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I leave for Missouri in 11 days.....


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and I'm feeling very unprepared. We chose this time of year due to work commitments for my friend. Unfortunately, it means that I'm crazy busy at work and if you toss the Holidays in it seems like there's no time to get ready, much less hunt to keep that mental edge up. I haven't been on a deer stand for 3 weeks and may only get out once or twice before we go, if the weather cooperates.

It's a self guided hunt in the NE corner of Missouri. They've got stands up on food plots and travel areas but they encouraged us to bring our own stands and adapt as the week goes on. I'm bringing a climber and a one person ladder stand so I should have some flexibility.

They will go over topo maps with us when we get there and we'll decide where we want to hunt based on their input and our preferences. I've never had to use topo maps to decide where to hunt before so I'm not even sure how even do that. I've just always walked the areas I hunt and get a feel that way. Any common pointers/techniques that anyone can suggest to using topo maps?

One of my other issues is trying to figure out what type of areas to hunt in the morning. I've never had much luck on my small piece of land (5 acres) in the mornings in December so I'm not sure what to focus on. None of this land has been gun hunted but it's obviously had a steady flow of hunters on it since September. So although they haven't been hammered, I think pressure will still be a factor and thicker areas may pay off?

I will obviously be focusing on food and will likely spend a lot of time over looking food plots in the afternoons. As far as mornings go, I was thinking about focusing on thick bedding areas near food.. ..i..e get off the food plots a ways and catch them coming back?

If anyone else has any pointers or things they'd themselves be doing for this type of hunt feel free to mention them as this is my first hunting trip to unknown areas. Note - I'm not concerned about packing the right clothes as I tend to way over pack for any and all conditions.

One thing I am doing is shooting my bow every other day or so. I'm also letting it set outside for an hour or so before shooting to make sure it's got no creaks or groans that will show up once it's cold.

I apologize for the rambling post, it's written like my mind feels right now.. scattered!

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I'd suggest listening to the landowner/outfitter first and then as you get your eyes out there tweak it if deer movement dictates it. In a few days of hunting and gaining some knowledge you won't be able to compete against their local knowledge they've picked up over the years.

I think a main key to success is being able to pull off the shot when it presents itself, it may be your only one. Sounds like you're on top of that with shooting and taking into consideration the potential cold.

Finally, when your sitting there and loosing faith (usually happens)remember that those big boys are smart and the majority of them weren't picked off by other hunters before you got there. That thought may cross your mind, be confident.

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I hear what you're saying leech. I guess the thing I wanted to watch out for was being totally dependent on them. With them telling us to bring our own stands and adjust as we see fit I wanted to make sure I had some sort of a general game plan but I'm probably just over thinking it.

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I hunted NE Missouri once many years ago. If I recall there was not much for elevation change. But if there was, I would sacrifice the first morning or two to get as high as possible, or at least set up where you have longer range visibility in a couple directions, and glass to see what they are doing. Where they are coming back from etc.

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One good rule of thumb is to hike in as far as possible off of their roads/paths and get to areas that other hunters may have not gone to throughout the fall because of the long hike to get there. I agree with triggertrav on using Google Earth. I too would look for the thickest bedding areas, and think about setting up on any funnels leading from them to other bedding areas or feeding areas. Even if they're not rutting hard, funnels will still get used by mature bucks that are moving to and from feeding areas during the day time. And if it's a good funnel, your odds of getting that mature deer to walk by within shooting distance are much greater than setting up in a large stand of cover. Another thing to consider that may not be of much help for this year, but could be if you plan to do this type of thing in future years, would be to purchase the book "Mapping Trophy Bucks" by Brad Herndon. It is all about choosing stand sites based on the lay of the land and reading topo maps. It's a very good book that changed my thinking as to where I locate stands for the better, in my opinion. But no matter what happens, stay persistent and have fun. Good luck!

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I pick/locate virtually all of my stands from Google earth and Bing maps.

I try to figure out the travel corridors based on topography and cover. Edges, fence lines, funnels, saddles, ridges and corners. Studying the maps will keep you from chasing the deer off the property by knowing where you want to go and how to get there. Good luck.

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I pick/locate virtually all of my stands from Google earth and Bing maps.

I try to figure out the travel corridors based on topography and cover. Edges, fence lines, funnels, saddles, ridges and corners. Studying the maps will keep you from chasing the deer off the property by knowing where you want to go and how to get there. Good luck.

^^^^^^^100% Correct^^^^^^^

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