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Chippewa County

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Sampson township starts just east of New Auburn. A portion of the Island Chain and all of Lower Long lake are in Sampson township.

As far as the Nelson Lake LETS I wouldn't miss it for the world. I would like to think I was one of the few who helped get it going. It will be a great time.

I've lived in Minnesota for the last 4 years and 40 years in Wisconsin, my heart is back in Indianhead Country. (GO PACK) I get back home about every 4 or 5 weeks. I'm looking forward to a great winter of fishing in both states. I had really good luck on Marshmiller last year so I'm starting there.

I'm always looking for someone new to fish with or somewhere new to fish. If theres any interest let me know.

"Your bobbers down!" cool.gif

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Bobberboy - You must be the billionth person who does well on Marshmiller. I hear the great success stories every year and eventually go only to hear how well they bit last week or yesterday. I just can't hit it right with that lake. By the way, which end of the lake do you fish?

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I usually drive on at Cedar Inn and head out south I think (on the road they plow) about half way to Birch Point. Then I turn east and go about 200 yards. I guess I'm fishing pretty much in the middle of the lake. I've had great luck on tip ups for bass and northern. I do ok jigging for gills and crappie too. There is a lot of wood in this area and you will loose some fish because of it. I've fished this area for the past 4 years and always caught some fish. If I had a GPS I could get to the same spot each year. I've asked Santa for one.

She said maybe if I'm good!

"Your bobbers down!"

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