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now that the season is almost over (Nov 23) who out there enjoyed the early opener and thus the early closing?

I for one am a little disgusted with this new early opener. I'm a big fan of diver hunting and the early closing dates makes it tough to get on some good hunts. The Thanksgiving weekend used to be great for duck hunting, but this year i won't be able to go because it will be closed.

I want the regular opener back!

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Bottom line is, until everyone stands up and screams at the top of their lungs that we're mad as h e l l and we're not going to take it anymore, nothing will happen...lol. It seems that the minority with the loud voices that have for years pressured the DNR for an early teal season have gotten their wish and have exploited the loophole that exists in order to get an early opener.

Fact is though, that I did some research and back in the 30's, 40's and 50's, the opener was right around where it was this season. Also, on NORMAL years, we'd be pretty much froze up now, Canada would have been froze and waist deep in snow and we'd all be getting ready for the ice season.

My personal feeling is that it should be the closest weekend to the first of October. If it's less than a 60 day season, it should be a split season with the closing date the weekend closest to Thanksgiving.

But that's just MHO.

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I agree with you 101% Tom.We are having an "odd" fall season.Last years we had -21 at the opening of deer camp (boy was that tent cold !),and if I remember right the canadian birds came through just the week b/4 deer(gun) opener.Looking back through my log notes lastnight,I saw I had a trmendous amount of birds coming through at that time last year.

HOWEVER ! I guess I can't complain,I have birds in the freezer and several in the belly from the 2004 duck season.

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No matter what happens with the season, I would like to be able to have the full 60 day season. I would maybe like to have an early teal season for a week or two in September and then the rest of the season later in the year. Since I hunt out of a canoe, I hunt the smaller swamps and lakes. If the season went later in November, I would likely be shut out because I do not have a boat for the bigger water. What I would not like to see is a shorter season of 45 days or less. I would rather have a four bird limit than a shorter season. My season has been very slow in the area I hunt in Wright county but I still have had a good time out trying. I got a nice triple on mallards yesterday and it made my season.

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Iowa has the best season. It runs from Sept 18-22, then closes and opens again on Oct 16-Dec 9. They have their youth days on Oct 2-3. Why doesn't Minnesota do this too?

Then again, most years we are froze solid by now. I remember one year on the sunday of the second deer season here in Southern Minnesota, I said to heck with deer and hunted a small pond and shot Mallards(9 Drakes, 1 Hen-there was three of us)and the next day all the lakes and ponds were froze solid. Season was over right then and there.


"Set the Hook"

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I'd like to see our season be October and November. I'd also like to see the pintail season the month of October and the canvasback season the month of November. I hunt the west side of Itasca County, both big and small water. This is my 4th year of waterfowling, so I still have a lot to learn. I'd also like to see Minnesota hunter's be able to layout boat hunt in open water too. I think pretty much every other state allows this kind of hunting, why not us? If nothing else limit lay out boat hunting to the month of November. With the costs involved, how many guys are gonna spend that kind of $$$ to get set up for layout boat hunting? I think only the real die hards would. I believe we have more lakes than any other state, yet no open water layout boat hunting? After all, most people quit duck hunting once rifle season starts anyways. Just my .02.


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