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how big/small is to big/small for a spear hole????


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just thought i'd ask what others have for their darkhouses. i was talking to a guy out on the lake near my house and he has a smaller hole and was asking me about it i replied that the size hole he had (20ish x 28ish) was a relatively good size hole. since acquiring myself a quickfish i have jsut been cutting a random hole size every time and not even thinking if it were too big or not. i want to put a floor in it with a spear hole but dont know if i should go 4ft by 4ft or if that would be way too big

thoughts and opinions please smile

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I don't think there is alot of advantage to having a hole much ever 30" deep. The wider the better though in my opinion.


The only time I have seen a hole too wide is when I cut the hole in the ice, pull my shack over it and it is 3 inches wider than my shack... smile

I know people who have 8 foot by 30 inch holes.


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