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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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I do apologize for my absence. It has been vacation time around here and with all the festivals and such from my travels, I had to go and visit friends and family. I know I have mentioned this before but it's amazing how you can be anywhere in the world, but my thoughts always come back to the lake.

I took a few friends that were up to visit from Chicago out on the lake on Saturday. They had never heard of our beautiful lake and thought they'd come up and check it out. We set out on the boat and of course we had to stop off at Rock island. The boys had a good question and I didn't know the answer so I thought i'd post it here and see if anyone knew why it was called Rock island? We searched all over that island and found only trees and sand with a few plants and old fire pits from others that had stopped off before us. We of course took advantage and lit a fire in one of those old pits and proceeded to make a shore lunch of store bought walleye (the boys don't fish too well so we came prepared) and some baby red potatos. This was accomplished after a few Hamms and once those were gone they brought out some imported German beer. I told them it was a good thing that we were out on the island where nobody could see because I thought all imported beers were banned?

The beach on this island is truly impressive. The island's south shore curves kind of like a boomerang and it's really shallow. We walked out probably 60 yards and were still only waist deep. Pete stubbed his toe on an angry clam who clamped down on him. I don't think I have ever heard words quite like that. I assume they were curse words but he said them so loud that I couldn't hear for a while. The boys had a great time and will visit again next year probably during the smelt run. I think one of them is sweet on the widow Hess but you'll never get her to admit that.

I'd like more information about the fire department if I could. What kind of trainings do you have and how many meetings are there each month. With lodge meetings and country club meetings, I think the Mrs. might get a little upset if I take more time away from my domestic duties around the cabin.

From Lookout Bluff at Lake Iwanttobethere...

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Getting up a little late this morning might have had a few to many Hamms last night at the Lodge. Seems Elmer and Chuck were both waiting up for me when I was planning on going home so I decide to stick around the Lodge a mite longer then I usually do. Well I was sitting out on the deck enjoying a cold one when one of our newer members walks in. I quickly wave him over and told him if he bought a few rounds that I would introduce him to some members and get him started in the right direction. Well we met a few of the fellows and as guys get we started to exchange stories. The new guy had a pretty good one that I am going to try and pass on here, To protect him I will not reveal who he is but you are free to guess.

Well it seems that this fellow and his buddy got the hankering to do some open water fishing in the middle of January. Well there is some open water here at Lake Iwanttobethere. On the far side of the lake there is a power plant and it feeds warm water into the big river. There are walleyes always swimming there. So they set off to launch their boat at the landing, first problem there is about 2 inches of skim ice out from shore till you hit open water. Well they back the boat trailer down the launch and it just sits up on top of the ice. Now what to do, The buddy decides that they should try and break the ice like they do in those coast guard shows. So he grabs the anchor and starts tossing it around the outside of the boat. Nothing happens, so then they both decide to jump up and down inside the boat. That works, the ice cracks and the boat and trailer drop neatly into the hole. But there was no hole for the trailer lights and the trolling motor both which break off the trailer and the boat. But the boat and trailer are now in the water. With some effort the trailer is pulled up the landing and the boat after some repairs to the trolling motor is ready for fishing. Back go the trailer and boat the boat is floated off and the trailer pulled up the ramp. A quick pull on the outboard and they are ready to go... nowhere. The outboard is frozen solid. The outboard is removed to be place in the car to warm up.

Well since this is January there is no one at the ramp so there is no problem with the ramp being tied up. After an hour or so the outboard rope is free and pulls easy and it is back to the now frozen in boat. This time the anchor tossing over the side frees the boat and they are off fishing. This part of the story is a success, fishing is good and they are having a great time playing ice breaker and dodging the bigger ice floes. Things are good right up till they decide to turn down river and return to the landing. The outboard is wide open and they are making good time right up till they hit the small ice floe and the motor pops up off the transom to run across the river on it's own. The gas line snaps off the can like the sound of a whip and motor and line leave the boat behind before the motor stops and does a quick steamy descent into the river. With a quick glance at each other and a short discussion on who was suppose to tighten the outboard to the transom they turn on the electric and continue towards the landing. Now this would have been a fine story but it's not done. Seems the battery dies about right here and they are left paddling to shore using nothing but boat cushions. Not to be outdone yet they make it to shore and decide to break a limb off a tree and use it as a push pole, good idea but they tip the boat over breaking the limb off. Now we have a powerless boat, a foot of warm? water in the bottom of the boat and no power with the landing still a ways away in January and it starts to snow.

There is a happy ending, the boat does make it to the landing. They do manage to get the trailer down the now ice covered and snowy landing and with out the motor it is a lot lighter pulling up out of the water. The old car does start and it does have a good heater and soon they are making plans for a return trip. Yup this guy belongs here at the Lodge, can you guess who it is? From Lake Iwanttobethere (5474)

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Well it happen last night, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later but I was hoping later. I was out fishing with my youngest daughter and she out fished me! I had to live through the dance. We get back to the landing and the last cast was thrown and she hit the beach, turn towards me and gave me this ugly winning fish dance that only another fishermen can understand and hopefully does not see to often.

We fished a bay off Lake Iwanttobethere that we did quite well on last weekend. A lot of northerns and some decent bass. The northerns were coming two and sometimes three at a time to attack our topwaters. But not today. The daughter caught the first fish and the second fish also. A few words were spoken about being behind but nothing I could not handle. Besides the idea is to make sure your kids catch fish, have a good time and enjoy being out with dad right? Then she caught #3 and #4 and I lost my first one. We play a simple game when we fish. We bet a dollar ( which is never paid) on who catches the first fish, the most fish, the biggest fish, smallish and most species.. with the tie breaker being the last fish caught. Well the first fish is important as right away you have first fish, biggest, smallest and most so it is an important fish to catch. Our last three trips out she has caught the first fish.

I was behind as she had three northerns and a bass then I caught two bass and I was back in the running. Then I lost four fish in a row and it was all done. She kept adding to her total. I had a small topwater on and managed a blue gill. She ties on a little popper and with the total intent of little kid she focused on catching a bluegill over the side of the boat. After talking the blugill to bite her gulp she flipped it into the boat to take over species caught and I was behind again. Of course I am having to listen to how if I want to catch fish I should of course do this and maybe should change lures. I think I have created a monster! Well this went on for four hours or so and I never did catch up even. I had a few really nice hits, a nice thick bass and a northern both grabbed lures for a few seconds before leaving me with a limp line and the laughter of my daughter over another fish lost.

So when it was all said and done we put the boat back on the trailer to run back home. Rods were put away and straps tighten. She looked at me and said Dad, and did that ugly little fishermen dance. The one that I taught her. With darkness now on us we got in the truck and started down the dirt road toward our part of Lake Iwanttobethere. She leaned over and gave me a hug and said " thanks for teaching me how to fish" what can I say. From Lake Iwanttobethere (5505)

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Ever have one of them days. Well my friend Jerry came up to the lake to get a day of fishing in. Jer does not hit the water as much as he would like to but he does come up from time to time just to get away from it all. So he came up and we decide to go out for a few hours and see if we could catch the evening bite. Well right off the bat he forgot his jacket and life vest but we always have them around so no problem. Then when we get on the water he forgot his tackle box, no problem the Puddle Humper always has tackle. Well before I can get my first cast off and I am still working on lowering the trolling motor I hear a "Sorry Bobby" and Jerry lands the first fish. A moment later and he has his 2nd fish and already I am down two to zip.. Well I catch a bass and then a few minutes later I land a rock bass and I am even in fish and ahead in species 2-1 so things are looking good for me. We sneak into a little bay that is as slick as glass and start throwing devil horses and Jitterbugs. A few more fish are landed and I am behind again. That's when Jerry's luck starts to go bad. For some reason as he is making a cast he throws his whole rig over the side. Getting down on his knees he just manages to grab the tip before it sinks. We laff it off that kind of thing happens from time to time. Then a few minutes later he catches a little better bass and decides he should weigh this one as it might take biggest fish honors. That goes well till the fish flops and he drops my digital scale into the lake. That does not float and down to the weed filled bottom it goes... Hmmm

Ahh I had it for a few years I say and it needed a new battery, no big deal. Not soon after that Jerry lands another bass but this one does one last little flip and puts a treble hook into the base of Jerry's thumb. As I hold the fish and use the forceps to remove the hook I gently remind him of my lost scale, and then I pluck the hook from his thumb. The night continues and we are catching fish, nothing big every 10 minutes or so we land a fish and keep adding to our totals. I am in the hunt for small fish and my jitterbug is doing it's thing. I go from a 9 inch to 8 to 6 to a 5 inch bass. I can't find any big ones but we are hooting it up as I keep getting smaller and smaller. I am sure people on the shore are thinking we are slaying them. We are saving a point for dusk. It gets to be that time and we come around this point to a weed filed bay. Jerry's first cast to the dock on the point brings a big splash and his rod bows with a very nice bass indeed fighting him for every foot back to the boat. Just as he reaches down and I get to see the fish it pops the hook and slips back into the water. Dang Jer, that would have given you the win for tonight. I would not mine getting beat if it was by a fish like that. Moments later he has another bruiser on, this one stays down and zips the line back and forth across the water, got to be a Northern I say then it jumps and the devil horse comes flying back at us both. I duck just as it sails over my head to land off the bow. The first fish was to bad Jer but that one . Well that's just funny. And with that I catch my one and only northern for the night, giving me the over all fish count.

To dark to see now and we head into the dock, Using the stars and shadows of big trees along the bank I make my way back towards the cabin. Have done this so many times I can't remember, I always do remember that I am doing it with a friend and this will be another story about another night that we went fishing on Lake Iwanttobethere (5566)

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How do I get back to Lake Iwanttobethere? For some of you it may have just been a few days or even just last weekend. For others it may have been the last vacation or even last winter. For you unlucky ones it might have been a few years since you have had the chance to get away and go to the lake. If you sit back and close your eyes, block out the the humm of the fluorescent lights and the sounds of the city Lake Iwanttobethere is just a moment away. The trip back might start with getting up before the alarm goes off and and getting into the car with just the faint hint of dawn creeping up over the neighbors roof.. You drive down your street and pass the house that needs painting and the cluttered yard with all the day school toys scattered about. You make your first turn and wave at the paperboy. After a few blocks you swing in to the gas station to pick up a cup of coffee and announce to anyone who will listen that your going to the lake. Back to the car and making yourself comfortable you click on the radio and settle in for the drive.

It does not take you long to leave the city. As you travel on the freeway you smile to yourself at all the cars going in as you are going out. All them poor smucks who are headed into work but you are going to the lake. Your exit up ahead you slow down and coast to a stop at the bottom of the exit. You make a right turn and now are on a two lane highway. A few cars going the other way but not anything like the freeway. Adjusting yourself in your seat the sun is peeking up off to your right now and you can make out fields and a few standing cows or maybe they were horses. Not enough light to make sure yet. Another turn up ahead you come to a stop and wait as a farmer in a pickup crosses. He looks at you and gives you a nod of his head. That's something you don't see in the city. Every stop sign there has someone busy talking on their cell phone. You make your turn and can just make out the farmers truck as he goes around the bend. You settle in behind him, catch a glimpse of his truck from time to time as you follow the winding road.

Soon your thoughts are off to thinking about the lake. Wondering if you remembered everything for your stay. Itching to get to the water and push the old boat out and although you say you won't, you will head to that spot where you lost that fish last time you were here. You turn off up ahead, you almost miss it as you are thinking of the fish you lost. You make the turn to the dirt road and look in your mirror a the dust you are throwing up behind you. You slow down some, I'm going to the lake, I can take my time. You turn off the radio, don't need no radio at the lake. Hanging your arm out the window you can feel the breeze running up your arm, You move a little and the breeze comes right up your shirt sleeve to bellow out your shirt giving you a big chest and that cool fresh country scent. Better then an air conditioner You take in a deep breath of grass, and wild flowers and even the road dust smells good. There just for a second you get a flash of blue through the trees, water. The Lake is close.

Another turn and now there is grass between the tracks of the road, you slow down even more and weave your way down the two wheel ruts leading toward where you know the lake is. You see the Bensons sign and Tree Top House, Andersons and you think of the sisters. A deer crossing sign long ago rusted and you count to see if there are any more bullet holes in it. A little farther to go and there is your turn. You pull down your lane and your car is surrounded by waist high grass. You are surprised as a doe jumps up right in front of you and with a startled look you and the deer look at each other. A fawn pops up next to her and they both bound off into the woods. You ease your way forward looking left and right but they are gone.

The last little turn and there she is.... The lake....Welcome back to Lake Iwanttobethere (5582)

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Just a week away from Labor day weekend and for the tourist the end of summer. Will be a lot of sales at the local business this week and of course all through the weekend. Good time to pick up things on the sidewalk sales and of course the MasterBaiters will have a few clearance tables out if front of the store. Has been a busy summer around here at Lake Iwanttobethere. A lot of new people have come and seen the lake and a few have decide to become residents. Am looking forward to see how they fit into the off season life of residents here at Lake Iwanttobethere. I hear there is some talk of a cabinet maker moving in. He is said to like the quiet atmosphere of the lake. I know there are a few more people that are coming back for the fall. Lot of people come in for the grouse hunting and not to mention the ducks and geese. Lake Iwanttobethere has some really good fall fishing and of course once the water gets hard we will all be out on the ice.

Things do get quiet around here so I will have to bring out some of the many stories that I hear down at the Lodge. I am sure that you would like to hear about how Hammering Hank got his name. Why Mindy and Mandy are still here at the lake and of course the Widow Hess has a story or two to tell. Then of course I am here and we always seem to have something going on. Barney will still be fishing but now fall is when Bud shines. Come November the boys will go back to the city for the winter and my two old girls Lady and Sadie will be here to keep my feet warm. The old girls are retired and are now house dogs and have been enjoying the pampered life of the city during the summer. But I think they will be ready to come back to the cabin after having their ears pulled by grand kids all summer. We have another grand kid on the way, looking at late October so it will be a perfect time for Bud to go back and be a baby sitter. Might be a tad interesting when the old girls get here as the kittens are now cats and both weigh in at better then ten pounds and are still growing.

Bear hunting here and bow hunting also. Hard to find time to do everything. I hope a few others will share their stories here as we need to keep everyone informed of what is going on. another Lodge and Town Hall meeting will be held Labor day week. So we should hear about how the town is doing after what proved to be a long hot summer. Other then a few minor problems we look good going into fall. I know we will be talking about the fall calendar and some up coming events. Might expand our poker night at the Lodge maybe even a Texas holdem tournament can be arranged.

Fishing has been hit and miss for some. I have been having a good time guiding to some of my little keeper spots here on the lake and I am trying to arrange my schedule so I can have some time to go visit Mr. Big. The weeds are starting to die down some and not quite as hard to pull the Lilly pads off your lure any more. A few of the landings around the lake are a little shallow but we are hoping for some fall rain showers and some cooler temps at night will take care of the sketters and those pesky flies. Will turn the big boys on before the water gets hard to.

Will be having our first raffle for the Vikings tickets and it looks better and better for getting tickets for the Twins as they are doing well. Just wish we had more time, Guess I better start sleeping less, can't make the days any longer. Well from Lake Iwanttobethere you have a decent day, then the good ones will seem even better!


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Looks like fall is here, 3rd day in a row of cool, overcast days. Temps down in the 60's and in the 50's at night great sleeping weather. Boat even had a few leaves in it off the trees already. Heard a few geese last night and ducks are gathering in the small bay. On my walk yesterday I had Bud kick up two grouse, big fat and sassy. Grackle flocks are swarming from yard to yard and not a thing alive or seed for that matter is left behind. I don't know where the summer went it seemed like yesterday it was the middle of summer. I have a lot to do on my LIST but with fishing and hunting I don't know if I will fit it all in.. Hmmm have to get out my red pencil and rearrange a few things I guess.

Of course I am sure this is just a minor setback. Just a few nice cool days to tease us then it will warm up again and I will still get my fair share of sunny days to spend drifting on the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Of course when I am drifting away in the Puddle Humper I will plan exactly how I will stain the deck and in my mind I'll get that last of those shingles up on the shed. With a little planning in the boat I can save a lot of time cleaning the work shed and rearranging. One should not just jump into those kind of projects. I guess I could save a little time and have the truck and Jeep's oil changed at one of them shops or even better for a few beers I could have my neighbor Chuck do it. That is always good for a few chuckles but then I might end up spending time just passing time. I think we are going to watch a bobber off the dock this afternoon anyway so perhaps we will do some planning then.

Well this entry is somewhat short as I do have to start on my do list here. I think I will just get up an hour earlier each morning and go to bed and hour later. That should work. From Lake Iwanttobethere (5675)

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Due to my continuing my education my visits to the lake have been very infrequent. I know this trend will not get better until around christmas time. Until then, please keep me posted of the happenings. perhaps we'll get the chance to visit for ice fishing this winter.

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That time of the year here on Lake Iwnttobethere when you need to get out and fish when you can. With Labor day here summer for a lot of people is coming to an end. Hammering Hank already has a stack of cards in his back pocket listing docks that need to be pulled up and cabins closed. Last few days has been cool and windy and that sure makes people think about the changing seasons. I for one look forward to fall and prefer it to summer. Just the other day I was out fishin and listen to the Twins game on my way out and the Vikings game on the way back in. Can only do that in the fall. Fishing I must admit was poor for Lake Iwanttobethere standards. I was over in Stump bay trying to find a spot to fish that was not in the wind. So much for the forecast of 5 to 10 as it was more like 15 to 20 mph Off of Stump Bay is a small little protected hole almost like a small pond with just a ten foot wide entrance. Always calm in there and some times there are fish hiding out. When ever you fish the bay you have to come in and check it out. Yesterday I let the wind blow me in and and I started to cast a top water around the sides. I was rewarded with a three and half pound northern who thought she was a trout as she cleared the water completely going after the top water. When I got her to the boat I was rewarded with a spectacular colored healthy northern, deep black with even deeper shades of green. She looked up at me from the water with the top water hanging off the side of her mouth and just patiently waited for me to remove the lure from her mouth.

Last night I was out on the water again, a different part of Lake Iwanttobethere but fishing was better. I found a few docks where the bass where just waiting for my plastic worm and was catching fish two and three at a time from each dock as I cruised down the shore line. Already on this end of the lake many docks are up and on the beach. A lot of people busy working on pulling up dock, the illegal sound of chain saws and lawn mowers running on a weekend. But we kind of overlook it on Labor day weekend as long as it is quiet on Monday. As I was coming down one stretch of docks late in the afternoon. I could hear the sound of two chain saws echoing back and forth across the lake. The sound of a lawn mower sputtering away as it tried to cut some deep hillside grass. Smoke from at least three brush piles being burnt. A couple of boys with a southern accent fishing off the dock with bobbers. You could hear the booming voice of their dad yelling down at them from the cabin on the hill checking to see if they were ok.

As I continued to fish down the shoreline the sun broke through the clouds to give us one of them colorful early fall sunsets. The lake went calm as glass and I switched over to a small jitterbug. Tossing and retrieving the gurgling little bait across the water I continued my slow trek down the dock line. All you could hear was the sound of the jitterbug and the quiet voices of cabin owners coming out to sit on their docks or decks and enjoy the sunset. You could make out the tinkle of ice in glasses and the crack and cush of a beer can. A loud splash made me turn back to a dock I had just passed as I can see the swimming head of Baily, a chocolate lab swimming out to me. I stop the trolling motor and make sure all my rods are out of the way as Baily comes out to circle the boat once before heading back to her dock. As I travel down the dock line I exchange hellos and respond to "catchin any" some just nod or give me a wave of the hand. With the sun down below the trees I head to the landing. Pulling the motor up I coast into the shore and I see a few sets of eyes looking back at me as a doe and two healthy looking fawns are standing by the truck. As soon as I stand up they sprint away into the brush.

Securing the Puddle Humper I pull out on to the dirt road for the short ride to the cabin. With the days getting shorter I tend to trailer the boat to the many bays of Lake Iwanttobethere keeping the Puddle Humper on the trailer now for the rest of the year. I still have the old row boat to fish near the cabin. A quick flash of brown across the headlights and I think a fox has just ran across my path. By 9 I am home and sitting on my deck looking out over the lake at flicking camp fires and the occasional laff can be heard echoing across the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere Bud and Barney laying at my feet and Barney is all wet, must have been in the water again. Hope you have a good Holiday weekend, summer is not ending, Fall is just starting. (5761)

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We just returned from our fall trip to the BWCA the Beyond Wanttobethere Canoe Area. I should put you in the proper setting to hear of our trip. Think back to Apocalypse Now. I will be played by Martin Sheen only a hundred pounds heavier. I caught up with my fishing group off the dock. We stood smoking unfiltered cigarettes in a light morning rain standing on the dock waiting for our transport I mean pontoon boat to arrive. After an hour or so it arrived and we loaded our canoes and packs on board. In the light rain and now fog we set off across Lake Iwanttobethere to a far away bay far from the travels of pleasure boaters and fishermen. This being our 30th trip as a group we did not have much to say to each other. A nod of the head and a glance up north was all that was needed to get us back in the groove. Cell phones and wife's were left behind in the fog. No keys or hand held radios, nothing but what was needed for the next few days. After awhile we no longer could hear the sounds of cars or boats on the lake and we entered the bay that would take us to a series of portages and lakes deep into the BWCA

As we had on our previous 29 trips back we would go deep into the BWCA to a resort that was seldom visited and spoke of in hush tones by only those who have been there. The resort was said to be owned by a retired colonel but we have never met him. The pontoon slowed to a crawl and the bow nudge into the sand to come to a stop. A blue Heron took flight and let it be know to all that we had arrived. It's loud call echoed in the stillness and it let loose with a glob of droppings to splash in the water next to us. We slid the canoes off the pontoon to rest on the shoreline, next the packs and food boxes were lowered away. We stood in a group as the pontoon backed slowly away from shore and then with a slow turn it headed back to where it came and soon it slipped into the fog and was gone.

Like seasoned warriors we set to our tasks. With names in a hat the night before we had selected our canoe partners. Jerry and his brother Billy in one. Gary and Chuck in another and in the 3rd was Elmer and myself. Me and the old guy but I would never say that out loud as Elmer can paddle me to death and I think he makes it look a lot harder then it is. We smoke the last cigarette from the pack and we go smokeless from here on in. We set off one by one into the dark waters and with a few strokes we are gone from 2006 to return to 1976 and the first time the 6 of made this trip. Funny now that I think of it we are paired the same as back then. Fishing was good and we were glad that it was because all that we had packed was spuds and cooking oil. We spent more time stopping and fishing and we didn't get to far that first year. Now each year we keep pushing back farther and farther into the BWCA seems we have to to get away from people. The banks have camping spots along them and fire pits. Signs nailed to trees pointing the way. In the dead of night you can hear someone talking on their cell phone across the lake. We go here to get away from everything. Since we have been doing this for so long and have been friends for even longer sentences and thoughts are finished by the others with out being said. Some might find this strange but we enjoy the quiet. The deeper we get back in the more stars show up at night. Someday we are going to make it back all the way to the colonel's. I have heard it is said that the night is so dark you can read a paper from the starlight there.

We used to travel with four canoes but over the years we have lost two of our group. Way to young to be gone we still call out there names back on Echo lake so there names will not be forgotten. When ever our group adds a son or daughter, we call out their name. Letting the name echo around the shores to return to us. Friends and relatives who have passed on are also remember this way. I added my mothers name to the list this trip, it was harder then I thought.

We found a nice little camping spot and we decide we need go no farther. We fished some, we talked some and we remembered a lot. When night came we lay on the hard ground, backs propped against canoes and watching the stars appear above us. The flickering of campfire light against the pines and the crack and snap of the fire mixed in with a lone Loon calling in the night. Six grown men at peace. It was quiet for a long time. Then I smelled it, a cigar.. Looking off to my right there sat Elmer leaning against a pine with a big old stogie glowing at his lips. "Hey, Hey no smoking remember".... "Do you want one" he asks. " Well of course I do" and with that the silence is broken and we all lite up a cigar and sit back down. The moment is gone and then Chuck says " How bout them Twins?" From, a far bay of Lake Iwanttobethere.. (5826)

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Time for lunch here after a busy morning here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Things are pretty slow as a lot of business are changing gears to fall. This morning I helped Mandy and Mindy move the last of their cases of left over root beer to the Dew Drop Inn. It will be sold their till the last bottle is gone so the locals and those in the know can still get their hands on some. The stand on Root beer island is now closed for the season. This last week I have been helping Hammering Hank pulling up docks and have been at Dug's in the afternoon winterizing boats. Still have on my schedule fishing three times a week and that is first on my secret list. I have of course two lists, one sitting on the computer for the wife to see and another more important one that contains my fishing and hunting trips that are planned.

Early this morning Hank and I moved the entire Flamingo flock to Nytelyter yard. Since he has found employment he has not been seen around much so someone made a donation and the flock was moved to his yard, Perhaps for the fall, we will have to see if he notices. Mark the mailman has delivered his notices about getting the roadside mailboxes ready as he will continue to deliver mail by boat till first ice then will use the roadside boxes till the ice comes in. Gas and Go is running a special discount, wear your blaze orange during the month of September and they will give you a free orange gulp. Jess the paperboy has been having good luck trolling when he is delivering the morning paper, Said he got two real nice Northerns this last week.

Dusty Mc Murtry's chimney sweep has been seen on the rooftops as the nights are cooling down a tad and some of the cabins are starting to lite fires to take the chill out. No frost yet but I will not be surprised when it happens. Getting to be that time when a lot of dinners will be coming from out of the garden, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and beans and of course we have been eating corn for several weeks. A few more weeks and the apples will be ready and then it will be pie time. Nothing like a nice fish dinner and veggies from the garden and end it all with some apple pie and then go sit on the deck with some cider.

Town hall meeting was held but it was a nice night and it was voted to postpone it to another night and that we should all go fishing instead, so we did. Only at Lake Iwanttobethere would the entire town just drop everything and go fishing. Several of us did end up at Mabel's Sauna and Hot House, a good steam and then a dunk in the lake. Dale Frozen Toe Mitchel was the winner of the Vikings tickets for the Carolina game. His name was picked at the Lodge meeting for our first winner. Of course there was a few rounds of drinks bought trying to get Dale to take someone from the lodge to the game. He is taking his wife.

Now that it is pretty much dark by 8 PM some of the business are adjusting their store hours. Masterbaiters are now closing at 6pm so they can have supper at a decent hour now. Dew Drop Inn dinner specials are from 5-7 pm and they are closing at 9 now. Of course we still sit in the kitchen and do leftovers till the last of the dinner wine is gone. There are some benefits to being a local. Well lunch is over for me now I better get back to the list. Lots of things to do and I am taking the day off tomorrow to go fishing so I can't put it off. Still a lot of good fishing going on and we hope to see you up here at Lake Iwanttobethere....( 5902 )

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well being as they have already been moved to my yard. i will graciously allow them to winter there. i am not a great fan of the pink flamingo. however i figger they will be better off there, then marking the route to someones deer stand. in which i have seen done the eve before opening morning. to an unsuspecting new hunter in the group. was a big laugh at the deer shack that eve.

the pink color will clash with the light blue hulls on my catamaran. but i am sure both will winter well in there new found area. i plan on hitting the water on friday this week as i have the day off, and the wind reports are favorable, for the day. may just be my last day out on the "KNOT A CLEW" due to the close approach of the fall walleye bite. but i will not cover it up and ready it for storage till the end of the month. i would love to sail it much later in the season. but the guys that make wet suits would have a severe shortage of fabric for the next year, after makeing me a wet suit in the gp medium tent size. hehehehe and i dont want a bunch of wind surfers mad at me.

work and my busy late summer schedule has kept me from the lake. we just had our annual end of summer celebration two weeks ago and i was photographer at a wedding last week. our part of the lake has their annual garage sale day this coming saturday. and soon the leaves will need attending to.

i did find time to rig my fall rods. for the aforementioned upcoming fall walleye run. and do plan on hitting the water hard with my pops. i am happy for him and mom in their well earned retirement. they are enjoying themselves immensly.

soon the fishhouse will be brought up next to the house and the sailboat put to storage. and my favorite time of year will be upon us. i wait all year for the winter ice fishing season to begin. it really is where i get my batteries recharged. i hope for much better ice this year than we had last year. as my sleeper never hit the lake. and i also plan on a trip or two with popps again this year.

now that we have closed the business, him and i can go fishing together more often. we couldnt before then as one of us had to be at the shop, while the other was gone. i know i do not have to tell most of you what that means to me to be able to fish with the guy you taught me how to cast, bait a hook, ect...

welll the grass grows and the leaves are turning. the crispness of the air as i ride my fourwheeler home after work at about 1030pm is very refreshing. and i know that soon i will need a light jacket for those return trips home after i close the shop. as sadistic as it may sound i really do love my job. and have been working hard to earn the boss a buck or two. i am a people person and have been for as long as i can remember. thats what retail does for ya. yeah you get the hard to deal with some times, but the job does have its rewards.

well bobby thank you and the donater for the flock of flamingos. i will be sure to check on them from time to time. i hope you dont miss the tent in my yard. as it will soon too be wrapped up and stored for the winter. and i am planning on putting my big green fishhouse on the property. next spring after the roads dry out and i again regain access to my yard. hope that will not be any problem. i will check on the local codes before doing so. but as you mentioned i am just getting back to work and money to build the log cabin, just does not exhist at the time. i in the future will have my own honey dew list. but as i am not married it will be more of what i want to do. if i can find time to dew it.

from the point of lakeiwanttobethere that seperates waconia & lake sylvia bays. i bid all of you a fine day. if you see a brightly colored sail tomorrow on the water give me a wave. and pray for great ice this winter. ... paul

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Hello to all from the shore of Lake Iwanttobethere just got in from an eventful day of touching base around the lake and spending some time out on the water. I was at Amy's this morning getting a few of her sandwiches for my afternoon fishing when I ran into Big Earl from the general store. He was telling me about this strange little man that he had in the store yesterday. The fellow who was not from around here was looking to buy some pink clothing. Well Earl does carry a complete line of hunting clothing but not a lot in pink, not a real big demand for it. He sent him over to the ladies dept. and the guy found a pink mohair sweater and a matching hat. Junior checked him out and made a comment that he also bought some 410 shells to, They thought it was a tad strange but you get all kinds in retail.

The days are getting shorter so you need to get out on the water early in the day now. By 1pm I had the puddle humper off the trailer and headed into Stump bay to give Mister Big a try. We have not had any rain now for several weeks and I have not been back to chase Mister Big for awhile. I was disappointed to find his secret lair almost dry. That part of the lake was really shallow, as a matter of fact I beached the boat and slid over the side to walk right up to the down tree. I could look right under and see the spot where Mister Big called home. He had it nicely decorated. Sitting in a depression with about 6 inches of water sat a collection of fishing lures and parts. I even saw what was left of my buzz bait from last year. I didn't touch or move anything but now I know where he is for sure. Come spring when the winter waters fill these area back up I will be back and now I have a better idea of how I am going to catch him. I did break off a few hanging branches to make a casting window for next year..

I fished my way back towards the trailer working the shoreline and tossing my big northern bait. I have a white buzz bait with a 3/0 hook and then a 3/0 stinger hook stuck into a 6" white grub. Only serious fish go after this lure and I was rewarded with a few hits. One fish swirled right at the boat and I quickly tossed it ten feet behind the boat and brought it alongside again. I was rewarded with a big hit as a northern struck the lure and banged off the side of the boat at the same time. I set the hook and felt weight and then was rewarded with a flash of a long white belly and a pail of water in my face. The line was limp and my big grub was tattered. I reached for a towel unde the passenger seat and with slightly shaken hands wiped the water from my face and wished I had gotten a hook set, but that was fun!

As I turned around the point I passed Nytelyter lot. I noticed that all the Pink Flamingos were pointed in the same direction and there was a bigger one in the center. Getting closer I could make out that it was not a flamingo in the center but it appeared to be a man with a small shotgun. I could not see a face he was pointed towards the now setting sun. I was in that no man's land that hunters sometimes find themselves in. Coming up on someone with a gun and they don't know you are coming up on them. I am now trying to be as quiet as I can turn the trolling motor around and started to back away from the point. Just as I was making headway the man stood up and pointed his shotgun at me. I raise my hands and smiled. He looked around his gun at me and lowered it. I waved, he waved. I continued on my way pass him. He stood up and walked out from the Flamingos. "Howdy" I said. He nodded and walk down to the shoreline. I turn off the trolling motor and drift up close. " how's hunting" I say. He says "pretty slow, you seen any of these birds tonight?" " can't say that I have" I reply... He goes on to tell me he is from out of state and is staying across the lake. He was out the other day and saw a big guy putting these pink flamingos out and arranging them all neat like. He asked the guy what he was doing and the guy told him he was setting up a blind for hunting flamingos just like you see in that Miami Vice opening screen credit. Said that you can get big money in town for the feathers. Said that if I wanted to hunt them I could use his blind here and just bring any birds that he shot to the Lodge and some guy named Bobby would take care of him. I asked him if the guy mentioned his name, he said no but he did have a big sailboat on a trailer.. I wished him good luck and continued on my way.. From the shores of Lake Iwanttobethere (5962)

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dan it was not me hunting i was the big guy with the big sailboat on the trailer, that gave him permission to hunt there. not sure what kind of call he was useing but i did suggest night hunting them with a flashlight and a laundry bag. heheheh evidently he decided to try to dayhunt them pinkies. they are a tough bird and i am not sure a .410 will bring them down. you need to blind them at night and them get them into the bag. but he did have his heart into it. gotta give them outta-staters some credit for trying. heheheh. hope that pink coat is warm. weather has cooled off a bit and he might get a bit cold waiting for them pinkies to fly by. still chuckeling here and bobby if he brings you a bird you have to be sure to post a picture of him at the lodge with the fine specieman of a trophey he has brought you. hummmm how long is the season on pinkies? and do you need a special stamp for them?? hehehehehe. ... paul

bobby, on another note. i have heard rumor that there will be a group of guys getting the start on the icefishing season, this upcoming saturady 9-23 in a remote location northwest of the big cities. and was wondering if you were planing on attending the gathering. as an avid icefisherman, i am encoraged by the early fishing reports and would love th share a can or two of that fine olympia beer that i have with you. hope to see you there, if not see you on the lake. ... again. ... paul

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I was out doing a little scouting this morning, Grandkids are coming up for the weekend and one of them has to collect leaves for a school project. The leaves are certainly turning quick now and starting to drop some with this wet, cool weather we are having. With temps to return to the 60's this weekend it should be a great adventure collecting. Bud and I kicked up a few birds on our walk and one of them will be cooked up for dinner tonight. Barney almost came out for a walk with us this morning but he was to intent on a school of blue gills that has moved in under the dock. He was standing there torn between going with Bud and watching the gills. He finally just sat down and stared into the water. I will make a point of getting him out tomorrow. I don't need that excuse with Bud, I walk by the gun cabinet and he is at my side. He takes his nose and bangs it off the glass cabinet as to select which shotgun I should take out. Elmer came over and borrowed him for a walk this afternoon. Funny it is like the neighborhood kids asking if he can come out and play only it is adults asking if they can take him hunting. I can never hunt enough for him so they are welcomed to borrow him. Besides they look the other way the rest of the year when he might get in trouble. As long as he comes home every night and brings me a few birds he can keep going out.. It can really be quiet around here when Bud is hunting and someone comes and borrows Barney for some fishing.

I think this Pink Flamingo thing is really taking off, I saw Earl at the Dew Drop Inn last night and he told me that he had two more guys in there looking for pink clothing. He is all out of sweaters now and just put an order in for some extra large ones. Seems these guys were talking to their friend and then they were in the Lodge the other night and saw a picture on the wall of a flock of pink flamingoes and guys hunting them with big old muskets. Of course Gus having already had a few in him and willing to spin any kind of a story for a refill started to tell these fellows about the flamingoes and how they are hunted for there feathers and there is a lot of money to me made. You just need to be at the right place at the right time and have the proper spread. There was mention made of some big fellow who has a sailboat and was offering to rent out his flock of decoys, if the price was right. Then last night Elmer was practicing with his shotgun getting ready for this afternoon and was shooting up what was left of the flamingos that were in his yard. The out of state guys heard all the shooting and could see Elmer picking up the pink flamingos in his yard and thought that a flight had gone through and were just jumping at the chance to get in on the next flight.

I'm not saying things are slow around here but Lake Iwanttobethere does experience a lull around this time of the year. To many leaves to get into some good hunting and the dang fall wind is here to stir up the waters. There is a planed gathering of some of the fellows to show off improvements that they have made to their ice fishing houses. They will gathering this weekend down at the public access and trailer in there rigs. They will make a makeshift ice town with no ice for the weekend and their doors will be open to show off new floors and heaters and some will have a new rod or two rigged and ready. Last year they had a few loaded on pontoon boats that they had drilled out the bottoms so the could sit in there house and jig. These were then anchored out in the bay. Some have it really bad this time of the year. Of course once the ice comes you will never see the inside of an icehouse. To many secrets to be kept inside of them. I think a lot of the ones that are being shown off this weekend will be completely different once the hard water arrives. I have been working on mine some this summer but I am not ready to reveal anything till ice comes in. But you can tell me about yours! Lodge meeting this week so I need to be there for that. Won't be to much longer and we will be closing her up for the winter. We have been airing out the town hall, no one has been in it all summer and we were rewarded with not one but two bee hives, looks like some free honey as soon as we figure away to get the bees out.

Well I see the sun has peeked out here while I was writing, guess I should go out and work on my do list. Time to do some harvesting in the garden and with the grand kids coming up this weekend The ice house should get cleaned up some as they will want to sleep out in it if the weather is nice. From Lake Iwanttobethere (6073)

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Well the sun came out yesterday and I had a decision to make, work on the do list or go fishing. Hmmmm so as I was pulling the trailer out of the driveway and heading to a side bay the clouds rolled back in and the wind came up. A typical fall day. I made the short drive to a side bay and launched the boat. I had just replaced my live well pump so I did have a reason to put the boat in the water. It leaked, well not the pump but some how I have a little slit in the hose, as long as I was just taking on a little water and I know the bilge pump worked the lid was closed and I was off fishing. Well I was out throwing lures, fish did not cooperate at all on this day. Three small bass and two hammer handle northerns. Water is cooling down and leaves are falling. Did get a couple of nice shoreline pictures and I tried for fifteen minutes to get a shot of two Bald Eagles that were nesting in a large pine along the shoreline. Been a long time since I have seen two eagles together. Lots of docks up in this little bay and a few deer checking out the lawns even in the middle of the day.

As I called it a day at dusk I was putting the boat back on the trailer and what almost seemed to be just down the road I could hear a pack of wolves howling away. They did not seem all that far away, less then a mile perhaps maybe even closer. I made sure everything was secured and grabbed a sandwich from the cooler and started my drive back home. Lots of woodcocks all over the dirt road that I go out on. Bud would have like the trip back home but I am sure he would not have approved of the howling wolves. Two years ago we were back grouse hunting pretty deep on top of a ridge and Bud walked in front of me and I could feel and hear a low rumble in his chest as he leaned into me blocking my way. As I looked down the ridge I could just make out a fleeting glimpse of two wolves running away from us. Even Bud knows when to be quiet, but he sure did want me to know that they were there.

Even though fishing was poor you still have to get out when ever you can, Fishing this time of the year can be so hit and miss. Yesterday was a miss day but I have had days when you had to stop cuz your arm got tired from catching. Time also to make sure the gloves are in the boat and the hand warmers are close at hand. Even 55 feels pretty cool when the hands get wet. Well the sun is out shinning again this morning but rain is in the forecast so I better get some work done on the do list. Besides I have to charge the batteries on the boat. Will be down at the general store this afternoon, have to pick up some plastic for the windows and weather-stripping. Going to take the AC's out of the windows and close off the attic fan, I am pretty sure I will not need them anymore this season. Wood pile needs to get restocked and the pile by the house needs to get stocked. Might pick up a few mouse traps but the kittens who are now cats seem to be in firm control of that problem. Got pretty cool last night, not any frost but the greenhouse will be getting some more plants today.

Elmer says he is going to haul his ice house down on Saturday to show it off but I think he is bring the old one down as I know he is working on a new one in the garage that he has a big tarp over. I don't say anything but he knows that I know. Chuck has been bow hunting so he hunts in the morning naps during the day and hunts again in the afternoon. Looking for a wall hanger and says he has passed on several does already. As long as the leaves are still up on the trees I'll keep getting the boat wet on nice days, Of course it does not take much of a day for me to declare it a nice day. From Lake Iwanttobethere (6119)

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Well there back! The tourist that is. With fall official here the tourist are back driving around the back roads of Lake Iwanttobethere checking out the fall colors. In the last week we had a few cold nights and the leaves are really changing fast here. You can now hear the reports of shotguns going off in the afternoon. With the leaves falling the hunters can now see them grouse as they zip between the poplars on the flush. Looks like Barney is done dock fishing for now he had taken up a new post on the deck watching the apple trees. The deer have been coming in during the middle of the day to eat apples that have fallen to the ground. Plenty of ripe apples and the brisk winds over the weekend have dropped apples all over. Barney's new job is to make sure they only get the apples on the ground, if they start pulling at the branches he starts barking away and runs them off. Bud has not been home the last three days as he has been out bird hunting with either Chuck or Elmer part of each day. I did have some Grouse strips and homemade apple pie along with a salad from the garden. Nothing better then a fall meal that is home grown.

Switched over from the summer honey do list to the fall honey do list, Seems to be more things on the list that I don't remember. Puddle Humper is gassed up and batteries are charged just waiting for any sign of a decent day to go fishing. Been wet and windy here the last several days so a lot of inside projects are getting done. Even though it is only the end of September the Halloween decorations are out all over main street. Corn stalks cover the street light and even some one decorated the bulletin board. Hammering Hank has been busy hauling wood to some of the summer residents who want to enjoy a few fall fires. This year it seems more summer residents are lingering around the lake. Earl at the general store over coffee the other morning told me the mouse traps are doing a brisk business and he is glad that he had placed a second order already. Something about the old timers saying lack of rain will produce more mice during the summer. In a few weeks we will have the last big happening around here as we will have our fall feast down at the park, Will be judging pumpkins and of course the baking contest. And my favorite the chili cookoff. I have some real hot peppers that I have been growing in the greenhouse all summer. So far no one has been able to take a bite out of them and not have to make a run to the pump. Something about steam coming out of a guys ears as they are cranking on the pump handle trying to get water, of course they could just go the extra 30 feet to the house and pour some water from the kitchen sink.. Anyway they should make a "hot pot."

Bart Bard and his wife won the Vikings tickets and saw the Chicago game over the weekend. They made a weekend out of it and had a second honeymoon. Stayed at the motel 6 and went shopping at that Mall of America. Came back happy and refreshed, at least that is what he told me. I saw him this morning with a load of hogs he was taking to slaughter. Funny he says how a weekend with the wife can make your work seem so much better. Hmmm Since the Twins are in the playoffs we are going to see about getting a strip of tickets to raffle off at the next Lodge meeting. Time for fall cleaning to so I will have to find Hank and some of our new members to assist. Well Barney is barking at the deer again so I better go get him, you have a fine fall day, from Lake Iwanttobethere (6200)

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hehehe he must have known. this post was written at the same time as bobby was posting the previous post. he must have known he had been missed and beat me toit.

either bobby is totally caught up into his honeydew list or he has found another lost bay on lakeiwanttobethere. or maybe he has finally tied into MR BIG and has been wrestleing him for about six days. either or, i hope he is doing well and will be back at this post soon.

as the fall days are upon us. and the loom of ice draws near. i did find time yesterday to open up my fishhouse. and do my initial fall check list. as it did not get to the lake last year due to questionable ice. there really aint much to do. give her a good airing out, vacuum, and wipe down the inside. and she should be ready for ice. i do hope that we are blessed with early ice and lots of it before the first snow. we have been slightly jipped in that department the past few years. it did not keep me from the lakes last ice season as i, like most, do have a portable to run and gun in and spent times last year on lakes that i havent fished on before. sometimes it is very nice to be able to do that.

on saturday this past week i did have the pleasure to meet up with a big group of guys and even a few ladies. that were showing off their fine ice-fishing rigs. it never amazes me at the fine set ups that we can come up with when we have the solitude in the shacks and start thinking about how we can doit better. there were a few real fancy rigs made to tow behind your vehicle on your way to the fishing waters as well as a few well designed sled types that have been well modified and equipped for the ones that run and gun.

i love this time of year. the summer sun hideing itself sooner and sooner each day. and the cool and crisp nights perfect for sleeping with the windows open. soon there will be cammoflagged boats behind trucks and cars filled with decoys driveing around insearch of ducks and geese. and then signs of blaze orange cammo hanging on lines to air out. i have already seen many new deer blinds and stands being taken out to hopefully prime locations. and have registered quite a few deer, already taken with bows, at the shop.

like i said it is my favorite time of year. no days to hot to be out in. a guy can actually get a few things done out side. all the county fairs have passed and the state fair as well. i now like a kids at christmas have visions in my head although they are somewhat different visions, than the kids. mine are of thick ice and the thoughts of what the ice season will bring. they are of hopefully have a long and safe ice season. and prayers of no one loosing their life, thru unsafe ice practices. they are of seeing how many times i can get out with my father and spend more time with him doing what our business never afforded us time to do but now can. and also remembering those that i have fished with that have now passed on to bigger ponds and lakes. and are fishing with the big guy now. bless those who watch over us and guide us.

well again i have rambled enough. but in closeing i should add. if you get the chance or can take the time. try to introduce someone new into this wonderfull expierence of ice fishing. or even take someone elderly out who may not have been out in sometime. and also teach consideration to the young. how to be respectful and considerate of others, and of the surroundings, when enjoying the outdoors. and even more so teach the principles of, with the exception of a few fish for a meal,


but most of all dont let the winter give you boughts of cabin fever. get out, embrace and enjoy it

from the point of lakeiwanttobethere, that seperates waconia and lake syliva bays. i bid you all a good day. ... paul

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • got this tackled today took about 3 hours to get both sides done. Didnt even get to use a torch....   Thought I was golden with just jacking it up and I could get to everything but no luck. Had to remove the entire axle hub and brake assembly to get to what I needed. Was a pain but still better then taking off the entire pivot arm.    Axle bearings were already greased and in great shape thankfully. Got both leaf springs installed and its ready for the road again.   Probably going to have my electric brakes checked, I am not touching anything with the brake drums. Based on what I saw it doesn't look like my electric brakes have been working anyway. Brakes are nice to have if its slippery out
    • By The way that didn't work either!! Screw it I'll just use the cellular. 
    • It’s done automatically.  You might need an actual person to clear that log in stuff up.   Trash your laptop history if you haven’t tried that already.
    • 😂 yea pretty amazing how b o o b i e s gets flagged, but they can't respond or tell me why I  can't get logged in here on my laptop but I can on my cellular  😪
    • I grilled some brats yesterday, maybe next weekend will the next round...  
    • You got word censored cuz you said        B o o b ies….. haha.   Yeah, no… grilling is on hiatus for a bit.
    • Chicken mine,  melded in Mccormick poultry seasoning for 24 hours.  Grill will get a break till the frigid temps go away!
    • we had some nice weather yesterday and this conundrum was driving me crazy  so I drove up to the house to take another look. I got a bunch of goodies via ups yesterday (cables,  winch ratchet parts, handles, leaf springs etc).   I wanted to make sure the new leaf springs I got fit. I got everything laid out and ready to go. Will be busy this weekend with kids stuff and too cold to fish anyway, but I will try to get back up there again next weekend and get it done. I don't think it will be bad once I get it lifted up.    For anyone in the google verse, the leaf springs are 4 leafs and measure 25 1/4" eye  to eye per Yetti. I didnt want to pay their markup so just got something else comparable rated for the same weight.   I am a first time wheel house owner, this is all new to me. My house didn't come with any handles for the rear cables? I was told this week by someone in the industry that cordless drills do not have enough brake to lower it slow enough and it can damage the cables and the ratchets in the winches.  I put on a handle last night and it is 100% better than using a drill, unfortatenly I found out the hard way lol and will only use the ICNutz to raise the house now.
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