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Odd Non-Res Lic. Scenario?


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Heres the scenario...

I have a non-resident staying with me bowhunting with a valid NR archery license.

The neighbor wants a some deer meat but does not hunt. He would like to buy a Res archery tag and sit with my Non-res buddy, on his own land, so he can shoot him a deer.

Would this be legal? Can a non-res and a res party hunt? Can a "non-hunter" still tag a deer IF they are on scene during the kill (whether or not they have a weapon would be irrelevant, wouldn't it????)

I think this scenario is fine and would be legal.... but I don't know and it is a little different. What do you guys think?

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As I undersand the law and your scenerio, I think it's legal. However, the answer to this is simple: call the local game warden. Not only should you call him, but you should keep his name and number in your cell phone and call him every time you have a question or concern. JMO, but I think if more people would do this it would save them and the game wardens a lot of hassle.

Sorry, don't mean to sound like I'm lecturing with this reply, but I think this is the simplest, most straight-forward solution that would provide the most rock solid answer for you. Good luck!

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Scoot I couldn't agree more... unfortunately it seems the ONLY way to get in contact with our CO is to do something illegal!! I have his cell, left many messages... nothing.

Thanks scoot!

Email the DNR they respond pretty fast and you have it in writing if there is an issue down the road.

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I have his cell, left many messages... nothing.

Wow would that tick me off! I'd ask to speak to whomever is his boss and I'd raise heck about it. I'd leave his name and explain what messages you've left and how he's not returned your calls. Likely would do no good, but at least I'd feel better if I did this.

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