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New Auger on a Budget

Big Paulie

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Well the long and short of it is I'm replacing alot of gear and don't have an endless flow of the green stuff.

So I'm considering these augers being that they retail for under $300.00.

Strikemaster Mag 2000 8"

Eskimo Shark 43cc 8"

Eskimo Mako 43cc 8"

Eskimo Stingray 33cc 8"

I've read all the other auger posts but it seems these just don't get any attention. Also I really only fish the Metro area lakes about twice a week. Any help would be appreciated.

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check local bait shops and other places on the internet. also look in the forums here to see if anyone else has an auger for sale. this time of year you are bound to find a half dozen or so for sale. this may be the ticket to get the make you were looking for in the first place grin.gif

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What I have seen over many years if ice fishing is that there are many types, size and H.P. all will cut a hole in the ice. Everyone I fish with has a different brand and size and we have all had them for many years and all are still running. Yes maybe a $500 auger cuts 3 or 4 sec. faster then a old used one but is the extra coat worth it? I payed $79.00 for a used very old 3 H.P. at a pawn shop 4 years ago and it will keep up with all the other augers I fish with. This is just what I have seen with augers over the years. The only down side to some of the new augers are lots of plastic parts and at below zero when they fall over things tend to snap!


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check out walmart they have strikemasters $247.00 thats about as good as it gets give or take a few bucks for any make new; P.S. dont wait for them to restock then have a better sale, they only get 1 shippment for the season at least that was what I was told

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