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sighting in rifles question


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It all depends on bullet wieght and velocity.

I sight my 06's and .338 to be 1.5 to two inches high at 100 yards. This gets me (with my loads) a dead on hold out to about 250 yards, which is my personal limit.

The only way to know for sure is to shoot your guns on paper at the distances you are gonna shoot from.

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It depends on the load your shooting as noted... Your scope is mounted up above the barrell, so your bullet will start out a couple inches low - at some point well before 100 yards, the bullet will cross the intersection point of your barrell and scope line (this would be near the first point that your friend speaks of at 35 yards). It will rise until it looses energy and begins to fall (at which point it crosses the scope line once again - this depends on the grain size and design of the bullet).

You can see from the chart below that the 125 grain Remmington 30-06 is zero at 50 and again at 150. It is at the first intersection point on the rise at 50 and at the second intersection point on the fall at 150. Once you get up to 180 grain, it is at it's first intersection at 50 yards and second at 100. It depends on the grain size and manufacture/design of the ammo..


Best thing to do is once you determine the load you will be shooting and brand is to go on their HSOforum (Winnchester, Federal Express, Remmington, etc.) and pull up the ballistics tables. From those tables you should be able to site your gun in at whatever distance you would like and know from the chart how much high/low you will be at various distances. Good luck!

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The charts the manufactures give are out of thier test barrles and that is not what you are shooting. What they advertise is a rough idea or quide. Your gun may have a shorter,longer,older barrel, differnt size chamber or meny other things that can change point of impact. Just the difference in the wieght of two differnt people shooting the same gun can change the point of impact. As stated before the best thing is for who ever is going to use the to shoot at the ranges they expect to encounter.

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Dan Wood has some great info. I assume you are asking for a rough measurment. Yes, the 06' sighted in @ "25" yards will be in the black @ 200 yards. Test barrels are ussualy 26"s and you loose about 100fps per inch. So, if you are shooting a carbine model you will loose 300-600 fps on most factory loads. If you goal is shooting under 200 yards and want to have a dead on hold for all ranges between 0-200 yards then yeah go ahead and site in on @ 25 yrds. If you want to get technical I can also help you there. Just make sure to shoot the same ammo you hunt with when siting in. I hunt in northern MN and an 100 yard shot is long! So, 25 yard site in works perfect! If I hunt Montana I adjust for the Long Traj holds(Short Traj from Dan) and set my 06' with 180gr. @ 2.5" high @ 100 yards.


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