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Wetting while sleeping


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I have an 11 year old female lab/chessie mix. Recently she has started peeing herself while she is sleeping. There is no way that this can be tolerated in the house and she is not an outside dog. Is there anything that can be done about this? I lover her to death but will not trapse around behind her cleaning carpets all the time. I am thinking that she is starting to get incontinent is that something that is cureable? Thanks and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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I have a five year old gsp that developed the same problem a year ago. The vet diagnosed incontinence and prescribed a pill for it. She takes the pill once a day and has not had an accident since. She is also an indoor dog, so this was a good solution. If I forget the pill, she will usually pee while sleeping. I have heard this is fairly common and easily treated. Good luck.

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same exact problem here with my 1 y/o female spayed lab...it is a lack of estrogen after spay..she takes two vitamin looking tabs everyday one in morning and one in night she has had no accidents since then going on 2 months on the pills.

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On my old (11) Brittany I had the same problem. Biggest problem is she slept on our bed! Estrogen was just the trick stopped it right away. After she has been on it awhile you can cut back to a pill every 3 or 4 days or more.

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It's funny how spay happy vets always forget to mention this and other problems associated with spaying and neutering dogs. Do a search on the cancer rates for spayed dogs compared to intact ones. It will blow your mind. Too bad most vets are more concerned with unwanted puppies running around instead of the health of a particular dog.

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why do they take the ovaries out during the spay, they should just take the uterus out and leave the ovaries so she can still produce estrogen...no dump i never heard of this being a side effect before i spayed my dog, my vet was spay happy also....

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They take the ovaries out because they produce estrogen which is what increases the cancer risk. The side effect of no estrogen is that the dog may lose tone in certain involuntary muscles, the bladder muscle being one of them. Theoretically the low dose estrogen will restore the muscle tone. Don't know what it does for the cancer risk though.

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if i could reverse time i would have them leave the ovaries and get rid of the uterus, i mainly did is because of the heat's and bleeding associated with it...i dont really care about the cancer risk, the risk is high anyway.

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I have 2 gsp's and they both leak. mad.gif Estrogen cured one but not the other. Ive tried other pills but nothing works. Spent a lot of money on this dog and she is an excellent hunter. Still working on a fix. frown.gif

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skeeter, that sucks man i think that vet should help find the problem instead of you fronting all the bills on it. I had to pay for some urine testing and a bunch of other stuff just to find out that she was low on estrogen which could be a side effect that i was NEVER told about. thanks mr vet.

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