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warm gloves



I have had a problem while working around the house with my fingers getting cold. I just saw some Columbia gloves that have some sort of battery warmer jobberdo. Cost is $150. Specs I saw don't tell me anything about the battery - size, life, how warm.

Not sure that I want to spend that kind of dough, in fact pretty sure that I don't. Anyone have a pair of gloves with some sort of heat source? What do you think of them? Battery last more than an hour?

I have a pair of leather choppers that get me through a lot of stuff, and a pair of gloves with wool inserts from Uber Tanning that used to do the trick. Probably getting too old but I am thinking I need something a bit warmer.

Thanks for your time.


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I should have looked around a bit more before I posted. I have now found the Ice Armor Ultra and Extreme gloves. Price is a lot easier to take. One Ultra has a pocket for a hand warmer but it is on the top of the hand. Seems to me that the inside of the wrist where the blood flows is where you would want to put the heat.

Anyone have either of these and an opinion?

I think I actually got frostbite running the blower the last big snow and so I best get something to prevent that again.

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I don't have the specific gloves you are asking about but I do get cold fingers like you ( especially wearing finger gloves ) and I also wear choppers and wool liners.

A couple years a go I took the plunge on a spendy set of finger gloves and I've been very happy with them, not very bulky, light and most importantly, warm. I ended up buying a set of HMK Ridge Gloves ($80) my buddies bought some KLIM gloves and they brag about those too, if you have a snowmobile dealer / outdoor clothing store close by they will probably have these gloves, if you visit either one of their websites, they will point you in the direction of where you can find them.


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