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Thanks Mistermom

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Daisy said she enjoyed deer hunting too! (My dopey dog jumped a deer and was gone before I knew it. Lost her for two hours.)

You are very welcome BDR! We will have to try for a couple more adventures before the season ends. And it was sure nice to watch Charly (BDR's shorthair) work. Daisy is doing ok but she's young. I can only hope she is doing as well when she is 6.

3 guys, 3 birds, and lots of birds seen. Not a bad day at all!


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She has a shock collar. She was out of range by the time I figured out she was gone. It was very heavy cover and she was over by the other hunters. By the time I figured out she wasn't around it was too late to jolt her. And she had a bell on too. It only takes about 30 seconds.

BDR figured out she jumped a deer by the tracks. Nobody actually saw it.If somebody had shot her.... Too bad for Daisy and me. I am certainly gonna try to stop the behavior; but she is 14 months old and has a ways to go with a lot of things.


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