Stiff Posted March 4, 2004 Share Posted March 4, 2004 I was just curious what everyone carries in that little compartment behind the seat.I was just getting ready for a trip up to LOW and thought it would be a good idea to make sure I have an extra set of plugs, plug wrench... what else? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canuck Posted March 4, 2004 Share Posted March 4, 2004 Depending on your sled I keep my new plugs and belt under the hood. Infact I installed a Polaris spark plug holder on my Ski Doo. In the back I have a good rope, small first aid kit, emergency blankets, (my tools are under the hood) but if U don't have a spot under the hood, DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT THEMIn my wife's (we travel together) I have extra oil, gasoline antifreeze, another emergency blanket, candles, cup, hot chocolate, bars, hot shots for hands and toes. Both our spaces are filled to the max. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gus Posted March 5, 2004 Share Posted March 5, 2004 The prevous poster mentioned everything I would include but I just want to stress having extra antifreeze. I didn't have any with me on my last trip and somehow my cap came loose and I lost a lot. Had to use water to fill it back up and then drain later before it froze. Having the extra antifreeze with me would have saved me a lot of trouble. (no idea how the cap came loose either. It didn't blow off, just came partway open allowing small amounts to begin spraying out.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wally-eye Posted March 8, 2004 Share Posted March 8, 2004 Don't forget Duct tape and zip ties.------------------1996 Sylvan Pro Select, 2004 Polaris Sportsman 500HO, 2003 Ski-Doo Summit 600HO, 2000 Ski-Doo MXZ 600 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Ken Posted March 19, 2004 Share Posted March 19, 2004 I guess put your registration card in there too 'cause when they were checking all my fishing licenses (regular license, trout stamp, fish house license, etc) they started asking about how owned the sleds and where were the registration cards.------------------Captain Ken Kesslerwww.captainken.comwww.muskieschool.comGuiding in Illinois and North East Minnesota847-970-9108 Illinois218-742-4680 Minnesota Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craig_S Posted March 23, 2004 Share Posted March 23, 2004 I usually put a can of beer and a pop for the boy back there. But every time I go to get 'em there's just empty unopened cans. Craig Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LocalGuide Posted March 26, 2004 Share Posted March 26, 2004 I put Oil, tools, maps, and a towel bach there. The towel is nice so if you spill some gas/oil you can whip it up right away.I have a belt holder and a spark plug holder so I dont have to put them in the compartment. If I put the plugs in the back they normally end up breaking/bending and so they are no good.I dont have a liquid so I dont have to worry about anti-freeze. I do have one Question for all of you. What do you guys store your oil in so it doesnt break? ------------------And keep those hooks sharp! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LundExplorer Posted March 26, 2004 Share Posted March 26, 2004 Dont forget the a$$-wipe, store it in a ziploc bag - very handy as I have not yet seen an outhouse on the trail with any left!I also keep a few spare trail maps in a ziploc, as these always seem to get lost. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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