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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Came back in from deer camp this morning had to bring the three deer to Ma and Pa's so Pa can butcher them up for us and quick freeze them. Also we had a small problem at the Hotel early this morning at breakfast time. After the fire went out in the wood stove Billy, a friends nephew who was hunting as a guest this year did a no no. His bunk is close to the wood stove and his mouse traps were still active during the night. Instead of removing the mice and disposing of them outdoors he simply flicked them into the wood stove. This morning when the stove was lite and just about the time we were going to start frying bacon there was an aroma that was not to appealing coming from the wood stove. At first we thought we had just gotten some bad bacon but in passing Billy made mention of the mice. Billy was to drive in with the deer but was convinced that he should stay and clean out the wood stove, or else.

I dropped the deer off and returned to the cabin for a much needed shower. My clothes from the Hotel did have a little different spice to them and into the washing machine they went. The dogs were happy to see me and the cats were all over my boots. The doe urine on them might have had something to do with all the attention. Windy and cool out and some waves pounding the shore of the lake. A few snow flakes can be seen from time to time. Snow in the forecast but it is going to have to get a lot cooler for that. The now clean clothes are out hanging on the line and I think the smell is gone. Made myself some lunch and a big slice of pie from the apple pie that I had somehow forgotten to bring to the Hotel. Guess I will have to eat it now.

Before going to Ma and Pa's we stopped at the Masterbaiters shop and registered the deer. Numbers up a little from last year and a few ten pointers had come through. Also one big doe that has her picture up near the scales. Orange is the color of the day as I drove through town. Everyone has some of it on, just to be safe and fit in. A lot of hunters in town at the Dew Drop Inn and over at the Diner. Amy's was busy with a short line looking for loose meat sandwiches. The cart outside of the General Store had plastic sleds for dragging and Hot Seats hanging from there metal clips. An assortment of rope and small boxes of hand warmers filled the lower shelf. Boxes of 308 and 30-30 shells were stacked on the counter near the register. Right next to the candy bars and scent remover. Earl was no where to be seen, I think he and Junior were at there deer camp. Town is pretty much being run by wife's and girlfriends this week. Of course we all pay for it the day after Thanksgiving when they have there version of hunting opener, They call it Christmas shopping.

I'm going to go out back and walk the trail to the down pine tree and spend some time there hunting this afternoon. Then I'll sleep in a mouse free bed tonight and head back to the hotel tomorrow for a few days. I see the wife has a new honey do list started here for me. All the more reason to head back to Deer Camp. From Lake Iwanttobethere (19312)

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I headed back to deer camp. Picked up a few of them hanging air fresh trees to hang by my bunk, just in case. Deer camp is a lot like Fish camp, except there are no fish. Pretty much the same stories except for deer being involved. Of course every year if someone does not get lost then a story is brought up about when someone did. Now being lost is a badge of honor. In the old days there were not GPS and cell phones out in the woods. You really have to work now to get lost. In the old days a few minutes into a nice thick cedar swamp a few wrong turns and yup, you were lost. It might take you a few minutes or a few hours to find your way out. Usually at the next tote road about a mile from Deer camp. Sometimes you would be found by the next hunting party over. You would then have to explain how you came out on there side of the swamp and would accept the ride back to your camp and the long looks over the noses of your hunting buddies as they claimed you and then pretended that you were just a Guest at the camp.

Cooking at deer camp is simpler as when you are starving you don't taste anything till you are half done cleaning your plate. Ash in your food is quickly dismissed as pepper. Left over coffee is strong enough to soak the chili pot in and clean just by rinsing. In deer camp there are those who can cook, those who think they can cook and those who can tell others how to cook. The last group are usually divorced. Our camp has a few cooks and we take turns. I am a supper cook, I don't do breakfast. I am not the dishwasher nor am I the potato peeler. Everyone has a place in the food chain. I used to be the dishwasher but was fired after it was discovered that I would simply place the last meals dishes in a mesh bag and toss them in the creek. The running water and minnows did a nice job I thought. Now I just cook, mainly because I can put everything on the table at the same time and it is all hot.

Trouble with an old deer camp like ours is we get sidetracked with old man conversations. Of course we talk about kids and grand kids and wife's if there names come up. But we get sidetracked with our bottles of pills that we have to bring up. Young camp, slabs of bacon and ham, Eggs by the dozens, gooey peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, candy bars and o the beer.. Now we compare bottles of blood pressure meds and eat shredded wheat. The wife's send up thin sliced meat and light mayo. We of course use a pound of the sliced meat and real mayo on one of our two sandwiches to eat at the stand. The night before heading to the deer camp is spent by a few of the Cooks to go grocery shopping. For those who cook on a regular basis this is no big deal. They know there way around a supermarket. Here they run into the deer camp cooks who don't touch a frying pan for 50 weeks out of the year. These are the guys who have one guy pushing the cart and two others working both sides of the aisle tossing stuff into the cart. These guys are tossing in bags of French fries ( no deep fryer at camp ) A turkey ( no pans at camp ) Eggs and the thick slab bacon. When they hit the chip isle they go into super bowl mode and get two of everything and dip! Later you will see these guys riding a four wheeler to your camp asking if they can borrow a cup of sugar and do you have any salt? And by the way do you have any idea how long you fry a turkey?

Deer Camp, it sure does have a good ring to it. Sounds almost as good as Fish Camp does in early May air is cool when you get up in the morning. Might have to wipe some frost off the wood chair on the porch as you sit with a steaming cup of what you were told was coffee. The smell of burning bacon and rubber eggs. Ducking as the first few "Test" pancakes are tossed over your head towards the deer feeder. They join the uneaten Test pancakes from the other morning. You watch as a chipmunk makes wide detour around them. Yup Deer Camp, glad I am back here. From a quiet part of the woods here just North of the lake... (19349)

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Back in town, deer less. Not that I didn't have a chance. Had a big doe in my sights but passed on her. Guess I want to have a go at that big swamp buck that I saw on opener. I did talk to a few guys at noon yesterday. They asked me how our group was doing and the usual deer hunters small talk. A little fibbing on the number of deer seen and size. But when we happen to talk about the big swamp buck they looked at each other and just went quiet. They call him the "Ghost" and have seen him several times over the past few years. They thought someone had gotten him but now they see he is working this side of the cedar swamp. One of the guys started getting the shakes and his friends helped him back towards their truck and got a cup of coffee in his hands. I tilted my head toward him and asked what's the deal? They told me that last year he was head to head not twenty feet away from the Ghost and he swears he emptied his 30-30 at him and the Ghost just turned and walked away. They found him standing in the trail with his unfired shells on the ground around him.

They have seen him during bird season on their side of the swamp. Once there entire party of four bird hunters all got to see him broad sided as he walked passed them while they were chasing a covey of grouse. He just quietly weaves his way through the poplar and high grass. Just enough of him showing to see he was big and his rack looked like one of them fold out umbra clothes line holders. His hoof prints were wide and deep, one of the guys actually tripped in one. They asked if I had a shot and I told them how he had just walked away from me. They all nodded, saying "Yup he was toying with ya" he knew you were there all the time. Well we put the thermos away and we all headed our way. The Ghost eh. How come every thing I chase ends up having a name. Bad enough I have Mr. Big and now I am hunting a Ghost. I would like to get another look at him, Would have to think about shooting, Seems to me the Ghost already has a name, maybe I'll bring the camera with and see if I can get lucky. I already have enough meat from my share of the deer in camp already. Besides still lots of season left.

Weather is holding with temps in the low 40's no snow and no rain. Not a bad season for deer hunting. Some snow would be nice but still nice being outside with having to wear gloves. There will be plenty of that soon enough. A little skim ice on some of the ponds early in the morning. Ducks are all gone and a few Grouse can be kicked up and actually seen now that the leaves are pretty much all down. In town the Halloween decorations are down and now there are paper turkeys in the windows. Outside of the General Store the sidewalk cart has been filled with tablecloth's and candles. You can tell Earl is at Deer Camp and his wife is running things. There is a display of deep fryers and gallon jugs of peanut oil for deep frying turkeys. Ma And Pa's have two signs hanging in the window. The big one about deer processing and another one telling you to order now for your Thanksgiving bird. Guys at the Dew Drop at lunch were starting a board for first ice. Also looking for a new ice tester again this year. The guys from the next town over aren't interested this year.

Taking the drive around the lake to head into the Lodge I saw more then one garage open and ice shanties on trailers being worked on. The tell tale orange extension cords snaking through open windows or doors. Shore line is covered in blue tarps as pontoon have all been pulled up on shore and docks secured and sections stacked on top of each other the poles tucked underneath. Smoke drifts upward from cabins where residents are still on the lake or hunters are still here. Out on the point a lone boat drifts on the water. No trailer at the access, must be a local. I have not been at the Lodge for almost a week and I am greeted with the smell of buttered popcorn and the aroma of Coney's. Several orange coats hang from the first coat rack and a card game at the table near the bar is going. A few nickels and dimes sit in the center of the table along with a few shotgun shells. Don't look to serious of a game. Elmer dozes in his wicker couch in front of the TV His cigar in the ashtray at his feet. I make my way around the bar and say hi to Gus. A stack of post it notes and torn napkins and coasters with messages written on them sit in the old cigar box which serves as my mail box. I grab a couple of hard boiled eggs and take the box to the end of the bar. Guess I got some catching up to do. From the Lodge at Lake Iwanttobethere (19397)

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SNOW- woke up this morning to snow on the deck. Let Bud and Barney out the back door and they left foot prints in the snow. Pepper come flying out the door not wanting to miss anything and proceed to slide off the end of the deck. Not a lot of snow but enough to see what has been going on during the night. Made the walk out to the road to get the paper and there were three sets of deer prints crossing the driveway. The tell tale bunny prints out by the ditch and even a set of grouse tracks. I know that for sure as the grouse was still standing in them before taking off to the far side of the road. I'll take credit for the snow, I just covered the Puddle Humper up yesterday in the boat house. I moved rakes back to the corner and brought a few show shovels up, leaning them against the door. What happens? We get snow the very next day. Glad I didn't wash the Dodge!

Busy morning ahead as I have to make a run into town and pick up supplies for deer camp. Weekend #2 and about half of the guys will be returning for another go at it. A few already have there deer and the pressure is off so to speak. They will come up and hunt but mostly will be there as a distraction to the rest of us. They will try and convince us to stay up late and get up even later. The sandwiches for lunch will be gone now as they will spend time cooking meals and watching football. The good paper plates will come out and the 2.00 a bottle wine. The old oven will be on making roasted duck and baked trout. Store bought food is for opening weekend now we will get into everyone bring something that they have harvested. I will bring up apple pies and spuds from the garden. I have a bag of deer jerky from a doe that was running a week ago. By dark Friday night we will be all sitting around the poker table with our belt buckles loosen a few notches. The old eight track player will be clanking and cycling in the background as we enjoy each others company. During the week a few hot fires in the wood stove took out the last smells of the mice. The NO MICE in STOVE was underline in the Hotels rules. The toilet seat was replaced ahead of schedule also. There is a story behind that but I'll let you use your imagination

Sunshine Ray has rain in the forecast. Does not look like this snow will last long. I'll make a trip back to the swamp and see if the Ghost has been through or not. I hate hunting in rain. I like rain but just not during deer season. Good to put on the wool and still hunt but not to be sitting in a stand. Well I better get out the door and tend to my list. Have a good weekend will be at deer camp, from Lake Iwanttobethere (19420)

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Made by way down the trail from the Hotel in the cool darkness of the morning. The damp ground quiet under my feet as I tried to move along the trail with out making a noise. Moving just quick enough to cover ground but trying hard not to warm up bundled up in all my clothes. The Hotel thermometer read 33 when I stepped out on to the porch. After a few quiet words exchanged with my friends we all walked across the clear cut and took our own separate trails to our stands. Soon the dim light of the Hotel was left behind and with a shift in the wind the smoke from the stove could no longer be smelled. I paused from time to time, taking time to adjust my pack and look around me. The walk out to the stand always takes longer then the trip back. I arrived at the stand and climbing up, secured my pack and settled in. After a few minutes the coat was zipped back under my chin and my cuffs on my coat pulled down onto my gloves.

With my head resting against the tree I tried just to move my eyes as I looked out over my little area of heaven. Having been in the tree now several times over the last week I was pretty comfortable with the shadows as I knew now what they were. As on cue the area around me started to go from black to gray. No sunrise this morning with the cloud cover. A half hour later and it was as light as it was going to be. I had the right combination of clothes on today and I was as comfortable as a newborn in a fleece blanket. Nothing moving at all, not even a pesky squirrel to break up the quiet. I shifted a little and rested my arms in my lap. The first snow flake fell and landed on my glove. Then another and another. They say no two snow flakes are alike, with the flakes on my glove I started to compare them side to side, yup they were different. Raising my eyes I scanned the area. Looking slowly I swept the ditch ahead of me. The swamp off to my right then back down the trail towards the Hotel. Nothing, I looked at more flakes that had fallen next to the first ones.

I woke up, must have doze off. Snow now covered the ground around my stand. Falling heavy it now covered the bare trees and brush with a blanket of white. Actually I could see farther now and I could make out trees in the cedar swamp. The snow falling in the ditch met the water and melted. The trail and grass now were white. I had a little layer of snow across my pants and jacket. My pack to was covered in white fluffy snow. I moved just a little and under the blanket of snow I flex my arms and back. In mid stretch I saw her. Easing out from the cedar swamp her head up high she was slowly walking down the trail coming to the ditch. Her tail flicking back and forth she would stop and look behind her then move forward a few more steps before putting her head to the ground and her nose rubbing from side to side.

Trying to relax I settled back into the tree, Easing the rife in her direction I turned to face her and waited. It was quiet, I could hear her when she picked up her hooves and set them back down, at least I think I could hear them. Something else to a bumping sound. Took me a little while to realize it was my heart in my chest, felt good. She was moving slow and I was starting to have a hard time staying still, maybe I was even getting a little impatient with her. Some thing was behind her in the swamp, following her but staying out of sight. She was a nice big doe but I wanted to see what was behind her. Could it be the Ghost that I had seen on opening? Might I get a second chance here? The doe stopped, finding something on the trail for breakfast she was chewing. Still rasing her head from time to time to look around her. She had her head up and was looking around when she stopped, her head pointed in my direction. She was staring her ears flicking in my direction her nose testing the wind. I froze, not daring to move I watched her watch me. The snow continue to fall and I felt pretty good that she could not really make me out, could she?

Locked eye to eye we looked at each other. Me trying not to move and be discovered and her seeing something that didn't look quite right but not knowing what I was. Like a pitcher trying her pick off move she put her head down but then snapped it up again. Having seen this move before I had not moved. She again stared in my direction.

She went back to eating and slowly took a few more steps down the trail. She was in range and I could raise the rifle anytime now and have a good shot. Straight out from me she offer a broad side shot and I watched as she walked by. I wanted to see what was behind her. I waited.

Nothing. The doe moved pass me and down the ditch. I let her pass and focused on the edge of the swamp. Looking for any kind of movement. Something horizontal in a vertical world. Something new now, the sound of my stomach rumbling and a no matter how much snow I licked from my lips I needed to get a drink and eat. I stood up in the stand and my butt barked at me along with my back that had been part of the tree for the past few hours. I shook the snow from my coat and pants and climbed down. Pulling back my glove and checking my watch I could see it was almost noon. Guess somehow I had the entire morning pass by. I headed back to the Hotel following the same trail the doe had taken. Perhaps a hundred yards from my stand from the ditch side a second set of tracks appeared next to the does. Twice as large and deeper, The Ghost had appeared. Together the two sets of tracks followed the trail and then turning off the trail had gone back into the brush.

The doe had been a distraction a decoy. The Ghost didn't get as big as he is walking down trails with his girlfriend. Closing the door of the Hotel I shook off snow and put the gun in the rack. Fresh baked bread was cooling on the cutting block and the smell of baked ham in the oven met me. A few minutes later elbows secure on the edge of the table and a sandwich in my hands I told Elmer of the doe. " Are we having fun " he asked. With my mouth full I just nodded yes and smiled.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (19467)

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Back from Deer camp, two more deer hanging from the beam and a good Sunday to spend time with friends and watch the football game. We had a half time feast of Grouse and Pheasants some baked trout and American fries with garden onions. The apple pies that the wife sent up didn't last long and we finished off the rest of the chips and dip. A few of the guys we will not see again till Fish camp and they were sent off at dusk to make their long drives home. A few of us will go back up again during the week. Maybe to hunt some but the Hotel will need to be closed up till enough snow falls so it can be used as an escape for cross country skiing and chasing winter grouse and bunnies.

Was back at the Lodge trying to catch up on things. I had taken two weeks off and I was on the schedule to tend bar and of course take care of paper work. I was checking my mail and tossing things in the fireplace. Even here we get junk mail all the time. Some addressed to the Lodge as MR. Lodge and some address to members. A lot of mail from the Sparrow Club, they are having there annual membership drive. They are not as big as the Owls or the Eagles Club and have a chapter in the next town over. Somehow they got a hold of an old membership list here at the Lodge and have been sending us out flyers. Elmer was bored last year and took a trip over to check out there club. He came back with a report and delivered it to us during a Friday night meeting. The Sparrows Club was a Hoot. They had a lot of rules that Elmer had problems with. Right off the bat he could not park his truck in the parking lot but had to park out back. Only SUV's were allowed in the front main lot. He also had to wear a tie and the wearing of boots was not acceptable. He was asked to wipe his feet in the "Mud Room" and the atmosphere was hard to get used to. The main room was lit with halogen bulbs hanging from chandeliers. Glass display cases hung from wallpapered walls. The paper was covered in song birds and a quaint meadow scene. The display cases held mounted Smelt and Snails.

The thick carpet on the floor did feel good through the holes in Elmers socks as he had to remove his boots at the mud room. The scotch was good but our home brew is better then there mico-brews. Besides they didn't even have any 40's to drink. No ash trays and Elmer found out it was a smoke free club. Even the fireplace was electric. They did have a kitchen and Elmer looking for a menu on the wall was handed a folded sheet of paper with gold glint on the edges. Right off he noticed no daily special and no road kill entries. He was sitting next to the kitchen door and when the double doors open he could see inside. Nothing but a microwave and a big freezer. And no smell of Conies or chili. About that time he heard the dinging of silverware on glass, reminded him of that wedding he went out East for. Some stuff shirt who looked like he had come from one of them fox hunting movies was at the front of the room talking into a little lapel microphone. Elmer could not hear anything till one of the guys next to him gave him one of the hearing aid plugs you stick in your ear. Elmer could now hear the guy drone on about fund rasing. There was also the sound of a cricket and a babbling brook. Not wanting to offend anyone Elmer reached in his pocket and pulled out a cigar. Standing at the back of the room he used two stick matches pulled from his pocket. He slid the matches across the side of a 7 inch mounted Smelt with a fly in it's mouth to light his cigar. Looking for a place to dispose of the stick matches he felt the first drops of water coming from the over head sprinkler system. He had no trouble leaving as he was the only one parked out back.

Elmer noticing that I had a Sparrow membership flyer said he didn't get one this year and grabbing a handful of popcorn headed to his wicker couch. I tossed the flyer in the fireplace. From Lake Iwanttobethere (19493)

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Just about time to start thinking about the ice house fling. Even though it was forecasted by Sunshine Ray to reach 50 both today and yesterday. What little ice there is on the Been There Pond was melted by noon. Come Thanksgiving the posters will be out and we should have a pretty good idea of what the farest fling with receive in prizes this year. Good day to work on the shanty, it being warm and all. The wife is re doing the barbers chair for me. I have installed some electric heating coils from a car that Mike at the junkyard traded me for. I had to unbolt the chair and put it out on the trailer so the wife could get at it. She said something about the confine space and working in the dark and the smell as a problem. I even had her reinforce a hole in the front of the chair so I can stick the butt of my rod in when fighting them big ones. To warm to be at deer camp so I will catch up on some things around the cabin and maybe drown a minnow off the dock.

Windy today as even the apple trees are giving up there leaves. I was going to go out and take a picture of my burning bush, it was a vivid bright red but the morning wind striped it of all of it's leaves. Even Elmers yard is clean as the wind is taking everything out over the lake. No birds around and the bird feeders are all empty. Have most of the deck furniture already in storage, deck looks big and empty as does the dock. Just the old wood bench out there so you have something to sit on and watch your float. There will still be days when the wind is calm and the water still. Unless something happens here does not look like ice is going to be here anytime soon. Might be another year like last year.

Sign-up sheet is on the bar at the Lodge for who ever wants to sign up for the fling. My name is on the top as I made the sign up sheet. Hammering Hank was on till Tess informed that she to would like to ice fish and has a few ideas for changes for the shanty. Deer camps are pretty empty and the counters and business are all open as the guys are all pretty much back to work. I see there is a new row of four wheelers over at Dug's as they need work from hitting trees or sinking in the river. Earl at the General Store has a few snow throwers and shovels on display outside of the store. The cart with turkey cookers are still out there. Nice display of WD-40 and duct tape just inside the door. With ice fishing around the corner two things that no shanty should be with out. Junior has been busy in the back cutting glass and repairing storm windows. Weatherstipping has been a hot item not only for the cabins but for everyone working on there shanty's. Discounts on deer huntin clothes and already Mae is working on setting up shelves for Christmas items.

At home here I see there is a list by the telephone for Kris. Since she is the towns artist she is already getting calls for window painting. Some will just use decals but a lot of people like the hand painting of their shop windows and are always trying to out do each other. Ideas are tossed around at coffee at the Dew Drop. Even though the town does not have a decorating contest there is a kind of unofficial winner declared by word of mouth. Orange barrels are stacking up down at the access as the county is about done on there summer projects. Skinny has already pounded in the stakes to mark areas off for snow plowing. With a few late nice days he painted the stakes to look like candy canes. Speaking of stakes we pulled up the stakes in the horseshoe pits. Don't need anyone hitting them in the snow with a sled.

With the ice house empty we have aired it out and cleaned it. New sawdust is in the bins waiting for new ice this winter. Some of the Lodges wicker furniture has been sitting out there and when Hank has time he has been adding a coat of finish to them. Been a few years since they have seen any. Tess has made a few throw pillows and after some grumbling from members they were soon accepted. They do feel good on the back after a day in the woods or sitting, rocking in waves. Say Dan no word yet on the ice testers, we do have a wanted poster out on the town bulletin board and will be placing an ad in the town down the road from us. Do you know of someone who might be interested?

Finished up the mail that Mark the mailman dropped off this morning. More flyers from the Sparrow Club, they do make a nice fire in the fireplace. A few winter fishing catalogs came to. They went right to the washroom where they are chained to the stall. Well from a windy, warm (55) day here at the Lake.. (19576)

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Still catching up on things at the Lodge. Finished up the mail by late afternoon and was getting a little hungry, to late for lunch and to early for supper so I was just going to make a snack. A Coney or two. Elmer said that he had brought in some potatoes from the garden and was going to use the deep fryer to make French fries. He said his fryer at home was to small. So I told him if he peeled them I'll cook them. Dang spuds were so big that you could only cook half of them at a time. You would have to take the basket out and turn the ends that were hanging out around so you could get the whole fry done. Nothing like fresh French fries though.

After the snack I joined Elmer in a cigar and we walked around the side of the Lodge to get out of the wind. There we found Hammering Hank and Skinny sitting at a card table, just inside the open door of the Lodges garage. Scattered across the table was an assortment of nuts, bolts, screws, metal thing- a -bobs and brackets. They to had cigars burning and we accepted there offer to sit. " Sorting eh!" I asked. They both nodded between puffs of smoke. Several coffee cans, plastic and a few metal ones sat in the center of the table. Every few seconds the clang of a screw or bolt would ring off the side of the can as a part was flung into the container. Elmer and I both reach out and pulled a small pile in front of us. Sorting through I added lock washers to the far can and wood screws to the plastic can close at hand. After several minutes my pile in front of me was reduced to unknown pieces of metal. As the others finished we waited for Skinny. When Skinny was done with his pile we all stood up and moved to the chair on our right. Sitting down we then would look over the pile left before us. A few more pieces that might have some value would be removed and toss in cans or boxes of parts stored on metal shelves along the wall. We would then rotate chairs again till we all had looked at the piles. This went on till all that was left was broken unknown thingies on the table. These would then be placed in a wood box marked for Mike's Junk Yard. With a clean card table we got up and finished our cigars out of the wind standing just outside of the garage. Skinny grabbing the handle and eased the garage door back down blocking the sunlight reflecting off the several hundred coffee cans of mixed nuts and bolts and thingies that still needed to be sorted on the garage floor.

Cloudy with a few drops of rain from time to time. Gray skies over head are reflected in the dark waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. From our vantage point not a boat could be seen out on the water and the access was empty except for the candy cane plow markers. Off to the side of the garage the fire pits are stacked and the 55 gal garbage barrels are all neatly in order. Come ice town time they will find there way back out on the lake. Orange barrels by the hundreds are now stacked along the ice house. The county brought in the last load yesterday. A few new ones that Hank has exchanged with our own. Softball field is quiet, a few dogs talking walks with their masters. The picnic tables are stacked along the dug outs and green tarps cover them. With this coming weekend being the last for deer season the mini-donut trailer will move on. Mindy and Mandy's root beer with only be sold at the Do Drop Inn and at Ma and Pa's. Of course we have some at the Lodge but you have to ask for it.

Quiet time here at the lake now. Deer season about done. Fishermen are waiting for the water to get hard and only a few grouse hunters will return to the woods. The sound of chain saws will be heard during the week as wood will be gathered for next season and dead falls will be cleanup as with the leaves all down and gone they will be easy to spot. Rides around the lake will be made and now you can see the cabins again. Of course you will be doing it from the road as all the boats are sleeping in boat houses or have been trailed off. Deer will once again start creeping out during daylight hours and the gardens will be looked over for anything they might have missed. Any apple left on a tree with in reach will be plucked. Thanksgiving will bring back some residents and they and there familles will gathered at the lake and then they will wait. For snow and ice and the ice town of Lake Iwanttobethere. (19606)

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Just me and Elmer heading up to deer camp. An excellent year as everyone but Elmer and I have scored. We will go up and do some cleaning and a few repairs that were not done. Mostly just little nothings. We may or may not take a walk out to the stands and sit for a spell. The first weekend is always the best after that things calm down a lot and the odds of getting a deer grow less The Ghost is still walking around last I heard. No one has taken him as of yet. The party next to us on the other side of the swamp has filled out and I don't even think they will be at camp at all. Woods will be quiet, still some hunters out but many are done and staying home. I would rather spend some time at camp then stay at home and watch another losing football game. Besides we want to get as much wear as we can out of our blaze orange hunting garb. Spent to much money not to wear it for the whole two weeks.

That time of the year that as soon as the sun hits the tree line you start zippering up the coat and looking for gloves. Last few days have been windy and just enough snow falling to leave a little white on the deck and shed roof. The apple trees still have some green leaves on them but they are always the last to hold on. Not a single apple on any of the branches. The ones on top were nipped off by the squirrels and the deer came during the night to clean up. I guess I am going to have to take some of the blame for the weather change. Last week when I finally put the cover on the Puddle Humper the weather took a dip. I still have deck stuff out that needs to be put away and just didn't get around to it. Not doing any fishing off the dock as the wind is blowing into the shore. Even Elmer has his poles inside the boat house. Ready to be used but they might stay there till spring.

Been making a point to transfer wood from the big pile to the stack by the cabin. Every time I go by I carry a few sticks back. Guess I am just going to have to get used to the idea that we done with Fall and with the first good snowfall winter will be here. Does not matter what the calendar says it is what you find on the ground. Thanksgiving in a few more days and the cabin will be full. All the kids and grand kids will be up as well as all the dogs. The wife has been baking already and has ordered our turkey and ham from Ma and Pa's. The guys will have to stay around the cabin on Black Friday as all the ladies will head into the big city to shop.

The menfolk will spent time looking over the shanty and offering suggestions and of of course improvements. The sons will try and get me to change things around some and the son in-law will offer comments on something he saw on some info commercial or something he saw in a shop window. Kind of old meeting the new. Then Elmer will come over and will really show them old school. He will tell of stories of old when they travel by skis back into the far bays of Lake Iwanttobethere. With nothing but a spool of braid and some hooks kept in a tin in there pocket they would cut branches off near the shore and with a metal pike chip holes open. Sticking the branch in the slush of the hole they would clip off a length of braid, tie one end to the branch and the other to a hook and bait it. Dropping it down the hole they would then stand with there backs to the wind and let the breeze jig the branch while they waited. No four wheeler, no auger, no graphite rods and micro reels. No cameras and no depth finders, no heater, no pop up house not even a five gallon bucket to sit on. At the end of the day they would come off the lake with fish.

Now I can't fish like that and Elmers shanty is set up now for comfort then flash. Sometimes getting to modern defeats the purpose of heading out on the ice. Catching fish or not some of the best memories out on the ice always have the same background to them. The sun has set and the lake is quiet except for the occasional cracking of the ice. The hiss of the Coleman in the back ground. The sound of ice chips being pulled from the hole. The Clank of the scoop in the five gallon bucket. Heavy sound of boots dragging across the floor as you adjust yourself in your chair. Wisp of cigar smoke from the ash tray. Crackling of a small fire in the little wood stove. Sound of GIN as cards are laid across the well worn drop down table. Tell tale sound of a truck working it's way across the lake and watching the water move in the holes with it's passing. Static of the am radio and the distant sound of the play by play of a hockey game. No idea who is playing but it does not really matter. Won't be to much longer now. From the shores of Lake Iwanttobethere, no ice yet. (19676)

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Just some notes here that I have forgotten to get to. Please note that it will be Doc Burriems 75th birthday on Monday the 19th We will have a gathering at the Lodge after 5 PM everyone is welcomed!

Also getting closer to ice time and thought it would be a good idea to post last years lucky fishermen. As you may remember these guys and gals made it out on to the lake first!

Willie Wrenchead


The Jones Twins



Dan Theim

Big Earl

The Mpls Couple

Weird Willie

Bobby Bass

With McGurk as our alternate

We are looking for this years flingers, sign up list at the Lodge. McGurk will be our first launch this year as he was last years alternate. Good luck McGurk!

Here is a copy of the guide lines in the safe and successful launching of a ice house at Lake Iwanttobethere.

1) Houses may be any size and shape up to a 12' by 16' there is no mim size for launching.

2) You may dial in the length of pull from the bungee cord. You will be asked to fill out a "launch sheet" a guess at your weight and the pull of the bunge, ¼, half, ¾ or a full pull!

3) You must sign the release form and have a next to kin present, this makes things easier for the launch committee.

4) You must have a way to launch flares. A white flare for all OK and a red flare for if you need assistance at the end of your run.

5) All houses must have at least two runners at launch

6) You may have passengers but must have a fishing hole in the house for each passenger and you can not charge a fee to your passengers.

7) Drinking is not allowed, however once you have entered your house and are in the launch area what you do is up to you.

8) Your house must be painted, white is not a color, we need to be able to follow the flight of your house from the launch area.

9) Once your house has been launched and it comes to a complete stop you will not be allowed to relocate your house for 30 days. You may rotate it up to 360 degrees. You will be a marker for the rest of the town to follow.

10) The house tossed the farthest from the launch site will be declared the winner and will be awarded all prizes from the merchants award list. The merchants do require that the house be intact and they will be allowed to place logos on up to two of the intact walls.

11) The farest tossed house will also be awarded a plowed road directly to the said house, this will be at no charge to the winner.

12) All houses must be at Dug's garage the morning of the launch. They will be fitted with a sling connector, we strongly encourage that a wall be reinforced for this. Also the house owner must provide a tarp or covering for there house. House will not be revealed to the general public ( tourists) till one hour before schedule launch.

13) This years launch date is PENDING

If you need help you can contact the committee at [email protected]

Last year we launched on DEC 9th. Going to need some ice nights to get there this year.

Another anniversary was also reached and I forgot all about it. On the 11th the stories of Lake Iwanttobethere celebrated it two year anniversary! I find it hard to believe myself. Thought someone would have pulled the plug by now. Even hidden here with all the Outdoor Discussion, Clean-ups, and Agendas people find us and read about the lake. Thank you (19679)

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I plan on being there again this year. Although mainly for the entertainment. This year my secrect lubricant from that Area 51 place is gone. Must have evaporated. Can't seem to locate more. I really don't see myself being launched very far this year because of that. But that's cool. Being way across the other side of the lake last year was OK, but just having Paul out there for company as the only other shack was kind of lonley.

Paul will probably be shot out the farthest because of his afterburner gas. Mcgurk might have a wild card up his sleeve this year too. We'll see.

One read close to the 20k! smirk.gif

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End of Deer Camp- not as bad as it sounds. Spent most of the day packing up things around the shack. Had a late breakfast and spent some time out on the porch with a cup of hot coffee and my feet up on the rail. Heard a few shots off in the distant but the day was pretty quiet. Elmer and Chuck were both up to, between the three of us we made quick work of closing the shack up. Securing the propane tank and making sure the wood stove was cleaned out and wood was hauled in to fill the box. Cupboards were emptied and the floors were swept. The drain on the sink was taken apart and the sign to that effect hung on the sink. The spare key was checked to be sure it was in it's hiding place. Ropes for the hanging beam were coiled and put away in there box.

Log book was signed and placed on the kitchen table. A few boxes of mice bait were laded out. Getting towards two in the afternoon and we all closed up the two trucks and grabbing our rifles we set off to end the season in our stands. I took my time and walked slowly out to the stand by the cedar swamp. For mid November it was warm. Almost 40 out. The sun filtered down between passing clouds and was already low in the sky. Making myself comfortable in my stand I settled in and scanned the area around me. A ground squirrel worked it's way across the forest floor. Making enough noise to sound like a deer it would have had me on the edge of my seat two weeks ago. Now it just got a passing glance as I continue to search the brush around me.

As on cue the two grouse flew in to land on the tree across the ditch from me. I watched them for a few minutes till they to went to the ground and soon walked away into the deeper brush out of eyesight. The sun settled deeper in to the tree tops and I had to adjust the collar of my coat to close up around my neck. I got a chill and had second thoughts about not bring the thermos out with me. Peeking under the cuff of my coat I saw it was already almost four. Kind of late to shoot a deer now.

It had been a good season, several deer were taken and everyone has meat in the freezer. Spent time with friends and the bragging wall at the Hotel will have some more memories added to it. Another peek at the watch told me it was 4:15 If I leave now I'll have enough light to make it to the clearing. I unload the gun and using the rope lower it to the forest floor. I just start to swing over the edge and here coming down the trail is the doe with her two frisky fawns. I think they are the same ones I saw coming into the feeder to check it out on the first night. Glad to see they made it through the season. I waited till they passed and then retrieve the rifle I worked my way back to the clear cut. Elmer and Chuck were waiting, as soon as they saw my blaze orange they started the engines. I put my gear in the truck and rubbed my hands in the warmth of the trucks vents.

Elmer makes one last check of the shack. He goes inside and makes sure the bars are across the windows and the shutters secure. To bad we have to lock it up like this but times have changed. The padlock is snapped on to the wood door and we are ready to return home. We will be back, not as a group though. Everyone has a key and some will come back to do some grouse hunting. Others will tend to the deer feeder if the winter gets bad. A few of the younger guys will bring their families up to cross country ski. They will check the mouse traps and write in the log that they were there and how they did. Others will read the log and add to it.

We make the ride back home following Chuck down the twisted trail to reach the dirt road then to the highway. We stop at a small resort / restaurant and have a late supper. Another tradition of ours. We chat and take our time finally getting home around eight or so. Chuck heads down his driveway and Elmer turns in to mine. He pulls to a stop in front of the garage and we step out just in time to watch eight deer exiting Chucks yard to cross my yard heading in the direction of Elmers. Elmer and I just look at each other and shake our heads. Yup a typical deer season here at Lake Iwanttobethere hope yours was a good one... (19747)

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This morning I started putting hunting clothes away. The day pack found it's way back to it's hook and I sat down and took the rifle apart and gave it a good cleaning. While I was at it I took each gun from the cabinet and gave them a good cleaning and oiling. The smell of gun cleaning solvent and oil brings back thoughts of trips into the woods. The boys Bud and Barney spent the morning at my feet. Waiting for me to head outside but after awhile they realized I was not going anywhere. They soon fell asleep sprawled on the floor. Their noses twitching and I am sure the smell brought back doggie dreams for them to. The smell of venison being turned into jerky from the dryer in the kitchen mixed in with the solvent and it has to be better then any perfume. Finishing I placed each gun back in the cabinet but left the shotgun in the wall rack, Still grouse to be hunted. Time to head into town.

Parked the Dodge at the end of Main street and decided to take a stroll. Some of you would call it a walk but I think a walk has a reason for it. Usually you walk to get to someplace where as in a stroll you just stroll to no place. I was not five minutes into my stroll and still in eyesight of the Dodge when a passer bye asked if I was broke down and needed any help. I explained that I was just taking a stroll and he waved and went on his way. Guess I should take more walks so people won't think when I am taking a stroll I am not in trouble.

Putting a hat on and wearing socks makes it more comfortable when taking strolls. Now that winter will be here any day I have put the shorts away and am now wearing pants and socks. This of course makes me feel a lot warmer and now I am ready to welcome winter. Of course there is also a reason for my stroll. That being having to hunt during deer season I was not in any condition to walk. Hunting should not be confused with walking, while hunting you stop to look around you and of course at the same time you can also rest. Your excuse being you don't want to overheat or spook your quarry. With a walk you are heading to a destination, a stroll lets you meander and take your time. When I get strolling down then I go walking. So I am strolling down main street, taking in the sights. Almost tourist like in my approach.

So as I stroll I notice the Lake just off to the side of Main Street. It seems to be the center of attention as well as it should be. The street is clean and well maintained. The one street light is in working order and beneath it sits a park bench. Next to that the towns bulletin board with it's brightly colored and weathered flyers pined to it. The shop signs swinging in the cool fall breeze. The spinning Barbershop pole. It's red and white spiral never ending. The clean brick buildings, old but well maintained. Slow moving traffic with what appears to be no one in any real hurry. More then one conversation taking place on the side of the street and cars slowing down to have drivers wave out rolled down windows. A couple of guys sitting on old wooded chairs propped up against the wall outside of Reed the Realtors place. Doc Burriems old Ford tied up by a single rope to the old horse hitching post outside of his office. Next to it the two now weathered parking meters. The towns only pay phone on the wall across from them. Two calls fer a dollar, a good price I hear.

Skinny and Hammering Hank drive by and wave. The old panel truck full of fresh cut trees to be sold out near the freeway at the farmers market. A few heads sport blaze orange hunting caps and more then a few Green and Gold football jackets can be seen surround by Purple ones. Of course them brown coats are everywhere. Preferred by the farmers and the guys from the county working out past the edge of town. Continuing my stroll I pass Ma and Pa's butcher shop just as a fellow is loading up his truck with a few boxes of white wrapped paper packages. Ma sees me and waves. Strolling down, taking my time I take a sit down at one of the many scattered benches in town. Sitting there I feel a tap on my shoulder and Elmer comes around to sit next to me. He says nothing and we both watch the street. I turn to him and say " Taking a stroll" he nods his head yes. We sit and watch, just taking a stroll here at Lake Iwanttobethere (19784)

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Busy day today scheduled. With Turkey day just a few days away we will be out making our rounds picking up items for the baskets that will be delivered tomorrow. Well not really baskets more like sturdy cardboard boxes. The Lodge for as long as I can remember has delivered Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners to some of our elders here at the lake. Through donations from area business we help share some of the season spirit. As a matter of fact a select few actually do receive some spirits!

Along with Skinny and Hammering Hank I will be making stops at McDonnell's farm for butter and to Ma and Pa's for turkeys. Amys for rolls and Mindy and Mandy's for root beer. Several collection sites will need to be emptied of can goods and Hank's wife Tess has gotten together with the Church ladies to sew covers to line the boxes with. The boxes will be filled this afternoon and then delivered tomorrow. The Dew Drop Inn will be open on Thanksgiving and they will be giving away free dinner. Gus lives in back and is going to be there anyway so he just stays open and has an open house so to speak. We will drop off several baskets to his back door to help him out. Mercy Turkeys he calls them and he cooks them up with all the fixings. He has a lot of regulars who eat there everyday and he is not going to close and let them go hungry.

Lake Iwanttobethere does not have many homeless people which makes us kind of rare in this day. We do have a fair share of elder residents who have come here to retire and are scattered about on the lake. Sometimes you just don't see them. They might only make a trip into town once or twice a month to pick up things. Cabin gardens provide a lot of food that is stored in old root cellars and of course fishing and venison is a staple. Doc Burriem makes his rounds and keeps an eye on them. Hammering Hank and Skinny have been doing more then there share of keeping a watchful eye out also. I would not call the retired residents poor but some have to burn poplar in the winter rather then Maple. Hank has been known to drop off a cord of cut, split and dry oak as a present when the winter is bad. Every town should have at least one Hank and double lucky if you have Skinny as his partner.

Late tomorrow evening the cabin will start to fill up as my kids and grand kids will be making the trip to the cabin. Cabin will be filled with kids, dogs and cats trying to hide form the kids and dogs. No ice on the water so some time will be spent fishing off the dock and a roaring bonfire will be there to warm fingers and noses. The ice shanty will be used as a bunkhouse and the older grand kids will sleep in it till they get cold or their mothers take them inside. A few years ago I had to go into the big city for Thanksgiving. The daughter wanted us all at her new house and thought it would be a good idea to take some of the load off mother. A full house and we didn't bring the dogs or cats with. Elmer was kind enough to keep an eye on them. It cost me two good cigars from my secret hiding place that Bud showed him.

The one thing that I remember from that Thanksgiving was that the daughter burned the dinner rolls and I had to go down to the local bakery and get some more. Can't have turkey without rolls. Big city is different then Lake Iwanttobethere. Outside of the bakery was a dinner roll scalper. No rolls inside to be had and I had to buy from him. I even think they were day olds. Well I see Skinny coming down the drive so I better get my hat and my list and get out the door. Have a Happy Thanksgiving an check on the neighbor, especially if she is cute! From Lake Iwanttobethere (19819)

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It starts the night before, perhaps out in the kitchen as the gals gather after dinner to wash dishes and store left over turkey fixings in the fridge. Stacked neatly on the shelves are bags of veggies and square storage containers of turkey and dressing and stuffing and what is left of the sliced ham. In a few hours it will all be back on the counter as they guys will rise during half time of the football game looking for something to tide them over till later on in the night. The men folk watch football games and take naps on the couches. The kids rough house with the dogs and maybe one or two guys are actually interested in the game but only because they have fantasy teams. The ladies will gather and sipping some boxed red wine they will start to compare their battle plans for the following morning. With even more attention then the guys spend on fishing opener or deer season they will go over there plans. If you enter the kitchen the room grows quiet as you know they are talking about you or your present. They never confined in me and usually someone sits on the stool by the door to act as a lookout.

Around two A.M. the following morning the bed will get lighter as she rolls out and makes her way in the darkness to the bathroom. Clothes have already been laid out the night before. All around the lake and I am sure in your neighborhood to the lights will start to come on. First in bedrooms then in the bathroom and then down in the kitchen. Shortly after that garage doors will open and a cascade of trucks, cars and station wagons will start the trek towards town. A strange site this early in the morning with all the headlights heading towards town. Once in a great while a lone car will be seen heading the other way. By dawn parking lots will be full of cars and women will be at the front doors of stores waiting for them to open and for the assault on there shelf's.

On the way in gas stations are hit hard by lady shoppers looking for the morning paper and last minute sale flyers. The cappuccino machine chugging away as they fill cups to keep hands warm during their waits. The dount cabinet is empty with nothing but crumbs left for the regulars that will stop later on there way to work. Every year it seems to get earlier and earlier. I can remember when eight A.M. was the time to be at a store, now some are open at midnight. Not safe to be between a bear and her cub? Try a woman and a end cap of sale items at half price! If you are a guy you stand back and keep your hands to yourself. Later in the afternoon she will return, making endless trips to the truck to return with packages and boxes and plastic bags. Somewhere in the cabin everything disappears to and in a few moments quiet has return and she will sit in the kitchen with a cup of tea and a pile of receipts. Her check list will be in front of her and she will be making marks and notations on it's margin. Don't even think of trying to look over her shoulder. If you must go in the kitchen just like a bear make sure she can hear you coming. Make small talk and retreat with what ever you need. Perhaps some of the turkey from the day before and a slice of pie from the one the grandkid stuck his finger in.

The phone will start ringing then and she will make small talk with her mother and sisters about how they did and what they still need and what they missed. I guess it is a lot like fishing opener. We tend to come home tired and hungry with a sense of fulfillment and we don't talk to much unless something really good has happen that day. Well maybe we grunt some and moan a little about the weather and how it was in days past. Now that I think of it the wife is not around much after openers. She does just make a little small talk and then leaves me to my thoughts. I guess Christmas shopping can be a lot like fishing, just have to be at the right place at the right time.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (19876)

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A Post script to from the Cabin on the day after Thanksgiving would be that the menfolk of Lake Iwanttobethere lay about the cabin like you would picture the aftermath of a Roman toga party. Not as bad as a frat party as the ladies have picked up cans and left over plates of turkey bones and the dogs have cleaned the crumbs from the floor. But the men are in a post turkey day stupor. Having no memory of there wives leaving in the wee hours of the morning and if they agreed to let the wife use the " Rainy day credit card" Kids left in the care of their dad will have turkey sandwiches and pie for breakfast. Like a mans brunch each kid will be issued a fork or spoon and allowed to eat from the bowls of leftovers. No plates to clean up this way. When ma does return home the carpet will be sprawled with contented menfolk and dogs and college football.

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A little skim ice out on the lake this morning. Nothing that will support any weight to speak of. Might not even had noticed it except the wind took some leaves that way and I saw that they skidded across the surface instead of stopping and floating. Saw the sun for the first time in what seems like two weeks yesterday. If it comes up again this afternoon the skim ice will be nothing but a memory. As predicted the cabin looks like a battlefield from the set of 300 a prelude to what it will look like on Christmas morning. Was chilly last night and no one spent to much time out in the shanty once it got dark. Nothing to really do in it since it is not yet loaded with mid winter gear. A mighty fine turkey from Ma and Pa's was reduced to a Indiana Jones graveside in a matter of an hour or so. Like vultures we kept returning and turning over the bones looking for a scrap of meat to carry off to the couch. If we were lucky we had to share with a grand kid who like little birds gaze with open eyes and wider mouths for a morsel.

Cabin is quiet as the womenfolk have not yet returned from there hunt into the big city. They did make mention last night that they expected to find the cabin cleaned up and in better shape then it was when they left. Then they proceeded to pick up plates and dishes and retreated to the kitchen where everything found it's place. Later in the evening I did trek to the kitchen to check the carcass one last more time on the off chance that someone might have missed something. Bones were gone and already taken to the garbage can by one of the younger tribesmen. The last football game of the night was not available to us so we were left to couches and easy chairs and the quiet time would be interrupted every so often with a story. Elmer came over later in the night and brought with him home made rock candy. He was soon surround by grand kids searching through the colorful swirls like agate hunters on the beach.

This morning on a visit to the kitchen for pie Dug found the paper in the garbage. We spread it across the counter top and looked for tell tale signs. Like a meeting of the minds on CSI we looked over the tattered ads and speculated on what was going to be bought or not. Some items were circled and in different colored markers. We had to decide if these were left here to throw us off track or not. The Gander ad was missing which is a good sign as was the jewelry ads, which is a bad sign. One by one grand kids stirred and the cats went back to their hiding places. Dogs stood at the door waiting to be let out and the kitchen was open for breakfast. Grand kids placed their orders and a hot item was pancakes with Froot Loops. The Froot Loops were not in a bowl they were in the pancakes. One kid ordered up shredded wheat with chocolate milk, was not really all that bad.

Wood added to the fireplace and the kids still in pajamas lay with the dogs in front of it. Natures baby sitter. Smell and smoke of bacon and eggs and coffee drifts in the air from the kitchen out the window as the older boys make breakfast. Pie is all done so they have to cook. Elmer comes over taking the trail from his cabin and greets me on the dock. We look out over the water of Lake Iwanttobethere and the sun breaks through the clouds. Might get some fishing in yet today. From the Lake (19940)

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Working on a few things here at the Lodge today. A balmy 31 out right now and there is some ice on the lake but nothing that you would want to walk on. Hank was down at the access this morning and fired off a few golf balls with the nine iron. When the balls landed they went right through the ice. Until we can hire a new ice tester we will have to use the golf balls and see what happens. The bungee has been brought out of storage and along with the ice testing log is at the base of the fling trees. We actually have about an inch of snow on the ground and looking at the records that is better then what we had last year where we had to water down the launching area. Last night a couple of the guys brought in a 10' blue spruce and already have it decorated and set up in the corner of the Lodge. They spent most of the evening with swizzle sticks and coasters decorating. As is our tradition members will buy there own gifts and then place them under the tree. This was we are always guarantee of getting something that we really want or need.

Later this afternoon the finals for the Sporting Clay league will be held out back. Already there are a few guys out on the trap range shooting a few rounds. Coffee pot is on and the Gus is in the kitchen working on some stew and biscuits for the awards dinner. Wood pile near the fireplace is growing as when ever a member enters he carries in a stick or two from the pile. We have a large log holder on the floor resting against the wall and the wood is stacked there. Don't see the fire going out for several months now. Yesterday we had the chimney cleaned on both fireplaces. Hank and Skinny placed orange barrels out along the roadway and marked off spots in the parking lot that tend to get soft in the Spring. Also moved several down to the shore line where they will be handy for the ice fling and marking the roadway out on the ice.

Sign up sheet for the ice house fling has a half a dozen names on it so far with a few surprises. Hank is not on the list this year as his wife Tess has convinced him they should stay closer to shore. Rumor has it that in late fall she found a honey hold of blue gills and wants to put the house on top of it. She has gotten to be good friends with Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop and Vicki is not saying anything. Dan is on the list but has expressed an intent to stay closer to shore also. You would thing with that big dog of his Grace that he can pull his sled almost anywhere on the lake. Nytelyter has reported he is good to go but no word if he is going for a full pull or will be setting up closer to Root Beer Island and the charms of Mindy. I see we have a key for the new padlock hanging on the wall behind the bar here. The key is for the icehouse as we had ice disappearing from it last season. Fingers were pointed at a certain dog of large breed with a hankering for ice. No harm done as we did need to clean it out anyway. We do have the original hunk of ice down in the walk-in freezer and just like sourdough it will be returned to the ice house later this winter.

Well town will be quiet here now till the Ice House fling or Christmas. Which ever one comes first. Christmas decorations are spring up on shop signs and windows are getting painted this week. Hot cider has been added to most restaurants menus and down at the General Store the coffee urn is always on. The cart outside the door now is stocked with wrapping paper and ice melt. Shovels are stacked against the door and a new eight horse snow thrower with a red ribbon greets you as you come in. Ma and Pa's have a sign asking you to order ahead for your Christmas Ham and the single bell on the door has been changed to jingle bells. The sound rings out every time the door is open and closed. The Pizza cannon at Del's is down for the season. I don't think anything will be shot from it this winter. Just to hard to control with the ice and the hot pans sticking and making abrupt course changes. All caught up here with the paper work and I think I'll take a stroll and enjoy the sight's and sounds of Lake Iwanttobethere. O by the way if you are the 20,000 visitor to read this let us know and we have a special gift for you.. From the Lake .. (19975)

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we will be going for a full pull again this year. with my new set up i will be shooting for the backside of root beer island. there is a honey hole i spotted while sailing this summer. and schucks darn!!! i was 19995 welll i guess it wouldnt be fair if i won twice in a row. yall be safe of your return trips tomorrow and we will see you at the lodge for the annual christmas party. ... paul

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Well sometime during the wee hours of the morning on Sunday we passed 20,000 viewers. Had hoped that the visitor would have posted so we could have given him or her a nice basket of gifts and a trophy from here at the lake. Old Man Johnson was ready with the basket and trophy and was going to do the honors. He has past experiences in these matters as he has himself has a trophy wife, although she was not first place. Perhaps it was one of them anonymous readers, if so I hope they sign on and return.

Well now we are stuck with a basket, I guess we could just roll it over into the ice fling winner. Let's see here we have a can yam, 99 yards of fishing line, a camouflage bobber, A Grouse call and a quart of 30-40 oil. Coupons for Lodge Coney's, a 12 pack of Mindy and Mandy's Root beer. Two bottles of Lake Iwanttobethere Maple Syrup. A punch card good for six doz. Live minnows from the Masterbaiters Shop. A coupon from Earl's General Store for hand warmers, a buy one get one flung free from Del's Pizza and Sub shop. A free flue shot from Doc Burriem and a assortment of small chocolate from our very own chocolate maker. I almost forgot there is a new calendar here from the Lake Iwanttobethere Bank and a also a desk calendar and pencil set from Reed the Realtor. Of course there is also a trophy involved but we will just put that back on the shelf here at the Lodge, you don't really want a softball trophy anyway would you?

Thank you all for showing up and I hope we can keep you coming back. Always seems to be something going on here at the lake and I guess you like hearing about it. A special shout out to a new resident who had a bit of trouble here this past hunting season. Word is he fell from a tree and broke his back but is on the road to recover fully. There are a few hours of reading here to help you along. Heading down to the ice with the seven iron and some red golf balls, Going to check the ice out a little farther today. From the lake.. (20012)

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Wouldn’t ya know it! I was 20022 but that is as close as I got.

Being a creature of habit I put out the Christmas decorations this past weekend. As always the weekend after turkey day they go out. Now I realize that I am one of "those" people that have their lights on way too early! I decided to leave them off but the Lil Mrs came home and cranked them up as soon as she got in the house. I have a couple of reindeer and a sleigh that are still in the garage. You know, the ones that half the lights don't work on! I have checked every bulb and they have now been re-seated but alas they still do not light. I have a good couple hour’s time invested in them and they are still not working. I guess now I have to decide if they are worth any more of my time or not.

Paul, have you been keeping good track of those Flamingos’s? I was out driving around the lake Saturday and saw a couple in a yard out there. They looked to be in good health so I did not bother them any further.

Saturday I put the cover on BGB (big green boat) and pulled it out to the farm where she gets stored for the winter. I drove past a couple of lakes on the way back to town to decide where I was going to hunt come Sunday morning. Well, I was sure wishing that I had not put BGB away as it is more than capable of breaking through the ice that surrounds the landings I looked at. mad.gif So I came home and trundled up and down the attic ladder more times than I wanted to putting the duck decoys and other hunting paraphernalia away.

I have been contemplating entering that there ice house fling! Are there any rules that would prevent a fella from using some old JATO bottles that were left over from the Air Force days? I would imagine that I could get well past Root Beer Island with that kind of a set-up! Was thinking of a three ski kind of rig. Could go to the local snowmobile shop and pick up some ski’s. With that set up I could even steer the rig though when approaching the speed of dark I don’t suppose one would want to turn just too sharp huh! A mid course correction could prevent one from going into the island instead of around it!

Well it is time for me to go and get one of those Mindy and Mandy root beers and some of that Schwan’s ice cream and whip up a float and contemplate the fling thing. Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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