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I shot my 10 pointer last year using Whitcomb's Whitetail doe in estrous scent drug it through the woods and he came out out the swamp with his nose down following where I dragged it. I was using a estrus bleat can as well that day. After a long day of not seeing anything my friend last year used a buck bomb and one came out for him I dont remember if he used the estrous one or the young buck one though. As for not during rut Try using regular urine it may put deer at ease knowing another deer has been through there. Watch out for the food scents that you see.

Important—Liquid scents (example: doe in heat), sprays, salt, and

minerals are not bait if they do not contain liquid or solid food products.

Note: read the ingredient label on all products prior to use. Many

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products contain food or attractants such as grains, fruits, and sugar

derivatives (glucose, dextrose, and fructose). if a salt or mineral prod­

uct has anything other than salt or mineral in it, it is illegal to use for


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I've had luck using Code Blue's Estrous Gel. I used it as a scent drag, after seeing nothing but does all night, I climbed out of the stand after shooting time and it had just snowed so it was still fairly light out and sure enough here comes a buck on a trot nose down heading straight towards me 150 yards away. I knelt down, dug out my grunt call and decided to play with him a little. He would have ran right into me if I wouldn't have stood up. Thats the only time I've had luck with scents. I've had better luck with calling than I have scents.

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I was just talking to a buddy last week while I was buying scents, telling him that I wish over the years that I would have kept track of which scents I've used/time of season I've used them/what worked/didn't work. I have had plenty that have worked and plenty that have not worked, but never recorded when and which kinds.

Anyhow, I picked up some Golden Scrape (on sale) and a small bottle of Tinks Trophy Buck Urine (I believe?), and on Saturday after the rainy morning, went out and spent an hour or two putting together a great Mock Scrape line with some fabricated over hanging limps with licking branches. I set these up between 2 scrapes that were just started within the past week. I made a total 4 scrapes (on 1 I just opened up one of their scrapes even furthur hoping to make it look like a comunity scrape and hung a Magnum Dripper over it) then also placed a dripper over one other big mock scrape placed in front of one of my stands and filled both with Golden Scrape. I made these scrapes anywhere from 20-50 yds apart from one and other. Placed a camera in front of one and left the woods for an hour or 2 and returned later Saturday night to hunt and drizzled a little of my Tinks Buck Urine in the scrape.

During the evening hunt, I had one small buck come through and passed. I decided to go out Sunday night and showed up a little early and noticed deer prints in all of my scrapes, so I pulled the camera card and continued to hunt. We saw one buck right at the end of shooting light, went home checked the camera and to my surprise, throughout just the 1 night I had 3 different bucks and 5 different does show up to my scrape.

In summary, I am currently satisfied with Golden Scrape as a early season/pre-rut scent, coupled with using Tinks Trophy Buck to act as an intruding buck on my mock scrapes.

+1 on Code Blue Estrous Gel during rut.. Was amazed how bucks come bolting with nose down. It is a VERY potent estrous smell, best estrous scent I've used-to-date

I have not had much luck with Code Red: Doe Urine or Buck Urine, they are not as potent, I think they would work best as maybe a cover scent.

My experience: Golden Scrap> Active Scrape.

Hope this long winded response helps! Good Luck Hunting


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2 Drop Supreme works great. My buddy shot a big 10 actually sniffing and licking his wick, he told me about it so I hung one about a week later and shot a 15 pointer within 10ft of the wick, he was walking right to it.

I even like the smell of the stuff lol, smells like anise.

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