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Pinch Collar ?


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I'm wondering why it seems impossible to get a quality pinch collar at any local stores?

Have had a couple people tell me because they're not humane. My thought there is that I've watched many people using choke collars where a headstrong dog is still pulling to the point they're hacking like a seal with a cold (gotta do some damage to the windpipe I'd think). There's almost always a few of the all chain style collars that always make me think we should be chaining up the tires to get up the mountain out west. My girlfriend bought me one as a surprise and it really seemed to lack (in quality and effectiveness)

The nice leather one's you can order online are much much more humane and effective (IMHO) than either the choker or tire-chain style yet no one carries them.

Do any of you use these and if so what's your opinion? Why wouldn't stores carry this product?

I could see someone who's completely oblivious causing a lot of pain to their dog with them I guess, but overall they seem to be the best option out there and those same guys would just about kill a dog with the other collars.

Watch people walking their dog (AKA getting drug all over H#!!) cussing the entire way and just want to run up and ask them if they'd like to know what to buy that'll let the dog teach itself to heal so they can both enjoy the walk.

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There's a new rig on the market called the gentle leader. It doesn't choke a dog, instead it goes around the neck and the nose. It tightens around the nose and turns the head instead of tightening on the neck. My wife can control two hyper bassetts at the same time when they hit a rabbit trail. She calls it power steering for dogs. I'll never go back to any type of choke collar again. This is much easier for both the dog and owner.

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I've got a remington brand one from Scheels.. I'm pretty sure I've seen them at Gander as well... as someone else mentioned too.. gun dog supply has a good selection of training equipment...

Using a pinch collar was the only way I could talk my wife into taking the dog for a walk while I was away on business... my dog would just pull through the choke collar, but with the pinch collar he learned real quick the right way to go for a walk...


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You gotta cover up those toes first. If those things are exposed Tessa will only know one thing: Run! Run away! =)

We've used a pinch collar on Reese from day 1 and it works amazingly well. When she sees it now, she gets pretty excited and knows she's about to head out for a walk. Every once in a while she needs a correction just to remind her its on and we're in charge. But, I'd rather have it pinch her skin than crush her throat with a choker that she'd continuously pull on.

If Tessa doesn't respond to it , then you may need one with bigger connectors - I don't know what the other variations would offer besides a higher price tag (i.e. leather collar with pinchers).

Good Luck.

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wormfood, are you implying something about my feet. shocked.gif It's a well known fact that along with the speed of light the other 'universal constant' is that my toes don't stink... in fact, they smell... petite... like rose petals grin.gif

By the way shoot me an email with that pickle recipe for the northerns - help you land the biggest eye of your life and I get two little stinkin chunks. frown.gif ingrate! laugh.gif mmmmm tasty stuff. Had a bit of a kick to it afterwards though... thank god for the emergency supply of brews... in every trunk wink.gif


The chain style - each link has two spikes/prongs that curve down to pinch the dog.

Leather - is almost noose-like (lack of better visual) that's free flowing with small, blunted pins embedded to pinch the dog.

Biggest difference I've seen in actuall functionality is that the leather is much smoother flowing so that when the dog applies excessive pressure it's more constant and predictable. With the chain version it seems to almost bind so it doesn't apply the correct 'pinch' and if the chain doesn't slide properly the prongs don't angle appropriately (Tessa can pull on that thing about as much as a choker and then all of a sudden it closes). Second and maybe more important is that with the leather it will 'snap back' to release the pinching when the dog corrects itself whereas the chain seems more prone to stay tight even after the dog eases off on the pressure. Leather will also stay in the correct position much better.

Hard to explain (don't know if I did adequately) confused.gif but if you ever see them both used or even just look at them side-by-side the difference in quality is pretty obvious. Plan on getting one for our little lapdog if they make them small enough - she gets away with way to much as it is and watching her yank the kids around drives me nuts. Funny cause we brought her out into a field the other day on a walk and she got birdie as h###. Kicked up a couple pheasants (they should have stood their ground cause they'd kick her rear in a fair fist fight)

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ONLY USE THEM FOR TRAINING! People leave them on there dogs and the dog gets hurt. These collars are a tool, and are not meant to be on the dog 24/7. I have use them on ever one of my dogs and now if they see the collar they know it's time for a walk.

As for being inhumane, I feel if used right there is nothing inhumane about them. I would rather have control over my 130 pound dog then let him have control over me.

I've even shown people in the store on they're own dog that was uncontrolable, that with one pull one that collar how fast they're dog sat and was very attentive to my every word.

Get one use it right and only for training and you and your dog will be much happier.

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take them halti collar lead things and throw them in the trash, that dump is for horses. buy a nice choke chain or pinch collar and take your ol' lady to taco bell with the 10 dollars you just saved by buying that 20dollar strap belt thingy.

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Try taking the pinch collar, putting it on your forearm, and giving it a good tug. You'll find that they don't really hurt at all (Depending on how hard you tug, of course). More of an uncomfortable feeling than anything else.

I also have to agree on not using the gentle leads. We started our dog on one, and he didn't pull at all with it on. It didn't help at all in teaching him to heel or how to walk on a leash, however. The pinch collar, and later the "choke" collar, were by far the most effective methods to instill good leash manners.

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We, too, use a pinch collar on our headstrong Brittany. We tried the Gentle Leader and a choke chain on him but when we'd go for a walk or to puppy class, he'd pull on that Gentle Leader so hard his eyes would be bugging out of his head. He's such a social pup and just wanted to play with the other dogs! The pinch collar was easily the best way to be sure he was paying attention to the right person at the right time. I'm convinced it doesn't hurt him either. It didn't hurt my forearm when I gave it a HARD tug and I'd bet my next paycheck that the skin around a dog's neck isn't even half as sensitive as my forearm. Get the pinch collar. You won't regret it for a minute.

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