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Used left handed bow


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Decided I need a bow next year and budget is a concern. Any suggestions and where and when to look for a used bow that would serve me well to use for deer hunting and convert to a fish rig in the spring. I haven't had a bow in 20 years so I'm sure a lot has changed in since I owned a Browning Black Knight. As always I appreciate the great advice and tips I get from this site, thanks.

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Check out the Archery shops 1st. Many carry used bows. I know Scheels in St. Cloud does and I think Mike's Archery does also. Maybe give them a call and ask what they have. Archery Country sends there trade ins to their Brainerd store.

My son bought a used Diamond LH bow at the pawn shop in St. Cloud last year. He has killed 2 deer with it already. Craigs list and hsolist are also good places to check.


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guns are much diff. than bows. Just go pick up a new one and you'll be glad you dont have to use your old one every day. Might be nice to have as a remembering piece. I would look on free local classified sites for some as well. I did see someone buy a bear archery bow at a big box store, it was nice piece with a low price.

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Boar it wan't taken that way at all. Looking for a used left handed bow might be worth a laugh though. Can't tell everyone how excited I am to hunt this year. I was married to a woman who decided me hunting was no longer acceptable. After being married to her for 15 years and not hunting I'm a bit out control. Since I read the deer regulations in July realizing my 9 year old son will be eligible to do the early youth deer hunt next year I have been trying to make up for lost time. I have hooked up with some of my old buddies from my Kandiyohi county days and my bro and I are setup with some private land we scouted, cleared and put up stands. We both bought slug guns and misc other gear needed. I have since bought 5 guns and have started gyn safety with my 3 boys 5,7 and 9. I used to bowhunt and shoot carp and have decided I no longer want to miss out on how much fun I used to have shooting my bow. Good luck to everyone and I appreciate all of the insight I get from you folks. dam I'm happy again!

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rcook72, I'm not too sure. I suppose I'll look at what a bow is selling for new and then decide if the price break is enough. I think I've done ok with used guns in the past so maybe my thinking on bows being the same is incorrect. I'm not intentially being obtuse it's just I admittedly know little about todays bows. I am however willing to learn. I want to be able to use it for deer hunting and also throw a fish rig on it in the spring. Any guidance is appreciated. Thanks, Erik.

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Well that just awsome erick the good lord wants us to be happy so he made game animals for us to pursue. Great to have ya back in action! Boy an I thought I had it tough having my wedding aniversery on Oct. 11th at least its jsut one weekend a year I have to give up. an it not durring bear season so i can live with it. Now get out an hunt!

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My 2 cents would be that given that your in the middle of this season, an by the time you find wat your looking for an get out fitted with accessories an the time to practice, I'd opt for going to a pro shop get fistted with a good bow an supplies put it on layaway, get it out in the spring an practice practice practice for next season. an in between now an then ask question here. But thats me. Just my .2 cents

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rcook72 and SmellEsox, thanks for the replies. I not sure how to PM on the site however in the interest of not wasting others time feel free to email me directly at [email protected] Leaving work shortly to head up to New London to pull the dock and boat out of the lake (always hate doing this) because I feel like I'm quitting. Oh well getting out of Bloomington to get to gods country. Have a good weekend.

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Hi Erik,

Go up to "My Stuff" and click on "Messages". I tried to PM you, but I couldn't because your PM box is full. Apparently you're a popular guy... smile

Also, I would PM rcook72 if I were you- I think he's got some useful info for you. To send him a PM, click on his name in his post and send the PM that way.

Good luck in the search for your bow!

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