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g'eye pilot

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Does anyone have a tried and true technique for stopping a retriever from chewing? Specifically, I have a friend with a year old Golden. The dog is a well-mannered family pet, and lives in the house. The problem he is having is outside on the deck. Apparently the dog is dismantling the cedar deck a piece at a time. The animal does not chew on anything else, in the house or outside. If anyone has a remedy I can pass on to my buddy, please let me know.


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My young dog who sleeps in a kennel in the garage eats sheetrock, I mean just starts scratching and chewing until she's eaten the wall. She quit when I started buying her beef "knuckles" The things are massive and tasty and when she wants to chew she chews that, they also last at least two weeks if not longer. You can get them at pet stores and also at butcher shops.

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