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Anyone seen Lindy's new Grub Getter?


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Saw it in the latest Iceguide. Then talked with a friend who saw them. Great little item for $5.00 What it is, is a 2 compartment container with slots. You put your waxies in one of the compartments and close the lid. Then shake the Getter and the sawdust falls to 1 compartment and the waxies stay in the other. Then of course you close it up and shake it and bang. The waxies are happy again.

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Jpz-Yes I saw them this summer... Ted Takasaki(surely spelled wrong) had one at a sales meeting this summer and busted it out at dinner and passed it around.. Very neat indeed. I was impressed. The way I look at it. Your always putting them in another container anyway, might as well be a container that seperates your bait from the junk...

Very neet idea! They didn't have one yet for eurolarve when I saw the prototype, you hear if they have one for them yet?

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I don't think they have the Euro one out yet. They will have these in time for the St. Paul Ice-Show is what I hear. But for $5 it seems like a must have for any iceangler and even for the Northshore Looper anglers.

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Ordered a truckload of them at the tackle show. They look sweet and should work great. The worst thing is having wet hands and sifting through the sawdust. It was probably the best new item I saw for the upcoming year.

Jason Erlandson

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Personally I have no desire to purchase this item. If you buy your grubs in bulk, then maybe it would be a fun investment. Me? I buy the small containers and use them; I have plenty of them to use should I decide to buy in bulk. I'll take the $5 I saved and buy something else I "need".

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Personally I have no desire to purchase this item. If you buy your grubs in bulk, then maybe it would be a fun investment. Me? I buy the small containers and use them; I have plenty of them to use should I decide to buy in bulk. I'll take the $5 I saved and buy something else I "need".

I dont see a use for it either, and I mostly buy bulk waxies. I just shake the tub a little and a few find their way to the top.

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Sounds like the Grub Getter's got one up on the old Skoal can. I guess if the snoose can sifted out the junk, there'd be nothing to put in your lip frown.gif Sounds like a good little item to get. I've always kinda wondered if the fish were more partial to cope, and thats why they choose not to bite some days.

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