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How does late ice affect the early ice bite?


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Since we can't get out on most lakes right now, the best time to be on the ice, how do you think it's gonna affect the early bite? Do the fish stay in that aggressive mode til the lake gets more ice, ie temps drop, or are they gonna turn off before we can even get after em?

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The noise plays a role, but I think lower oxygen levels play the major role. Once plants begin to die off and oxygen levels plummet is when most fish move deep and real slow. I have a feeling that this thick blanket of snow is going to speed up the degredation of plant material before we can even get out to the fish. By the time we get to them, they'll be lethargic. My optimism is no match for my pesimism!

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The noise plays a role, but I think lower oxygen levels play the major role. Once plants begin to die off and oxygen levels plummet is when most fish move deep and real slow. I have a feeling that this thick blanket of snow is going to speed up the degredation of plant material before we can even get out to the fish. By the time we get to them, they'll be lethargic. My optimism is no match for my pesimism!


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i agree with gixxer01 if the sun can get threw and the plants stay alive usually the bite is good once the snow cover stays and they die off the season usually changes. thats my experience any ways

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Sorry to come across aggressive Will. I didn't mean to jump down your throat and make you look dumb, and I shouldn't have done that. I guess I've that affect on people lately (FFL issues right now as well as well)

TyGuy could be your avatar. I stared at it and it became a little disturbing after 5-7 minutes

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