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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Fishing was good last night. I hit the water in late afternoon and was rewarded with an overcast sky that did not clear up this time. The past few trips to this part of the lake the weather would always clear. With dead calm water and a sky full of clouds the bite was on with a buzz bait. Working the big reed banks over the years I have found a few spots that always seem to hold fish. Yesterday was a good day as the two to three pound bass were in there spots and were hitting my bait like it was free cheese at a federal give away. Other fishermen were cruising the outer edges but not coming in deep in the reeds where you had to be. Around an inside corner back behind an island who do I find but Tess and Hank in their new Lund. Using my push pole I start working my way back, as I get close I get a wave. As I and others had suspected they had not really gone to far. They have been staying at that fancy Bed and Breakfast place across the lake. The same one that Elmer had been tossed out of last year. Hank chatted for awhile as Tess was busy reading a novel. He told me they were very happy with the boat and have been out everyday since the wedding. The B&B is a pretty nice place but hard to get used to. The bed it seems has dials on it that you can adjust to make it feel different. The room has controls that you can use to change TV channels and there is a phone right there with it's own table. Everyday that they go out they come back and find the bed made and candy on their pillow, some pretty tasty stuff to. Have been using a different towel every day to, a clean one at that. I left them deep in the reeds with the promise that I would not tell anyone that I found them. As I motored away they to left there hiding place.

I continue to fish the reeds, the northern to were busy and I had a few misses and a few hits. Nothing like getting splashed close to the boat . As I was making my way back out of the reeds to the main lake off to the side I saw a swirl that was just to big not to stray off my course and try. Waiting for the Puddle Humper to glide to a stop I looked over a open pocket in the reeds about the size of a bar room dance floor. Reaching back I launched a white buzz bait to the far side and as soon as it touched down I started a slow tempting clacking retrieve. From the right side I saw a bow wave headed towards my lure, it looked like it was made by a three hundred pound guy on an under power jet ski that needed a tune up two years ago. With my arms outstretched in front of me I slowly cranked the handle over waiting for that burst from what ever it was that was pushing all that water my way. Slowly down as I came to the edge of the reeds hoping that I would get hit before I entered the reeds the bow wave was right behind my lure. I entered the reeds and the bow wave followed but now was petering out as the fish did not follow... Reeling all the way in I launched another cast right back onto the dance floor and reeling slowly I crawled it through, but nothing.. No dance today..

Sun was setting and I had a run to make to get back to the trailer. I sat in my seat and started the big motor working my way out the channel. Just as I was getting ready to push the throttle forward I heard then turn to see a big splash where my friend was. Teasing me I thought about going back but just made a mental note where the fish was and will return again another day.

Heading back to the ramp I noticed a few things, One it was 8 in the evening and I was heading in, I was wearing my wind breaker as there was a little bite in the cooling air and the water temp has already fallen five degrees in the past week. Some of the weeds are turning brown already and grass hoppers are everywhere. Bigger fish seem to be returning to the shallows and the northerns are more aggressive then they have been for several weeks. For a Friday night this part of the lake was very quiet. A few people out on there decks but not many out on the water. A few more docks up on the shore. Another week and we will have Labor day and the end of summer for many. Have to be a little more careful driving home around the lake. Deer are out on the road and no matter how many Deer crossing signs we put up they never seem to cross there. That's ok I always take my time on the drive back home from fishing. A a matter of fact I know of people who have gotten tickets going fishing but never heard of anyone getting a ticket coming back home from the lake. You are just much more relaxed and not in a rush. To bad you can't have that same approach on the way to the lake. You would probably not forget to bring as many things as you do. Well batteries are charged again and tomorrow I will be on the water again. I might just go hit the reeds again and see if I can get penciled in on that big girls dance card. All I want is to get her on for a little while, Well maybe I would like to see her and perhaps touch her at the boat. I wonder if she was a bass? Maybe Mr. Big has a sister on that end of the lake. From Lake Iwanttobethere...(17682)

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Against my better judgment I went fishing last night. Well it was windy with a steady 20 to 25 mile breeze out with a few gusts thrown in But the daughter said she would like to go and that is all I needed to grab a few extra rods and a cooler. College starts today so our chances of fishing together will be few for the rest of fall. I let her pick the lake and we went to a small lake that she would fish a lot in her youth. We had to get on the main highway outside of Lake Iwanttobethere and drive a short distance. Traffic, we were doing 60 and were being passed by everyone doing 80. In a hurry to get where ever they were going. This is on a late Sunday afternoon, how can you have a relaxing weekend when you hurry to get back home. O well.. We made it to the little lake to find the dock at the landing standing on dry ground. We had not been here for awhile and the lack of rain this summer was reflected by the low water. With the wind blowing in our face and waves coming our way we decide to go elsewhere.

Using back roads and staying away from the highway in twenty minutes we were at another of her favorite lakes. The landing had several trailers but no one was in sight. We launched into the windy waters and after fighting to get out far enough to start the big motor managed to clear the point and head to the far side of the lake because fishing is always better on the far side. Well three hours later and just a few small fish, the boat covered in weeds that had been torn off our lures we decide to call it a night. We wanted to get the Humper back on the trailer and knew we were going to get wet fighting the wind and waves. With just one last tree to fish I told the daughter her fish was there and it was. With a practiced cast from three hours fishing in the wind she dropped a spinner bait down along side the tree and was reward with a smashing hit, a good set and a second later a tail walking bass. Quickly bring it to the boat she released it. To her credit her only comment was " I do believe that one fish weighed more then the total of all your fish, Dad" Well what could I say, it was probably true, but then again I had told her to fish that tree so that counts like an assist.

We loaded the boat back on the trailer and we had to try twice in the wind and waves but not bad. A guy walking his cats who lives next to the landing gave us a helping hand. Three other boats came in behind us and no one was smiling, fishing had been poor. I thought it was a good night, the daughter had out fished me and sooner or later she would remind me of that, it was going to be a long winter. Taking the back roads home, we were in no rush. We drove past cows in the fields, geese gathered around a farm pond. Fields of baled hay and horses enjoying the sunset. Not a bad night for her with school the next day, not a bad night for me either.

I awoke around four this morning. Pinned in bed by all three dogs and one cat. I then heard the first far off distance rumble of thunder. Working to free myself of dogs and a blanket I made it to the window just as the first splash of rain came through the screen. Going around the cabin I closed windows as the storm rolled down on us. I didn't have to turn on any lights as the flashing lightning came through the windows. A down pour, I would say this was the first real downpour we have had this entire summer here at the lake. We did have that hail but not a lot of rain with it. As if on cue hail started bouncing off the deck and making that tinning ricochet noise off the deck furniture. Standing at the deck door I was thinking about making a dash to the swing but my rain gear was in the Puddle Humper. I stood and watched the rain fall, Bud at my side, Barney was hiding. I saw the cabin lights go on at Elmers and I could just make out his bright yellow slicker as he went out the back door heading for his garden. Later this morning I found out he was checking on his prize tomatoe that he was growing. He went out to stand over his plant with what he says will be the winning tomato and a new town record. The tomato survived the storm. Here this morning there is little sign of the hard rain. The ground open up and just drank it all in. More rain tonight, I'll have the rain gear handy this time. From Lake Iwanttobethere (17730)

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Town Hall meeting on Friday as we will try and get as many people involved before the holiday weekend and summer residents head out. Hank has been seen around town with Tess on his arm. As expected the back of his coveralls has it's endless supply of index cards and it seems that each person who greets them has a job needing to be done this fall. Skinny is also sporting his own supply of cards in his carharts. Hank will not be going back to work till after the holiday weekend as he is still on Honeymoon. Now that Tess is married to one of the towns sons she has been welcomed into the town as one of their own. Small towns are like that. Tess made a lot of friends with her shot of Wild Turkey at the bar, Some patrons have even been asking for what "Tess drinks" when ordering. Had to order a case to keep up with demand.

Marv left town yesterday after extending his vacation for a week. He and Elmer became fast friends and also Skinny spent a few days in the boat with them. I heard that Saturday night he and Hank fished out in front of Tess's cabin and you could hear the laughter echoing across the lake. I think Hank found a father in law and Marv a son. Elmer got a new rod and reel as when Marv left he said he could not really take it with and wanted Elmer to have it. Elmer said he would hold on to it for him till next time. They had gone and visited Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop and he had bought one early in the week. Elmer pointed out that the lake was good for Marv as he left with a son in law and had packed his wing tip shoes in his suitcase. He was wearing his boat shoes, said they were more comfortable.

Well summer is coming to a close already for many. A lot of residents will be pulling docks and covering pontoons in blue tarps. Earl at the General Store has the rolling cart at the front door loaded with tarps and rope and of course duct tape. The 229 pink flamingoes will be finding new homes this next week as the season will be opening soon for those birds. The towns web site has had a few inquires as to when the season opens and we might have to post something there. Seems that little guy who was hunting off the point by Nytelyter's cabin has found a few others to join him hunting this year.

The towns big project is expected to be done by Friday. The painting of the water tower is almost done. Visitors and resident alike will be welcomed to the town with a clean tower. Already a few of the fishermen are using it to guide them on the waters of the lake. With the ski jump and the twin trees in front of the Lodge you will be able to fish this end of the lake with out the need of one of them GPS's

Been on the water as much as I can this past week. So I have not been in town itself to much. I drove through today and as my habit I was moving at about trolling speed. This gives people time to talk with me as I drive and we chat and catch up on things. Mayor Tom walked with me for awhile and asked if there were any other big doings going on that he should know about. Since he was in the middle of a campaign and the County Fair rally did not go over to well. I told him about the town meeting and he said he would try to attend. I told him as mayor it might be a good idea. I went into Ma and Pa's to pick up some ½ sliced bologna for sandwiches. There produce rack was pretty bare. They just don't sell many cucumbers or peppers or tomatoes well anything that you can grow in the garden this time of the year because everyone has them. I got my bologna and a kiss on the cheek from Ma and I was back in the Dodge. Doc Burriem was out side his office poking and prodding Gus in the ribs. If you don't go inside he does not charge you for an office call.

Frank the plow driver was just coming out of Amy's and asked me if I was on my way home or not. Told him I was heading to the Lodge. " Good" he said. " I'll go and grade Bass Drive while you are not around, this way we won't have a problems like last year" He climbed up in his grader and headed out of town. Continuing on towards the Lodge I was thinking to myself that I had not done all that bad of a job last year. I don't miss that tree and Elmer was able to fix the golf cart, even if it is a little shorter now. Waving at passer bys I was passed by Reed and his secretary heading to the Dew Drop Inn. I guess I can give it a little more gas as they were both walking.

But there is something to be said for the lack of traffic here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Can't remember when we have ever had a car accident. We did have the go cart accident and ensuing deep fryer fire but that was not an accident it was during the race. Besides almost the entire volunteer fire department was in the race and we had a great response time. We were up for an award till it was found out that a member had crashed into the deep fryer. Arriving at the Lodge I see my spot was open so I parked the Dodge and went inside. Elmer was sleeping in his wicker couch and the Hank was with Skinny at the bar having a couple of Coney's and a Mindy and Mandy frosty root beer. I took the seat next to them and we chatted some.

Hank was talking about how nice the new boat was and he and Skinny were working on a deal for Skinny to buy Hank's old boat. Skinny already had a boat but you can never have to many boats. Hank was talking about how comfortable the new boat seat were and that reminded me as I sat on the bar stool of the need to replace mine. Getting off the bar stool I felt a reminder of my last week in the Puddle Humper and decide to take a stroll down to see Vicki at the shop. A few minutes later I was at the shop and as I walked through the screen door I was welcomed by the sound of bubbling tanks and the smell of beef jerky. Just like I do at home when standing with the fridge open and looking for something different I stood in front of the tanks and checked out the swimming minnows. After awhile Vicki came over and slapping me on the back asked if I had picked one out yet? I told her no and just gave her that stupid fishermen grin that works so well with the wife. She had a few seats in stock but I ended up looking at catalogs but that is just not the same. A boat seat you need to sit in. After walking down the isle of colorful spoons hanging from the peg hooks I did manage to find the door and make my way outside. Good thing I don't wear a watch because the sun looks a lot lower then when I went in.

I headed back up the trail to the Lodge, I had forgotten why I was going to the Lodge in the first place. Stopping about halfway up the hill I turned to look out over the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. In the distance I can see some dark clouds forming and Sunshine Ray had said we were going to get more rain this evening. He might be right for a change. Still more then enough time to put the Puddle Humper in the lake and go fishing, batteries should be charged by now. The wife to her credit has not said anything about all the fishing I am doing. I did find a note on the bath towels saying that I would have to wash some if I needed them. Maybe I should stop at Earl's as see if he has any deals on bath towels. We can always use more clean towels. Then I can go fishing, From the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. (17746)

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Just wanted to come in and reminded everyone of the Town Hall meeting tonight on the lodges grounds. Will be held outside and a corn roast will be right after the meeting. Like most lakes this will be the last big weekend for the summer here and we hope you can all make it up to rub shoulders with your neighbors and enjoy a weekend at the lake. It seems there is a small problem with the water tower. It was to be done by this weekend and the cover was removed but when they were doing some last minute sand blasting the tower developed what I was told was a small leak. The top of the tower is now hidden behind a huge tarp as repairs are being made. The grass under the tower is getting pretty green so I am wondering just how small this little leak is.

Fishing has been steady and we are busy being on the water almost everyday. A few more signs of summer coming to an end and fall coming. This morning I had to clean up around the garbage can as a bear knocked it over. Will have to make a mental note not to fill the can till Tim comes to pick it up. Well going fishing again today and to head into town to meet up with an out of town friend who will be coming in for the day. A late breakfast at the Dew Drop and then pick up lunch from Amy's before heading over to the Masterbaiters Shop for any gear that he needs or forgot at home.

Hope to see you on the water this weekend and at tonight's meeting. From the Water of Lake Iwanttobethere..(17802)


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Sitting in the swing and enjoying the last quiet moments of the long holiday weekend. Kids and grand kids have been here and gone. Dogs were all here and no one got hurt. No one fell and poked their eye out, no one got cramps going swimming to soon and as far as I know no one has caught a cold. The youngest one ate some dirt but learned not to try and chew on the rocks. A few fish were caught from the dock and the chalk board has been update in the family fishing contest. As holiday's go it was pretty tame. School starts up and trips will be fewer and farther between till Thanksgiving rolls around. Boys will be up for bird hunting of course and the dogs will return to work the woods and chase grouse.

The youngest daughter and myself went out fishing yesterday afternoon. She was having a hard time getting anything to bite and was fighting the wind the entire time. But any excuse to go fishing is a good excuse to go fishing. That and the fact that if she hung around the cabin to much her brother and sister would get her in to watching her nieces and nephews. We worked our way around the lake fighting the wind and dodging jet skies and pontoons along with an occasional other fishing boat. Did not to do well with the dock bite as the wind was blowing and every dock had someone on it or near it. It being silent Sunday I would just wave as it was up to the daughter to carry on the fishermen conversations. " Getting any" " How they biting?" I would wave or pretend not to hear. The daughter would hold up her hands showing the size fish that I caught and having to over and over tell inquiring people that she was getting skunked. After a while she strongly suggested that the dock bite was not working and perhaps we should go work the reed bank. Starting the big motor and looking for an opening we jumped up on plane and soon were zipping across the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. That is when the 7' buzz bait rod went flying over the top of our heads to land in the wake of the Puddle Humper. "Man over board" a drill that all the kids have learned since they could ride in the Puddle Humper. Making a hard turn to Port we turned back on to our wake and there bobbing in the water was the rod. Pulling in close the rod was retrieved and swearing was averted. After reeling in all the line it was declared that the lure had found it's way into the water striping all the line off the reel and then pulling the rod overboard.

In a few minutes after looking for a clear line and again we were back on plane this time only to have the trolling motor come out of it cradle to dig into the water and send a whale spray across the bow and onto us. The daughter saw the trolling motor move and ducked I received the wave and with shirt wet and glasses dripping could just sit and say nothing since it is silent Sunday. The reeds held two more keeper fish for me the daughter continue to be skunked. I think the daughter is happy that I could not rub it in.

Lake was very busy this weekend, lots of residents out and the smell of BBQ was in the air for the entire weekend. Some docks did make there way up into yards and well as a short line at the landing for pontoons to be winched up on to trailers and pulled into the Lodges parking lot to dry Their owners inside having a beer and trading talk with other residents. A few showers came through, mostly early in the morning so no family time was lost and flowers and gardens were watered. Apples are turning a little red and produce is offered to anyone who will take it. Paper bags are filled with tomatoes and cucumbers and peas and beans. They will head back to the city to be eaten there. Roasting corn and fat steaks sizzle on grills and the shoreline is decked out in the glow of pit fires and candles. Children can be heard laughing and dogs splashing. The constant buzz of jet skies off in the bay as they jump their own wakes and then rest for a few minutes before they start doing it again. Pale women sit on the edges of docks dangling their feet into the warm water of the lake. Men gathering with cold beers at the waters edge and look over there kingdoms. Plans are made and ideas exchanged on what needs to be done next year and what didn't get done this year.

A little chilly in the evening and with the sounds of football games on radios thoughts change to fall and hunting. The boats have done there thing for now. The four wheelers will come out of garages and the smell of gun oil will be in the air. The dogs, those who are kept around for this time of the year will soon get more attention then usual. Once again they are mans best friend and not the kids buddy. They can smell the change in the air and it makes there heart beat faster, they walk with there nose closer to the ground and looking over there shoulders to see where the master is. Two weeks away till season starts, The waters of the lake will be quiet. The fishermen will be divided, some will watch football, other will be on the trails looking for early season birds. The dumb ones will either learn to fly or will get fried with butter and onions. The water will be empty except for the few fishermen who know of the best time to catch big fish. They will keep it to themselves and just nod when there hunting buddies boast of there bird treks and how many flushes they got. They might smile some remembering the fish they caught and the pictures they took. Maybe when the water is hard they will pull them out to show them off. But that is another season a few months still a way. From Lake Iwanttobethere (17846)

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First week in September and mother nature starts us off with a little surprise. Early afternoon temperature hits 90 in the shade and windy along the shore line. First day of school for the oldest grand kid and of course mother and grandmother had to attend. I don't remember my mother taking me to school my first day although I guess she must have as how else would I have gotten there. Being just under the two mile rule we had to walk to school. Another tenth of a mile and I would have gotten the yellow bus ride. Of course being in the country that might have meant as much as a two hour ride on the bus. Walking meant I could sleep in an hour later and still walk and be on time. I tend not to remember the walks in rain storms which always seem to be down pours and when lunch time came my lunch in it's paper bag would have been totally soaked from the rain. The thick sandwiches made with home made bread and bologna could be squeeze in your hand to the shape of a baseball and when it dried and harden it was good for a few pitches.

I do remember as I got older hunting grouse on the way to school and hiding my old single shot in the hollow log in the field near school where I could retrieve it and hunt again on my way home. After my friends got drivers licenses I would still walk to school in the fall just so I could keep hunting. Heaven forbid a kid now a days would even talk about carrying a gun on the way to school and would be in big trouble if a shot gun shell would fall out of your jacket pocket. It was no big deal to break the shotgun apart and refinish it in wood shop. If I was going to spend all that time hand sanding something at least it was going to be something that I used. Not a pig clock for the living room.

So anyway it was a warm and sticky day here at the lake. To hot even to go out fishing. I had it on my Honey Do List to take out the two air conditioners and I am glad I am a tad behind on the list. The wife came home to a cool cabin and nothing was said about progress on the list. Waiting for the forecasted rain but it all fell North of the lake till after sunset then we got a few brief showers. Enough so I will not have to water flowers and the gardens tomorrow. If the heat does not surprise me again I will be out fishing. Been spending a lot of time on the water and have a different partner with each outing. No real big fish but a lot of good conversation and a return to a lot of old memories. We have been catching fish but sharing time on the water is the most important thing. There was that quicking in the air but with today's heat that pushed that aside. Grass is growing again and brown spots are during green again. With the rain I am hoping the fire ban will be lifted as I do look forward to the fall fires in the pit. Nothing like the smell of wood smoke the crackling fire and smell of a handful of leaves tossed in the fire.

Lodge was busy tonight as the first game of football was on the TV and a few members have gotten involved in fantasy football. Conversations on several topics among several different groups were held during the game. Fishing of course and the up coming bird season. The bow guys were in there little huddle talking arrows and draw weights. Bear guys talking about baiting and I was asked on several occasions if Bud was booked for bird opening. Barney not to be out done will be out fishing for fall crappies with Elmer. Hank is back to work and his back pocket is bulging with his index cards and all the jobs that need to be done. He and Skinny were pulling docks today wearing just cutoffs. A lot better then wearing chest high waders. Tess was talking with Reed the Realtor about selling her cabin. It was decided between Hank and her that keeping Hanks cabin would be better. He already has the garage and then he has the boat house and of course the skinning shack. The garden is large and he is closer to town. If they tried to move everything to Tess's cabin it would take the better part of the winter. Besides Tess's pink cabin with the blue trim would look funny with beaver and fox hides hanging on it. I think they are going to move the rest of the stuff over and then have a sale, or leave it and sell the cabin furnished. Reed will get them a good price and maybe we will have another new resident here at the lake.

Well looking for summer to continue here at the lake, Just because football has started and kids are back in school it does not mean summer is done and fall is here. Just means the lake will be a little quieter and the jet skies will be gone. Weekends will be busy here still, well maybe not Sundays as football is here. Baseball is coming to a close but you will still hear the sound of the games drifting across the water and the pontoons will still be out trolling. Doing that lazy circle around the lake looking forward to what ever bites on there long lines. Some of the guys will have the little grill burning on the back and the cooler keeps the beer colder now. Might be a flannel handy just in case the wind shifts. I know I will start packing some pants and socks in the Humper. Days of fishing just in shorts and a tee shirt may be coming to an end by the end of the month. Extra scoop of dog food in the bowl for the boys to. Well we are gone fishing again, hope to see you on the waters when you make your next visit here at the lake. From Lake Iwanttobethere (17904)

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Well when in doubt you can always talk about the weather. That is the usual thing you can talk about here at Lake Iwanttobethere when you come up on another resident and you don't know what to say. Like it is said of many places the weather here will change like a woman changes her mind when having that doe in the headlight look as she see stares at the Walgreens wall of make up. Thirty seven shades of pink blush and next to it was just as many in blue. So if you are standing and talking about the weather it will change before your conversation is done. A few days ago it was hot and muggy, today it is windy and cold and rain is threating again. We went from the strangle hold of a drought to flood warnings. With each passing day the water levels rise some more as the water draining into the watershed makes it's way here to the lake. Good for fishing if you know where they are at.

Spent some time down at the general store and between conversations with Earl and Earl junior I managed to find a few things for the shopping cart that I was leaning on. Earl had blaze orange caps on sale for only a buck so I tossed a few of them in the cart. A big display of scent killer and doe in the rut in big and small bottles. Took a look at one of them 12' portable tree stands but that is to much of a climb for me. Those camo chairs with the high backs look kind of comfortable though. Of course them big 12 inch spikes are on sale and they work well for making tree ladders. Goose calls, mallard calls, gun cases, decoys. The wife accuses me of having that doe in the headlight look when I walk in to Earls and start looking around. I don't know what she is talking about, it just that time of the year when a guy needs to look at stove pipe and log splitters. Must be a reason why spark plugs are on sale and racks are hanging heavy with camo and blaze orange sweatshirts. You hear clucking from back as someone is working a turkey call and from up front Earl is rattling antlers.

A week away from the start of hunting season and already the fishing shirts are being traded in for duck and turkey sweatshirts. A few hats are being worn with ear flaps just in case the wind changes. Well worn boots are getting broke into again and down at Dug's there are a handful of four wheelers in various states of being torn down. A few boats went through town this morning, looking lonely with their covers on. It looks like they were being towed home to be put in storage till next season.

Out on the highway the farmers market still have there stand. Bushel baskets of corn and cucumbers. Watermelons laying in rows on blue tarps. Soon tatters and then pumpkins will take there place on the tarp. Gords and tomatoes cover the tables and the weathered farmers have on carhart jackets and there tans are covered. At the end of the stands bales of hay and corn stalks wait to be bought for decorations. You might still find a few Elvis paintings if you look close. The season is changing, some of us are fighting it, Summer is never long enough. From a cool, windy maybe even a rainy Summer day from Lake Iwanttobethere.. (17939)

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No mater how hard I try Mother Nature is bound to make the season change. The last few days she has almost convinced me as I have been still wearing shorts but today looks like a repeat and I have broke down and put pants on and even a pair of socks. With winds in the thirty plus range making white caps on the lake and any leaves that were not secure were blown off the trees. Not to many boats on the lake as it looks like pretty much everyone decide that working on chores might be the best time spent. Frost warning out last night but the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere kept us warm and the garden looks just fine this morning.

Bird hunting starts on Saturday and looks like the weather will be better then it has been. I don't have much success when the wind is howling and them grouse are hard enough to hit with out another thirty miles of wind under their wings. More then likely I will just grab the 20ga and Bud and I will take a walk down the trail behind the cabin. I am willing to bet that the big Pine that was taken down with the lightning strike will have a bird or two around it. Few more geese can be heard honking in the evening and the fields are getting a lot of visitors. The old goose on my shoreline is beginning to look restless and the Loon and her chick are almost the same size. Elmer has his four wheeler up and running and he will be out hunting on Saturday. He will drive back to a few very old tote roads and then get out and walk them. With so many leaves on the trees and it being all green he will have to work for birds but being old and slow and no dog sometimes will work in your favor. I know he has being breaking clays at the Lodge a couple of times a week.

Have been on the water a lot, except for the past few days. Fishing has been steady and a pull on the line is better then working on the Honey Do List. That list keeps growing though, and now I am going to add the fall do list to it. Have to pull the ac's out and uncover the solar collector. Need to paint the basement wall here soon and a section of fence needs to be repaired. Not to mention the Puddle Humper needs a good cleaning. I am sure there are still many fine days ahead and I will be ready for them. Just hard to decide what to do. Fish, bird hunt get a last round of golf in. The honey do list which also includes the garden and putting away deck furniture and the green house and well you get the idea. The days are just not long enough and they are getting shorter every day. Of course if I get a call asking me to go fishing I pretty much just have to drop everything and do that. As we all know if someone asks you to go fishing that will always be a good day of fishing.

Deer and visiting kids have found my apple trees and not an apple left where one can reach them from the ground. I am holding out for them to get ripper before I will start picking and enjoying my pies. My late season corn is just starting to get ripe also so I will be pulling ears in the morning and enjoying some corn cooked in the fire pit. As a matter of fact I have to make a trip to McDonnell's farm and get some more butter and some straw for the garden. Might do a little scouting for some grouse while I am at it. Well staying busy here and looking to stretch out the days. From Lake Iwanttobethere (17984)

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After all of this time if you come here to the lake you know about many of the people and places that we call Lake Iwanttobethere. Some of the people here you might have as distance relatives. Some you may want as relatives and some well it is best if they remain distant. Like every little town we have a main street and off of the main street is of course other smaller side streets which branch off like the veins on a leaf to other parts of Lake Iwanttobethere. Most of my travels like everyone else's are along the main street since it pretty much takes me from my cabin to the Lodge and I pass the Dew Drop and the General Store. Amy's and Ma and Pa's grocery and the diner. The pizza and sub shop and Dug's garage. The fire hall is on the way and of course the park and public access and the Masterbaiters shop. Even the golf course is on the main street just outside of town.

But off one of these small side streets in a quaint little house lies another business which is the favorite of many but known to only a few in town. In this little tidy white house that when you enter you discover it is almost all kitchen hides the chocolate business of Bill and Florence. Bill and Florence have been married for more then 50 years and the last 20 they have been making chocolates for friends and relatives from there secret hide away here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Bill a retired dairy man and his wife Florence who was a school teacher have a weak spot for chocolate. When they could not buy the exact kind they liked anymore they started to create there own. After retiring they took off on a year long vacation to travel around the world and there destinations were all the famous candy shops. They took classes and returned to the lake to convert there summer home into a kitchen to make there own chocolates.

Through much trial and error where the mistakes were ate they came up with several special flavor chocolate candies. To family and friends for weddings and special occasions they started to make there hand candy to fill orders. With the arrival of the Internet their business grew and now if you look hard you will find them. Using local suppliers like Ma and Pa's they are a successful business right under everyone's noses. If the wind is right you can smell chocolate, only a few know where the smell comes from and if you want to keep your chocolate coming you don't let on. You won't find any place to buy the candies in town. But I hear the Bed and Breakfast across the lake leaves just one on your pillow everyday. From Lake Iwanttobethere

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Another couple who live here at the lake and have for a long time. Howard and Polly, Howard retired from the Coast Guard and Polly was a nurse. Like so many they would come to the lake to vacation and return to stay. Howard after years on the water but never being able to call a port home found Lake Iwanttobethere to his liking. A small town but having everything that he really needed. They found a modest home just off main street with a view of the lake. They traded in seagulls for geese and concrete for green grass. Polly was nurse as it is a good profession to be in when you moved as much as they did. No matter where they ended up she would soon find a job and settle in for a few years till they were moved again. There kids are long since grown up but come to visit during the summer. Grand parents are easy to spot here with the tell tale swing set in the back yard.

Howard is a friendly sort with a constant smile on his face and a rolling gait to his walk. After being on the water for so long he says he does not notice it but others point it out to him. He spends most of his day hiding out from Polly in the coffee shops and along main street. Quick to strike up a conversation he has a keen wit and a twinkling left eye. The other eye is always in search of Polly. Not that Polly is a bad person she just has this annoying habit. When ever Howard is having a conversation she will slide in and take it over. Before you know it you are getting a lecture about what ever you were talking about or something you were not. After all of those years with Howard on the water I guess Polly has a lot to say. Howard will take a step back and shake his head. His part in the conversation is over. Most of the time he will just walk away and give you a wave of his hand as in good luck. Finding yourself in a lecture from Polly is just one of those things that happens on the sidewalks of Lake Iwanttobethere.

Sitting in the driveway next to the house resting in her trailer lies the "Getaway" Howard's pride and joy. A 19' sailboat that he restored after finding her on a farm in Maine. The "Getaway" receives attention everyday from Howard as he polishes her brass and wipes her hull down. She has not seen the water for a few months as she only goes out when the sons come to visit and even then she is never far from the watchful eye of Howard. Even though the sons are in there 50's the young lads as Howard calls them are still not ready to take the "Getaway" out on their own. The grandsons are now sailing when they come to visit and there job is to clean the bottom of the hull. Easy for them as they have to reach up under the trailer and Howard is getting to old to reach down. This is one place where Polly is not allowed. When Howard is on board he pulls up the ladder and turns up the radio. Whether the "Getaway" is on land or water for Howard it is a getaway. From the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere or in this case the shores.. (18012)

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Hey man sorry I aint been to active at the lake for a while. Been doin lots of other stuff. Local area fishing has been pretty darn good latley. But I imagine the sights and sounds of fall are almost in full swing now. This Saturday small game and archery season for deer starts so there will be a few more people in camo around town.

This winter I'm going to rig a tow sled behind Grace and we are going to help the town refill the ice storage. She helped empty it so she's gonna help refill it. How's that sound Bobby?

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Say Dan funny you should mention Grace and the Ice House as we were just in there last night. It is all swept out and the old sawdust has been removed and the new sawdust is sitting in barrels waiting for this coming winters ice harvest. The starter block is safe and secure in the lodges walk in freezer and will be returned when we fill the building again. The starter block has been kept for over a hundred years. It is a deep clear block of ice from the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere and is a good luck charm. With Grace on the lose we thought it would be best if we kept it under lock and key.

Well I guess I do have to give in and say that fall is here. Woke up this morning to a little frost and the ever present winds. Those winds make a sunny fall day chilly. Tomorrow will be bird season and already guys were coming in to the local resorts. Not towing boats but pulling trailers with four wheelers and dog kennels in the back of their trucks. On a day like today the camo parkas are not out of place. Out front of Earl's General store the cart has mineral blocks stacked on it and blaze orange hunting vests. A little sign says that ammo is available inside at the counter. A couple of decoys spin in the wind along the sidewalk. The Dew Drop Inn has a sign in the window welcoming hunters and list the breakfast special. You get a discount for supper if you have breakfast there.

A hundred of the Pink Flamingoes have been relocated to the point off Nytelyters place. Another hundred to Hanks as a wedding present so it is easier for everyone to point out where the newlyweds live and the last 29 are still on Root Beer Island. Helps the new comers to see the point so they don't run into it. Mindy and Many have been around town stocking and moving product. About this time of the year it becomes scarce and they mainly keep the Dew Drop in supply and of course the Lodge also has some on hand. I think Chuck and his Maple syrup are about done for the year also. Hooking up with Mindy and Mandy at the fair and having some on the shelf at Ma and Pa's has just about sold him out. Of course there is always some at the Dew Drop as that was Chuck's first customer and they get a years supply in.

Last two nights the raccoons have hit Elmers garden and the war is on. Pepper has been staying over at the cabin and the two of them stay up all night waiting for the bandits to return. With motion lights set up as soon as the light goes on Pepper is out the door and Elmer is not to far behind. This morning I found the two of them sound asleep under a sleeping bag in his swing. Scattered about the yard were half eaten corn husks. I don't think he will be happy when he wakes up.

As reported earlier my apples trees have been picked cleaned along the bottom, deer and kids I suspect. That's ok the good ones are always out of reach towards the top. With the wind of the last few days I have been hard at work on the Honey Do List. Don't remember what I have been doing but I have been busy the entire time. Have one trailer loaded with scrap to haul to Mike's junkyard and another to haul to the dump. If I am lucky I will make enough from the scrap to pay for the load to the dump. Yard will be cleaner and less around the shed to trip on in winter. Going to be out fishing this weekend, have a paying customer who will go out even if it is snowing. Will take Bud for a walk down the trail in the morning and then Chuck will take him out in the afternoon with a few other fellow Lodge members. Chuck does not trust the GPS units and would rather have Bud with to make sure he gets back home. Of course the trouble with Bud is that the ground is a little different from his view at two feet then at Chuck's walking height. I am sure I will hear a few stories. Going to be warmer in the 60's have not heard about the wind yet. Don't really matter going to be out either way. Funny how just a few months ago we were hoping it would cool down to 60 now we are hoping it will warm up to 60..

Well as you can see we are back at the keyboard writing some again. Almost got fishing out of my system after being on the water almost everyday the past month. I am starting to walk down the street like Howard. Puddle Humper needs a real good cleaning as she has been in the water so much she has a wide scum line around her. Been a good fall have not lost anything have not broke anything and have not taken a swim. Rain has brought water levels up a little and that is a good thing. Not done fishing yet though. Just have to get some bird hunting mixed in there. When the leaves start falling it will make it a little harder to decide then. Good luck to you who will be out in the woods tomorrow. Sounds like there are a few more birds to chase and remember to stop in town and trade stories at the lodge. If ya see a big chested brown lab being followed by a blonde tall guy looking kind of parched that would be Bud and Chuck. There ok, just taking the long way home. From Lake Iwanttobethere (18036)

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Opening weekend here at the lake brings out some people that we don't run into much during the summer. Eddy Ferment is a local fishing and hunting guide who usually comes in town to pick up his hunting clients. To say Eddie is a little from right field would be putting it mildly. Of course every one and everything has a place in the course of nature. Eddie does not get a lot of repeat customers as it seems a one day trip with Eddie is usually enough to make you fish or hunt by yourself.

Eddie was in the General Store looking to see if his order of goose calls had arrived yet. He had special ordered French goose calls since he was hunting Canadian geese. He was a firm believer that if you used calls made in the states the geese could not understand you. In a weird way it almost makes sense. Eddies camo painted van was parked out front, pretty hard not to miss in town. Especially the stuffed squirrels dressed in poker playing costumes that are super glued to the side rear windows. He got the idea from that Garfield cat that you see with the suction cups. He was looking for more of a outdoors kind of theme. Looking at some discounted fishing lures I struck up a conversation while Earl was looking through his last shipment. Just small talk about his bookings and what part of the lake he was going to be hunting. He did mention he had several calls about Pink Bird hunting. Said he was out scouting and he sees there are a few places with them pink decoys out so it must be hunting time for them. Never shot them before but what the heck he can guide for anything.

I picked out a few lures and after paying for them I headed back out to the Dodge and took a leisurely ride back to the cabin. Just about every tote road had a car or truck parked off to the side, trailers jackknife in the ditches. A few hunters were sighted and we waved at each others and of coarse I was passed by a few four wheelers zig zagging across the dirt road in a hurry to get to the next trail ahead of me. Since I was not hunting I just continued on my way and when I came up to the next road they would sit on there wheelers and look at me like they had just accomplished something. I just nod my head and continue on my way. Come Monday the woods will be quiet and I will have them all to myself. Of course the fact that Bud and I had already taken two fine adult birds behind the cabin that morning might have something to do with my nonchalant reaction.

Warm day for fall, wind died down at sunset and I will be sitting down to grouse and apple pie for supper tonight. A few late shots echo across the water as a few hunters are still working the woods. Will be heading down to the Lodge later and will hear the early reports. Trade a few stories and remember hunting days from long ago. From Lake Iwanttobethere(18068)

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Another sign of fall yesterday as a flock of Blue Jays passed through. Like a band of cowpokes coming off a cattle drive they managed to fly into the cabin windows and drive all the other birds off the feeders. After getting all the cats in the windows excited, well as excited as cats can get they moved on to Elmers feeders. Rarely in the summer do I see more then two at a time but yesterday there had to be close to twenty of them. Speaking of birds I woke up to the sound of someone pounding on the side of the cabin with a sledge hammer. Going out the deck door and walking around to that side I found a big red headed woodpecker doing it's best to open another window for me. After a brief conversation he took off, heading towards Elmers.

An overcast day but warm so I decided the honey do list could wait and I went fishing yesterday. As you might have already guessed I don't need much of an excuse to go fishing and there are not to many days that were not made for fishing. The wife says that when I die it will have to be in the afternoon because I will have the morning already booked to go fishing. Thunderstorms were in the forecast so I brought along the heavy rain coat along with the lighter one. I trailer over to a bay out of the wind and found myself to be the only one on the water. The 4th cast with a rattle trap and my line came back short a lure. Guess the Northerns have returned from deeper water. Caught a few bass, nothing over two pounds and even a few sunfish decided that a top water lure as big as they were was fair game. Northerns were on the bite and not the little hammer handles. These were the five and six pounders. Might have been a few bigger ones but I didn't get any of them to the boat. They would just take a rush at my buzz bait and leave bowling balls size hits in there wakes with me holding nothing but air. A little lite rain but warm. Just enough coming down to make you clean your glasses from time to time. A good day to be on the water rather then at home.

Dusty came and clean both of the fireplaces out at the Lodge yesterday. We are good to go for the fall. Lodge has been quiet during the day but now that bird hunting is here it will pick up as the sun goes down and guys will come in to warm up by the fire and maybe have a bump. Don't want to rush right home and get back in to the grind. Nice to kick your feet up and not have to answer fifty questions from the spouse. Sometimes nice not to have to start your own fire when you just need a little warming up. Lodge takes on it's own personality come hunting season. Smell of spent shells, drying mud on boots and damp dogs. Tail feathers on chairs and the deep heavy smell of Maple smoldering in the fire place. Four wheelers in the parking lot and duck boats on trailers. Guys in rain gear and hip waders leaning on the sides of pickups talking with strangers about how they did. Dogs sleeping, curled up on the front seats of trucks. Mud splattered family cars pressed into double duty. Car seats holding day packs.

Pretty green near the lake still, as you drive away some the leaves on some of the trees are turning a pale yellow. Grass is a deep green as the rain has revived it and it is starting to grow again. Yesterday on the water there were no bugs, no pesky flies. Well until dusk then a new hatch of desperate sketters appeared. Had to look around the boat to find the last of the bug spray.

By 8 I am making the ride home, taking my time as the deer are out on the move and you have to keep an eye on the ditches for them young fawns waiting to make the dash across. Ok , fall may be here. But right now it is 70 out and it is raining and I am going to go sit in the swing and watch the rain drops fall on the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. (18113)

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Well going to try and dry out today, but it looks like some more rain is heading this way. Had to have Hank come over and along with Chuck's help we got the rowboat out of the lake. She was sitting level with the water after all of the rain and I had forgotten to pull her up on shore. At least she is clean. I am missing an oar since that floated away. Got that heavy rich smell of woods all around me the past few days. The ground is soaked and the smell of maple and pine is in the air. You can stand on the deck and just hear the dripping of water coming from the trees. Speaking of trees the past few days there has been a change in color as we are getting a deepening yellow Did take a walk on the trail behind the cabin yesterday and with the ground so moist you were as quiet as a mouse walking the trail. Did have a few flushes but they are already getting smart and kept trees between them and the 20 ga. Bud has been stretched out every night in front of the fireplace catching some sleep after working the woods. If a dog can be content I think he is.

Barney has been standing on the dock and watching fish as usual. As soon as the first distant thunder is heard he heads back to the cabin to get let in. Elmer has been fishing big suckers off his dock and has had two ten pounders to show for it. The bigger Northerns have move back into the shallows and are cruising. A few pontoons have been out in the late afternoon and the trollers are searching for big fish also. Almost all of yesterday afternoon the lake was like glass and as still as it can be. You could see anyone who had a fire going as the smoke just hung in the air above them.

Was going to go in the garden and do some picking but the ground is so wet I start to sink as soon as I get past the gate. Will have to wait awhile. Greenhouse has been a nice place to go and sit for a spell as it is warmer in there and the smells are rich inside. I guess as I look over this we are talking about smells. You get that rain and everything just smells good outside. With leaves turning colors and soon to be dropping no better reason to be here then in the city smelling, well what do you smell in the city? Cars I guess. Maybe the treatment plant. Unless you are lucky enough to have a cook or a baker in your house. Then you get to smell the sweet smells of canning and apple pies. Just the thought of fresh bread brings a smile to my face.

With overcast skies the past few days I have gotten out fishing between rain drops. Good time to toss buzz baits and cover water. There is a stretch of shoreline a few minutes away from the cabin that holds fish and I was there looking for Northerns and tossing a big white buzz bait. The pads come out from shore for maybe thirty feet and the there is a strip of open water for another thirty feet then a big bed of pads again. I have found that this is a good spot to buzz between the pads in the open water. I had just made my second cast when I got a follow. I slowed down and then I get hit. I set the hook with a big sweep back towards me but do not feel any weight. Looking down from the deck of the Puddle Humper I see a real nice Northern holding my buzz bait in his or her mouth right below me. Just as I get ready to set again she drops it and slowly swims toward the stern of the boat. I reel up and make a short toss to the back of the boat and she blows up on it again. No fish when I set. I look down and there she is, right under the boat. I lower the buzz bait into the water and using it like a jig I bounce it up and down right in front of her. This goes on for maybe ten seconds or so until she moves forward and slashes at it. I do nothing and I can see her with just a little of the white buzz bait hanging out from the side of her mouth. I watch and she is watching me. At least that is what I am thinking. I am waiting for her to make a move so I can get the rod at the right angle to put a good set on her. She floats a few feet under the boat and looks at me. With her right below the boat she lines up to the tape measure on the gunnel. Over forty inches as I look at her and the tape. I can clearly see her fins ripple as I watch her gills pumping in and out. We wait. Me holding the rod right above her and she looking upwards at me. A stand off.. Then what after what seems to be a minute or so she opens her mouth and the buzz bait starts a slow free fall to the lake bottom. I continue to watch. She does a slow turn away from me and I can almost hear the thump of her tail as it moves from side to side driving her away from me. I watch as she swims away. Saying out loud to no one " Well that was fun " I return to tossing the buzz bait down the shoreline. Sometimes you don't have to catch a fish to have a memory of it. Of course I will always be thinking of her every time I fish that stretch now. Maybe we will still hook up this fall. From the higher waters of Lake Iwanttobethere (18156)

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History of Lake Iwanttobethere- A story that needs to be told. Some of you may have been to the lake or might have driven by it or even thought of going there but have been side tracked by the activities of daily life. For over the past year and half I have written about some of the daily happenings here on and around the lake and but never really got into the history of the lake. I will try to touch on some of the highlights here. A lot of this is taken from a brochure that Reed the Realtor likes to hand out to likely buyers.

The Name- Lake Iwanttobethere, kind of catchy isn't it. Well the story goes that back in the late 1800's a few wealthy business men back east were playing a game of darts in the local Lodge. One of the guys who was quite bored with the game said that he would rather be almost any place then working in the city. The dealing with local politics and the day to day job of running his business was getting boring. Having to walk around horse droppings and through the muddy streets while dodging wagons was getting quite old also. With that he took his last dart and tossed it at a map hanging on the side wall. It happen to strike a lake in Minnesota and as the thud of the dart echoed in the smoke filled room he announced " Iwanttobethere" and so he packed up his belongings and moved his family to the lake he called "Iwanttobethere"

The Move-. The lake was surround by huge stands of white pine and with a big city being built to the south he started a logging company. A rail line was put in and it did not take long for loggers to find there way to the lake and with it came there familles. Many became quite wealthy and moved on to the big city. But the town continue to grow. As the woods were cleared farmers came in and found the soil good for corn and hay for feeding dairy heards. The rich people returned but only to visit. Some would fish and hunt and others just to see the Lake and they became the first tourist for the area. Resorts found there ways along the shore lines. Docks were built and one of the first golf courses was carved along the road leading into town. About that same time a load of logs was side tracked and forgotten about down by the landing. They bacame the Lodge of Lake Iwanttobethere.

The Lake- The lake is large but has several small bays which in turn have several more bays. This gives the lake a lot of shore line and provides almost everyone who lives on the shore privacy from one another. The town was built along the largest bay on one end of the lake. The mill is across the lake as is the rail line that services the mill and lumber yard. As fishermen travel the lake it was discovered that the lake connects to several other lakes through small bays and rivers. The lake is ever expanding as if we can reach other waters from ours we consider it part of our lake. The most complete lake map hangs on the Lodge wall and it seems to grow a little more each fishing season. With all of this water there is not a fish that does not swim part of it and we have every kind of fish.

Prohibition- ah a dark and mysterious era in the deep woods. Well we look at it a little different now. Back then Lake Iwanttobethere found itself to be a clearing house for in so called illegal Canadian liquor into the country. There are said to be mob ties to the bootlegging that when on then. Of course there also was some shine produced and it might have found it's way into the Canadian bottles as the imported liquor needed to be taste tested.

The town continue to prosper. Founding fathers grew old and died and there sons and even some daughters took there places. It was long ago decided that the town would remain pretty much the same and when the freeway came in and bypassed the town it's fate was sealed. It would remain a quiet town tucked away just off the beaten path. Just close enough not to die off but enough of a chore to get to that it would not fill it's shores with commuters from the big city. Cabins rule here and even though there are homes here they are not stacked on top of each other.

People have heard of the town and some have relatives here. Some just come to visit and many come back season after season but others find it to old fashion and never return. There are no fast food places unless you are lucky enough to get a table a the Dew Drop and it is quiet. No coffee shops that you need to take a breath in order to get your entire order out. No chicken with a colonel no hamburger with a pig tail girl no golden arches. Those of us who live here like it that way. There is of course much more to tell but winter is coming and I am sure I will have lots of time to tell you if you are interested. From Lake Iwanttobethere (18216)

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We seem to have fallen into a fall pattern here at the lake. Rain and then rain and then a little later more rain. Well it sure seems like that. Not that the moisture is not wanted or needed as we are still several inches below normal here and this water will help with next spring. I am sure the sketters are happy. Leaves are changing and a lot of yellow out there now. Some red as well but we are still not at full color yet. The stands out by the highway have been busy. Produce is still being sold but not as much on hand. Pumpkins are making there way out there and the bundles of corn stalks are selling well. I know the farmers are laughing all the way to the bank every time they sell one. Getting five dollars for something they would normally have to shred up. Funny part is how people go looking through the bundles for just the right one. They all come from the same field and sometimes a few ears of corn may be mixed in and they thing they are getting a steal. O well I guess the city folk need to bring some of the country back with them. Nothing wrong with that.

Between rain drops we have been busy at the Lodge. All the screens have been taken off the windows and put in storage. The park and access has been mowed for the last time and looks quite nice with all the deep green of the grass. The softball field has been mowed and with no one playing anymore looks a little lonely. Just the morning and evening arrival of the gulls looking for food. A few of the locals are still tossing suckers and bobbers off the trail down there. Fires are burning along the shore but now they are during the day to keep the chill away and of course to cook hot dogs. Coolers are still being used but now it's to keep the coffee and chocolate warm. A few people have already started to wear their blaze orange around town. Not the good stuff, they save that for hunting but the old stuff that still has some life left in it.

Took out the air conditioner at the cabin and mowed. Won't be the last time unless we get a few good days of wind to move all the leaves to Elmers. Bear was back the other night and did a number on Elmers corn. He or she was pretty quiet as none of the dogs heard him or her as she tore up the big garden pretty good. To add insult to injury the next night a family of raccoons made a night raid and cleaned up even more of his corn. The next day Elmer went out and picked. I thought he would be upset but he pretty much took it in stride. As he loaded his burlap bag with corn in to the wheelbarrow he just said " Critters got to eat to" Apple festival coming soon and that will draw people to town. Then it will be quiet till deer season. Some of the stores in town have already shorten up there hours as after the sun goes down it gets quiet. Most of the fishing is happening during the day and the access is empty by sundown. Lots of docks are up and on the shore and most of the pontoons have found there way to storage. The lake has but a few docks out and Old man Walter is still cruising the shore line with his pontoon. You can just make out a baseball game on the his radio when he goes by.

Hank has been busy as he always seems to be this time of year. He and Skinny have been seen pulling docks and doing some roofing repairs. Although he does not work so late into the evening any more. Tess has supper on the table for him and she expects him to be there. He still comes to the Lodge but more often then not Tess is at his side. Some of the guys were making noise about having a wife at the Lodge all the time but then some of the guys thought it was a good idea if the wife's would come to the lodge. Maybe they would not complain so much then. Elmers was asked what he thought and he mumbled something and continued to stuff popcorn in his mouth and watch TV from his wicker couch. Tess came in with Hank and as she walked around the room greeting people she stopped at Elmer and gave him a kiss on the cheek before moving on. I could see Elmer smiling in the reflection from the TV, I don't think he minds Tess at the Lodge at all.

Looks like a break in the weather here, I see some blue sky. I just happen to have the Puddle Humper all gassed up and sitting on the trailer. I have the rods rigged for fall fishing and a lunch already packed. Guess everything on the Honey Do List for today can wait another day. With all of this rain I am going to go back and take a shot at Mr. Big.....I'm already thinking of using my grandsons new rod that his mother got him. It's one of then ones that shoot your lure out the end. I'm thinking if I get down low I can launch right under them tree limbs and lay it right on Mr. Bigs door step. He will never see it coming... From Lake Iwanttobethere (18275)

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Well fall is here for sure as I woke up this morning with my fall cold. Sniffling and sneezing I put the charger on the Puddle Humper and open the lockers up to dry. Laying out the rain gear and the umbra to catch some morning sunshine. I did go fishing yesterday and I was on the water for maybe 30 minutes before the first of the 20% chance of rain thunderstorms came through. I ducked in behind an island and with rain gear on and the big umbra over head and sat back to watch the rain with a cup of hot chocolate and a handful of oatmeal cookies. A few lightning strikes off in the distant and I was pretty lucky as the bulk of the storm was passing south of me. I stayed dry except now the boat was wet. With wet rods and a breeze the handles were a tad cool.

Tossing spinner baits and searching for bass they were few and far between and I only caught a few. I made my way to Mr. Big's hideout and as I suspected the water was up. I would say since the last time I was here the water level had risen at least a foot. Which is very good, we need the water. Of course this also opens up a few places that I have not been able to get into with low water so I had to debate with myself whether to continue on to chase Mr. Big or make my way back into this stump field that was close by. I decide to at least make a try for Mr. Big.

Working my way to the mass of trees and brush in the water that Mr. Big calls home I saw the grandsons rod was not going to work here. The water had risen up so high that the tree branches now completely closed in his lair. It look like the cashiers window at an old bank. Deciding to have another cookie I sipped on some more hot chocolate and warmed my fingers as I looked over the area. That and having the sun that had just come out shinning on my back made me in no hurry. As I sat and watched I notice a bulge in the water every so often just off to the side of the longest log that comes out from the mess. I was wondering if Mr. Big was out cruising away from his home.. I reached down and the first rod my hand laid on had a big spinner bait, Making a perfect sidearm cast just past the log I was patting myself on the back at not screwing up. I made one turn of the reel when my rod tip headed for the water and I set hard, fast and for me quick! I was rewarded with that music that all fishermen love to hear. The sound of a drag in action and line being peeled off the reel.

Standing up and using some body English I turn the fish, or the fish decided to turn and the line stopped going out, I gained a few cranks back and now was trying to see what was on the end of my line. Mr. Big passed my mind. Was definitely heavy enough. I didn't have to much time to think as the line headed in the other direction and the reel sang again. Longer this time then the first time. I had a feeling.... Yup on top now with half of her body on the surface and her tail thrashing sending water skyward. It was a northern. Was I disappointed? Nope All I was thinking about was getting her to the boat, In a few moments I had her on her side next to the boat. I reached down to grab her across the top of her head but my hand was not big enough. With some coercing she rolled to one side and I slipped my hand round her and eased her up. Removing the spinner I slipped the scale into her mouth and watched as it came up 8-4 not a bad fish at all. I eased her back in the water gave her a little nudge and she rewarded me by slapping her tail on the surface and showering me with water. Right down the open zipper of my rain coat.

With another of them 20% chance of thunderstorms coming over the horizon I decide it was best to get off the water. Heading for the landing at half throttle I noticed the changing color on the hillside and the empty lake around me. A few deer standing on the shore line watched me as I went by and a duck flew. No lights, no fires all the cabins were dark. Fall has come to this end of the lake. From a peaceful quiet Lake Iwanttobethere (18309)

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Deciding that a few rain drops were not going to stand in my way I stood on the deck under the eves and watched the rain clean out the gutters as it runs out on to the lawn. The yard is a deep green might be because it seems to have rained almost everyday for the past two weeks. The lake is up, almost a foot I would say looking at the legs on Elmers dock. Well what to do, Puddle Humper has charged batteries and is waiting on the trailer. But Barney is no where near the dock. He is not fishing today so that tells me fishing might not be the thing to do today. Bud is sleeping in front of the fireplace but every time I walk by him and the gun cabinet he opens an eye and looks back and forth from the cabinet to me and then back again.

The sky is gray but the rain has stopped falling. Barney comes inside from the boat house and goes over and sits next to the gun cabinet. O well that is two votes for hunting as I see it. I open up the cabinet and grab the double. Bud is at the door, tail wagging and waiting. I put my vest on and toss a few dog treats in a side pocket. I retrieve the brown bag lunch from the fridge and tuck that away. I spin the arrow on the sign in the den to gone hunting. If the wife comes home before I do she will know where I am at. I take the cell phone that the daughter gave me and put it in a pants pocket, just in case. With the screen door banging behind me we leave the cabin and head down the trail behind the cabin.

As soon as we step off the lawn to the trail I slip a few shells into the old shotgun and Bud goes into hunting mode. Tail up and head down his nose sounds like an over worked vacuum as he works the trail. Barney walking at my side is more interested in taking a walk then going into the high grass and getting all wet. A few minutes behind the cabin and we are where the lightning hit the Pine a few months ago. Bud works around the down top and even Barney leaves my side to go around the other way. I don't see it but I hear a bird flush from the far side. Bud runs around to my side and gives me his Lassie impression. The come on it's this way, follow me I'll show ya. He runs to the far side of the tree top then comes back to see if I am coming. Barney walks back toward me, head down nose sniffing at the needles on the wet ground. I like Barney don't really want to walk through the high grass and get all wet. I whistle up both dogs and continue down the trail. Bud gives a parting look and then bounds through the brush to get back in front of me. Barney takes his place along my side. I take in a deep breath of the of wet woods and pine needles at my feet. A few drops fall from branches high over my head. I look down at Barney and he has that dock look. I raise my gun just as a grouse flushes a few feet from Barney. I let loose with the first barrel and miss, the grouse veers right but this time I am on top of him and I drop him with the second shot. Bud zips by and makes the retrieve. The warm body of the bird is secured in the vest and Bud and Barney have a discussion between them. If I understood dog I think it went something like I saw him first. But I brought him back and you were just lucky.

I continue down the trail Barney is now working with his brother and they are both working the trail in front of me. Bud hits the brakes and gazes off the side of the trail. I have the gun up and two birds thunder down the trail. Easy shots and I drop them both. I can hear the thump as they hit the wet floor of the forest. Bud brings one back and Barney sits next to the other. I add them both to the other in the vest. Three birds, enough for supper. Bud works around where the birds got up. Running then stopping to look to see where I am. Barney just sits at my feet and yawns. A few drops fall and I see a dark cloud over head. I head off the trail a little and sit on a stump under the branches of a pine. The rain starts again but just a little makes it to the ground under the pine. I pull out the brown bag and pull the wax paper off a slab of bologna from Ma and Pa's on home made wheat bread. The boys sit on either side of me and watch the rain. Not to be left out I give them each a dog bone. I tuck the wrapper in my pocket and pull my collar up a little higher around my deck and watch the rain fall. We sit there for awhile, the warm bodies of the dogs pressed up next to me and the smell of wet dog heavy in the air. Bud's noise is up in the air and he is sniffing away. I wish I could smell like him. I look around and smiling to myself I see a grouse in a tree not twenty feet away. He is looking at us and I am looking at him. I'm thinking we have the same thought. Just as soon as this rain stops I'm out of here. I watch the bird. He sits on his branch. Neck stretched out he is watching the dogs.

The rain stops, getting up from the stump I am stiff. Bud walks out from under the tree and the grouse drops from the branch and engages the afterburner and is long gone before Bud can locate him. I chuckle to myself as Bud work the ground under the tree he comes back with a feather in his mouth " Like see I told you so" I brush the leaves off my pants and patting both the boys we take the trail back towards the cabin. The walk is always shorter going back then going out. I have the bounce of birds slap up against my back with every step so it is different. We come off the trail and I unload the shotgun, slipping the shells into my vest pocket for next time. Barney heads down to the dock just as the sun comes out from behind the clouds. Elmer steps off the deck, shotgun in hand. " Mind if I borrow Bud" he asks. Ask Bud I say, but Bud has already turned and headed back to the trail. Looking over his shoulder to see if Elmer is following. Elmer waves and I head to the garage to clean the birds. Barney is on the dock and fishing. Well still plenty of light to fish. I head into the cabin and spin the arrow to gone fishing. From Lake Iwanttobethere (18327)

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Nasty cold has me laying low to the cabin the past few days. Having it rain all day again did not help my mood. Nothing I can do about the rain and if I was feeling better I would be out on the swing enjoying the sound of rain drops on the roof. Took a sauna last night and that help clear the nose out some. Today I awake to blue bird skies and rain clouds off in the distance. So what to do? Sit around the cabin blowing my nose or go fishing. I am leaning towards fishing. Lots of things that I could be doing on the Honey do list, indoors but again I am leaning towards fishing. The desk top computer is having problems so that is getting fixed and I am on the laptop. My fingers are too big for this little thing and I spend more time correcting errors then putting thoughts on the screen. I think I’ll go fishing.

Ground is wet and somewhat messy as the wind along with the rain has helped drop a lot of leaves from the trees. They being wet are not going anywhere. The leaves stick to the deck and walls of the cabin. The dock looks like someone painted them on. The old row boat pulled up on shore looks like some one has tried to camouflage it. With some luck today maybe the wind will come and dry things off. Then they will make there way to Elmer’s yard and not mine. Someone the other day left the oar on the deck from the row boat. I am guessing they found it floating in the bay and returned it to me. During that heavy rain when the old wood boat filled with water an oar had floated away. Wish they would have said something I would have like to have thanked them. Must be someone I know as I did not hear the dogs bark, unless it happen when we were out walking the trail.

Sun is shinning through the cabin window here and I had to move the screen some so I can see better. Have the box of tissue close at hand and a steaming mug of apple cider. Bud is at my feet playing nurse. He does not to anything but he is close for moral support. Barney is down at the dock. Sitting, gazing into the water and watching leaves as they drift by. Pepper is over at Elmer’s house, he is busy getting muddy in his garden pulling something up. Carrots perhaps. Pepper is right there just in case something else runs out. The two of them are both muddy and having fun. I keep telling Elmer that he should get a dog but he says no. He has mine. Besides when he is done with them he just sends them back home to me. Rubbing Bud with the heel of my foot He looks at me and I look down at him. After a moment he closes his eyes and goes back to sleep. Having had dogs for as long as I can remember I don’t think I could be with out at least one. In passing conversations with the wife we have talked about getting a pup for Elmer. But we keep coming back to the fact that the pup would spend as much time here as over there. And four dogs would be too many on an everyday basis. The weekends when the kids bring up there dogs and Lady and Sadie are here we have seven running around, but then again we have kids and grandkids all over to. Cabin is pretty quiet right now. With just Bud inside.

I should go fishing. Those rain clouds don’t seem to be moving any. They are just parked over the far side of the lake and I would not be fishing over there anyway. I have some Town Hall meeting minutes to work on and some other paper work, but I can use the excuse of the desk top being down for why I can’t get to them. Not to mention I can’t really get to the Honey Do List and print it out with that being connected to the desk top. Guess that means I can’t get to the Lodges paper work either, Darn. So if I was going to drive into the Lodge I might as well have the Puddle Humper in tow. If I was going to drive that far into town I can just as easy go the same distance the other way to the side landing and go fishing. Hmmmm I think I should go fishing.

Well Elmer just brought me over some onions and a dirty dog. Said he was thinking about doing some fishing. I thought it over some and mentioned I had some work around the cabin to do and Elmer pointed out that the rain clouds were just parked on the far side of the lake and besides we would be back before the wife came home or at the very least discovered we were gone. Doing my best impression of a little kid not wanting to get in trouble I kicked at the rug in the kitchen a few times with my big toe and said “ Well I’ll have to clean Pepper first, but why not!”. Now that the decision had been made I slipped on my boots and calling Pepper we headed for the lake. Grabbing a stick I tossed it off the dock into the water of Lake Iwanttobethere and thundering down the dock Pepper followed the stick in to the water. Bring the stick back to shore she shook, sending water and leaves all over the bank. Ok one clean dog. Elmer was already heading for the Puddle Humper rods and tackle box in hand. I grabbed the ever present brown bag from the fridge and poured my apple cider into the thermos. Spinning the metal arrow to Gone Fishing in the den and closed the Lap top. (18402)

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Well cold is still here, I think I am on the second week with it so any time it can leave will be fine with me. Elmer and I fished yesterday afternoon and although we did not do great we did ok. Yesterday was big day. Everything we saw was big. This is the time of the year when you have to get out on the water and take your chances. It was warm for October low 70’s and like every nice fall day there was wind. 20mph but at least it was out of the South and at our backs. Why is it no matter what part of a lake you fish the wind always blows the length of the lake? Since we left pretty early in the afternoon we decide to leave the shores of Lake Iwanttobethere and head to an old friend of a lake that Elmer has fished for better then sixty years. We had to leave town and jump on the freeway for a bit before returning to two lane blacktop and then to a dirt road that took us back deep in the woods. The only other people we saw were a few hunters and there four wheelers.

The trip on the freeway was kind of amusing as there was a traffic jam as the state was doing there last minute work on the freeway. Traffic was backed up for about a mile or so and as we drove by going in the opposite direction hauling the Puddle Humper. We could see guys on the cell phones turning there heads and looking at us heading the other direction. Could almost hear them talking on the phone wishing they were doing what we were. Elmer and I chatted away and blew smoke from our cigars out the window. I never seem to run out of things to talk about with Elmer and my ears are open to listen to his stories. He is a walking history book of the area and there are still lakes he talks about that he has not taken me to. This one we went to yesterday we had been fishing together almost twenty years before he took me there the first time. We hit it early one summer morning and he drove the last five miles with his lights off so I could not get my bearings. It took him another year before he took me aside in the Lodges hallway and pointed it out on the map there. Of course it came with the promise that I not tell anyone else where it is until he died. Then I would be allowed to tell one person. It is a little lake and can’t take much pressure.

We drove for awhile and I can’t really tell you too much about what we saw as that might give someone an idea where the lake is. After a while we came to a logging trail that split off the dirt road. Driving down a little the road forked and there were two gates across the trails. Going to one of the gates I lifted a rock at the base of the pine and removed the key to the rusty padlock on the gate across the road. Pulling pass the gate I returned with a can of wd-40 to spray the lock and the rusty hinges. Secure the gate I return to the truck and on down the trail to the lake. We could see on the trail where hunters had driven there four wheelers and Elmer spoke of how he thought his little gem hided away was not going to last to much longer. He though he had never seen anyone else fishing it he made mention that it was only a matter of time before someone else brought a boat in.

Following the trail in to the lake it ends in a small grassy field. A small opening in the cat tails allows us to launch the Puddle Humper on a hidden gravel landing. One of them great little spots where you don’t even get your toes wet when launching. Dropping the trolling motor down we left the landing behind to be greeted by the wind. Turning our backs to it we let it push us down the lake. Wearing our Lodge black wind breakers we were warmed by the sun beating down on us. We caught a few fish, had the flash of Northern take a swipe at my spinner and leave me wanting him to return for a second try. We startled a great Heron and it took off flying downwind of us, the thing was huge. Getting to the end of the lake we came upon it’s only resident. He was sitting off to the side of a roaring fire. He was feeding it brush from a pile next to him and he gave us a long look. Seeing it was Elmer he gave a short wave and Elmer waved back. Just like that he ignored us and went back to throwing more brush on the fire before sitting down and picking up a book. With his back to us he went back to his reading.

We went to the other side of the lake where there are a few small bays. Getting out of the wind in the slack water we took a break to have a sandwich and eat some cookies. After we were done I tossed small spinner bait that just a week ago I had caught a very nice eight pound northern on. I flipped it out to the edge of some pads and turn to tell Elmer a small white fishing lie. I just turned the handle and felt weight, I set the hook hard and was rewarded with a northern jumping skyward. It looked like a salmon! My drag sang and I stood up just in time to see I was in trouble. No lure, just line going into the mouth of the fat fish. A quick run to the right and I was done. The cut line laying limp on the surface of the water. Elmer chuckling in the back of the boat about the need for leaders. Another fish over eight pounds. Maybe even more as this one was just plain flat out fat.

We continue to fish and found a spot with some bass, we tossed top waters and spinners and even took a few on buzz baits. As the sun settled a little deeper we decide to head back towards the landing. There was an island that I wanted to hit before we left. The island sat off the main shore by perhaps forty feet and with the water levels high there was enough room to take the Humper between the shore and the Island. I knew from past experiences that there is a large rock in the middle. I had rammed it more then once before. Working slowly into the narrows and Elmers kicked back in the back smoking a cigar and watching the sunset I tossed a spinner bait to where I thought the rock was. A swirl and a tail bigger then my hand moved water on the surface and I was rewarded with weight on the end of my line. A quick set and I was up just in time to watch my lure come back at me. Another lost fish! This was a decent bass. Of course I threw back in several times trying to convince the fish to bite again. After all I was going to let it go if I caught it I just wanted to see more then that tail. Wasn’t going to happen.

Elmer just pointed at the sunset and said nothing. I followed his hand and sat back in my chair. It was a nice sunset. The wind pushed us out from behind the island and I heard a crashing off towards the left. I looked just in time to see a very large Bald Eagle trying to gain height as it was leaving a dead tree. The crashing noise was the branch that he was on had broken when he took flight. The eagle with his slow powerful flapping wings put air between him and the trees and flew into the sunset. The camera was not close but I along with Elmer have the picture in our minds. Later on the ice this winter we will sit on the frozen waters of Lake Iwanttobethere and one of us will say” Remember when that Eagle flew off into the sunset?” And Elmer will say “Wasn’t that when you lost that big fish, no wait, two big fish!” From Lake Iwanttobethere


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With the onset of my new work schedule at the shop. i now find my wednesday evenings open. so i have been taking the oppertunity to spend some time on the water with my dad. i have pulled the pink tarp over the catamaran for the season. i choose pink this year as to help out the two poor souls that are back lookin for some of them elusive pink flamingos. they are useing it as a haphazard blind and cover from the rainy days of late.

so although i am not at lakeiwanttobethere, i am on the water and i am with popps. as most of ya know we had a family owned appliance store that his father started. so we rarely had time to fish together. if he was gone i had to run the shop, and visa versa. so now that he is retired, i take as many oppertunities to hit the water with him. welll we have been working the waters pretty hard chaseing dem eyes. and last wednesday when i arrived at his house to drop my gear in the boat, i made sure to grab my rain gear and noted to him we were going to get wet. noooooo he said its gonna stay north. uh huh i grunted and off we went. welll as the skies are darkening, i tag a very nice 23inch eye that was football shaped. scaled in at over 4 1/4. well popps aint even had as much as a tap on his line and now with the pictures taken of my nice catch he now has this persistant look on his face and a new urge to not be outfished by the student.

we could see lightening a ways off in the distance, but not hear the thunder so we felt quite safe still fishing. but i soon see a very dark section of the sky closeing up on us from the west. and while drifting and jigging had clumsily managed to pull up my bibs and was working on getting the jacket on. and then i reached into the storage locker and grabbed the bag his gear was in and said your gonna need this. heheheheh he still was not in a hurry to suit up. as a bolt of lightening hit quite a ways off to the north but was strong enuff to crack the skies a bit. now he suits up. and we back troll up for another drift. kill the motor and start into anither nice slow drift back to the north. about a quater of the way into it he is looking south over my shoulder and another nice bolt hits a bit closer and when i saw the reflection in his glasses i counted only to 5 as the thunder smacked the air. welll that was enuff for him now it was time to leave. lines pulled up takle boxes closed and jackets zipperd and hoods pulled and tied. and we are on our way back to the landing as fast as the johnny would run. we are not even close to the point we have to round and a solid bolt hits flashes and loudly cracks simultainesly on the point we have to go around. i could see his knuckles turn white on the tiller as he tried for more revs out of the motor and as we close on the point the wind, like someone flipped a switch, instantly goes from south breeze to north gale and we are now crashing white caps but still only rain drops. we hit the dock and i am heading to the truck as he hollers "that rain is getting closer". and i am like. "i know" because infront of me is a wall of white, and its closeiong in fast, my rain gear is full water covered by the time i hit the cab. and i can not see the trailer to back it in for the water bucketing onto the windows.

porbably took about 2 minutes to get her backed in under the boat and hooked up and pull out. dad points out to me the water above the floor boards of the boat. we secure it down pull the plug and are off to the house. as we hit the driveway the west sky has returned to blue and we are rewarded to a beautiful sunset and thought about heading back for a bit of night fishing. but the thought of drying out the gear and boat sounded better.

well we have been out a couple of times since that night and i have been rewarded with a nice 24" that was over 6 a nice 16" eater and got a pretty big northern to the top of the water twice before it launched my 3/8 jig, at rocket speed, past my head. last night i thought i snagged a rock but it started to swim away. one short drag squeel and two long ones, and never getting control or turning whatever it was was gone and my jig came up empty.

welll i am gonna go cut and bag the yard, get a few things done around the house and im thinkin we are gonna hit it again tonite. oh and by the way he has caught one fish .... a cute lil pearch. he grumbled as he realesed it "well at least i caught one" and i keep reminding him what he has always taught me. "Its not about the catching. Its about the fishing". and even more so about fishing with dad. ... paul

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Another fall day here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Winds out of the North at about 20 with a few gusts well into the low 30’s Rain pounding across the surface of the lake and not a sign of any wildlife. Birdfeeders swinging madly from side to side and smoke coming from Chuck’s chimney. Dogs sprawl out on the floor in front of the fireplace and cats sitting on top of a pile of towels on the dinning room table. Pretty much an average fall day when it rains. We write about them great fall days when the sun is shinning and the winds are calm. When you can take a walk in the woods with nothing but a tee shirt and your hunting vest. You can stop and smell the deep aroma of forest and leaves, the smell of pine needles assault your nose. You can pause and wait as a flock of sparrows move down the trail in front of you. A rabbit jumps up and looks at you before putting a tree between the two of you. A ground squirrel announces your arrival to everything that can hear him. He continues to chatter away at you as you walk. Handing you off to the next squirrel down the trail. Hard to be quiet with a fan club. Then there are the other days. These kinds of days when it is just too wet and windy out to even light up a cigar and spend time on the swing. The only good thing about a day like to today is you are glad it’s not snow!

Glad to hear from Nytelyter. Was beginning to wonder where he had disappeared to. Have not seen a lot of Mindy around town as of late and thought perhaps the two of them were taking private sailing lessons. Good for you Nytelyter spending time with your dad. You might not be on Lake Iwanttobethere but I bet the lake you and your dad are on somehow connects to the lake here. I did notice the pink tarp on your boat. Was wondering where a fellow would find something like that. All Earl at the General store has is those blue and green ones and a few silver ones. Speaking of Earl on one of Junior’s buying trips he came back with a bunch of pink hunting clothes. Including some bomber hats. Earl has set them up in a rack near the front door and when those flamingo hunters return to town he will push the rack out the front door.

I expect with rain in the forecast for the next several days the town will be quiet. Not to many out doing fishing but I am also sure that a few duck hunters will be out. Four wheelers will go play in the mud and the diner will have a mop bucket by the front door to clean up muddy foot prints. Did run into town yesterday, was out of tissue for the nose and Ma and Pa’s has a shelf full of that real soft stuff. Pa was pushing his rack of canning supplies out on the front sidewalk. I held the door open for him. Gardens are getting cleaned out and canning is under way. The wife was making sauce just the other night and the cabin was full of the smell of spices and secret recepies.

Trees are losing there leaves rather quickly. With all of this wind and rain they are just losing there grip and falling to the ground. Making the drive into town you can look see the lake through the thinning trees and see cabins along the shore again. Frank the plow driver was busy on the ridge grading the gravel road. I came up on him and Mark the mailman, excuse me the postmaster having a conversation. A few bird hunters out looking to stay warm and dry in there trucks as they slow roll down the dirt road looking for any stupid birds that might be left.

The Lodge was waiting when I arrived from doing errands. I came through the big door to be welcomed by the smell of the fireplace and Coney sauce simmering on the back burner. Blinds were open on the windows looking out over the lake and Elmer was in his wicker couch napping. You could just make out the sound of rain on the heavy planks of the deck. A few windows there were open to let smoke out and to try and bring fresh air in. A few members were playing cards by the table near the bar and every so often one of them would refill the popcorn bowl. The Lodge has its warm, toasty glow about it. Of course the old popcorn popper with it’s yellow light shinning off the mound of popcorn adds to it. I reached in and grabbed a handful before taking a walkout on the covered deck to look down at the access. Empty, no one out on the lake at least no trailers and no one shore fishing. I had a list of things I was to do and places to stop but that wicker chair on the deck was looking kind of inviting. The wind was blocked and the roof kept the rain off. But I could still enjoy the sights and sounds of a fall day. Well I sat down and made myself comfortable. Put my boots up on the rail and leaned back into the chair. Sometimes you need fall days like today. In the end it all averages out. From Lake Iwanttobethere


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Just sitting here taking a break from looking over my Ark plans. Can’t remember when the sun shined and it was not dripping water off the eves of the cabin. Well I am pretty sure it was several days ago but it has been raining ever since. Front came through late last night. Was in the mid 70’s then down to 50 in just a few minutes. Looks like that might be the last of the warm weather for awhile. I won’t say till next year as I always hold out for a few nice days. My garden looks like a rice paddy. Guess that one nice day I should have been in there working instead of fishing. No wait, no time can be better spent then fishing.

Got the honey do list here next to the ark plans and I see there are a number of things that I can be doing inside while it continues to rain. None of them look like anything that I want to do so I guess that is why it is still on the list. Of course on the way to do something I will of course get side tracked by something else. I should just go into town since I am going to end up there anyway and this way I will save myself several hours spent in the cabin.

Spent time in the boat house yesterday. Did a little cleaning on the Puddle Humper and sorted rods and tackles boxes. Made sure I had some grease to do the bearings on the trailer and lower unit oil for the motor. When I do decide to call it a season I will have that to tend to. Was on my calendar to clean and oil the guns a so I sat and watched some football on TV and wipe them all down. Bud was at full attention till he figured I was not going anywhere. Barney was hiding out in one of the bedrooms as there was the rumble of thunder from time to time. Elmer was sitting in his garage with the big door open. Just doing little things to keep busy. I went over for a while and sat on the couch and we watched it rain for awhile. Not saying much but still enjoying each others company.

Grass is really green, going to have to mow when ever it dries up. Lots of leaves down and it looks like they are all in my yard. Town was quiet over the weekend. Next weekend we will be busy again and I hope it has stopped raining by then. Apple festival days will be here and the food stands and tents will be up in the park. Last big town event till the water gets hard. Deer hunting of course brings a lot of people back up to the cabins and the resorts will have their regulars back. A lot of people in town will go on vacation after that. Funny how the people out here go into the big city for vacation and the big city comes here for vacation.

Golf course is not collecting green fees any longer. Just asking that you tend to your divots and make sure you take a rake with you for the sand traps. The Gas and Go has changed their name back to there off season name. The Take Your Time they now make coffee one cup at a time. You can now walk down the middle of Main Street and stop and chat if you like. Traffic has slowed to a few cars an hour. Down at the access as long as two lanes are open you can launch your boat and just leave the trailer in the water till you are done, no rush.

Frank the plow driver is blaming himself for all the rain. As soon as he started grading the gravel roads it started to rain and now he is repairing washouts. Mark the mailman has been delivering the mail in his duck hunting clothes including the waders as he goes from dock to dock in the rain. He puts all the mail in zip lock bags down at the office. Bet they don’t do that in the big city! Jess the paper boy still thinks its fun. Bet he will be bundled up now that the front has come through. This time of the year they earn their tips.

Rack is pretty empty outside Ma and Pa’s grocery. All the canning supplies have been sold and just a few boxes of wax and some lids remain. At the General store the rack with umbra’s and rain ponchos are out on the sidewalk but they are pretty picked over. Just some pink ones and a few smalls left. Earl has the rack with snow shovels and ice melt just behind the door. At the first sign of snow he will trade racks. Earl stands just inside the open door with broom in hand. One hand tucked into his apron he watches the rain and greets everyone as they enter. The popcorn popper with a half a dozen filled paper bags of warm popcorn sits next to the counter. He encourages you to grab a bag and browse.

There are many good things about the rain but the best is that it keeps the smells of Main Street close to the ground. If you stand under the awing at the General store you can smell popcorn and the smell of hot bread coming from Amy’s On Mondays at noon you get the smell of BBQ coming from the diner and the blue plate special from the Dew Drop Inn. Makes standing under the awning worth it. Won’t be long now, Soon I’ll be writing about standing here and everything will be white. Doors will be closed and smoke will be coming from chimneys. Curling skyward to be torn from the rooftops and blown out over the ice covered lake. Guess some rain is not all that bad. Going to help with fishing for next spring. Maybe the drought is over?

Well guess I shall go into town and pick up some cigars at the smoke shop. Down to just a few as Elmer and I had one in the garage. Should stop at Del’s Sub shop and order up some supper and visit Ma and Pa’s for my meat order. Amy’s for some wheat bread and top the gas tank off at the Take Your Time. Maybe a bag of popcorn and check out things at Earl’s By then it will be time to go home and start on that honey do list before supper. Busy busy busy.. From the Lake I have to go find my cubit measuring stick.. (18531)

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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