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Waterfowl Production Areas (WPAs)


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You guys are plain SILLY!! crazylaugh The day I see a guy on a ladder, bowhunting in the middle of a cornfield..... ill be stopping in the center of the road and taking pictures!!!

I guess people probably do crazier things and get deer.... thats thinking OUTSIDE the box! I wanna see YOU GUYS do it and show us the video! grin

I'm being 100% honest it work's. I have also shot them while in haylofts and silos. Heck I have dug pit blinds where I cant find the right tree and had that pay off for me. Call me silly but it works for me,of course I dont think like a sheep and follow the heard. 2c

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Not to hijack this thread but I like the idea of a pit blind. I've been thinking about that behind our house too. Primo trail to bedding area going through the woods back there with no real good trees and cover. But I could make my own dugout into the side of the hill. I like unconventional tactics. I sat on a bucket behind our garbage bin in the woods a few times this year and had does cruise right past me.

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Not to hijack this thread but I like the idea of a pit blind. I've been thinking about that behind our house too. Primo trail to bedding area going through the woods back there with no real good trees and cover. But I could make my own dugout into the side of the hill. I like unconventional tactics. I sat on a bucket behind our garbage bin in the woods a few times this year and had does cruise right past me.

Cost is low, Setup in 1-2 minutes...Very effective cover.


Garden fencing posts with leaf cut camo zip tied to posts. Roll it up, strap it to the back pack. Weight ~1#. Been using this method for 4 years now. I usually use two of these to create a bigger blind. Toss a rotating chair in the middle - your good to go. 4' high. Toss some natural cover on it if available.

Or you can dig a pit.

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I like it. I wouldn't dig a pit on public land, but I do have a spot behind the house like I said that would be permanent. The deer use the trail all year, every year the 8 years we've been there, from one bedding area to another. So I was thinking more along the lines of digging just a few feet down into the side of the hill and using scrap lumber and plywood to make a make a 6x6 hut sunk slightly into the ground/side of the hill. Then I'd cover it all up with logs and branches to make it look like a deadfall. I want something fairly enclosed so I can use a heater later season. Versus wearing my goose hunting overalls and parka and nearly tearing my arm out of my socket drawing back like I did on a doe in -15 weather the season before last.

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