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My brother-in-law just got back from Idaho and three guys bagged two Elk. I am lucky enough to be able to get some of the meat. He dropped off some Steaks and Burger. I have never cooked Elk. I know it is a lot leaner than most animals. I was just wondering how to cook it and what should I expect or make sure I do and what not to do. Any info. would be great.


"Set the Hook"

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Elk meat is right on top of my favorites list. A little salt and pepper or Montreal Steak Seasoning is all you need. I've had the best flavor and results when I've grilled elk or any other venison to a medium rare. It took me a while to figure out why my venison had a "liver" taste to it. Found out I was overcooking it. Now, I love venison, after learning how to cook it properly.

It doesn't hurt to chase it down with a good porter or ale.


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I'm going to share with you a dish that we serve at our restaurant.

We start with Grilled Elk Strip Loin always to Rare or Medium Rare, then pair it with Grilled Sweet Potatoes, Fresh Green Beans and top it with a Marion Blackberry Marmalade (reduced red wine, chopped red onion in wine whilie reducing, fresh thyme, then blackberries. Bring to a simmer and serve)

Folks love and I have never had any complaints.

Enjoy smile.gif

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