chase to any of the squirrels that try to make a ground approach to the bird feeders. Barney is now checking the dock two to three times a day. Looking for open water he sits on the edge of the dock and waits. Bud just lays in the house in front of the fireplace with one eye open and an ear cocked. If Pepper starts chasing something he might roll over and give a glance before going back to sleep.

Deer are coming through the yard almost every night, you can see the tracks under the apple trees. I think they are hoping that a apple may fall or they will find something they missed. Of course the apples are long gone and there is nothing but bare branches. Snow is backing away from around the out buildings and the greenhouse is warming up. Got the tank of fuel oil topped off and about had a heart attack at the price. Made a note to work on that new sun porch we have been talking about. Well better make this short here, have a lot of pink message slips here that I need to read and catch up on. From lake Iwanttobethere (25728)

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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