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Lighting your hub style??


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I have been searching for a better way to light my hub style house. The required flexibility of the support poles do not fare well with my old BHK led lights, and thus a new solution needs to be found. I had seen a post earlier about a guy putting a few strips of lights on a 5 gal bucket lid, and that seemed pretty good for a hub style. My question is what does everyone else with a hub style do to light their porty??

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here is the video from Dtro.

(setup for using in a hub house but would work with a flip over too)

what I am going to do in my hub house is just slide a string of the fire bright lights between the roof and the poles on each side of the house. will need to run 2 batteries but if one goes dead first the other set of lights stay on. if I am by myself I would only use 1 set to light only the side of the house where I was going to fish.

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I think the "custom made" ufo light will be the trick. easy, light, halfway affordable. The only problem i have had with the ufo type lights is that the light all comes down at one angle and thus creates a dark spot when bending over to grab a fish, or getting your head in the way when tying a hook for example. but i think it emits enough light that it will take care of itself. thanks for reposting that vid, i will be getting some lights when xmas is over and we have money again


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