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Lazer and mora hand augers

panski master

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I bought a lazer 7 inch over the weekend at the ice show and when I got home I saw the blades were made in china. I've heard nothing but bad things about these blades so I emailed the company yesterday to see what the deal is. This moring the email simply stated that all mora and lazers have made in china blades on them. So if I buy replacements will they be the same or will they be a better quality sweden ones? It really stinks to buy a quality auger and to have to spend more money for proper blades. I know what everyone is going to say "should of bought a nils" but I wanted a 7 inch and nils doesn't make one. Can a person even buy the sweden blades? What kind of luck has anyone had with the china blades.

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I would not be concerned with it. If after you use them under "normal" conditions and you experience premature failure, then contact them for a replacement.

Especially on the hand auger I would not be worried. Let us know if something does happen through out the year.

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