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swollen face??? H ELP!!


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This morning I went out to feed the pup (yellow lab) and he looked like a sharpa dog!! His face was all swollen, lips,eyes and snout. What could have caused this, It has never happened before and he's now almost 14 months.

any ideas?

I will be taking him to the vet a lunch if its still swollen when I get home.

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Sounds like sometype alergic reaction. This happened to my lab once. We took her to the vet and it was determined that she was probably stung by an insect. The vet told us to watch her and give her a half a Benadryll. The main thing the vet wanted us to watch was Maggie's breathing. As long as she was breathing fine and seemed normal (except for the swelling) not to worry but if anything changed to bring her back. I think it took a day for the swelling to subside.

Good luck

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the only thing I can think of is if he caught a squirel or mouse or something and it bit him? that or he was chewing on something and got a splinter jammed in his face somewhere

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Mudman, was your dog able to open his mouth at all without pain? I had a similar problem like this over x-mas and it turned out to be a muscle problem. He couldn't open his mouth at all. Nothing that some steroids didn't fix but it was a tough time for all. If he had a hard time opening his mouth let me know and I can fill you in on what my Lab had. edjwendt at juno dot com. Ed

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Get a couple Benadryl in that dog. This has happened to my lab several times, the worst being last year. Took it to the vet, they gave him shot of benadryl and had me give him 3 benadryl 3 times a day until the swelling went down. This was for a 90lb male. His face/lips/ears were all very swollen.

Vet suggested using a 1 benadryl as a prophylaxis if hunting an area where it would be likely to encounter bee stings.

I don't recall the mg dosage of the benadryl, however it was the same on both the generic and the brand name.

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Fisher Ed-

No problem with any of that He wolfed down breakfast and slurpped up half a gallon of H20 between 7 am and 8am this morning. confused.gif

Benadryl eh?

Should I try that before shoveling out a couple bennie's to the vet? confused.gif

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Sure sounds like an allergic reation to something. Keep an eye on the breathing. A call to the vet wouldn't hurt, they will probably tell you the same thing, get some Benadryl in him.

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Mudman - I would suggest bringing him to the vet - You never know what could have happened. Bug sting would be my guess (seen it happen a couple of times with our labs) The breathing, according to what our vet said, is absolute key so watch your friend closely!!! Good Luck!!

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I went home during lunch and the swelling seems to have died down just a little bit.

I popped off to the local drug store and picked up some benadryl and a slim jim, stuffed two inside and down the hatch it went.

I will examine him when I get home at 5 and see how he's doing.

I was just at the vet last weekend too.........Lymes shot and check up.... A-O-K!!!

Just incase anyone was wondering he 124lbs so I figured 2 wouldn't hurt him.

Not exactly the duck dog I wanted but now it gives me a reason to get a bigger boat!

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If you have plastic feeding and water bowls get rid of them. My boxer was allergic to plastic. We went to metal and never had the swollen face again. Hard to detect cause it's some thing you wouldn't even think about.

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those 2 benadryls cleared him right up, Thanks.

I don't have a clue as to what triggered it, like I said, his 14 months old and has never had a problem with this.

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You didn't by chance change the food type did you? The bugs are out now too. All kinds. Could also have been a spider bite. It is good to keep on hand the benedryl with the dye free/ allergy free for the pooch. That is for the swelling and if you think/know for sure they ate something bad a cap or two full of hydrogen peroxide will make them get that out right away.

Good luck.

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My in-laws GSP had the same thing happen from a spider bite last winter. Poor thing had a face the size of a mastiff on a 35# body. Benadryl came the rescue on that one too. Now we all keep hedge apples around the house in the fall / winter to keep the spiders at bay, seems to work.

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