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Honda 1000 issue



after 2000+ hrs this old honda genrator is starting to act up. will run for hours at low normal rpm and generate fine. out of the blue rpms increase,(like turning off eco throttle)and stops generating. After 10 seconds it idles back down and generates again. Anyone experience anything similiar or know what could be going on? Its not kicking out the circuit breaker.

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after 2000+ hrs this old honda genrator is starting to act up. will run for hours at low normal rpm and generate fine. out of the blue rpms increase,(like turning off eco throttle)and stops generating. After 10 seconds it idles back down and generates again. Anyone experience anything similiar or know what could be going on? Its not kicking out the circuit breaker.

The Honda has an inverter in it to convert the DC output of the actual generating part to AC. Having never taken one apart, this is just a possibility, but could there be some sort of bad connection where the DC goes to the inverter? Intermittent type? If it opened up that would unload the generator and probably mess up the feedback from the alternator to the motor.

Something to look at anyway.

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well after too many "cut outs" friday night i brought the unit in about 4am saturday morning and was able to locate the wire on top of the governor. i didnt even want to begin taking it apart but i could pop the cover up on it and found where the wire harness clips in. I was able to push it in some. The generator had been outside even in storage and saturday morning was covered in frost. i left it inside to thaw out until about 8 am. it ran until 11 am today without a single issue. not sure if it was the wire being a bit loose or all the frost that had accumulated in and on the unit. if i find anything else ill post. thanks

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