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Everyone asking for Help!



On just about every thread on this forum people ask for help on just about every topic under the sun from sleds, cars, heaters, PC's, GPS's etc,etc. Please, please if you get some help from someone don't leave them hanging. frown

Answer back with what ever you worked out with the problem and if the suggestions you received helped good or bad?

Everyone wants to know they have been helpful to others. smile

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Good point leech.

Also try to be courteous and kind with your responses. Please try to leave the sarcasm out as well. We've all heard the "no questions is a stupid question" cliche so as silly, simple or repetative as the question might be, bite your tounge and be as helpful as possible.

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Also, remember if you're thinking of asking for help making a decision on what to buy, you can use the search on the left (the one at the top is almost useless). You might have more than a couple days worth of reading immediately (and not have to wait for responses to your question) if you use the search feature.

It's possible that some of the best information you're going to get is something someone already wrote -- and there is a good chance they're not going to take the time to re-write it. For instance, I've seen some excellent reviews people have given, or advice that they've taken the time to type to someone else's question -- and you can tell they put a lot of time into it. People can't necessarily put the time into replying to every single identical question when there are literally dozens of people asking the same things (which gps, which auger, which flasher, etc).

So, if you don't use the search feature (on the left side of the screen, not the one at the top -- it doesn't work well), you're leaving a bunch of potential information out there.

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Also, remember if you're thinking of asking for help making a decision on what to buy, you can use the search on the left (the one at the top is almost useless). You might have more than a couple days worth of reading immediately (and not have to wait for responses to your question) if you use the search feature.

It's possible that some of the best information you're going to get is something someone already wrote -- and there is a good chance they're not going to take the time to re-write it. ...

Exactly what aanderud said. As stated, no question is a dumb question and we're all at different stages of knowledge regarding different topics....that said, some of the basic 101 stuff, which is important, is beat to death.....over time, the answers get shorter or less responses.....ex. lead core, beat to death, buddy heater's....beat to death, what's better Brand A vs. Brand X...beat to death....

use the search on left or google the topic and follow it with fishing mn dot com or whatever. I won't mention other site names, but there's alot of good, already answered questions here and on other sites.....i've found if I'm wondering about it, someone has already wondered and asked about it. good luck.....

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Also, remember if you're thinking of asking for help making a decision on what to buy, you can use the search on the left (the one at the top is almost useless). You might have more than a couple days worth of reading immediately (and not have to wait for responses to your question) if you use the search feature.

It's possible that some of the best information you're going to get is something someone already wrote -- and there is a good chance they're not going to take the time to re-write it. For instance, I've seen some excellent reviews people have given, or advice that they've taken the time to type to someone else's question -- and you can tell they put a lot of time into it. People can't necessarily put the time into replying to every single identical question when there are literally dozens of people asking the same things (which gps, which auger, which flasher, etc).

So, if you don't use the search feature (on the left side of the screen, not the one at the top -- it doesn't work well), you're leaving a bunch of potential information out there.

Good information! I use the search function at the top frequently because many topics are discussed so often. My impression was that it flat out sucked and took too long to find what I needed. I didn't realize the search bar on the left was even there or that it was any different. I did a couple trial searches and I liked what I saw.

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Interesting...I've never used the side search bar either until now. I still like the top search, for being able to narrow it down to a specific forum or date or find a screen name, but the side search is a quick and easy one that seems to work.

And I agree with everything said above. You can look back and see quite a few threads where the OP never even replied back to the answers/questions, and it gets a little disheartening putting time and effort helping someone you don't know and not even getting a thank you.

And I've pretty much stopped looking at the beat to death topics. If you're too lazy to do a quick search to find 50 threads of the exact same question you're asking, then I'm not going to waste my time helping you. Example...The other day there were 3 threads related to the Navionics App all on the first page of the ice forum, a quick search of "navionics" would have answered almost every question asked in them.

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Interesting...I've never used the side search bar either until now. I still like the top search, for being able to narrow it down to a specific forum or date or find a screen name, but the side search is a quick and easy one that seems to work.

And I agree with everything said above. You can look back and see quite a few threads where the OP never even replied back to the answers/questions, and it gets a little disheartening putting time and effort helping someone you don't know and not even getting a thank you.

And I've pretty much stopped looking at the beat to death topics. If you're too lazy to do a quick search to find 50 threads of the exact same question you're asking, then I'm not going to waste my time helping you. Example...The other day there were 3 threads related to the Navionics App all on the first page of the ice forum, a quick search of "navionics" would have answered almost every question asked in them.

Agree with most, esp. last paragraph....but, if you post an answer to get a pat on the back (expecting / looking back for a thank you)....good luck....That said, i've thanked most if not all posters to my questions, most times in advance....but I'm not slighted / offended if someone doesn't thank me.

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