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suggestions needed


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I am taking an overnight sleeper trip to mille lacs at the end of the month. This will be my first time ice fishing walleye or staing in a sleeper.

Any suggestions on what i should or shouldnt take for tackle, bait, gear or food?

I have a few spoons and darter type jigs.

What is the proper thing to do with fish after you clean them. The regs say you have to keep the fish to show to the dnr due to the slot. Can I put them in a bag and sit it outside or will it freeze and make it hard to measure?

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Just run them into shore to a dumpster. You'll most likely need a trip for minor supplies you forgot and besides, who can sit and stare at a flasher screen the entire trip?

+1 on tp. Never hurts to have in case a shortage arises or the John Wayne variety is provided.

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