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Goodbye old girl

Lake Alice

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A week ago today I put Mollie my 12 YO Brit down. She was very sick and it was for the best. This is the first time I have had to do this, and it was pretty sad. As she was on the table after my vet left the room my mind flashed to some of her greatest moments.

She was my first hunting dog and I trained her myself from the Wolters books. She learned her business first on the Phalen golf course and surrounding swamps between law school classes, and later at Maple Island Hunt club in Hugo and in the woods of Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Pine and Itasca Counties. At age 4 she finally grew ears (although as a friend of mine used to say, "You can't beat it into 'em"), and from 5-10 she was the best dog I've hunted over. Whether it was chasing pheasants in Carver County or pinning down grouse north of Park Rapids or the ST. Croix State forest, or on the south shore of Superior, she did it all. She was spunky, tough, and never tired. (Sometimes too spunky for my wife). My buddy (Little Joe's cousin) nicknamed her the pocket rocket, and that's just what she was. Luckily I kept a hunitng journal for most of her life, so I can re-live the memories.

Anyway, I post in memory of her. When I left the room, I put my hand on her one last time and just said "thanks".

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I hear ya. I just had my 15yr old dog put down on Monday. I don't know whos more upset, me or the kids. Its like losing a family member. We sure do miss her. Her first duck brought back was a canvasback years ago.

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I'm sorry to the both of you for your loss. What a gift you gave to your dogs the gift of ending their suffering. The reason you feel like you lost part of your family is because you did. I believe the greatest gift god gave us is children and dogs. We lost our golden retriever in Feb he was sick then got better and the next thing we know we found him laying dead in our bedroom that was tough because I wish I could have been there for him like he always was for me. Dogs are truely mans best friend I just wish we had more time with them. Cherish those memories they will always be with you. We went and got a new puppy 2 months to the day our angel died and no it does not replace him or the pain but it has eased it. My daughter still cries for her Drakey boy as she calls him. In my post lost one of the family there are some wonderful post with great poems they will help you and the kids. Hope this HSOforum works because I and the kids love watching it. May god bless you and ease your pain its tough. www.indigo.org/rainbowbridge-ver2.html Click on The Rainbow Bridge

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Sorry to hear of both your losses.

Even though we can see the day looming on the horizon, no amount of preparation will totally get us ready for that day. The best we can do is know we are doing what's best for them and cherish the memories we have of them. It is by far the toughest task we face as sporting dog owners! Training them is a snap compared to the final day we get to share with them... frown.gif But in the end we wouldn't trade it for anything! That one special hunt, the one comical thing they did as a pup, seeing them mature through training, the lick on the face after a tough day in the field, the woeful eyes after a clean miss on a bird, the miracle retrieve, your child falling a sleep laying against him in the shade of a tree after they played together in the yard, these are the reasons we WILL do it over and over. They each hold a place in our heart, and it never gets easier to tell them goodbye, but with mixed emotions we relish the day we pick up our new pup knowing full well that someday, they too will break our heart.

Good Luck!


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Thanks LABS and everyone. Outdoor sorry for your loss. Tell me it's normal to feel pretty passsionless at the moment about bird hunting. Life circumstances (another baby) will put a pup on hold for awhile and I just don't feel the same about hunting without one. Time to fish I guess.

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I too went through that just a little over a year ago when I put my 15 YO Britt down. Reading your post really brought back that last time I laids hands on her... Anyway, I didn't last long and four months later I had a new Britt pup. Last year I had no enthusiasm for bird hunting but spent lots of time with the pup and Wolters. Now, she's ready and I'm getting pumped...and summer hasn't even begun yet! Dang, it feels good to get fired up again.

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Thanks for the words guys. Nice to know its normal and I'm not a wimp. I had to explain to my 5yr son again today where shes gone and why shes not with us anymore. He thinks she gone because she didn't love us anymore. I told him that his grandfather needed her more then we did and he would take good care of her. Seemed to work.

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Why oh why do I read these posts at work??? I was just telling the girlfriend last night that if get a 2nd Brit

that she would be called Maggy. Sorry for your loss

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