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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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I found Elmer in his basement work shop. An old record spinning away on the RCA. He yelled at me to bring a beer down with me when I come. I grabbed two from the old fridgadare and head down the well worn wood steps to the work shop. Soft sounds from a record that was pressed before I was born fill in the background noise. At the bottom of the stairs lies Lucy II. All fifteen feet nine inches of her. Elmer standing at her side in well worn blue bibs with a yellow shirt, sleeves rolled up past the elbows. In his hand a sanding block, fine sawdust covers the apron that hangs down from his neck. His other hand is lovely wiping away dust from the upturned hull of Lucy II Standing at the bottom of the stairs I admire the clean lines of the little boat. Sitting keel upwards on several saw horses she looks quick just sitting there. I walk to Elmer, beers in hand. My other hand drags across the hull. I hand Elmer his beer and looking at my hand I see the fine white powered from the sanding on my finger tips. Wiping them on my pants I leave a trace like war paint on my leg.

Elmer takes a long pull from his beer and I take a sip. Leaning back against the workbench we both say nothing but just stand and admire Lucy. " How long has it been" I ask Elmer, he takes a short sip of his beer this time and replies "Twenty-one years" shaking my head and walking towards Lucy's stern. " Are you ever going to finish her" I ask. "Someday" Elmer replies than takes another sip of his beer. " Well I just came by to see if you need a lift to the Lodge?"

" Nope" Elmer replies, "Going to work on Lucy tonight, to cold to be out and about" I nod back and setting my beer down on the work bench pick up a sanding block and wrapping some 180 grit paper around it I join Elmer sanding and hand rubbing the boat. Time goes by and the beer is drained. Looking at the clock I tell Elmer I should be on my way. Elmer nods and continues to sand. Slow, even strokes out and back, out and back. Then a bare hand across the surface to wipe the dust away the hand then wipes the dust on to his apron. Walking to the bottom of the stairs I climb two steps before turning back to face Elmer. " How are you ever going to get Lucy out of the basement Elmer? " Elmer pauses and just smiles. " Will let the next guy worry about that".. From Lake Iwanttobethere

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Cold out on the ice today, but not to cold to go fishing. Had to feed the stove a little more then I normally do, and it was a nice cherry red on the outside. Glad I had cleaned out the rafters in the wood shop and I had the fire going good with the hardwood scraps that I was shoving in between bites. Didn't have time to get cold as I was busy going between the stove and the holes and chatting on the CB which was crackling away. A lot of people out on the ice, to cold to be at home working on any projects and it was a Saturday. Luge was quiet, no one in there right mind was going to run down that in this kind of weather. Bluebird skies and the flags were stirring on there poles. I had -10 on my fishing gal thermometer outside the shacks door. With my dome skylight I had an advantage over others as the sun streamed in and at least the area from about two feet above the floor was toasty. But when the sun goes down I will be in the Jeep and heading to the Lodge.

From my windows I see smoke from shacks but no open doors. A few trucks idling away with guys watching there tip up's from inside. Before leaving the shack last night I stood outside and listen for the violin player. I didn't hear a thing. I heard a few others talking at the Lodge that they to had heard the music the other night. Who ever it was they could play, everyone agreed on that. A couple of eating size walleyes sit in the white five gallon pail, they will find there way to the table for a meal at half time during the football game tomorrow. Just a few weeks away from the end of football season. Ice out won't be to much longer after that. Then we have the wait.. For open water and the return of shirtsleeve weather. This winter has moved at a brisk pace. Christmas is nothing but a memory already. Deer season, long gone. We should be harvesting our ice for the Lodges ice house but we are going to wait for the weather to improve. Ice is just getting thicker the longer we wait right now. Hard crust on the snow with this cold. Going to make it a little tuff on the grouse and easy picking for the fox to run down the rabbits. Deer seem to be doing just fine but we still have some cold to get through.

Far end of the lake got down to -37 so they say last night, add some wind to it and tourists have something to take back down south with them. Ma's sauna has been doing a good business this week and Hank and Skinny have had to bring her wood twice. Reed dropped the paper work on the Mill over and the elders are looked over it and signed off. Looks like sometime early next week the sale can be completed. Town will be happy, some money for improvements. Trouble will be what kind of improvements. Well sun is getting low, better wrap this up and close up the shack. I got what I came for. From Lake Iwanttobethere


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I was assaulted this morning. Well it's not what you are thinking. I had to go into the big city this morning to the supermarket. The wife is going to prepare her award winning county fair lasagna for a small family gathering tonight. The special cheese that she needs comes from Ma and Pa's grocery. The cheese was put out on the counter and our cabin guest Smoky the dog, decide it looked good for breakfast. Bud of course came and got me but by then it was to late. We were worried that Smoky had not eaten since his arrival. That problem has solved it's self. So a call to Ma's was made and she told us she was out of the special cheese till next week. I got out the coin to make a flip to decide who would make the run into the city. I was told to just put it back in my jeans as the wife had to much to do so there was no choice to be made. I was going.

So after warming up the truck and waiting for what now had become a list of things to do since I was going into the city I was on my way. List was not to bad and most of the stuff I could pick up on my way to visit a few tackle shops along the way. Might as well do a little shopping for myself. So anyway I am in the big supermarket checking things off the grocery list when I start to feel a little light headed. There is a smell in the air, an odor a well it just smelled bad. Like a drunk evergreen tree maybe even a little like some of Elmers catfish bait that he keeps in a jar on his sun porch. Coming down the aisle pushing a cart was a lady who had to be the source of the smell. She walked pass me and smiled, the smell was even worse in her wake. Holding on to my cart I tried to hold my breath and make it out of the aisle. Quickly I sought the safety of the chemical - laundry soap aisle. My head started to clear as I was standing by a shelf full of ammonia. After a few moments I again ventured out into the main aisle. There was a whiff of her still in the air, must have passed this way. I went down toward the deli where the cheese was. I passed several people with watering eyes and one man was having a sneezing fit. Another man in his powered scooter was offering him a few shots of air from his oxygen tank. The only place to go was the bakery, I headed there and was rewarded with the sweet smell of hot bread and rolls. In the distant I can see the lady and her cloud checking out.

I finishing shopping and took my bags to the truck. Climbing in my nose started to twitch. Somehow that odor had found it's way onto my coat. Rolling the window down I found the stub of a cigar in the ash tray and put some flame to it. With the window down and the heater on high I made the drive back to the cabin. Walking in I took the coat of and at arms length handed it to the wife. " My Fee " for going to the store. " What she asked" as she went through the bags looking for her cheese. " Wash this, today" I said. " Just toss it over my the door. I did what I was told and tossed the jacket near the laundry door. Bud came in for a pat on his head and then walked towards the jacket on the floor. I caught him just as he was raising his rear leg.. Not even Bud liked that smell.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (22929)

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HiYa from Lake Iwanttobethere. HiYa is the official Lodge greeting. An interesting word with a cloudy past. Here at Lake Iwanttobethere (in a county that can't be pronounced ) the word is used as a greeting between Lodge members and towns people. Visitors and tourists don't have a clue when we say it to them and there frowns quickly help us pick them out. For local people using the word HiYa gets them town discount. At the Lodge the Hamms beer chaser is free when buying a shot of Turkey. At the Masterbaiters Shop it gets ya a few extra shiners. At Ma and Pa's and extra slice of deli meat and at Amy's a 13th roll to your doz. We can't tell you all the benefits, you will have to just say HiYa and see what you get.

HiYa is used a lot on the water when yelling from boat to boat or shanty to shanty. All you need to do is yell HiYa and the fishermen's name if you remember it. If not, just saying HiYa is enough for them to know you are from here. Fishing information can then be exchange with real weights, numbers and location. HiYa also works at family gatherings, high school reunions and meeting old girlfriends on the streets. Just saying HiYa gets you past that awkward moment. HiYa between deer hunters gets you the same results and when out on the trails saying HiYa with other bird hunters saves time. So if you see a fellow Lodge member on the street and you are not sure, Just say HiYa From Lake Iwanttobethere. (22967)

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HiYa.. With the last of the kids on the bus and pulling out from the lake access lodge members started to find there way back to the Lodge The Sunday fishing event for the kids was over. A few Hamms were drawn from the tapper and the sound of tired bodies hitting the chairs of the Lodge could be heard. Some feeble attempts at conversation were made but it just seemed that all of the young kids had just plain worn out the members. Skinny had hauled the now empty coolers back to the Lodge and they were emptied of torn chip bags and crushed pop cans. The containers holding chili were sent back to the kitchen to be cleaned and one lonely bun was left in a plastic bag. Fishing had been good. Everyone caught at least something and a few went home with small storage bags of cleaned fish. Instruction on how to prepare the fish were sent along to. The local kids headed back to there cabins or some of them just headed out to there parents shanties and continued to fish. While giving rides on a sled Hank had bumped Chucks shanty and was still back down on the ice making repairs. The CB crackled in the corner and I could hear Hank looking for Skinny. Seems he had dropped his hammer down one of Chuck's fishing holes and needed Skinny to run him down another hammer. Skinny came up from the basement with a hammer in hand and went out the door. A minute later he reappeared in the Lodge heading for the popcorn machine. Elmer looking up from his spot on the wicker couch said " I thought you were bring Hank a hammer?" With a basket of popcorn in his hand Skinny replied " Barney, the dog is taking care of it" and pointed out the Lodge deck window. There was Barney heading down the Luge delivering the hammer.


We watched from the window as Barney rode a toboggan down the luge and right out to where Chuck's shanty was. Hank took the hammer and then snapped the rope from the toboggan on to Barney collar and Barny headed back up the hill to the Lodge. A few minutes later Barney the dog was at the Lodge. Skinny went out and took the rope off his collar, giving Barney a dog bone and a pat on the rump. Then they both went back inside the Lodge. Standing out on the Lodge deck I watched all of this and just shook my head. It being silent Sunday I could not say anything. It was about that time with the sun setting that I thought in the distance I could hear a harmonica playing. Just for a moment I could hear it and then it was gone. From Lake Iwanttobethere (23036)

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HiYa. 44 out here on the deck of the Lodge. A lot going on in town as people are out all over. A lot are taking advantage of this what we here at the lake would call a heat spell! If it hits fifty I am going to go to my locker in the basement and get out a pair of shorts and a golf shirt. Taking advantage of the weather, shop owners are busy cleaning windows and sweeping off their sidewalks. The car wash has had a steady parade of trucks and cars and even a few trailers with sleds go through. The doors over at Dug's are standing wide open and you can see him working through the blue haze of exhaust. Even here at the Lodge we have the windows cracked open and just one fireplace going. Taking a break here from the morning hunt. Our 2nd annual Scare the pigeons from the roof shoot out is going on behind the Lodge. We did this last year but this year since we are doing it again it now becomes an annual event. Don't need much of a reason to have any kind of shooting event here at the Lodge.

Since this is now an event we needed to have some rules. So teams were picked and a lottery held for times to be out in the blind. Only Daisy lever action BB guns are allowed and since the Lodge has three of them everyone will share them. In teams of two we started at eight this morning. In a blind constructed of snow blocks and evergreen branches the contestants have one hour to take out as many pigeons as they can from the roof of the Lodge. There are of course some rules. No shooting pigeons on the ground, no baiting, no shooting at visitors or tourists,. No shooting in the direction of the lake, no shooting Lodge garbage cans or the Lodge itself. Shooting birds from the roof is OK and encouraged. Winners will be determined by the number of pigeons killed or scared to flight. So far no one has killed a bird but Skinny and Hank are at the top of the leader board with 32 scares in there hour slot time. There is some thought involved as most people think that going later in the day will be better as the birds will be tired and fly less. Giving someone a chance to poke one.

Elmer and I did not do to well. Not my fault. Elmer was intent on taking a bird out and had his good eye on a gray one that always seems to find his truck's windshield in the Lodge's parking lot. Elmer would not let me shoot but I could only keep his Daisy's at the ready. He spent most of our hour trying to bounce a bb off the Lodge's chimney and get his bird with a ricochet. We scored but 17 scares. Shooting goes till sundown so it will be awhile before we have a winner. Sheriff Tim came by and heard that we were out shooting out back. He came out just as Big Earl was taking a shot at wing shooting the flock. Tim saw him and pulling his revolver dropped two from the flock before they were behind the big Pines. The Lodge emptied at the sound of the shots. The contest rules were explained to Tim he then removed his badge and joined Big Earl and Junior behind the blind. They had but 15 scares, the two dead birds did not count. The birds did not return for almost thirty minutes but as pigeons do they did return. Of course they had made a pass over Sheriff Tim's car. Last time I saw him he was in line at the car wash.

Hank and Skinny are down on the ice, Clearing an oval for this upcoming weeks go-cart and Lawn Tractor races. Before the Lodges Super Bowl Party we will have races down on the ice. Always good for some entertainment. Takes so long to finally get to the game that we started the races so we would have a reason to be at the Lodge all day. I am ready. I still have the tires for the MTD that I screwed in those 1000 screws last winter to make studs. As far as going in a circle I just let the air out of the front tire on the left side. Goes to the left pretty good then. I don't think the speeds will be that fast this year as there is no soft snow. All pretty crusty and that is no fun hitting. We were going to do it in the hockey ring but them boards are really hard on the decks as some guys use there tractor to mow in the summer with. Well from a Monday here at the Lodge have a good day on the ice. From Lake Iwanttobethere (23049)

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I’m going to call Reed, the realtor. Lake Iwannabethere sounds like my kind of place. I bet the water is clear! I have a beautiful property on Milfoil Lake here in the cities, perhaps he knows someone willing to swap lakeshore with me.

Anyone should be eager to own a piece of Milfoil Lake. It’s close to everything important and a relatively short commute to downtown. A heavily fined developer thankfully ignored red tape and sneakily dredged out that ugly swamp that Crayfish Creek flowed into long ago. Those noisy Yellow-headed Blackbirds left about the same time. The mouth of the lagoon is no longer hampered by that inconvenient delta, where the sediments use to settle instead of the swamp, making it difficult to get your speedboat through. That’s because they rerouted Crayfish Creek to enter the other end of the lake. The creek is now straighter, flowing parallel to the railroad track, in the ditch.

The west shore no longer has all those unsightly cattails. They were illegally cut free by homeowners long ago. We haven’t had a cattail clump hang up on our dock in twenty years now.

It’s one hundred percent chemically beautiful green lawn and beaches. Of course yearly milfoil removal is required to upkeep the beaches, but everyone here can afford that, along with algae bloom treatments, and aerators.

Despite the aerators, the lake still gets low oxygen levels in the winter. Maybe there are not enough oxygen creating weeds left, or the aerators should be placed where they do the most good, not near the homeowner who squeaks the least about messy wintertime geese.

Tell Reed; I don’t mind a less than prime lot. I have enough money to turn it into the sand beach estate of my dreams. I’m sure I could help make Lake Iwannabethere a better place.

Is the filling station for sale? Somebody ought to raise those prices. A man with more appetite could really prosper, with no competition in the area.

PS-Unfortunately, I didn’t have to make my story up. It's the story of the lake I grew up on.

Thanks for sharing your story telling abilities. If only the world was perfect, like Lake Iwannabethere.

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Sounds like a wonderful place for a summer retreat. I am sure Reed is a member of the Lakes co-[PoorWordUsage] as he often talks about investing in time share tidal islands. For more information contact me at [email protected] I can hook you up with Reed and also we are always looking for another gas station besides the Gulp -N-Go (23145)

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HiYa, so cold here last night that I had to put my hands down the fishing hole to warm them up! Must have been Spam night because I had a some pan fried Spam and a few eggs last night for a late snack. No matter what anyone tells you that stuff does expire. Spam has been a life saver a few times for me. We always pack a few cans when going on fishing trips. There have been a few nights where if it was not for the Spam and some tatters we would be climbing in to the sleeping bag hungry. One of those meats that belong in it's own separate food group. Throw it in your pack and it's there when you need it. Next week, next year. Been around since 1937 if I remember right. In high school I even wrote a paper about Spam. Will have to remember to stop in at Ma and Pa's and buy another can to replace the one I just used.

Must have been a slow news day as the town down from us had a TV crew going through on the way back from a barn fire and they somehow found out about our Pigeon shoot off. Came into the Lodge and stuck a camera in my face and I had to tell them something. Told them old man Peters won the event. (he has been dead for quite some time but they don't know that). Thought it would be a good idea for Peters to get his 15 minutes of fame even if it came a little late. Larry was in the Lodge this morning and said that his wife who works at the towns switchboard was getting calls looking for Peters and also for the Lodge from some place calling themselves PETA Since the Lodge has an unlisted number in keeping with our policy of having Lodge members be left alone while at the Lodge we have not received any calls yet. There was some small talk about having an indoor shoot at the Old Mill as the new owner has a bird problem. Might be some concern in regards to safety. Lodge members inside a building with bb guns? Already Skinny was trying to get a hold of his brother Shifty to see if he had any full face shields for his cycle helmets. Skinny was thinking he could rent them out. Skinny, Hammering Hank and Big Earl are not ones to see an opportunity in making money get away. Even thinking body armor. Earl has a supply of heavy cardboard that he was willing to let go, at the right price.

About six last night the town was about as quiet as you will ever see it. With the temperature falling as you watched the thermometer and smoke coming at right angles off the chimneys it was cold and getting colder. Pigeons were still around, huddled around the chimney of the Lodge trying to stay warm. Nothing else was moving. A few fishermen on the ice but they were in their shanties. Just a glimpse of light from someone peeking out a window from time to time. That was the only way you knew anyone was on the ice. Some of them houses out there are better built then there cabins, and in this weather probably a warmer place to be. Dogs here were all up on the couches, floor was to cold for them I am going to guess. Glad I had took the time when we had the warm day to bring wood down to the cabin and stock the racks. Keeping a good fire going to keep the cabin toastie. Just a few days of this and then Sunshine Ray says it will be back in the twenties and good fishing weather again. The ice harvest is back on the calendar for next week. Glad we waited as we have some real good ice now and where we harvest it is better then 24 inches thick. Also better temps for the ice racing, wont's have to wear so many clothes and might get another mph out of the MTD No snow in the forecast so it looks like we can get a few practice runs in if we want to try.

Gus told me that his boys, Barley and Hopps will be done with college this spring and are planning on returning to the lake and following their dream of having their own brewery. With the clear cold water of the lake and some grant money, not to mention tapping into there student loans. They figure after the serious four years of beer tasting and micro beer making they have come up with a marketable beer tailored for the Lake. They just need to come up with a name.

Well sun is shinning and I am sure there is work to be done. All I need to do is go over to the table and check out the wife's Honey do list. Might just spend time in the wood shop and fiddle with some lures. With the sun shinning in there I might be comfortable for a few hours before it starts to cool off. Another cold one for tonight then some relief. With luck this will be the last of the bad weather for this winter. Dare I say cabin fever. Maybe just a twinge here. From Lake Iwanttobethere (23146)

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HiYa from the lake ! A bright spot in the cloud cover over head and the thermometer is actually showing double digits above zero for the first time in a few days. Wind has died down to just a occasional breeze around the knees. Can stand outside with out having to pull the collar up around your neck and just wearing gloves and not sticking your hands in your coat pockets is enough. Stocking cap is left in the cabin and the fishing hat returns to it's rightful place. Dogs are out of the cabin and are exploring. They are behind in marking their territory the past few days only coming out to do there business and then a straight line back to the cabin. Today they reclaimed every tree, brush and building corner on the lot. Made the walk down to the drive out to the mailbox. Just the sound of frozen snow crunching under foot. Bud made the walk with me, Barney had already return to the cabin to take on another load of water to be processed into boundary marking fluid. Bud working the road from side to side was making sure he had not missed anything while he had been inside. From under the low branches of a pine tree a rabbit tried to keep the tree between Bud and me while making his escape. But we both saw the motion and Bud took off giving chase.

Was not much of a contest as the rabbit with the moves of a running back made quick work of zigzagging through the growth to escape. Looking like a Jag running on top of the snow as Bud followed looking more like a Mack truck. Bud content that he had a reason to run came back across the crusty snow to the road and did that little bouncing on his front legs that labs tend to do. I gave him the same look he gives me when I miss shooting a grouse. A bump of his head against my leg and a pat on his rump from me and we continue on our way to the mail box. Nothing special in the mail box, just bills. If I knew that I would not have made the walk to get them. I take a moment looking over envelopes before stuffing them in my coat pocket. Before turning to make the walk back to the cabin I give the road a look. First to the north then southwards. There walking down the center of the road a couple of deer stand looking over there shoulders at me. Well more likely looking at Bud. Bud looks that way but the wind is wrong and the deer get nothing more then a passing glance before Bud turns and starts working the road back to the cabin. He starts hunting it like it was a new road and not one he had just been down a few minutes ago.

I turn to follow and taking my time watch as Bud works from bank to bank. I have spent countless hours walking behind Bud as over the years we have been on many a trail hunting grouse. For awhile there we just took long walks together as there were not to many birds to be found . The last few years have been better and Bud being in his prime spends a lot of time walking in front of me or Elmer or Chuck who all come over to ask if Bud can come out and play. Bud pauses briefly where the rabbit was under the pine and then continues. His heavy muscles ripple under his thick brown winter coat. The bright red collar hanging around his neck and his id tags clinking against each other. No birds, no more rabbits a few old tracks and you can see where the deer have passed through during the long cold nights. In there single file there trail weaves through the trees heading in the direction of Elmers gardens. Coming around the bend in the drive I see it just a second or so before Bud does. A lone grouse from out of no where, neck stretched out looking at us. Bud locks in the rear legs and tearing and scratching at the frozen roadway launches himself in the direction of the grouse. The grouse takes to wing but in a some what of a rare means of escape it flies down the drive directly at Bud. Like a medieval joust the two close the distance between them. With a leap forward Bud tries to fly skyward at the grouse. I might have seen a feather from the grouse fall before Bud crashed back on the roadway. The grouse continues down the drive with me now in it's way. We lock eyes and it flares and does an abrupt turn to my right and then like the rabbit zigzags through the pines to be lost from sight. Bud returns to my side and gives me the look that I get when I miss a grouse. I hold my arms out at my side and say "What" I swear he shakes his head at me and then turns heading back towards the cabin. I find myself talking to him explaining why the bird got away. " It's not hunting season. I don't even have a gun with me." Bud now ignoring me continues to the cabin. Elmer standing on his porch with a cup of steaming coffee in hand catches my eye. Like Bud he gives me that same look. " What" I say... From Lake Iwanttobethere (23219)

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HiYa from the Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Well ice races have been done for about an hour now and everyone has gotten their tractors back on there trailers. Pretty good crowd here in the Lodge as we get ready to watch the Super Bowl. A nice day out and sun is streaming in through the Lodge windows. We do have a roaring fire going in the fireplace as several members are standing close trying to dry wet pants and bottoms. Fast track as most of the snow was removed in the oval. We had several classes and with the nice weather we ran heats to determine the final groupings. New this year we had a few sides bets going and a few ice drag races were held. Since I had already let the air out of the inside left tire on my MTD a drag race which meant going straight was out of the question for me. It was however right up Dug's nitrous powered tractor alley so to speak. He won his first drag but the ropes to his parachute shredded when it was deployed. This left him far out on the ice and he did not make it back for his second round and was dq'd McGurk snow blower rig was allowed to race in the oval after he welded a metal lawn chair to the back of it. He to was dq'd when he engaged his auger and threw snow across his fellow racers As part of his penalty he had to snow blow the entire track

I made it through the first round but the second round found me in trouble. A crack had formed and my left tire and rim found it. The crack took me through hay bales and out of the oval. I to was dq'd It took me a while to get back off the ice and load the tractor back on to it's trailer. Looking for a good parking spot I just went ahead and parked in the Lodge parking lot pointed in the direction of home. After the game I will have a clear shot of leaving ahead of everyone else. I am also ahead of everyone in doing some of the taste testing of the Johnson Brothers new lake Brew. The Needabeer was tasty and I had a hard time picking between that one and the Wannabeer. Right now I have a cold WhynotAle in hand and this to is going down easy. On behalf of the Lodge we may have to talk with the boys about some kegs for the Lodge. The old Johnson Brewery is still in the familles name up there on Mystery Creek. I am told that in a matter of a few weeks they could be putting out the beer and the ale would follow after it aged for a few days.

Well the Lodges TV's are on and we have a few extra ones to. Don't have to turn your head to far to catch a screen. The Lodge's phone has been unplugged so there will be no distractions. At four thirty we will do the monthly test of the Towns fire siren which is on the roof of the Lodge so we will get our test out of the way and let everyone know that the game will be starting. Already you can see doors closing on shanties down on the lake as a lot of fishermen will fish and watch the game at the same time. I know the wife was meeting with a bunch of other gals and going out for a shopping trip in the big city this afternoon and maybe catch a movie. Well Gus needs some help here as he has both deep fryers going and the first batch of hot wings are ready to come out.. See ya after the game. From Lake Iwanttobethere (23280)

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HiYa from the Lake. A little dusting of snow overnight. Just enough to make it look like everything was coated in a layer of powered sugar. Sweet till the sun comes out and melts it, revealing the dirty snow beneath. Good tracking snow except there is not much to trail this time of year. You can make the walk down to get the mail and see where a rabbit crossed the drive and the dragging hoof prints of a few deer. Crows feet around the garbage can and set of wandering dog prints along the shoulder of the road. Sun is trying hard to make it through the thinning cloud cover. You can look straight at it for a few seconds before you have to turn away.

Short line at the car wash as I went by so I pulled in and dug up some quarters from between the seats. A few others were standing around killing time waiting for there turn. We talked off fishing of course and the doings of town. Took some ribbing for my driving on Sunday in the tractor races. Not much said about the football game other then it was the end to the season. Pro bowl still to be played but no one really watches that. Local high school sports are heading towards playoffs and a few proud grand parents will keep the rest of us up to date on their progress.

Ran the truck through the car wash and got some of the grime off and now can see out all of the windows all the way around. Not a great job but still to cold to be out with a bucket and rag. Pulled out in the back and let the sun that was peeking in and out of the clouds a chance at drying it. Already a few guys hanging on to the sides of a truck chatting away. The kind of scene you would find at a local boat landing where the fishing was poor and guys are trying to decide whether they want to launch or not. I found a cigar in the glove box and put some flame to it. I had no real place that I had to be. No sooner did I wander over to the gathering at the truck then the sun came out completely of the clouds. With no wind it got real nice out in just a few seconds. So we leaned against the box of the truck and we chatted. We talked of oil changes due and the lack of fresh snow. Of the evening perch bite and how much truth was in Nytelyters 15 pound Walleye.

The Old Mill is starting to shape up, seems every time I go by a few more windows have glass in them. Although the population of pigeons around the Lodge has grown the past few weeks. Hank was out yesterday trying to put a scope on one of the old bb rifles. The rife was pointed at 12 o'clock and the scope on top was facing about one. Guess you really have to " bend" a bb around to come anywhere close to hitting the pop can they were using to sight in on. Might be a reason for the poor shooting at the Pigeon shoot-out. The beer that the Johnson brothers brought to the Lodge has gotten some good comments. Just have to get that quality control issued under control. Of course there being a group of us guys standing there at least a few of us considered ourselves experts in the art of drinking beer. Some of us have even tried our hand at making our own. The conversation drifted in and out about beer and how the price had gone down compare to what we were paying for it when we were teenagers. Seems a case of Hamms was like thirty bucks or so if you had your older brother buy it for you, Sometimes even more if you had a stranger buy it for you out back of the liquor store. A lot of times they even would take a few bottles from the case cuz you were short.

Hard liquor, well no one could afford that. Might have been a better deal for your money though. As it seems one little pint bottle and a few fat cigars could get six guys a buzz. Still don't know if it was good stuff or if it was the cigars. Took me along time to figure you weren't suppose to snort it back out your nose or fill your belly with smoke. Well another truck needed a spot to dry off so I made my good-byes and headed toward the Lodge. Clean windows right up till the logging truck ht the pothole and splashed me. From Lake Iwanttobethere (23358)

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HiYa from the basement of the Lodge, Hiding out in the wood room here working on some new top water lures for the upcoming fishing season. Spent some time at the Town Hall helping out with taxes. We did get some forms in and we had a free tax help day. Mine are all done and I am hoping to allocate some dollars towards my new seats for the Puddle Humper. Just hoping nothing breaks around the cabin before the money shows up. As you can tell we are starting to feel the slight pull of cabin fever around here. Few more people are spending a little more time in the aisles at the Masterbaiters shop. Looking at long rods and of course the wall of spoons that in the late afternoon light always seems to catch just right. Easy enough to lose track of time with the lures being moved by the draft from the heater and the background noise of the minnow tanks.

Rods are taken in hand and shook, tips are tested and blanks are bent. The two clearance bins are looked through. Maybe just maybe you can find a use for that 1/4 grasshopper imitation crank bait. You pick up a box of hooks so you don't feel like you wasted anytime just browsing. Blaze orange hunting gear is 50% off but nothing but smalls and 3 xls left. Paying Vicki for the hooks you head out the door, Thinking to yourself that you were just there a few days ago.

Next stop takes you to the Hobby shop, You go through the door and head straight back to the cabinet that holds the balsa by the rear exit. Picking up a few blocks of wood you stop to admire the model planes hanging from the ceiling. You pass shelves of train cars and a glass display case of engines. Other customers are in the store, but no one under forty. You pay cash for the blocks of wood, the old cash register opens to show just a few bills and some coins. The credit card bin is full of paper, guess the Visa gets a good work out here. Have to remember to tell the wife she is so lucky that you fish and don't have any model trains.

A few more stops and the sun is already setting, You wonder how long you spent in the bait and the hobby shops. No matter what, it was time well spent and we are closer by a day to fishing season. From Lake Iwanttobethere (23427)

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HiYa from the ice house here at the Lodge. Our last day of the "Ice Harvest" as we are putting up ice for the town and the Lodge. Lodge members have been busy the past few days and it is my turn to serve my time in the ice house stacking blocks as they are delivered from the lake. Two days ago in a small bay just down from the access the snow was scraped away and still using an old ice plow the surface of the lake was divided with groves. We then used long bar chain saws to divide the surface into blocks and then going back to the old ways took out single handled ice saws and pikes cut the lake ice into blocks 18 x 18 This year the blocks are about 14 inches thick. They weigh right around 70#'s and are as clear as gin. Using big ice tongs there are pulled from the lake and loaded up on to McDonnell's ice sleigh. While everyone takes a break on the ice McDonnell's puts his mules in motion and they take the trail up to the ice house. Once they get here they are off loaded and the ice blocks riding wood planks are taken inside the house. Here we stack them floor to ceiling spreading fresh sawdust from the lumber mill between layers so they don't all freeze into one big cube.

My job today is to pack as many blocks as we can and also allow room to pull out blocks for events later in the year. After having the back half of the house filled we will add some bigger blocks for the 4th of July ice sculptures and some more off to the side that we sell for wedding carvings and special events. The weather is just right, at twenty or so and cloudy, warm enough to work in but not to warm to melt ice. We work in a relaxed pace as we are almost done. Usually it can be done in a day but last year with all the hot weather and lack of rainfall we actually were down to just a few blocks. That and Dan's dog Grace who has a hankering for ice did put a dent into our reserves. Yesterday Dan was here as was Grace and they hauled up some of there own ice. I think Grace was thinking she was in heaven every time she dragged a block into the house. We placed a cardboard sign with her name on it over a pile that will be hers.

A keg of Hamms with tap is on top of a shelf of ice. Beers are poured as needed to replace lost fluids. This is a workout for us older guys as we are used to handling ice cubes not ice blocks. Well all that needs to be done is orange barrels placed around the open sections of the bay and signs put out. A few of the younger guys, Dug and the Johnson brothers have there snowmobiles down on the shoreline and as soon as we are done they will be skipping there sleds across the open water. Kids... I would try it but I think I have to much weight in the rear to keep the sled level. Better to stand on shore and place bets. Well another load coming in so I better get back to shoveling sawdust, from Lake Iwanttobethere (23442)

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Right on time I pass Chucks driveway heading to the bluff. Checking in my rear view mirror I scan see the lights of Chucks truck as he pulls out on to the roadway. In a few minutes we are at the bluff over looking the lake and we pull into the driveway to the MPLS couples cabin. Pulling to the edge of the bluff I turn the Dodge to face the ice town spread out below me. Checking cords I turned off the Dodge and made the short walk back to Chuck in his waiting truck. Getting in we meet eyes and nod to each other. We turned around in the small cleared area and being careful not to be seen returned to the roadway and head to the Lodge. After a while we start chuckling to ourselves but still maintain silence. Chuck drops me off at the Lodge and continues down to the access and on to the ice. I watch as he drives to his shanty. Elmer comes out and I can see the two of them chatting and Elmer waving his arms like he usually does when telling a fish story.

Not my day to work at the Lodge, but I thought I would stop in and check on the final numbers for the ice house and make sure the padlock was secure on the door. The key is attached to a small oar and hung on the back bar. A few hiya's exchanged with bar patrons. Pretty quiet right now, seems most people are down on the ice. Going to get cold here again this weekend as another brief cold snap is racing down from up north. Cold ain't so bad but going to get high winds again. The cold driven by the winds seems to find every crack in the houses and gets pass the zippers on your coats.

With the sun getting pretty low in the sky I grab a toboggan and riding the luge I make a brisk run down the hill to glide out to my shanty. I wave at Chuck watching from his window and I slip the key into the lock and in a moment I am inside my house. I turn on the propane heater and lights. I make quick work of starting a fire in the potbelly stove. Two lines are dropped down the holes and I turn the CB on and turn up the squelch to quiet the static. As the shack warms up I take off my coat and the sweater. I turn the fan on and start pushing heat towards the floor. A splash of Wild Turkey in a tumbler and I am sitting back in my barber chair watching my floats. Soon I take a little nap, which is part of my plan. Waking up to the sound of the CB making clicking noises I reached for the mike hanging from the ceiling and answer back with a couple of quick clicks.

Some wood added on top of the coals in the potbelly and the fire burns brightly again. Heat returns to the shack. I check my floats and one is gone. Reaching for the line down the hole I slowly retrieve it, just a bare hook on the end comes back up through the ice. Putting on my coat and hat I open the door and standing outside of my shack I can see that Chuck is doing the same. With a nod of my head I reach in my pocket and point my hand towards the bluff where the Dodge is parked and hit the car start button.. We wait, then you can just hear it. The sound of a violin. A high deee de dee de dee echoing across the lake. Elmer is the first one out of his shack. His good ear searching for the source of the violin. He turns and goes back in his shack and I can hear the crackle of the CB behind me replaced with Elmer shouting out that the music is back. Other shack doors open and fishermen step out on to the ice and hats are pulled off ears to make it easier to hear. DEE DE DEE DEE the violin can be heard on the ice. I walk towards Chucks shack and he meets me halfway. Just then the last long note of the violin reaches out into the night. DEEEeeeeeeeeee Chucks whispers " Where is it" "Just wait for it" I whisper. Then there it is. With everyone straining to hear the violin the unmistakable sound of a Gavia immer ( The common Loon ) rolls across the lake.

Fishermen look at each other and there is some yelling of a hoax, Others yell to be quiet and listen... There it is again the long, lonely call of a loon echoing across the frozen waters of the lake. Then there is silence.....

I point the car starter at the bluff and hit the kill button. There is a brief flash of light from the bluff but only Chuck and I are looking for it. The Dodge with the cassette player plugged into the accessory outlet and the speakers in the truck box have done there job again. Chuck and I head back to my shack to toast our success. Chuckling we have done our part in keeping cabin fever at bay. From Lake Iwanttobethere (23479)

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Hiya from the Lodge, Card game is over and just enjoying the sunset here. The sun is just a glimmer of light above the tree line on the far side of the lake. Elmer is sitting at the Lodges old upright piano. The white keys long ago turned a shade of yellow, Not much finish left on the wood having been all rubbed away over the years. A set of rings, beer stains from countless mugs that have been left to drip on the wood. Smaller rings from shot glasses can also be seen across the top. The rings interconnect with each other to form a random pattern. Elmer with a mug on the piano and and a glass ash tray for catching the spent ends from his cigar lets his fingers wander across the keys. From time to time I will recognize a melody, he will play it for a few seconds and then stumble into another song. Not that he does not know the song he is just letting his fingers like his mind wander where they want to.

Chuck sitting on one of the bar stools with his foot up on the rail strums a guitar that might very well be as old as the piano. Like Elmer he lets his fingers wander across neck of the guitar and hits a few cords and sometimes the guitar and the piano find the same melody at the same time and together they sound like they belong together. Just soft background music filling in the noise between the clinking of ice in glasses and the sound of beer mugs dragged across table tops before going skyward to waiting lips. Sitting back in a chair with by back to the Lodges log walls I swirl my beer in it's mug and from time to time take a pull from my cigar and let the smoke ease it way out to rise toward the Lodges ceiling. I listen to the guitar and the piano, letting it wander in and out of my thoughts. Not full but not empty either the Lodge adds to the coming evening. Hardwood floors well worn and smooth from years of members walking across them. Grand dads and their sons and their sons sons. Fish mounts and birds grace the walls and more then one deer has been pointed out to a young lad. His eyes wide with the story of how the deer found it's way to the wall.

The well worn popcorn popper casts a yellow rich glow across the corner of the bar where it has been as long as anyone can remember. The poppers glass splatter in butter from the hopper. Bags of hot butter popcorn lined up in rows waiting to be eaten. From time to time someone will come and scooping popcorn into a basket will sprinkle a few shakes of salt from the old tin cup with the dent on the side. Gus will keep an eye on the machine and when it gets low he will open the doors and pour in a measured cup of popcorn and buttered oil. A moment latter the popcorn will fall from the hopper as the tine makes circles in the hopper. When the popping sound stops Gus will dump the hopper and turn the heat back off. Some will come and fill there baskets with the hot fresh popcorn and add some melted butter kept inside the heated glass case. Other will wait for the popcorn to cool, either way the popcorn never lasts long. The popcorn is free, always has and always will be. Butter and oil has gone up or the years as well as the hundred pound sacks of popcorn. But the more popcorn we give away the more beer we sell and we all know that is where the money is... From a quiet night at the Lodge here on Lake Iwanttobethere (23545)

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HiYa from the Lodge, Well Valentines day is fast approaching. A problem for a few fellows here at the Lodge. Newly wed Hank and his wife Tess will be celebrating there first Valentine as a wedded couple. Last year at this time they were some what of a secret. This year there plans included eating out at a reserved table at the Sunshine Cafe. Hank has ordered the cloth table cloths and candles. The Dew Drop was already booked when Hank got around to finding a place for dinner. He said as we were sitting at the bar that Tess made mention of the day and that she didn't want him to go out of his way for her. The dummy was going to do nothing and was expecting to go home to a normal evening meal. Several of the guys quickly change his mind for him and helped him out with some of the double meaning that they themselves have personally experienced. "Not wanting something" translates to "you better bring me home something" Full blossoming roses will go over much better then a pack of seeds or a receipt from Big Earl's that roses bushes have been placed on order. Earl also has chocolates and for a small fee will change the price tag to reflect your love for your better half. Myself being married for over thirty years are pass the stage of threats over Valentines day. I pretty much have felt the effects of not bring home a gift or of recycling a past Valentines card. I always would sign in pencil so you can change the salutations. Chocolate does seem to work the best. With the Internet I can now pay to much for it from another country and have it delivered by UPS to her work site. Impresses the [PoorWordUsage] out of her fellow employees and makes her feel guilty about not sharing. This year she is off so I will send it a day early. Which also means in women's terms that I still have to get her something on Valentines day.

A few years ago I gave her a brand new clothes dryer, it still sits in the box on the front porch. 300' of perfectly good clothes line. Thinking about giving her it again as a recycled gift but when I open the box I noticed the end had been tied in a noose. Makes a guy have second thoughts. Well boat show is in town this week and since she is off on valentines day I might as well just take her to that. I 'll even spring for parking so we don't have to walk from a half mile away. I am sure while we spend time walking shoulder to shoulder with other married couples we will find something that we can buy and pass it off as a gift. I even have coupons for a dollar off that night. Besides what says love better then Corn dogs, mini donuts and a warm over priced beer in a plastic cup. From Lake Iwanttobethere (23602)

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HiYa from the Lodge, came into the Lodge last night after the evening bite out on the lake and thought I had walked into one of them there horror movies. As soon as I came through the big wood door of the Lodge I knew something was wrong. All around me were fellow Lodge members bent over at the waist with their heads between their knees holding on to beer mugs. I quickly scanned the room and with my past medical and volunteer firefighter experiences surfacing I looked for a clue as to what was going on. All around the Lodge members were in different positions of pain. Some were slamming there open palms on the cherry bar top. Others were holding both hands to the sides of there faces and still others were in the head between the knees position slumped forward in chairs. Moving towards the bar I could see Gus just sliding a full beer mug down bar top to the shaking, waiting hands of Hammering Hank. " Does it help with the pain" I yelled. Gus looked up and seeing me pushed the next full mug across the top in my direction. " Drink" is all he said. Being a little shaky at so many men in obvious pain and trying to remember what I should do next, medical wise I took a long pull from the mug.

Instantly my head was between my knees and shooting stars were going off behind my eyelids. My chest felt funny and I knew what the problem was. Beer Brain Freeze... Fighting back the tears as a took another swallow from the mug I could just make out Gus through the slits that my eyes had become. He mouthed out the words " Forgotten Hamms keg from the Ice House" I nodded and put my mug on the bar top for a refill.. Can't let that go to waste.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (23628)

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Hiya from the Lake, Just when you think things should be quiet around here they are not. Between the found keg of ice cold Hamms yesterday and it being Valentines day tomorrow the Lodge has been pretty busy. Lot of guys in here at lunch trying to find fresh idea for gifts. Kind of late for a good idea the day before Valentines. Earl down at the general store has pretty much his entire stock of flowers and box candy sold out. Knowing Earl he still has a few boxes of the expensive stuff hidden in the store room. They will find there way to the counter tomorrow. Just in time for some last, desperate buyers.

I understand that Trip was here early this morning, he was kind enough to start the coffee pot and warm up the griddle. Right around ten or so guys starting wandering in. Elmer was holding court on his wicker couch and tossing out ideas that worked in the past for him, he was also giving out ideas that has not worked. Right around noon Dusty and Hunter came running into the Lodge and quickly closing the door they leaned up against it like they were being chased. As they made there way to the bar I could not help but smile at them. They both were covered in soot except for around there eyes and then they went on to tell me some story about being chased by raccoons! I'll have to talk to Dusty later and find out what he is toting around in his flask.

Well I wish I could tell you I had some great plans for me and the little women for valentines day. I don't. Might take a ride in to Da-luth and check out the boat show, maybe have a corn dog and some high priced warm beer in a plastic cup. But we could do that here, the warm beer that is. Sunshine Ray says we are to get snow this evening, perhaps as much as six inches. Would sure help to clean things up and put a little damper on the cabin fever that is starting to show. I was at the hobby shop again and a few more guys are poking around looking at things. With that new tax refund coming in a few months it needs to be spent wisely. Here at the lake we are doing our fair share of helping out the economy by buying tackle and crafts. The wife's would just spend it on bills. To my line of thought buying some tackle now that we are going to lose down the road is a savings now. Since if we have to buy it later down the road it will cost us more so it is better to buy it now. Kind of confusing you say? Well that is how I explain it to the wife and she just shook her head and wandered away. It will come down to who finds the check in the mail box first. Mark the Mailman has already told me over a beer that he is finding cookies in the mailbox. Not that you can bribe a employee of the United States Postal service. But a few blue and white spinner baits would be nice.

Well time for me to go and print that spendy looking wine label that I got from the Internet. Found an old bottle at Elmers and I put some new wine in it and a fresh cork. With the new label written in French it should go over as a fine gift for the little lady. Of course I can't read French but I just went and did a search for labels from France. Looks pretty French to me. Along with them flowers from down at the funeral home ( they were done with them ) it will make a nice gift and I save enough for two more blocks of Balsa for lure making. So from the Lake good luck with your present. ! From Lake Iwanttobethere


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HiYa from the Lodge, Well just putting on finishing touches here waiting for the first of our valentine couples to arrive. Gus just came back a little while ago with freshly pressed cloth table clothes and they have been recently patched. Hanks wife Tess took the time to mend them for us and as long as she had them she washed and put the iron to them. For the longest time I thought they had yellow flowers on them but Tess sent a note saying she got the mustard stains out. We are going with a French theme here with old wine bottles with candles tucked in the necks. We do have some crepes, which are really just some of Gus's pancakes with strawberries on the menu tonight along with some french walleye. Just regular walleye but we just added French on the paper menu. We got out some of the red Christmas lights and strung them up to give us a romantic atmosphere. Or for what passes here at the Lodge.

Sunshine Ray got the snow right, just not the depth. Two inches of white stuff fell but the winds which are still blowing make it look likes it's more. Got both fireplaces burring and a few apple logs to toss in to give the place a nice aroma. Got a few boxes of wine in the kitchen that we will pour into lemonade bottles to give it that classy look. I was going to print up some more of those wine labels that I did for the wife's present. But then Tess who can read French asked me why I was putting on a vinegar label on a wine bottle. That quickly took care of that idea and like everyone else I was left scrambling for a gift.

From Amy's we got cookies shaped like little hearts with some kind of cherry frosting. Some turnovers and of course croissants. We figure along with our regular menu we can put on a dinner just as good as the Dew Drop and Sunshine Cafe. Beside we have a full bar to mask the taste of anything. I was out with Hank moving snow for several hours this morning and it took me a while in the kitchen before I started to warm up. Several bags of spuds have been peeled and will be ready to be fried with the walleye. Even have a few steaks that were pre ordered for a few of the guys. So I guess we are ready. Soon as the sun goes down we should start getting busy. Elmer has his old tux on and will be our host. I will hide out behind the bar serving our regulars and dinner guests. I even have a clean apron on for tonight. Chuck is helping out in the kitchen and the Johnson brothers are waiting tables and will be offering free samples of the 2nd batch of Wantabeer and Needabeer. The Howboutale is still a few days away from being ready.

If you guys are done with your dates early tonight because they did not work out as planned or maybe because they worked out to good the Lodge will be open late. As is our policy all special food must be eaten tonight. So there may be leftovers. From Lake Iwanttobethere have a good evening. (23816)

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HiYa from a very quiet Lodge. Last evening was a huge success. The Valentine dinner went over well and we had the chairs around the table filled most of the evening. The wine went over with the ladies and the Johnson brothers beer was a fine compliment to the French Walleye. Between serving drinks from the bar I had to peel another sack of tatters for Gus to fry up. Not to much left over for left overs as Amys cookies and croissants dipped in that sauce Gus made was another treat we may have to add to our menu.

I say that it is quiet here because the caravan just pulled out here bout a half an hour or so ago. The Lodge is sending a big group of guys down to the far far bay for the weekend. They call it Walker bay and there will be an Ell Pout Festival going on there. Only ones left here at the Lodge I think is me and Elmer. Elmer will tend bar and I'll slip on the apron and man the kitchen. I think I will just be cooking for Elmer and me.

Big Earl was in charge this year. He arrived around nine this morning with his pick up truck and a enclosed van that was stocked with propane tanks and cases of Spam and them little Vienna sausages. Soon after Reed the Realtor pulled up with the RV and another trailer. It was all set to go and Dug had it down at the garage and gave it a thumbs up for the trip. It was idling away in the parking lot and that bio diesel gives off a nice smell of French fries. They had several cases of peanut oil for the deep fryer and as fuel if they ran low. Chuck was there and the night before they had pulled up a couple of the wheel trailers from down on the lake and soon a line formed in the lot. I would not say that they would make any commercials out of the gathering. Don't think there is any thing newer then a 1990 in the line. The common color is dirty white except for where the new Lake Iwanttobethere bumper stickers have been applied. Mostly over rust spots to hide them.

With the hand cart Hank and Chuck started loading up from the Lodge. The members had gotten together and put together an order and with the lodge discount there were able to stretch there dollars. A few kegs of Hamms, two cases of Wild Turkey. A case of mixed bar pour, A cart of soda for mix. Coolers of ice, Several gallons of chili and a 100 hot dogs. Buns from Amys and a big box of donuts. A case of tp to be used for napkins and as paper towel. A box of spices and another two kegs of Hamms. Of course this was in addition to what each guy brought for his own personal use.

Checking Earls trailer they made sure there was s enough charcoal and lighter fluid. Road flares and extra gasoline. A first aid kit and a spot for Doc Burriem. Everything was closed up, tied down and locked up. Engines were started and CB's turned on. With Reed and the RV leading the way they started out of the parking lot. It will take them several hours to reach the far side of the Lake and Walker's Bay. We might be able to hear them on the CB tonight if the skip is right. But we will not know what happens there because pretty much what happens at Ell Pout stays at Ell Pout.

Standing on the deck of the Lodge I can still make out the bio diesel smell of French fries hanging in the air. Elmer and I take a seat at the bar and I pull the two porterhouse steaks that are hidden under the bar ice. " Shall I start lunch?" Elmer nods and heads for his wicker couch and the TV I head for the Kitchen and test the grill with a little of my Hamms.. Have a good weekend and enjoy the festival From Lake Iwanttobethere (23893)

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Hiya from Lake Iwanttobethere. The red pointer on the bass thermometer hanging on the side of the Lodge points at 41 today. In the shade on a overcast day it is an accurate indicator of the temperature here at the lake. Elmer and I pulled an over nighter here at the Lodge. As predicted it was pretty quiet on Saturday so we ate well, napped and sampled some bottles of beer that were hidden on the back of shelf in the coolers under the bar top. With the testing came the cleaning. As we dug we found outdated beer that of course had to be tasted before tossing. Seems that most of the bottle would be gone before we could decide if it had gone bad or not. Most of the evening was spent dozing and running quality control testing of the old beer. There was nothing on TV and we could not pick up anything on the CB from the doings down at Walker Bay. We did hear the scratchy call about the need for a fire truck once, but nothing more after that.

Not wanting to waste the entire weekend we waxed the kitchen floor. Removing everything and bring in the scrubber we cleaned off what little wax was left on the floor. With the ice scraper Elmer got into the corners. After a beer or two between coats we put down two coats of sealer and then three coats of wax. Gus won't recognize his kitchen when he returns. We even started to put down some paste wax on the main Lodge floor. Using the buffer and some towels we got a section of the old wood floor to shine but Bud came in and slid right across to the fireplace bouncing off the spark screen. We moved a few tables around to cover the waxed area so no one will get hurt. With that we decide that we had done enough work for the weekend. It still being quiet and no one around a round of golf sounded like the perfect answer. Borrowing some golf clubs from the Lodge 's basement locker room we headed out on the ice. With no one around we decide we would make the rules pretty easy. Using ice shanty's as golf holes all you needed was just to hit the side of the shanty to be counted in the hole. First house, er hole I mean was Earls big log shanty. I drove a nice one iron from the tee right off the front door and bounced it out towards Tess's Elmer being older does not have much of a long game but his short game is pretty good. His tee shot took him off the roof of Earls to bounce towards Tess's his second shot a high nine iron he bounced off Tess's roof to bounce off Hanks roof to then find it's way to the ice road.. It was scored a birdie. Lucky the only window we broke was on my shack. I was going to open that later today anyway.

We just got the borrowed clubs back in storage when the first of the returning Ell Pouters returned. Hard to describe the scene, Like one of them civil war movies when the army returns home. They came back on the frontage road along the lake. Hanks old truck leading the way the back empty of the load of firewood that he had left with. A trailer with four wheeler hanging from his rear bumper. The red flag on the long whip broken and hanging at right angles to the roadway. No sooner had Hanks truck appeared then in the distance coming around the bend another appeared and then another. Trucks hauling fish houses and snow mobile trailers. I thought they were dirty when they left but now even the Lake Iwanttobethere bumper stickers could just barely be seen under the road grime. Windows down and arms hanging out the truck doors the group slowly made there way pass the Masterbaiters shop and the public access. They turned to climb the gentle grade up to the Lodge and park. One by one the engines are turned off and replaced with the sound of creaking doors being open. They stood there together in a group, looking back towards the road and waited. Guys with three days of fishermen's beards, their hair slicked back . Not a clean shirt in the group they stood and waited. You could smell it before you could see it. There coming around the bend was Reed's RV The smell of bio-disel French fries being carried on the slight breeze. Chugging around the access the RV with a grinding of gears made the climb up to the parking lot. As it turned in the lot to come to a rest you could see the entire drivers side was blacken with smoke and soot. It leaned like it had a broken leaf spring. The RV now parked released a muffled backfire and quiet return to the lake.

Looking at Elmer and then back at the group the two of us walked down the steps to the lot. The group of fishermen moved as one to the side of the RV and forming a huddle like what you would see at a football game they stood as one. Joining hands and shouted Ell Pout then walked away. Going to Big Earls truck they took the hand cart from the Lodge and unloaded the now empty Hamms kegs. The dinging sound clearing being heard when they toss the kegs on the cart. Garbage was hauled to the dumpster and the case of unopened Spam was donated to the Lodge's bomb shelter. A lot less came back to the Lodge then what went out. Waves were waved and fingers pointed at each other. Quiet laughter and jokes that could not be heard. Engines started the trucks, trailers and ice house limped out of the lot to the road and home. In a few minutes the parking lot was all but empty. Only thing left was Reed's RV sitting, slightly leaning on tires that needed air on one side. Hank and Tees arm in arm headed down toward there ice shanty's pulling a loaded toboggan behind them. Tess's coat draped over her shoulder. Her other arms bare skin showing what appeared to be a tattoo of an Ell Pout! Guess what happens at Ell Pout stays at Ell Pout.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (24017)

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HiYa from the Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Today was quiet, not as quiet as the past weekend but still pretty quiet. Lodge members came and went through out the day. Cash register has been pretty quiet as not much as been poured and passed across the cherry bar top. A lot of coffee both leaded and unleaded has been poured. It would seem that some people discovered they are not as young as the once were .It should be noted that beer measured by the six packs and liquor poured through the lips of an ell pout do have lasting effects. Also Elmer coming out of the kitchen with a plate of eggs not quite done yet made several guys leave early. After this discovery Elmer made several trips to and from the kitchen during the morning with each plate looking even nastier.

So not to much to say about Ell Pout days, If you did not go all you got was a " Should have been there" comment. Reed's RV made it out and down to Dug's garage. Last I saw they were trying to clean the soot and smoke off the side and something about talking to Big Earl about a replacement BBQ and tanks that were lost in the fire. The Lodge's aspirin bottle sitting on the end of the bar never really had the top screwed back on it. Seems someone was always shaking a few into a waiting hand. Hank asked if we had a wind storm at the lake, said there was a couple of new dents the size of golf balls on the roof of his shack. Elmer sank a little deeper into his wicker couch and I just kept wiping mugs and said I didn't really notice anything. Sheriff Tim came in for a lite lunch. Had already gotten his hours in for the week and was looking for someone to join him down on the ice. I told him I might be down later and so we kind of made plans to hook up together. I think he might be the only one who will tell me anything about the festival

Well I guess if someone asked me about the festival I would have to use an old word and say that the Lodge members had a Swell time. Don't get to use that word much, Swell as in a big rolling wave, or a swell gal or as in a slightly bigger them a good fun time. Guess we could also say they had a Wicked time. Little more evil in that word but I think after seeing the burnt RV that perhaps a Wicked time might be a better description.

Well with Elmer and I at the Lodge for most of the weekend we are ahead in hours as far as working at the Lodge. Will spend some time at the cabin and perhaps down on the ice. Fishing is coming to a close here soon. Don't know where the winter went. Some cold temps coming in for the next few nights and two nights from now there will be a lunar eclipse. Will be a lot of people on the ice for that. So from a quiet Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere.. (24058)

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HiYa from a warm quiet cabin here on the frozen shores of Lake Iwanttobethere. Had to run into the big city this morning, had a short list of things that needed to be picked up and a few small errands that I had been putting off. Been nursing a cold here the past week and after I carried the packages into the cabin I headed for my desk in the den and plopped down in the chair. That is when I realize how just plain tuckered out I was. The good part is that the sun was streaming in through the big windows looking out over the lake and bathing the chair in free heat. Didn't take long for the big tomcat Smoky to jump up and sprawl across my chest. Can't do much of anything with him on me so I just leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes. Sun felt good and Smoky was purring away on my chest, don't know if he was happy because he was with me or more then likely that he had a warm place to lay with me on the bottom and the sun shinning on top. Only thing I can hear is the hum of the computer fan and him purring. After awhile he got bored with me, Smoky that is and moved on to a better spot which more sunshine. Getting up I went into the kitchen to grab something to drink and saw the rest of the herd all in the living room. Dogs and cats sprawled on chairs and the couch and all in the sunshine.

Did have one message on the answering machine from the Lodge as the Johnson brothers want to reserve the main room the end of the month. They are going to have a birthday party for there cousin who will be twenty one. Checked with Gus and we penciled the date in. Ice houses are starting to come off the lake already. Even though we are little farther north then some and they can stay till the end of the month I think a lot of people have had enough of the cold and are ready to look towards open water. The diehards will still be out there and there are still plenty of fish to be caught. Reflecting back here it is getting about that time. Football season is long over with.. Boat show has come and gone. Ell Pout is just a recent memory. Digging down deep in the freezer looking for venison and just a few ducks left to be saved for a special meal. Reports coming in from Dotch down the road that lambs are dropping and birds are making a comeback to the feeders.

I noticed yesterday that even though it was well below freezing where the sun was shinning there was some standing water in the potholes. Dogs are spending more time when they go out side and more tracks are along side the road when I make the walk down to get the mail. Won't be to long now and garage doors that are facing the sun will be open and the transfer of shovels and snow throwers to the back of the garage will take place. The winter do list which is never completed will be traded for the spring do list. BBQ's dragged out and will be the first thing out on the decks. Maybe a chair or two will follow. Ma and Pa's will be taking in steak orders and Dug will be filling propane tanks. Big Earl will roll out and even bigger and fancier BBQ then what he had last year to the front sidewalk. A few of the so called "Last one" BBQ"S will also find there way out on to the sidewalk.

Amy's will crack open windows at her bakery and the morning air will be filled with the smell of fresh bread and rolls. Walkers will start appearing and people will be seen hiking around the frontage road to the lake. Of course this is not al going to happen over night. There is still some cold weather coming and some more snow will fall. But it is coming. For now I will just sit in my chair and let the sun shine on my face. Bright enough that I have to close my eyes. Maybe even take a nap and work on my tan.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (24094)

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Getting about that time of the year when it really slows down here at the lake. Not to many visitors and a lot of the locals have gone on vacation. The dead of winter does not make the lake a very big destination for visitors. Lot of other places to go that are warmer. Hammering Hank and Skinny have been pulling shanties off the lake all week. Power poles have been removed and the orange barrels have all been stacked neatly on shore. Right where the county left them last fall. Big Earl has a stack of the plastic toboggan outside his store and they have a red discount sticker on them. Some will be put in storage for next year and there are still some at the luge for those who want to take the run onto the ice for the last time. Later this afternoon I will be pulling my shanty off as I have it already to go. Was to do it yesterday but had a flat on the Dodge which became and event all by itself by the time I got it off and down to Dug's for repair.

Last night more then a few people were out on the ice watching the eclipse and taking pictures. Was going to have the violin player play but the Dodge was in the shop with the tire problem. The pink shanty has been real quiet as of late and no one has seen Barney, the husband of Burtha. As a matter of fact that part of town has gone quiet again. Even the old Mill which we may have to stop calling the Old Mill has not been the topic of much conversation at the Dew Drop Inn. With spring coming there has been a lot of talk about spring crops and the rising cost of food. Whether gas will hit 4.00 and how will that effect us here in town. Already Amy had to make adjustment at the bakery. Her cost of flour has more then doubled and today she had to change the price of her donuts from 4 fer a dollar to 3 fer a dollar. Since I only spend a dollar fer donuts I guess I can say that I am now officially on a donut diet. As for the gas I'll just have to fish a little closer to this end of the lake.

The wife's uncle Sam came over to the cabin this morning was just passing through town and wanted to stop and say hi. I already had plans so I did not hang around to long. Sam who is in his late 80's is pretty spry and still talks up a good yarn. I have heard all of his stories a hundred times but he tells them so well that you are soon sucked into them. He talks so much that even I have a hard time getting a word in.. As I was going out the door with both Barney and Bud at my side he was asking if he ever told me about when he worked for the border patrol in Hawaii. Never had any Canadians cross over on his watch.

Well I have a list of little things that need to be done before I can get to moving the shanty this afternoon. I made it here to the Lodge and have a small stack of pink telephone messages to go through. Having had a few days off was nice. Hank and Skinny are at the bar drinking coffee and sorting through the index cards. Guess they are planning what houses are coming of the ice today. Hey, not wanted to start a rumor or anything but there is talk that Nytelyter might be opening a liquor and bait store here in town. We don't have a liquor store so that might be a nice addition and save us some travel time. As for the bait, there is never enough bait at a lake. Just something I heard. Well have a good day, looks like a sunny one and the temps may actually rise above zero From Lake Iwanttobethere. (24154)

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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