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Pheasants Forever/Gander Mountain gift card?


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As someone who works in marketing : ) , I don't think there is any catch per se. What they want you to do is use it and possibly feel an obligation to supporting their efforts. I got the same offer in the mail and it says that if you sign up for a year, you get anoter $20 gift card as well. This essentially negates your $30 membership fee. However, they're counting on that you'll be a proud member and renew your membership the next year - without any gift cards. It's small upfront investment on their part and I bet Gander Mountain gives them a break on the cards.

I got the same kind of deal with Ducks Unlimited and Sportsmans Warehouse. After I paid my membership fee, they sent me a $20 gift card as a thank you?

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Yeah I bought about every other license available so it could be from any. Would the DNR sell our info for marketing? I can't imagine that they would do this and personally I'ld be PO'd if they did seeing as they now have our social security numbers.

Did anyone get one that does NOT subscribe to The Outdoor News?

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I actually got 2. One was addressed to my full name, and one was adressed to my first two initials.

I have used one already, because I think the rules on the back say you can't use more than one at a time.

I got my licenses from Gander as well. I wonder if this somehow has anything to do with the fact that I also received 2 pheasant stamps in the mail this year from the DNR.

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Did anybody else sign up for a $1.00 raffle at the Game Fair this year or use one of those free raffle/$1.00 off entrance coupons at the game fair. That could be a possibility. I am going to sign up. It is basically a free membership and you get a hat and a years subscription to the PF mag. That's one heck of a deal.

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was i the only person not to get one? Bobb-o's came to my house and i gave it to him while hunting. But i want one cuz i have to get some ice-fishing stuff and i don't have much money. i guess i need another job. it's that dang cell phone bill that drains my pockets. also, Bobb-o when you come home for thanksgiving you owe me a gander ice reel! cool.gif

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