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Safety Belts


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I'm having a hard time getting used to the cheap safety belts which are included when you buy a stand. Other vest type belts are expensive. What do other folks use for safety belts these days? Any suggestions? How many of you don't wear safety belts?

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I still like building a good wooden stand that is safer than portables, plus other hunters know where you will be hunting in the area, and can set up somewhere down the woods farther. A safety belt gets in my way, and I feel is unnecessary in a well built stand. Be real careful and good luck in the stand.

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I agree with the cheap safety belts. I got sick of wearing mine. Before ripely I am going to buy one. Just feel so much safer in my summit climber that way. I have looked at Muddy, Hunter safety systems and the gorilla. I am a big guy at 300lbs so I am not sure which will fit the best. I think spending even the most expensive one is well worth not falling 16ft out of a tree to your death.

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I have a muddy one. Bought a few years ago very well made. I tried one one for size a few years ago at the deer classic he told us that it was the 10th show with thoose harness and they still looked new. They are worth the money easy one and off plus got a free hat and rope to tie off to the tree when climbing up or down.

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Well my local gm store had Gorilla, spider web and HSS. I picked the Gorilla I liked how it worked. It was very similar to the hybrid HSS. The biggest difference was $50 cheaper. I will be trying it tomorrow and will find out if it was the right choice.

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I still like building a good wooden stand that is safer than portables, plus other hunters know where you will be hunting in the area, and can set up somewhere down the woods farther. A safety belt gets in my way, and I feel is unnecessary in a well built stand. Be real careful and good luck in the stand.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Either way, it is hilarious.

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I'm having a hard time getting used to the cheap safety belts which are included when you buy a stand. Other vest type belts are expensive. What do other folks use for safety belts these days? Any suggestions? How many of you don't wear safety belts?

Don't get chincy on the one piece of equipment that is most likely to save your life. The vests are a good investment and easy to use. I always have to laugh to myself when the $100 for a safety vest is "too expensive" when we're paying that much to fill our pickups with gas every week or two, paying $20 for a box of bullets, $10 per arrow, $10 per broadhead, $100 for boots, and thousands more on who knows what over a hunting career.

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I still like building a good wooden stand that is safer than portables, plus other hunters know where you will be hunting in the area, and can set up somewhere down the woods farther. A safety belt gets in my way, and I feel is unnecessary in a well built stand. Be real careful and good luck in the stand.

Trying not to be to harsh, but this is probably the worst advice you can give someone. Its been proven time and time again, wooden stands are dangerous. I have known more then one person to fall out of a wooden stand and they are not all old wore out stands. Regardless of any stand you are in, a safety vest/belt should be wore at all times. I have 2 tree spider micro speed harness. around 85 dollars. great harness and very comfortable. It does not get in the way of any shooting position i need to be in. just my 2 cents

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I never use a safety belt. I only use the ladderstands now with the shooting bar around them. I dont see how you could fall out of one. Ive fallen out of a treestand from 24 feet and it sucked, but that was a chain-on hanging stand.... never again. And screw-in steps..No way! Dangerous mickey mouse junk.

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