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cleaning Labs eyes.


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Is there any solutions that are sold at pet shops for flushing a dogs eyes out? My Lab is hurting right now. We hunted sat. sun out in benson and after running through all that CRP he had all kinds of seeds and grass in his eyes. So needless to say they are all inflamed and were bleeding a little bit. After he wakes up from his naps(poor guy is really tired) his eyes are all crusty. I really want to get him something to make sure they dont get infected. He helped 5 of us get 4 limits on opener.

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When this happens to my lab I have been having her make one or two retrieves in a lake or pond. This seems to work very well and since I can not keep her out of the water I might as well use it.

I have also bought some steril eye wash (saline) solutions for cleaning Maggies' eyes. But I have not used them yet.

It is amazing what their eyes can collect. I do not understand how they can still see with all that stuff in their eyes.

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I've always carried those bottles of artificial tears that you can get in the store for human use and I've rinsed the dogs' eyes with that. It has worked very well. Stay away from the medicated Visine type, just use the artificial tears.

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My 1.5 year old black lab had similar troubles last December from cattails. Used saline solution used for rinsing and storing contact lenses. Seemed to help quite a bit, would usually flush his eyes every 3-4 hours of hunting and then always flushed afterwards. Be sure that it is saline solution, and not the contact lens cleaner. Also had some cream from the vet, similar to triple antibiotic ointment, but cant remember the name.

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had to take my dog to the Vet today after a hard weekend of hunting. She had a couple of weed seeds stuck in the inside of her eyelid, they never would have come out without the help of the vets tweezer, her eye almost instantly got better. He gave me some cream called "Vetropolycin" that has bacitracin-neomycin-polymyxin and hydrocortisone in it. It seems to have worked wonders and we were able to go out this afternoon, and most importantly she will be ready for SD on Thursday. I wouldnt monkey around with my dogs eyes, get it into the vet asap, its the best thing for both of you. Happy trails

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just go to the pharmacy, walmart, target or any store and get some Bauch&Laump eye wash, it is a sterile irrigation solution and a 20ml syringe and hold them down and spray the eyes out when you get back to the truck. It has the potential to save you $$$ to get that stuff out right away and save a trip to the vet.

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Well boy is doing alot better. I used the saline solution you guys recommended. I was using water in the field in between drives once I noticed. We had stopped to water them and my buddy noticed blood on his hand. His eyes were cleaned out but man them must have gotten a little infected because of all the gunk that was gumming up on them. He is as active as he used to be. Will be ready for some grousing thurs-sun. Will be stopping to pick up a 3 pack of saline solution from Costco, and some cream from target for this trip. The nice thing about it is that he wont be running through all that 3 to 5 ft tall prairie grass this time. Thanks for the replies!

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