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Riding in Minnesota


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Im from out of state and thinking of driving up to Minnesota this week to snowmobile in the redwood falls area. I know I need a Minnesota permit for my sled to ride in the state but do i need special trail permits for different trails that I may be riding on. What about riding in ditches? Is it illegal or frowned upon or does everyone do it?

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I think that you will need an Out of state Lic, but if you stay off marked trails you will not need a trail sticker. The only thing is they may ding you for a trail sticker when you go to get the state lic? The other hard part is that most of the groomed trails around there are in the ditches. Yes most of everyone rides a ditch at some point during the year to get from point A to B. Hope you find some good snow after all the rain, it maybe pretty hard! frown

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I don't have a problem with buying a trail sticker I just wanted to make sure I didn't have to buy a new sticker every time I get on a new trail system or when I get into another snowmobiling clubs grooming area and have to pay a fee to them. I heard there is some snow left in that area is that true?

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One trail sticker will be good for the whole state trail systems. If you happen to get on a paved state trail like the Paul Bunyan trail system you can't use it if you have studs, just an fyi.

Have fun but be careful there is some land-mines in the ditchs right now since the ditches aren't deep enough.


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