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navionics app with website



since downloading the navionics app on my phone, I went into there HSOforum on my home computer. and a map comes up, which I can zoom in, and get lake depths. the problem is even though it shows the lake contours, it does not give the depth of those contours, it has a symbol. first off I don't know why I am getting this on my home computer, I must have info on my phone that allowed this to come on. but why cannot I change it so I can have it show the lake depth on the contours.

anyone with this app, have you been to the HSOforum to see this? if so is there something I can do to add the depths on the map. either way, its nice that I have axcess on my home PC to these maps.

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That is pretty cool. I haven't been to the HSOforum for awhile. What you are seeing is essentially the PC APP version, however with the full PC APP version you can create way points, routes, etc like you do on your phone. That is pretty generous of them if they are letting everyone view their maps for free.

For the guy that was looking to print out a lake map; there you go.

Here is an example of Pelican lake in Ashby on the PC APP. As you can see you have the buttons on the bottom to create WP, search, etc.


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Just went to Navionics.(kawm) and HOLY COW!! That's flippin sweet!

I have no idea what is going on with your computer though, I'm getting depths and HD.

The only lake I have really checked out so far is Prior Lake and it is complete, including buoys and depths. Check it out and see if you can see anything.


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Just discovered the free webapp on their HSOforum. Can someone please explain the numbers they are giving for depth? Because I'm not understanding these values. Example: Looking at Bald Eagle Lake on the Navionics site it is saying the deep part east of Cigar Island is 104. Look at my paper map and it says 30-35ft. Please explain to me what the Navionics number means because clearly they don't mean 104ft.

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