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Kennel Crapper


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My 8 month Red Setter has crapped in her crate three times in the past several days. I am thinking it is because I fully switched her food about a week and a half ago. It didn’t start until after the switch. Today I have her back on the old food, and am now only feeding her once a day in the afternoon when I get home from work. Last night she ate about 5pm. She was outside running and playing all evening. This morning about 5 am she crapped again. I’m hoping the schedule and change back to the other food is the trick. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

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at that age I still feed 3 times per day, at the least I'd recommend twice per day. I also feed older dogs twice per day, 6am and 5pm. Since you break up the daily ration your dog can digest it better and it may solve the issues in the kennel, once hunting starts for stomach twisting problems and proper nutrition I'd get off the once a day routine. Frankly, I can't see any benefit to the dog feeding once a day, it may be convenient for us but no benefit to the dog, only negatives

Also, when switching foods you should blend the two types and slowly increase the percentage of the new type of food.

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I'll ditto Leech's comment on food transistion. I assume these are solid (usual) scats vs. a gastric bug. Switching foods on younger dogs will have a stool changing effect. Usually the runs though~

Or, (I will throw this out) it is a attention getter. Much like if you don't play with me more, this will at least get you talking/shouting at me...


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I did transition the food for about a week. This didnt begin until I started her on the new food only. I figured feeding her once a day would allow her plenty of time each evening to digest and pass everything before spending the night in a crate. I have her outside for a few hours every night running and playing. It seems like she is to distracted to remember to go..

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Many people feed their dogs once a day, I just can't see any benefit to the dog. I know dogs are dogs but if I ate once a day it wouldn't work as well for me. I'd survive and the dogs will too but in my opinion it's not ideal, I'm sure you have good logic and reason to feeding once a day, I'm posting to help out the first post, not to question people who feed their dog once a day with no problems.

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The benefit is to be able to work the dog and train it, you can't do it on a full stomach. A lot of hunters won't even feed their dogs if they're hunting that day.

I was just wondering what the negatives are about feeding once per day, you did say there were negatives.

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There's nothing wrong with feeding once a day as long as the dog is over a year in age. Younger dogs should have more frequent feedings. Most large professional kennels feed once a day. You generally spend less time scooping [PoorWordUsage] and cleaning kennels that way.

During hunting season it's best to feed the main meal after the hunt to avoid gastrointestinal problems. You may have to add something to the food to get the dog to eat it's food as some just don't want to eat when on a hunting trip.

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Ole #1, I spend a fair amount of time on FM. I like it a lot, I've never been argumentative when I'm trying to help someone or asking for help it never really seems to solve any problems and frankly seems juvenile. Heck, maybe it's also in the posting rules/guidelines. When it happens ignoring it with some people doesn't seem to work, trying to put out the "fire" like I did with post #2 works for all involved, usually, it expresesed my thoughts on not passing judgement on why or if people feed once a day, I posted I was trying to solve the original posters problem. I could be wrong and I understand people feed their dogs once a day for logical reasons and reasons of convenience for them. I assume you do it for logical well meaning reasons.

So...I've gone to three vets for the past twenty years, all three have said to feed adult dogs twice a day, especially during the off season or when exercise will not be excessive or lead to "stomach twist." Also, some dogs have problems like many people, including me, being slightly hypoglycemic (hard to ask your dog if he feels a little weak or is having problems reasoning) finally some dogs throw up bile when they've been hungry too long. I hope those reasons satisfy your desire to bait me and ask for any negatives. Now, everyone can solve the original problem of a 8 month old pup [PoorWordUsage]ing in his kennel, when he's eating a pretty new food and eating once a day, I hope the problem gets solved. If you want to email me at krismartinson (at) mchsi (dot) com you can express yourself, let's not clutter this post with anything that doesn't solve the original concerns. I apologize for your feelings that I held any illwill regarding the way you choose to feed your dogs and I apologize to the fm'ers and the original poster for wasting your time if you've read my post to this point.

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jbdragon17 - I would assume that feeding once a day isn't the answer.

Here is what I would do (and that exactly it, what 'I' would do).

Feed the pup, first thing in the morning.

Then take shower etc.

Then take the pup for a walk - the pup will have a bowel movement.

Put pup in kennel for the day saying "I'll be back later"

Then went I got home, play time.

Feed - then walk before putting to bed.

If this didn't work I would try some lunch visits for a walk. (first shorter times between visits then expanding time to all day)

Or, it's Gastric (vet (stool) time)


my $.02

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Our pups go home at 7 weeks on twice a day feedings. We reccommend the switch to once a days at about 6 months. Much less hassle dealing with a dog ready to eat... especially on the road in a high stress environment. As noted above, easy on the after meal exercise to avoid stomach twist.

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Im starting to believe that she either has a bug or was having bad reactions to her food change. I started her on hamburger/rice yesterday (after getting the bed crapped on the other night and her puking a couple times too). No accidents in the past couple days.. Today will be the test when I get home from work. Gonna have to get the kennel up soon. Anyone got any dog kennels for sale?

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