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Corn Stalks w/no ears?


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Question... Some of the fields located on public tracts I hunt have big fields of what looks to be corn. I noticed when walking the edges that there were no ears on these and they're like 6 or 7 ft tall, still green (this was a few weeks ago). I walked the fence next to the private corn field and that field doesn't have ears on the corn stalks either. What gives?

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Just Googled it. Yep, you're right. That's exactly what I'm seeing. Seed bunches at the tips, no ears, looks like corn from a distance.

Man... It was a corn field last year. Perhaps that explains why there aren't as many deer trails around this field as last year? And the tracks on the edges are far less. Almost non-existent.

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1eyered, don't listen to these guys it's not sorghum its field corn and you must have a ton of deer around there to wipe out an entire field section wink. I'm a bit of an optimist.

LOL!! I will hunt the area sorghum or not. Haha, I did some reading and looks like the deer will hit sorghum in some areas but later in the season. It's weird walking around and not seeing cobs getting dropped along the trail I walk by deer and other critters. Last year, that area was just loaded with deer. I bumped them every time I went in and still saw deer at my spot (a lil over a mile back). The old game trails leading to these fields don't seem as thick and the few near by my path are not as worn. But I'm sure they're in there somewhere. Perhaps I gotta do some hoofin around to see if they're taking different paths. It's a huge area so I feel a little more comfortable with scouting mid-season. If a spot looks really deerish, I just mark it and come back with either a climber or my Lone Wolf. That's how I whacked two does back to back last year. By then I tagged a buck in a different zone and spent my days off which I originally reserved for the rut, hunting hard to fill my bonus permits. I hunted one side of the property, missed a humongous doe, kept going back and kind of burnt up my spot after several sits so I just headed to the other end of the property line bout half a mile away and apparently they were all over there. Climbed up one evening and was just surrounded by deer towards dark.

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1eyered, my challenge is I'm hunting woods and the farmer has a squash patch and a stand of sweetcorn about 1/4 mile from my stand. I have a ton of oaks and acorns in the woods but they aren't leaving sweetcorn and squash for acorns. It seems like you may have the same issue with sorghum. I have hunted closer to the sweetcorn but there is little cover and I get busted on the way in and out. You should be able to tell corn eaten by a deer they will eat it right off the stalk leaving an empty ear. I'd rather eat it closer to my face and not off the ground too. Raccoons and other critters (even coyotes) will pull the ears off. I'll make arrangements to be more prepared next year early but I know its a matter of time when the easy food dries up they will come back to the cover of the woods and acorns will again be edible. Good luck.

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