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FYI - No stud permit required in MN..


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From the DNR's site:

"As of July 1, 2004, the metal traction device (stud) permit is no longer needed for snowmobiles registered in Minnesota. However, you may not operate a snowmobile with metal traction devices on paved public trails, except when allowed by local government on trails under these jurisdictions or any portion of a paved state trail designated for such use by the commissioner. More information about Minnesota's metal traction device (stud) law."

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I was standing in a long line at the DMV today waiting to get my stud stickers for this year. I figured it would be a long wait so just for giggles I picked up this years handbook. I paged through it and after about 5 minutes and only a couple folks clearing from the line, the new regs page caught my eye. A big grin came over my face and I just walked out!!!

Guess I should check in here more often! cool.gif

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I almost did the same thing yesterday while getting my ATV renewed online.

I saw the sled section on the DNR site and thought "Cripes, I need stud stickers." What a nice surprise to find out I no longer have to pay for all that ice on lakes that I was scratching up.

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