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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Hiya, well like a patch of weeds that keep growing up in a crack in your sidewalk I am back! A week in the hospital and then another three weeks in rehab over a stomach virus that messed up my blood chemistry. I am back at the cabin after missing pretty much the entire summer. Sunshine Ray is forecasting three nice days in the seventies here and I have a ton of stuff to catch up on. First off was a quick few lines to let you all now I am back and will be catching you up on the doings here at Lake Iwanttobethere

Edited by Bobby Bass
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69 HERE IN THE boat sitting on the trailer here on Hidden Bay. Does not look good that the boat is going to get wet this season which makes it two years in a row that I have not fished out of the Puddle Humper. I came back home yesterday evening and today I will be working on the To Do List. It might take me all day just to write it out as everywhere I look something needs to be done. The summer list will be added to the fall list and then there will be a list of things that need to be replaced or fixed. The grand kids known as the Tenners are back in school but will be here this weekend to start helping me out. Of course it will not be all work as I have to catch up on their summer.


The granddaughter went to the rodeo last Sunday and she was down close in good seats and has already starting telling me about calf roping. She has a couple of fishing vacations under her belt this summer as she would send me pictures of how she out fished her dad. Makes grandpa proud. Grandson played baseball, his first year and he had fun. He did come up and did the mowing when he was not trying to catch the eye of a gal that worked the concussion stand at the ball park. The daughter has her hands full with three granddaughters under four. They bought a house not to far away and even though it was a turn key place they have been working on it all summer. They put in a big pool and the volunteer fire department filled it for them. 4000 gals of water and it took a week for it to get anywhere close to warm enough to swim in.


Even though I missed all of summer I guess I did not miss much. Cold and wet and the gardens did not do well at all. Even under the green thumb of Vic at the Resort his garden was nothing to brag about. The FELLOWS for the most part stayed out of trouble, at least I did not read about them in the town paper. Lots of rain and just a few days where anyone even thought about turning on their air conditioners. The one bright spot is that a lot of grouse have been seen this summer. If I can figure out a way to go bird hunting I might be able to salvage part of my outdoor year. Duncan was happy to see me and last night he came in several times to check on me. I tried to coax him into bed with me but like a night watchman he went on his way making the rounds of the cabin.


Duncan had a good summer keeping rabbits out of the yard I am told but he did have a little miscue last Saturday when he found himself with his nose up the wrong end of a baby skunk. Before the daughter could call him off he took a shot right in the eyes and got a bath both from the skunk and from the daughter. He is now wearing a new collar and the old one is hanging on the fence post to remind him to stay away from the little ones to.

Spent this afternoon on the deck with my neighbor Chuck as we worked on ideas to get me fishing without getting the FELLOWS involved. Chuck is thinking that somehow we can use the tractor and drive it into the lake with me on the bucket. I am thinking we should explore other ideas. Maybe even the pontoon but it would just not be the same as fishing out of the Puddle Humper but I need to get on the water somehow. I did check out the garden and I will give it a c- if we could just get some dry hot weather we might be able to salvage enough produce so we can do some canning. The only thing that grew well was peppers, we have a ton so a lot of chili will be made this winter here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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HIYA FROM THE deck here on Hidden Bay. Have been spending a lot of time here as I can’t get enough fresh air and the smell of cut grass and of course Lake Iwanttobethere. The Tenners were both here on Saturday and they did a lot in just a few hours. Fallen branches were gathered and the fire pit was burning most of the afternoon. Grass was cut and all the tall grass along the out buildings was chopped up with the weed wacker. A couple of suckers were swimming under big red and white bobbers and everyone kept an eye on them but we had no hits. Play house got a good cleaning and they even swept out the garage. Lunch was hot dogs cooked on sticks over the hot coals from the firepit and we even tossed some corn wrapped in tin foil on to the coals. Managed to get them out before they burned and it might have been the best fire pit corn that I have had.


Did an inspection of the yard and the big apple tree is looking a little bare, Wife told me that a few squirrels have been working it over pretty good. The pellet rifle is now with in easy reach at the deck door and I will take care of that problem. No sign of that little skunk that got Duncan, hoping it was just passing through and not living around here. So much to do around here but the Tenners said they are happy to help me out, Good kids are hard to come by but these guys are my favorites for reason.


Since I am back home I have been getting a lot of visitors stopping by, The coffee pot gets drained a few times a day and the wife has been bakin away so there is something to go along with the coffee. I of course have to do some taste testing or as I refer to call it "Quality Control" FELLOWS came by and left me fish, it was walleye but I can’t be too picky. After a month of hospital and nursing home food the wife’s cooking, well I have no complaints. I just need to add fish and stuff from the garden along with some apple pie and some grouse here in the next few weeks. Looks like a week of warm weather coming up all I can say about that is it sure would be nice to be fishing.


Onions have been harvested and I wanted to till up that bed and plant radish but I can’t find any. Even called Big Earl and he said he had none. He is having a big shotgun shell sale going on before grouse season. Told him I will be in town this week but if I remember right I don’t think I even went though a box last year. Sunshine Ray is forecasting rain later in the week right about when I was planning on widening the sidewalk out to the garage. Now I am thinking I will go up to the Resort for a coupe of days and spend time with Vic, DOC Burriem, Elmer and Marv. I think there are a couple of cold Hamms up there with my name on them.

Tonight I am going to have a taste of some steak and watch some football. Been going slow as I am still on the mend and from past experience it does not take to much work to make it to much work. I will say it is great being back home and being able to take in deep lake air breaths. See geese flying and crows cawing. Ten o’clock train, didn’t realize I missed that horn and clanging bell. Of course Duncan sleeping with his head on my lap and the watchful eye of the wife. Sharing with you guys what is going on here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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ANOTHER NICE DAY to be fishing not sitting and watching others troll by in their pontoon boats. Spent some time this afternoon watching my neighbor Chuck doing some roofing on his front porch. I found myself a nice shady spot to sit and sip on some lemonade as he pounded nails into shingles and complained about the last guy who shingled the place, if I remember correctly it was him. He probably would have gotten it done quicker if it was not for me making suggestions. He came off the roof for lunch, his wife had made us egg salad sandwiches and you can’t beat the taste of fresh eggs harvested that morning. Lettuce and onion from the garden and some cucumbers cut up and a few strawberries made it a nice light lunch.


Now I didn’t spend the entire afternoon over there I had work to do to. The ups guy showed up with a couple of packages for me. My lap top died on me and I did some troubleshooting and took a gamble that my charger had died. Plugged in a new one that I had bought and I looked pretty smart as that was the answer to the problem. Next box was a new printer as that died to while I was gone. I think it was just a software problem but the daughter took it in her own hands and smashed it on the driveway. I didn’t give her a hard time about it because I did the same thing a few years ago. It is very satisfying to bust something up that wastes a lot of our time. New printer is up and running. Last but not least before I went into the hospital five months ago I bought a new CPU only to forget the password to get into it. My son in law who is a I T tech was over yesterday with a program that let him hack in and delete the password and now I have it back.


So today was a pretty good day. I have potatoes baking in the oven and the wife is down at Ma and Pa’s picking up some steaks for the grill. A couple of small ears of corn were harvested from the garden and along with a Hamms I am looking forward to tonight’s dinner. 80 in the boat and skeeters are no where to be see, it is a good time of the year to spend time on the deck. Talked to Vic at the Resort and him and Marv are still on the crappies. Told me to make sure I bring up a rod but the latest forecast is calling for rain, gee what a surprise. A little rain I can handle, have a lot to catch up on. The FELLOWS have been working off their lot rent and I hear they have done a fine job dropping trees and straitening out the main entrance road. They have a couple of Rangers that go faster and can haul more then the old golf carts we have.

Wood pile is pretty big as all that stuff that was blown down last summer has been cut split and stacked. Bait room has some bare pegboard where things from the spring order have all sold out. Getting to be that time to think about doing an ice fishing order. People have discovered we have live bait and we are getting a decent amount of traffic tying up at the docks and doing lunch and then when they leave buying bait. Arlo has been doing real well fishing for trout as with all the rain this summer the pools are staying full and cool. He did take both of the Tenners trout fishing and he said they enjoyed themselves. I will have ask them about it as they did not mention it to me. Of course he might have sworn them to secrecy like all fishermen do. Well time to light up a homemade cigar and watch the daughter work the grill here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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SUMMER IS HERE or at least the illusion of it. It was already 82 in the boat when I left to head to the big city for the first of two DR appointments for the day. I was in and out and had a few hours to kill till the next appointment so we did a little shopping, well the wife did. I sat in the Tahoe and lit up my second cigar in two days but I have not had one in five months so I figured I was good. Last nights supper was pretty good, T-bone on the grill, three hour cooked baked potatoes stuffed with butter and fresh garden onions and fresh corn on the cob. I didn’t finish my steak but plan on slicing it up thin and putting it on a toasted hoagie bun with cheese for supper tonight. I’ll set myself up in front of the living room TV and watch the baseball game and pretend it is the middle of July

 Had plans to do some concrete work but it looks like Sunshine Ray’s forecast of rain is going to hold up. That’s OK as there are plenty of other things that can be done. Was going to head up to the Resort for a couple of days but I have physical therapy coming over tomorrow and a home nurse on Friday. Looks like my only get away time will be on the weekend. We did stop in town on the way back home and parked outside of the General Store. Big Earl gave me a wave and headed inside only to return with a box of number 8’s in his hand. Asked me if I had gotten my small game license and I told him no. Gave him my drivers license and back in the store he went returning with my license and a receipt. Wrote him a check and we were good to go. Now where else but Lake Iwanttobethere can you get that kind of curb service?

 Next stop was Amy’s bakery for hoagie buns and an apple pie, she to brought it right out to the Tahoe but would not take my money. I made her promise to put it on my tab and thanked her. We then drove home with my nose twitching at the smell coming from the white box holding the pie. I opened the lid and was just reaching into scoop some pie and the wife gave me a look and told me I can wait till supper. I let out a sigh and closed the box back up. Got home and sat on the deck, Duncan came out got his rub behind his ears and then took off on his inspection of the yard. A few minutes later he came back up on the deck and he had something in his mouth I called him over, put out my hand and he dropped an egg into it. I called the wife out and gave her the egg, she didn’t make a deal out of it. Seems Chuck’s free range chickens are not always laying eggs in the coop.

Well I thought that was the end of it, Duncan gets the mail and now gets eggs for us. The wife came back out and asked if I wanted cupcakes or a cake to bring up to the guys at the Resort, I picked cupcakes. She went back into the cabin and came back out with an egg cartoon. She yelled for Duncan who came racing over from Elmer’s and sat down at her feet. The wife held out the cartoon and raised two fingers up for Duncan to see and said "Two more eggs" Duncan took the cartoon in his mouth and headed back towards Elmer’s. A few minutes later he came back with two brown eggs in the cartoon and setting the cartoon down at the back door he jumped up to ring the door bell. The wife came out and he traded the eggs for a bone. Now I am wondering how many other new tricks Duncan has learned since I have been gone from Lake Iwanttobethere

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60 IN THE BOAT on this cloudy and windy day on Hidden Bay. 80% change of rain Sunshine Ray had predicted and we didn’t get a drop till a thunderstorm came through at 2 am. But in a telephone call to Vic at the Resort he told me it has been raining hard all night and it is still coming down now. Standing water around the cabins and main building and there were a couple of ducks swimming down the entrance road. He told me it was raining so hard they are worried it is going to wear the roofing off one of the old outhouses, I think he was just kidding.


DOC Burriem’s old nurse now does home care and she was just here to see me. I will get a visit from her twice a week and she spends more time telling me stories about DOC then working on me, but she worked for him for years and I am all ears to find out more about the old doc. Daughter made stew for supper last night and I didn’t say it out loud when the wife was around but the daughters stew is better then hers. She used small carrots and baby potatoes and onions that were very tasty, and all from the garden. Best part is I still had some of my T-bone steak left over on the bone and she put that in the pot. I got a couple of pieces of the T-bone in my bowl and that might just be the best way to eat left over steak. Some home made rolls and apple pie from Amy’s and it was one very satisfying meal.


Plan on going up to the Resort tomorrow morning but my neighbor Chuck, Duncan and me are going to go to the Lodge tonight. Will spend some time shaking hands with Lodge members and I plan on eating a slice of pizza, a bowl of chili and a Coney, something I have not eaten in months. I will not do it all at one time but spread them out over the night. Friday nights always have a pretty good Lodge member turn out and with the big screen Gus has told me a lot of guys stop by to watch the baseball games. I also need to see how Diego the parrot is doing. He was to much for the wife to handle so he and his cage are now at the Lodge. Members get a kick out of his foul mouth I am told so he is kind of earning his keep down there.

With tomorrow the opening of grouse season I am sure there will be a few guys talking about the opener. Around the lake the trees are really green but the French trees are starting to turn yellow and some of the others are getting some color away from the lake. Right now as I write this the wind is blowing hard enough to shake tree tops from side to side and the wind chimes are banging together pretty hard. I don’t think I am going to see the humming birds at the feeders tonight and maybe they have decided summer for them is over and are heading south. Got some wave action on the bay and even the dock is wet from the splashing. The old wood boat never saw water this summer and is sill in the wood shop waiting a few coats of paint. I have so many other things to do that might have to wait till spring. Duncan just came in the room and he is sitting by the gun cabinet. He takes turns looking at me and then the gun cabinet then back at me. There is no way he can know bird season starts tomorrow here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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LATE START HERE this morning as my neighbor Chuck had to go to town to pick up a replacement float for his sump pump. My bag is packed so I figured I would kill some time and jot down a few lines. Chuck drove me to the Lodge last night and we parked in my space, I was surprised I still had a space. Duncan led the way and Chuck rolled me up the ramp and into the Lodge. I now know why when the tourists come in they say the Lodge has a real earthly smell to it. Not being in the Lodge for several months I to can smell the old log walls, a hint of the lake and beer. I rolled in and got a mess of Hiya’s from members. Shook some hands then went looking for Diego. I found him in his cage over by the jukebox. I got close and said "Hello" He looked down at me from his perch and then at a small picture hanging in his cage. Looking back at me he said "Hello Mr. Fish" I chuckled and thought to myself some one has had some time on their hands training Diego.


I rolled back to the bar as Duncan made his rounds, it to has been awhile since he to has been in the Lodge. I think he got a bigger welcome then I did. Gus came out from the kitchen wiping his hands off on his apron. He patted me on the back, shook my hand and gave me a nod of his head. Between friends that pretty much said it all, He then went back to his kitchen. It might just me but guys can catch up on each other in a minute or two where the wife will spend an entire afternoon catching up with a girlfriend that she has not seen in a month. Maybe they have more exciting lives, I’ll never know because I have never sat in on one of them afternoon sessions.


Vinnie wiped the dust off my rolling stool and I climbed up and took a spot behind the bar. I had a good view of the big screen TV and the ball game was just starting. Members came over and we chatted and caught up. Some of the older guys did not even know I was gone so I told them about being in the hospital and having to go to rehab. They then said they didn’t know I had a drug problem. I shook my head and told them not that kind of a rehab. Finally I just gave up telling them where I had been and jokingly said I had been at "Band Camp" that clicked and they left me alone.


I watched the game and had a couple of slices of pizza, was too good to stop at one. Gus came out and asked if I wanted a bowl of chili ad I told him yes but in the smallest bowl he had. He returned with crackers and asked if something was wrong with the chili and I told him I hardly eat anything these days. He nodded his head and said he had put in a kiddy section in the menu but it is mostly ordered out of by the "Old guys" He walked away and I thought to myself "Am I an old guy now?"


Seventh inning stretch and I had a Coney and a short beer, I was full. Home team lost the game and the Lodge emptied. A caravan of pickups and SUV’s left the parking lot and headed to cabins and homes around Lake Iwanttobethere. Chuck finished his game of cribbage with Vinnie and we woke Duncan up and headed home. I dozed some it had been a long day and I am still on the mend. Wife got me into bed and I was asleep as soon as I closed my eyes. Not much better medicine then being at my two homes, the cabin and the Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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IT TOOK ME awhile to get to the Resort on Saturday. We were halfway there and Chuck was driving my Tahoe when steam starting rolling out from under the hood. We pulled over and parked at a tote road right behind a white pickup truck. I was guessing someone was hunting the road it being the opener of Grouse season. We had to let the motor cool off before we could see what the problem was and I was hoping it was just low on fluid as I am sure the wife has never thought about checking it. Chuck and I sat in the truck and killed the time away just chatting. It cooled down enough that we could look it over and found a little pin hole right where the clamp went. Trusty pocketknife came out and we cut the hose back some and pushed it higher on the radiator and put the clamp back on. I had a gallon of water that I always have in the Tahoe and we dumped that in. A hunter came out of the tote road and we exchanged Hiya’s. He told me he had a jug of antifreeze and I was welcomed to it. I gave him ten bucks and a business card and told him to stop of at the Lodge sometime and I will buy him a beer, I then told him about one of my favorite grouse roads just a little ways away, we shook hands and soon both of us were back on the road. Nice to run into people like that when you break down.


Supper Saturday night was fresh Kasier rolls that Marv had just baked that morning. They were filled with egg salad made with the Resorts chickens eggs and onion and lettuce from Vic’s garden. Even did some French Fries using russet potatoes also from the garden. We sat up late and we traded stories. When bedtime came I looked at the stairs and wondered how I was going to get up them. Hammering Hank came to my rescue and told me they had moved my room downstairs and his wife Tess had made curtains for me. I got into bed and thought to myself that I have some really good friends. A few minutes later Duncan came in and jumped up on the bed and we were both soon asleep.


Bacon and eggs for breakfast and more chit chat before the football game started at noon. Right at half time Vic came into the TV room and asked if he could borrow Duncan, I said "Of course" then Vic asked me what do I say when I see a grouse and want Duncan to know. I told him I just shout out "BIRD, BIRD, BIRD" next thing I see is Vic with a shotgun and Duncan on his heels as they sneak out the side door heading for the garden. I look out the window at the garden and there in the strawberry patch I see a grouse. As I watch Vic sneaking up I looked back at the grouse and see him stretching up as tall as he can get trying to see Gus. I tap on the window and the bird looks in my direction. I hear the shotgun go off and the bird roll over on the ground with wings flapping and Vic yelling "BIRD, BIRD, BIRD" Duncan on the run sees the down bird and makes a beeline to the garden only to put on the brakes and crouch, his tail straight out and he is taking slow little baby steps and I know what is about to happen. Before I can get Vic’s attention another grouse rockets up out of the garden and heads for the woods. Five seconds later another follows the same flight plan. Duncan not hearing any shots goes for the down grouse, picks it up and heads back.


I hear the door open and Duncan walks in with the grouse in his mouth and Gus right behind him. Gus says "Your dog won’t give me my bird" I smile and say "The key words, your dog" I put my hand out and Duncan gives me the warm bird, I hold it up for Gus to take. He heads for the kitchen and I tell Gus "You better give Duncan a reward. Duncan comes back a little while later licking his lips and I can smell peanut butter on him.


The second half of the football game begins and we are all back in the TV room. Gus comes in with a platter covered in crackers and cheese and some rainbow trout rolled in flour and fried in butter that he got in a trade with Arlo. Along side the trout was thinly sliced grouse breast pan fried like the trout. I don’t think many people around were having this kind of a football snack. I know almost every story I have written has a mention of food, but if you ate some of the institutional food that I have been eating the last few months you can see how much I appreciate the fresh grown garden stuff, fish and today’s grouse. Can’t think of a better place to eat well and heal then here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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BEEN TWO WEEKS since I have been home and things are somewhat returning too normal. With football and grouse season here the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere are somewhat quiet. Don’t forget guys are trying to get in their last rounds of golf in and it is a hard decision on what to do when you have a nice afternoon on your hands. When I came back we had like ten days of summer then some rain. Yesterday I took a chance and got one of my big projects out of the way. Youngest daughter and son came over and I put them to work. They dug out along the old sidewalk to the garage and expanded the sidewalk from twenty-four inches to forty inches wide by thirty feet long, need the extra width for the wheelchair when the snow starts falling. About fifteen hundred pounds of concrete was ran through the mixer. I just played foremen and cut stakes and forms to size. It pays to teach them young and they remembered it all so I mostly watched. I then just had to sweat it out as a big thunder storm came through this morning and dumped on us but the sidewalk was set and it still looks good.


Sunshine Ray is forecasting rain for the next several days so the next project of staining decks and the ramp is going to have to wait. On the bad part my tiller that was thirty years old died. As soon as I told the son he could have the motor which is not that old he called his nephew telling him they have an engine for another go-cart. I have a home nurse and PT coming in on Mondays and Fridays and Wound Care in the big city on Wednesdays. Gives me two days and the weekends to have time to myself, at least for the next seven weeks. Don’t think I will be getting any golfing in and I still have some hope for fishing and I will hold on to that till the ice makes it hard to put a boat in the water. Now grouse hunting is another matter, I can always wait for the guys to come to me. Seems we have several birds at the Resort and the only reason why Vic just shot that one is because he didn’t have any more shells. When I left on Sunday I took the box of 8’s I had in the glove box and left them there for him.


Close to the lake here the trees are full of green leaves but as you get farther away there is some color and with the strong winds and rain the black top now has leaves plastered on it. Pickup trucks are parked along tote roads and hunters with either their human or dog partners set out to search for grouse and hunts to make memories. It looks like we might have a decent fall, Lake Iwanttobethere is keeping the frost away and finally after a rotten growing season tomatoes are ripening and even the corn that is small but still tasty is coming to the table. Orange hats sit on top of heads and them spendy orange wool shirts are seen around town. You don’t just have to wear them during deer season or under your duck rain coats.

I must admit I really miss fishing this time of the year. Being the only trailer at the landing and having no one fishing in my spots. The bite is usually pretty good and I am not cold till I put the Puddle Humper on the trailer and secure it. No skeeters or biting black flies at the landing and I will slide on to the heated front seat and feel the warmth on my backside, that is when I realize that I am cold. I open the little cooler and eat a cold bologna sandwich as I munch on a big dill pickle. I leave the soda and instead pour myself some warm coca, check my lights in the mirror put the Tahoe in gear and point it in the direction of home. A baseball game on the radio plays and if I am lucky I chase a sunset from one hill to the next here at Lake Iwanttobethere

Edited by Bobby Bass
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FALL ARRIVED ON Friday, it kind of just snuck in overnight I think. On the calendar it said Autumn begins September 22nd which just happened to be my 771 monthly birthday. No I noticed it because this vine that grows on the big garden fence went from green to a lite orange over night. The wife hates the vine and no matter how many times she cuts it or tears at it it just comes back the next year bigger and stronger, I don’t think the fact that I go out of my way to fertilizer it has anything to do with it. The Tenners were here Friday night, we made popcorn and watched a movie and they stayed up way later then their parents thought they would or should. Come Saturday morning another sign of spring as they went with the granddaughter’s Tenners ma to Old McDonnell’s farm to be one of the first groups to go through the corn maze.


They came back to the cabin with some sweet corn and a couple of small pumpkins that they had decorated. With some time to kill they pulled up and cleaned the concrete forms around the expanded sidewalk and with one hauling shovelful’s of dirt they back filled around the sidewalk then swept it all clean. Sipping on a soda’s they admired their work and I mentioned that I was thinking of putting in a concrete pad for a new fire ring. The grandson told his cousin to not volunteer for moving dirt rather go for pouring the concrete, I smiled as I listen in on his words of wisdom. Grandson mowed part of the yard before his uncle came and they all left for the stock car races. I would have gone but them wood benches are too hard on my behind.


I decided to have dinner at the Lodge and I hitched a ride with my neighbor Chuck. Baseball game was on so I watched some of that and chatted with some of the Lodge members. Nytelyter was there and we spent some time together catching up. He told me he had been at my son in laws place helping him out with a stubborn stump. Not only does Nytelyter put on the best fireworks display in the county he also blows things up and usually with better results then the FELLOWS do. I now understand what the four old granddaughter was talking about when she called me about a big KaBoom at her house. Nytelyter smiled and nodded his head seems he got the attention of several people that afternoon. Now I will have to ask the son in law why he didn’t invite me out to the house.


Sunday I watched the football game at the Resort, about twenty degrees warmer there then at the cabin but even just in the last week more leaves are changing color. Even a little float line of leaves in the water of the bay just off shore. A lot of ducks around to, I don’t know if they are all locals or just passing through. Few flights of geese were spotted overhead and Vic says the deer are starting to move in come dusk checking out his garden. Had a tasty egg salad on a Kasier roll with a garden salad with all the fixings from Vic’s garden at half-time. After the game I helped out with making a big pot of red sauce that Vic canned. I need to do the same at home but am still waiting on tomatoes to ripen. Rained off and on all weekend and it is threating to do the same today. No deck staining so I am just spending time with Duncan and adding more stuff to the Honey Do List here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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HOW QUICKLY A week goes by! Been busy all this week and it is hard to remember what I have been doing. Of course I am still healing and will be for months and people tell me I should just be happy with that but I am not. Winter is coming and the way the weather has been we could have 68 in the Puddle Humper like it is right now and 28 tomorrow and never recover till Spring. Have been harvesting the garden and it might be the worse garden I think I have ever had. Does not look like any canning is going to be done and I think we will be lucky to get enough apples for maybe a half a dozen pies. I blame the weather and the wife for the poor showing and those thieving chipmunks in the garden and Ed and Eddie the squirrels who have been raiding my apple tree.


Yesterday after my appointment in the big city I had the wife just drop me off at the Lodge, told her I would hitch a ride back to the cabin. I sat down at the big round table along with Big Earl, Skinny, Reed the Realtor, Chuck and several of the FELLOWS and the Johnson brothers. The topic of conversation was on whether or not they were going to take their road trip to North Dakota to hunt pheasants. A few calls had been exchanged with family and friends out that way and the bird reports were pretty bad as far as the population went. Tiny asked me if I was going to go this year and I thought about it for a moment and told them that I think I would be to much of burden this year. Tiny smiled at me and said they were really just being polite asking me but they were really more interested in bring Duncan along. I then looked down at Duncan who Chuck had brought to the Lodge and he was sitting and wagging his tail so hard from side to side that he was wearing the wax off the floor. He had his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth and I could almost hear him saying "Can I go, Can I go" I patted him on top of his head and I said "Sorry guys you have your own dogs," and I don’t want him coming back smelling like Reeds bio-diesel RV


Gus came out with a platter of ham and Swiss sandwiches which were tonight’s special. Old McDonnell and brought pigs into Ma and Pa’s for Pa to butcher and smoke some hams. Here at the Lodge we try and serve as much locally grown food and harvested meat as we can. Table was quiet for awhile as we ate the ham on some of Amy’s Bakery hoagie buns. One by one we started talking about the hunt and if we did not go what we may be missing out on. I can remember many a time when I would be sitting at the kitchen table staring in the direction of the Puddle Humper and have the wife say " Your not thinking about going fishing are you?" and most of the time I was not but as soon as she told me I could not go fishing then I had the urge to go and I most times I did pretty good.

Same with bird hunting, threating rain or falling snow I always shot more birds walking down a wet muddy trail then sitting in an easy chair in the living room. Guys then took turns trying to out spin each other on when their better halfs told them they could not go fishing or hunting because of the weather or a report there was nothing biting or flushing. By the end of the evening they were back making plans for North Dakota and the Lodge might a little quiet for awhile here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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SILENT SUNDAY AND I spent most of the day at the Lodge. Came in for lunch and to watch the football game. Home team lost, let the opposing team hang around and ended up paying for it. Lot of grouse hunters came and went as the day went on. Dogs laid in front of the fireplace drying off and getting a snooze in. Sunshine Ray had forecasted some afternoon showers but he missed the morning rain that came through. Today is a special day for me because it is three years ago that I had to lay my Bud to rest. I am kind of surprised at how many Lodge members patted me on the back and shared a story or two of Bud and Barney. They would then ask where Duncan was and I would point at the rug next to the beer cooler behind the bar. They would chuckle at the sight of the sleeping dog and I would poke the brown dog with my toe making sure he was not getting too comfortable.


Had the little shrimp basket with home fries and a couple of small ears of corn, was just enough to hit the spot so to speak After awhile I retreated to my office cleaning house and tossing old pink phone messages. Gus has removed all the dry goods he had stacked in there and I can now see all of my pictures on the walls, including the one of Bud where his eyes always seem to follow me no matter where I am in the room. The North Dakota pheasant trip looks like it has been green lighted. Season opens next week and the guys are making plans. Weather here is suppose to be wet the front half of the week then dry up and be warmer, we will see.


A few boat trailers behind pickup trucks are parked down at the public landing below the Lodge. Softball field is quiet but there is a pick up game of basketball going on at the court. Even a couple of people playing tennis but they have so many layers on I can’t tell who they are. The other day the county brought in several loads of orange barrels and cones. Hammering Hank and Skinny have then all tucked away behind a orange snow fence. Picnic tables are all stacked on top of each other and only a few fire rings are left out. Sun peaked out for awhile and a couple of the guys went out and shot some skeet. I went from one side of the Lodge to the other so I could watch. Was thinking I should shoot a round or two myself, been awhile since I had sent any shot down the old double barrel.

As I watched darkness arrive slowly but surely, this time of year it has a way of doing that. Boats came off the water and trailers were backed into the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Prime stump shooting time with sun going down. Many a stump or patch of leafs are taken for a grouse in the middle of a trail. Of course by the time you convince yourself that it is just a stump or a brown pile of leaves and don’t shoot is the time it flies away as you walk up on it, been there done that. By six I was ready to head back to the cabin and the wife came and picked me up. While I was at the Lodge her and the daughter had taken out the two a/c units and started pulling screens and washing windows. I sat down at the desk and took out the Honey Do List, I marked off screens and A/C units to storage, not a bad day here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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GOING TO BE a busy weekend coming up. The guys will be packing up and heading out to North Dakota on their pheasant hunting trip on Friday. They will be taking Reed’s Bio-Diesel RV and also a couple of pickups. While they are gone the Lodge will be busy as I have forgotten to mention what is coming up as I have been trying to get you caught up. Apple Festival will be going on down at the park below the Lodge along with Pumpkin Days. Your chance to eat or buy just about anything that can be made with apples and pumpkins. The Woman’s Auxiliary pretty much runs this event and they will be down there in their tents and booths. Up here in the Lodge parking lot we will be having the corn cannon. Mike from the junkyard will bring in a few trucks and for a price you will get to take a chance at shooting out the windows with a corn cob. The cannon was a prototype of the pizza cannon that Del’s Pizza and Sub Shop uses to skip meals across the lake.


With no real football to watch on Sunday we will also be having a Grouse Challenge this weekend. Hunters can check in Friday night and then register grouse that they shoot on Saturday and then again on Sunday. Hunter with the most birds will win. Have three divisions. Hunter with dog, Hunter without dog and two hunters together. Big Earl has donated a case of shotgun shells for prizes. If your wining total is four grouse you win four boxes of shells, Shells are awarded till they are gone and will be twelve gage but Big Earl will exchange them for you if you shoot a twenty.


Another twist if you donate the grouse to the Lodge I will give you a dinner ticket good for a meal the following Saturday. I will make a big pot of grouse, wild rice and dumplings served with fresh rolls from the Lodge kitchen. Might even be some pumpkin or apple pie there for you to. Guys should be back from North Dakota so there may also be some pheasants to share also. Also this week we are going to have the Lodge’s parking lot graded. A lot of low spots have appeared with all of the rain that has fallen. Last I heard Stormy Clearweather was reporting we are eight inches above average for rainfall. It could also be that I took the hint and spotted the floating rubber yellow ducks in some of the potholes and the two live mallards swimming in the ditch.

For me baseball season ended last night with the one game playoff loss. Just in time I think as this weekend the big city college hockey team starts their season and I am looking forward to it. A few more weekend fishing contests to be held and before you know it deer season will be here. Another summer zipped by me and the Puddle Humper only got wet when it rained. Sun is shinning and no rain in the forecast, lots to do. Heading out for a Drs. appointment this afternoon then doing some shopping for project materials. As you can see there is always something to do here at Lake Iwanttobethere



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Comments  I was looking over some old stories and I came up on this one, it was written a few months before Bud died and I thought I would share it again

Well, I didn't go fishing and it was by choice. I was getting ready to load up the Puddle Humper when the wind changed and the leaves on the trees started to sway some. A few rain drops fell and I headed to the deck swing to sit it out and see what was going to happen. Some more rain fell and soon the deck was wet and Bud climbed up on the swing with me and kind of pined me in. It has been awhile since he has sat on the swing with me, usually Duncan sits alongside me but he was in the cabin and the wife was baking cookies, Duncan's favorites I am sure. So I sat on the swing with Bud half in my lap and I watched the rain drops fall and I petted Bud along his broad back, I would tease him by tugging on his ear some and he would nuzzle me back. The shower slowed then stopped but Bud didn't make an effort to get off the swing and so the two of us just sat there like a couple of old men.


After awhile Bud fell asleep but I kept rocking the swing nice an slow just pushing back and forth with my feet on the deck. One arm on the arm rest and the other resting on Bud's back. I could feel the rising and falling of his breathing and I ran my fingers in his hair like dog owners do. I ended up with my fingers resting in the deep folds of hair that cover his neck and I could feel him move closer to me in approval or he just didn't want me to move. The rain started up again but it was just another brief shower and it ended before it had a chance to even get the deck any wetter. I heard a tap on window glass and saw the wife standing at the back door with cookies and a glass of milk, Duncan standing at her side. I shook my head no and she turned back into the cabin and I stayed where I was with Bud warm against me. I must have fallen asleep myself as a while later Bud stirred and we both managed to get off the swing and make a few adjustments so we could stand straight and walk.


Bud stood at the edge of the deck that faces the lake and I looked at the Puddle Humper. Bud gave me a low little bark and I looked back to him as he stepped down the first step and looked back at me over his shoulder. I don't know why but somehow I just got this feeling that I was suppose to be making a decision here. Go fishing or go with Bud, most decisions take longer to write about then it does to make them and in that moment I decided to follow Bud and so I did.


Bud waddled down to the lake as he is old and only saves what passes as running for him to special occasions. I suppose if you were standing on the deck watching the two of us head to the lake we would both be waddling as I to save running for only special occasions. I stuck my hands in my pockets and I acted like a tourist with Bud as my guide. We went down to the water's edge and Bud took a couple of licks of water and looked up at me as to tell me it is OK to drink, I decided to pass. Up on the old dock where we both stood for awhile looking out at the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Normally I would be the one to turn away first and would call Bud to follow me but this was different and we both seem to know it. Bud sat on the end of the dock and just looked out and I sat down on the bench and tried to see what he was seeing.


I spent some time following Bud around, hands back in my pockets we walked the shore and I had more interest then he did in a frog that jumped into the high grass. We came back up from the lake on the edge of the woods, we walked slow and stopped a few times to look at trees or for reasons I didn't know. We climbed the deck stairs and Bud needed help getting onto the swing, I sat along side of him and rested my hand on his back. He pressed against me and I just said "Thanks for the walk, old man" from Lake Iwanttobethere

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
    • Sketti...  not out of a jar either!
    • Lol yeah I watched that
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