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Fish jerky


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I'll look around....I had the recp. once and used it on a couple of occassions, but I thought that for other then the sake of doing it, to having done it. It was to time consuming.

I can't recall the specifics, but I know I had to put it in the oven, on really low heat, with the door open, etc.

I'll see if I still have it in recp. book and if so, I'll pass it along.

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ok here it it straight out of outdoor life never tried it so i dono? brine:half cup of pickling salt, 2 cups brown sugar, 1 cup apple juice, 1 cup water, 1 cup teriyaki sauce,2 tablespoons worcestershire sauce, blk pepper, cayenne pepper, and minced fresh garlic to taste..soak fish in for about 12 hours....during drying process oil will bead up on it, pat dry, with dehydrator usualy takes about 6 hours at approx. 145Degrees there ya go hope this help u wink.gif

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I looked all over for the fish jerky recp. and could'nt find it...beef jerky, yes...5 step venison jerky, yes...no fish? I must not have liked it, thought it was to time consuming, or both and threw the recp. away? Sorry.

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Iceseeker...Hi, how ya doin? I don't come to this area of the forum to often, sorry I did'nt reponde sooner.

This is an old recipe and I hav'nt used it in a long time, can't even remember the results when I did use it!

At any rate , here goes the oven made Beef Jerky Recipe.

1 1/2 pounds flank steak

1/4 cup Soy Sauce

1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. liquid smoke

1/2 tsp. garlic powder

1 tsp. onion powder

1 tsp. monosodium glutamate

1/3 tsp. ground pepper

1/3 tsp. salt

Trim off all the fat and sinew from the steak.

Chill meat until about 3/4 frozen and slice into thin strips, about 1/4 inch, across grain.

Put strips of meat sideways in a quart jar.

Mix all the remaining ingredients for a marinade.

Pour sauce into jar and cover.

Place jar sideways in fridge for 24 hours, turning jar occassionally so all meat comes in contact and absorbs the juice.

Remove strips from fridge and place on a paper towel to absorb the excess sauce.

Put strips on oven racks, with catch pans under them.

Do not bake the strips, just dry them out by having the oven on it's lowest setting and leaving the oven door slightly open.

Let meat dry for 10 hours, or until it is the consistancy you desire.

There you have it, hope it works for you, let me know results.

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